external backends genKey and verifyKeyContent implemented

Only key translation for HasExt remains..
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2020-07-29 16:35:14 -04:00
parent f75be32166
commit b6fa4cb42f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
2 changed files with 106 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Log.Logger (debugM)
newtype ExternalBackendName = ExternalBackendName S.ByteString
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -30,34 +31,50 @@ newtype ExternalBackendName = ExternalBackendName S.ByteString
-- that cannot generate or verify keys, but that still lets the keys be
-- basically used.
makeBackend :: S.ByteString -> HasExt -> Annex Backend
makeBackend bname hasext = withExternalState ebname $ \st -> do
withExternalAddon st (pure unavailbackend) $ \_ext -> do
canverify <- handleRequest st CANVERIFY (pure False) $ \case
CANVERIFY_YES -> result True
CANVERIFY_NO -> result False
_ -> Nothing
isstable <- handleRequest st ISSTABLE (pure False) $ \case
ISSTABLE_YES -> result True
ISSTABLE_NO -> result False
_ -> Nothing
iscryptographicallysecure <- handleRequest st ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE (pure False) $ \case
_ -> Nothing
return $ Backend
{ backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext
, genKey = Just $ genKeyExternal ebname
, verifyKeyContent = if canverify
then Just $ verifyKeyContentExternal ebname
else Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
, isStableKey = const isstable
, isCryptographicallySecure = const iscryptographicallysecure
makeBackend bname hasext =
withExternalState ebname hasext (return . externalBackend)
ebname = ExternalBackendName bname
unavailbackend = Backend
makeBackend' :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> Either ExternalAddonStartError ExternalAddonProcess -> Annex Backend
makeBackend' ebname@(ExternalBackendName bname) hasext (Right p) = do
let st = ExternalState
{ externalAddonProcess = Right p
, externalBackend = unavailBackend ebname hasext
canverify <- handleRequest st CANVERIFY (pure False) $ \case
CANVERIFY_YES -> result True
CANVERIFY_NO -> result False
_ -> Nothing
isstable <- handleRequest st ISSTABLE (pure False) $ \case
ISSTABLE_YES -> result True
ISSTABLE_NO -> result False
_ -> Nothing
iscryptographicallysecure <- handleRequest st ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE (pure False) $ \case
_ -> Nothing
return $ Backend
{ backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext
, genKey = Just $ genKeyExternal ebname hasext
, verifyKeyContent = if canverify
then Just $ verifyKeyContentExternal ebname hasext
-- The protocol supports PROGRESS here,
-- but it's not actually used. It was put
-- in to avoid needing a protocol version
-- bump if progress handling is later added.
else Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
, isStableKey = const isstable
, isCryptographicallySecure = const iscryptographicallysecure
makeBackend' ebname hasext (Left _) = return $ unavailBackend ebname hasext
unavailBackend :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> Backend
unavailBackend (ExternalBackendName bname) hasext =
{ backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext
, genKey = Nothing
, verifyKeyContent = Nothing
@ -67,26 +84,63 @@ makeBackend bname hasext = withExternalState ebname $ \st -> do
, isCryptographicallySecure = const False
genKeyExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
genKeyExternal bname ks p = error "TODO"
genKeyExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
genKeyExternal ebname hasext ks meterupdate =
withExternalState ebname hasext $ \st ->
handleRequest st req notavail go
req = GENKEY (fromRawFilePath (contentLocation ks))
notavail = giveup $ "Cannot generate a key, since " ++ externalBackendProgram ebname ++ " is not available."
verifyKeyContentExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
verifyKeyContentExternal bname k f = error "TODO"
-- TODO hasExt handling
go (GENKEY_SUCCESS (ProtoKey k)) = result k
go (GENKEY_FAILURE msg) = Just $ giveup $
"External backend program failed to generate a key: " ++ msg
go (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) = Just $ do
liftIO $ meterupdate bytesprocessed
return $ GetNextMessage go
go _ = Nothing
verifyKeyContentExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> MeterUpdate -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
verifyKeyContentExternal ebname hasext meterupdate k f =
withExternalState ebname hasext $ \st ->
handleRequest st req notavail go
-- TODO hasExt handling
req = VERIFYKEYCONTENT (ProtoKey k) f
-- This should not be able to happen, because CANVERIFY is checked
-- before this function is enable, and so the external program
-- is available. But if it does, fail the verification.
notavail = return False
go (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) = Just $ do
liftIO $ meterupdate bytesprocessed
return $ GetNextMessage go
go _ = Nothing
-- State about a running external backend program.
