check youtube-dl for --fast and --relaxed when adding new file
The filename comes from youtube-dl also. This commit was sponsored by Denis Dzyubenko on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 51 additions and 16 deletions
@ -43,9 +43,8 @@ youtubeDl url workdir = ifM (liftIO (inPath "youtube-dl") <&&> runcmd)
nofiles = Left "youtube-dl did not put any media in its work directory, perhaps it's been configured to store files somewhere else?"
toomanyfiles fs = Left $ "youtube-dl downloaded multiple media files; git-annex is only able to deal with one per url: " ++ show fs
runcmd = do
opts <- map Param . annexYoutubeDlOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
quiet <- commandProgressDisabled
let opts' = opts ++
opts <- youtubeDlOpts $
[ Param url
-- To make youtube-dl only download one file,
-- when given a page with a video and a playlist,
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ youtubeDl url workdir = ifM (liftIO (inPath "youtube-dl") <&&> runcmd)
-- TODO --max-filesize
] ++
if quiet then [ Param "--quiet" ] else []
liftIO $ boolSystem' "youtube-dl" opts' $
liftIO $ boolSystem' "youtube-dl" opts $
\p -> p { cwd = Just workdir }
-- Download a media file to a destination,
@ -81,9 +80,32 @@ youtubeDlTo key url dest = do
youtubeDlSupported :: URLString -> Annex Bool
youtubeDlSupported url = either (const False) id <$> youtubeDlCheck url
-- Check if youtube-dl can still find media in an url.
-- Check if youtube-dl can find media in an url.
youtubeDlCheck :: URLString -> Annex (Either String Bool)
youtubeDlCheck url = catchMsgIO $ do
opts <- youtubeDlOpts [ Param url, Param "--simulate" ]
liftIO $ snd <$> processTranscript "youtube-dl" (toCommand opts) Nothing
-- Ask youtube-dl for the filename of media in an url.
-- (This is not always identical to the filename it uses when downloading.)
youtubeDlFileName :: URLString -> Annex (Either String FilePath)
youtubeDlFileName url = flip catchIO (pure . Left . show) $ do
-- Sometimes youtube-dl will fail with an ugly backtrace
-- (eg,
-- so catch stderr as well as stdout to avoid the user seeing it.
-- --no-warnings avoids warning messages that are output to stdout.
opts <- youtubeDlOpts
[ Param url
, Param "--get-filename"
, Param "--no-warnings"
(output, ok) <- liftIO $ processTranscript "youtube-dl" (toCommand opts) Nothing
return $ case (ok, lines output) of
(True, (f:_)) | not (null f) -> Right f
_ -> Left "no media in url"
youtubeDlOpts :: [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
youtubeDlOpts addopts = do
opts <- map Param . annexYoutubeDlOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let opts' = opts ++ [ Param url, Param "--simulate" ]
liftIO $ snd <$> processTranscript "youtube-dl" (toCommand opts') Nothing
return (opts ++ addopts)
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ addUrlChecked relaxed url u checkexistssize key =
addUrlFile :: Maybe AddUrlOptions -> Bool -> URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
addUrlFile mo relaxed url urlinfo file =
ifM (Annex.getState <||> pure relaxed)
( nodownloadWeb url urlinfo file
( nodownloadWeb mo url urlinfo file
, downloadWeb mo url urlinfo file
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ downloadWeb mo url urlinfo file =
case dl of
Right (Just mediafile) -> do
pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . nukeFile)
let dest = if isJust (fileOption <$> mo)
let dest = if isJust (fileOption =<< mo)
then file
else takeFileName mediafile
checkCanAdd dest $ do
@ -372,17 +372,30 @@ addWorkTree u url file key mtmp = case mtmp of
, maybe noop (\tmp -> pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . nukeFile)) mtmp
-- TODO youtube-dl
nodownloadWeb :: URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
nodownloadWeb url urlinfo file
| Url.urlExists urlinfo = checkCanAdd file $ do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
let key = Backend.URL.fromUrl url (Url.urlSize urlinfo)
addWorkTree webUUID url file key Nothing
return (Just key)
nodownloadWeb :: Maybe AddUrlOptions -> URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
nodownloadWeb mo url urlinfo file
| Url.urlExists urlinfo = go =<< youtubeDlFileName url
| otherwise = do
warning $ "unable to access url: " ++ url
return Nothing
go (Left _) = do
let key = Backend.URL.fromUrl url (Url.urlSize urlinfo)
nodownloadWeb' url key file
go (Right mediafile) = do
let dest = if isJust (fileOption =<< mo)
then file
else takeFileName mediafile
let mediaurl = setDownloader url YoutubeDownloader
let mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing
nodownloadWeb' mediaurl mediakey dest
nodownloadWeb' :: URLString -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
nodownloadWeb' url key file = checkCanAdd file $ do
showDestinationFile file
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
addWorkTree webUUID url file key Nothing
return (Just key)
url2file :: URI -> Maybe Int -> Int -> FilePath
url2file url pathdepth pathmax = case pathdepth of
Add table
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