support public versioned S3 access
Makes git annex whereis display the versionId urls. And, when a s3 remote is enabled without creds, git-annex will use the versionId urls to access its contents. This commit was sponsored by Fernando Jimenez on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 73 additions and 41 deletions
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ remote = RemoteType
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u c gc = do
cst <- remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
info <- extractS3Info c
info <- extractS3Info c u
return $ new cst info
new cst info = Just $ specialRemote c
(prepareS3Handle this $ store this info)
(prepareS3HandleMaybe this $ retrieve this info)
(prepareS3HandleMaybe this $ retrieve this c info)
(prepareS3Handle this $ remove info)
(prepareS3HandleMaybe this $ checkKey this info)
(prepareS3HandleMaybe this $ checkKey this c info)
this = Remote
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, removeExportDirectory = Nothing
, renameExport = renameExportS3 u info mh
, whereisKey = Just (getWebUrls info c)
, whereisKey = Just (getPublicWebUrls info c)
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ s3Setup' ss u mcreds c gc
M.union c' $
-- special constraints on key names
M.insert "mungekeys" "ia" defaults
info <- extractS3Info archiveconfig
info <- extractS3Info archiveconfig u
withS3Handle archiveconfig gc u $
writeUUIDFile archiveconfig u info
use archiveconfig
@ -257,16 +257,16 @@ storeHelper info h f object p = case partSize info of
{- Implemented as a fileRetriever, that uses conduit to stream the chunks
- out to the file. Would be better to implement a byteRetriever, but
- that is difficult. -}
retrieve :: Remote -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Retriever
retrieve r info (Just h) = fileRetriever $ \f k p -> do
retrieve :: Remote -> RemoteConfig -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Retriever
retrieve r _ info (Just h) = fileRetriever $ \f k p -> do
loc <- eitherS3VersionID info (uuid r) k (T.pack $ bucketObject info k)
retrieveHelper info h loc f p
retrieve r info Nothing = case getpublicurl info of
Nothing -> \_ _ _ -> do
needS3Creds (uuid r)
return False
Just geturl -> fileRetriever $ \f k p ->
unlessM (downloadUrl k p [geturl $ bucketObject info k] f) $
retrieve r c info Nothing = fileRetriever $ \f k p ->
getPublicWebUrls info c k >>= \case
[] -> do
needS3Creds (uuid r)
giveup "No S3 credentials configured"
us -> unlessM (downloadUrl k p us f) $
giveup "failed to download content"
retrieveHelper :: S3Info -> S3Handle -> (Either S3.Object S3VersionID) -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
@ -290,19 +290,21 @@ remove info h k = do
S3.DeleteObject (T.pack $ bucketObject info k) (bucket info)
return $ either (const False) (const True) res
checkKey :: Remote -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> CheckPresent
checkKey r info Nothing k = case getpublicurl info of
Nothing -> do
needS3Creds (uuid r)
giveup "No S3 credentials configured"
Just geturl -> do
showChecking r
withUrlOptions $ liftIO .
checkBoth (geturl $ bucketObject info k) (keySize k)
checkKey r info (Just h) k = do
checkKey :: Remote -> RemoteConfig -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> CheckPresent
checkKey r _ info (Just h) k = do
showChecking r
loc <- eitherS3VersionID info (uuid r) k (T.pack $ bucketObject info k)
checkKeyHelper info h loc
checkKey r c info Nothing k =
getPublicWebUrls info c k >>= \case
[] -> do
needS3Creds (uuid r)
giveup "No S3 credentials configured"
us -> do
showChecking r
let check u = withUrlOptions $
liftIO . checkBoth u (keySize k)
anyM check us
checkKeyHelper :: S3Info -> S3Handle -> (Either S3.Object S3VersionID) -> Annex Bool
checkKeyHelper info h loc = do
@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ renameExportS3 u _ Nothing _ _ _ = do
genBucket :: RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> UUID -> Annex ()
genBucket c gc u = do
showAction "checking bucket"
info <- extractS3Info c
info <- extractS3Info c u
withS3Handle c gc u $ \h ->
go info h =<< checkUUIDFile c u info h
@ -579,10 +581,11 @@ data S3Info = S3Info
, versioning :: Bool
, public :: Bool
, getpublicurl :: Maybe (BucketObject -> URLString)
, getpublicversionedurls :: Maybe (Key -> Annex [URLString])
extractS3Info :: RemoteConfig -> Annex S3Info
extractS3Info c = do
extractS3Info :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex S3Info
extractS3Info c u = do
b <- maybe
(giveup "S3 bucket not configured")
(return . T.pack)
@ -597,21 +600,32 @@ extractS3Info c = do
, isIA = configIA c
, versioning = boolcfg "versioning"
, public = boolcfg "public"
, getpublicurl = case M.lookup "publicurl" c of
Just u -> Just $ \p -> genericPublicUrl p u