data ExternalState = ExternalState
{ externalAddonProcess :: Either ExternalAddonStartError ExternalAddonProcess
, externalBackend :: Backend
handleRequest :: ExternalState -> Request -> Annex a -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a
handleRequest st req whenunavail responsehandler =
withExternalAddon st whenunavail $ \p -> do
sendMessage p req
receiveResponse p responsehandler (Just . handleAsyncMessage)
let loop = receiveResponse p responsehandler
(Just . handleAsyncMessage loop)
handleAsyncMessage (ERROR err) = do
handleAsyncMessage _ (ERROR err) = do
warning ("external special remote error: " ++ err)
handleAsyncMessage loop (DEBUG msg) = do
liftIO $ debugM "external" msg
withExternalAddon :: ExternalState -> a -> (ExternalAddonProcess -> a) -> a
withExternalAddon st whenunavail a = case externalAddonProcess st of
@ -153,8 +207,8 @@ poolVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar M.empty
-- Starts a new instance of an external backend.
-- Does not add it to the poolVar; caller should add it once it's done
-- using it.
newExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> ExternalAddonPID -> Annex ExternalState
newExternalState (ExternalBackendName name) pid = do
newExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> ExternalAddonPID -> Annex ExternalState
newExternalState ebname hasext pid = do
st <- startExternalAddonProcess basecmd pid
st' <- case st of
Left (ProgramNotInstalled msg) -> warnonce msg >> return st
@ -172,17 +226,24 @@ newExternalState (ExternalBackendName name) pid = do
warnonce (basecmd ++ " uses an unsupported version of the external backend protocol")
return $ Left (ProgramFailure "bad protocol version")
else return (Right p)
return $ ExternalState { externalAddonProcess = st' }
backend <- makeBackend' ebname hasext st'
return $ ExternalState
{ externalAddonProcess = st'
, externalBackend = backend
basecmd = "git-annex-backend-X" ++ decodeBS' name
basecmd = externalBackendProgram ebname
warnonce msg = when (pid == 1) $
warning msg
externalBackendProgram :: ExternalBackendName -> String
externalBackendProgram (ExternalBackendName bname) = "git-annex-backend-X" ++ decodeBS' bname
-- Runs an action with an ExternalState, starting a new external backend
-- process if necessary. It is returned to the pool once the action
-- finishes successfully. On exception, it's shut down.
withExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> (ExternalState -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withExternalState bname a = do
withExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> (ExternalState -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withExternalState bname hasext a = do
st <- get
r <- a st `onException` shutdown st
put st -- only when no exception is thrown
@ -194,7 +255,7 @@ withExternalState bname a = do
(pid, []) -> do
let m' = M.insert bname (succ pid, []) m
liftIO $ putMVar poolVar m'
newExternalState bname pid
newExternalState bname hasext pid
(pid, (st:rest)) -> do
let m' = M.insert bname (pid, rest) m
liftIO $ putMVar poolVar m'
@ -238,11 +299,11 @@ data Response
| PROGRESS BytesProcessed
| DEBUG String
deriving (Show)
data AsyncMessage
= ERROR ErrorMsg
| DEBUG String
deriving (Show)
type ErrorMsg = String
@ -258,10 +319,12 @@ instance Proto.Serializable ProtocolVersion where
deserialize = ProtocolVersion <$$> readish
instance Proto.Sendable AsyncMessage where
formatMessage (ERROR err) = [ "ERROR", Proto.serialize err ]
formatMessage (ERROR err) = ["ERROR", Proto.serialize err]
formatMessage (DEBUG msg) = ["DEBUG", Proto.serialize msg]
instance Proto.Receivable AsyncMessage where
parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
parseCommand "DEBUG" = Proto.parse1 DEBUG
parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail
instance Proto.Sendable Request where
@ -286,5 +349,4 @@ instance Proto.Receivable Response where
parseCommand "PROGRESS" = Proto.parse1 PROGRESS
parseCommand "DEBUG" = Proto.parse1 DEBUG
parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ hashfile () {
local contentfile="$1"
# could send PROGRESS while doing this, but it's
# hard to implement that in shell
return "$(md5sum "$contentfile" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 || echo '')"
md5sum "$contentfile" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 || echo ''
while read line; do
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ while read line; do
hash=$(hashfile "$contentfile")
khash=$(echo "$key" | sed 's/.*--//')
if [ "$hash" == "$khash" ]; then
if [ "$hash" = "$khash" ]; then