diff --git a/doc/bugs/WEBDAV_443/comment_3_213815d6b827d467c60f3e8af925813b._comment b/doc/bugs/WEBDAV_443/comment_3_213815d6b827d467c60f3e8af925813b._comment
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60f7ef9d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/WEBDAV_443/comment_3_213815d6b827d467c60f3e8af925813b._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="http://joeyh.name/"
+ nickname="joey"
+ subject="comment 3"
+ date="2013-03-17T21:07:50Z"
+ content="""
+Seems that I misdiagnosed this. The error message from the bad TLS library was about a had certificate, not \"user error\" (which, confusingly, does not mean what user error normally means!).
+Also, I see you reported this at , so you're using that build and not the \"git-annex-bin\" build at . The Arch Linux build that's done from source couldn't be affected by the Debian-spefific TLS bug anyway.
+I am reopening this bug report.
+Now, FailedConnectionException could be any of several things, but I noticed that someone else (perhaps cooindidentially using Arch Linux) reported the same error message here: [[Proxy_support]]. I wonder if you perhaps also have a http proxy that could be causing trouble.