Nothing -> case M.lookup "host" c of
, getpublicurl = case publicurl of
Just url -> Just (genericPublicUrl url)
Nothing -> case host of
Just h
| h == AWS.s3DefaultHost ->
Just (awsPublicUrl info)
| isIAHost h ->
Just (iaPublicUrl info)
_ -> Nothing
, getpublicversionedurls = if versioning info
then case publicurl of
Just url -> Just $
getS3VersionIDPublicUrls (const $ genericPublicUrl url) info u
Nothing -> case host of
Just h | h == AWS.s3DefaultHost -> Just $
getS3VersionIDPublicUrls awsPublicUrl info u
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing
return info
boolcfg k = case M.lookup k c of
Just "yes" -> True
_ -> False
publicurl = M.lookup "publicurl" c
host = M.lookup "host" c
putObject :: S3Info -> T.Text -> RequestBody -> S3.PutObject
putObject info file rbody = (S3.putObject (bucket info) file rbody)
@ -687,15 +701,15 @@ iaItemUrl :: BucketName -> URLString
iaItemUrl b = "" ++ b
iaPublicUrl :: S3Info -> BucketObject -> URLString
iaPublicUrl info p = genericPublicUrl p $
iaPublicUrl info = genericPublicUrl $
"" ++ T.unpack (bucket info) ++ "/"
awsPublicUrl :: S3Info -> BucketObject -> URLString
awsPublicUrl info p = genericPublicUrl p $
awsPublicUrl info = genericPublicUrl $
"https://" ++ T.unpack (bucket info) ++ ""
genericPublicUrl :: BucketObject -> URLString -> URLString
genericPublicUrl p baseurl = baseurl ++ p
genericPublicUrl :: URLString -> BucketObject -> URLString
genericPublicUrl baseurl p = baseurl ++ p
genCredentials :: CredPair -> IO AWS.Credentials
genCredentials (keyid, secret) = AWS.Credentials
@ -730,6 +744,7 @@ s3Info c info = catMaybes
else Nothing
, Just ("partsize", maybe "unlimited" (roughSize storageUnits False) (getPartSize c))
, Just ("public", if public info then "yes" else "no")
, Just ("versioning", if versioning info then "yes" else "no")
s3c = s3Configuration c
@ -738,12 +753,13 @@ s3Info c info = catMaybes
showstorageclass sc = show sc
getWebUrls :: S3Info -> RemoteConfig -> Key -> Annex [URLString]
getWebUrls info c k
| exportTree c = return []
| otherwise = case (public info, getpublicurl info) of
(True, Just geturl) -> return [geturl $ bucketObject info k]
_ -> return []
getPublicWebUrls :: S3Info -> RemoteConfig -> Key -> Annex [URLString]
getPublicWebUrls info c k
| not (public info) = return []
| exportTree c = maybe (return []) (\a -> a k) (getpublicversionedurls info)
| otherwise = case getpublicurl info of
Just geturl -> return [geturl $ bucketObject info k]
Nothing -> return []
data S3VersionID = S3VersionID S3.Object String
deriving (Show)
@ -762,12 +778,15 @@ mkS3VersionID' o (Just s)
| otherwise = Nothing
mkS3VersionID' _ Nothing = Nothing
-- Format for storage in per-remote metadata.
-- A S3 version ID is "url ready" so does not contain '#' and so we'll use
-- that to separate it from the object id. (Could use a space, but spaces
-- in metadata values lead to an inefficient encoding.)
formatS3VersionID :: S3VersionID -> String
formatS3VersionID (S3VersionID o v) = v ++ '#' : T.unpack o
-- Parse from value stored in per-remote metadata.
parseS3VersionID :: String -> Maybe S3VersionID
parseS3VersionID s =
let (v, o) = separate (== '#') s
@ -803,3 +822,14 @@ eitherS3VersionID info u k fallback
-- a bucket with different version IDs; only use one of them.
(v:_) -> Right v
| otherwise = return (Left fallback)
s3VersionIDPublicUrl :: (S3Info -> BucketObject -> URLString) -> S3Info -> S3VersionID -> URLString
s3VersionIDPublicUrl mk info (S3VersionID obj vid) = mk info $ concat
[ T.unpack obj
, "?versionId="
, vid -- version ID is "url ready" so no escaping needed
getS3VersionIDPublicUrls :: (S3Info -> BucketObject -> URLString) -> S3Info -> UUID -> Key -> Annex [URLString]
getS3VersionIDPublicUrls mk info u k =
map (s3VersionIDPublicUrl mk info) <$> getS3VersionID u k
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ the S3 remote.
* `versioning` - Setting this to "yes" along with "exporttree=yes",
and [manually enabling versioning for the S3 bucket in the AWS console](
allows git-annex to access old versions of files exported to the
special remote with [[git-annex export|git-annex-export]].
allows git-annex to access old versions of files that were
exported to the special remote by [[git-annex export|git-annex-export]].
Note that git-annex needs to remember S3 version IDs for files
sent to a remote configured this way, which will make the git-annex
@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ does not yet support that, nor does whereis show the urls.
Should not be super hard to add, but it involves converting `getpublicurl`
into an Annex action and distinguishing between different uses of it,
some of which work with this and some don't. --[[Joey]]
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
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