prevent http connections to localhost and private ips by default
Security fix! * git-annex will refuse to download content from http servers on localhost, or any private IP addresses, to prevent accidental exposure of internal data. This can be overridden with the setting. * Since curl's interface does not have a way to prevent it from accessing localhost or private IP addresses, curl defaults to not being used for url downloads, even if annex.web-options enabled it before. Only when will curl be used. Since S3 and WebDav use the Manager, the same policies apply to them too. youtube-dl is not handled yet, and a http proxy configuration can bypass these checks too. Those cases are still TBD. This commit was sponsored by Jeff Goeke-Smith on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 141 additions and 63 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{- Url downloading, with git-annex user agent and configured http
- headers and curl options.
- headers, security restrictions, etc.
- Copyright 2013-2018 Joey Hess <>
@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ module Annex.Url (
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Utility.Url as U
import Utility.IPAddress
import Utility.HttpManagerRestricted
import qualified BuildInfo
import Network.Socket
defaultUserAgent :: U.UserAgent
defaultUserAgent = "git-annex/" ++ BuildInfo.packageversion
@ -34,16 +38,51 @@ getUrlOptions = Annex.getState Annex.urloptions >>= \case
{ Annex.urloptions = Just uo }
return uo
mk = mkUrlOptions
<$> getUserAgent
<*> headers
<*> options
<*> liftIO (U.newManager U.managerSettings)
<*> (annexAllowedUrlSchemes <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
mk = do
(urldownloader, manager) <- checkallowedaddr
<$> getUserAgent
<*> headers
<*> pure urldownloader
<*> pure manager
<*> (annexAllowedUrlSchemes <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
headers = annexHttpHeadersCommand <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case
Just cmd -> lines <$> liftIO (readProcess "sh" ["-c", cmd])
Nothing -> annexHttpHeaders <$> Annex.getGitConfig
options = map Param . annexWebOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
checkallowedaddr = words . annexAllowedHttpAddresses <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case
["all"] -> do
-- Only allow curl when all are allowed,
-- as its interface does not allow preventing
-- it from accessing specific IP addresses.
curlopts <- map Param . annexWebOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let urldownloader = if null curlopts
then U.DownloadWithCurl curlopts
else U.DownloadWithConduit
manager <- liftIO $ U.newManager U.managerSettings
return (urldownloader, manager)
allowedaddrs -> do
addrmatcher <- liftIO $
(\l v -> any (\f -> f v) l) . catMaybes
<$> mapM makeAddressMatcher allowedaddrs
-- Default to not allowing access to loopback
-- and private IP addresses to avoid data
-- leakage.
let isallowed addr
| addrmatcher addr = True
| isLoopbackAddress addr = False
| isPrivateAddress addr = False
| otherwise = True
let r = Restriction
{ addressRestriction = \addr ->
if isallowed (addrAddress addr)
then Nothing
else Just (addrConnectionRestricted addr)
manager <- liftIO $ U.newManager $
restrictManagerSettings r U.managerSettings
return (U.DownloadWithConduit, manager)
withUrlOptions :: (U.UrlOptions -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withUrlOptions a = a =<< getUrlOptions
@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ git-annex (6.20180622) UNRELEASED; urgency=high
supporting across redirects.
If you used this setting, you may want to instead use annex.web-options
to pass options to curl.
* git-annex will refuse to download content from http servers on
localhost, or any private IP addresses, to prevent accidental
exposure of internal data. This can be overridden with the
|||| setting.
* Since curl's interface does not have a way to prevent it from accessing
localhost or private IP addresses, curl defaults to not being used
for url downloads, even if annex.web-options enabled it before.
Only when will curl be used.
-- Joey Hess <> Wed, 30 May 2018 11:49:08 -0400
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ data GitConfig = GitConfig
, annexRetry :: Maybe Integer
, annexRetryDelay :: Maybe Seconds
, annexAllowedUrlSchemes :: S.Set Scheme
, annexAllowedHttpAddresses :: String
, coreSymlinks :: Bool
, coreSharedRepository :: SharedRepository
, receiveDenyCurrentBranch :: DenyCurrentBranch
@ -163,6 +164,8 @@ extractGitConfig r = GitConfig
, annexAllowedUrlSchemes = S.fromList $ map mkScheme $
maybe ["http", "https"] words $
getmaybe (annex "security.allowed-url-schemes")
, annexAllowedHttpAddresses = fromMaybe "" $
getmaybe (annex "security.allowed-http-addresses")
, coreSymlinks = getbool "core.symlinks" True
, coreSharedRepository = getSharedRepository r
, receiveDenyCurrentBranch = getDenyCurrentBranch r
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Utility.Url (
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ module Utility.Url (
import Common
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.HttpManagerRestricted
import Network.URI
import Network.HTTP.Types
@ -100,19 +102,10 @@ defUrlOptions = UrlOptions
<*> newManager managerSettings
<*> pure (S.fromList $ map mkScheme ["http", "https"])
mkUrlOptions :: Maybe UserAgent -> Headers -> [CommandParam] -> Manager -> S.Set Scheme -> UrlOptions
mkUrlOptions defuseragent reqheaders reqparams manager =
mkUrlOptions :: Maybe UserAgent -> Headers -> UrlDownloader -> Manager -> S.Set Scheme -> UrlOptions
mkUrlOptions defuseragent reqheaders urldownloader manager =
UrlOptions useragent reqheaders urldownloader applyrequest manager
urldownloader = if null reqparams
#if MIN_VERSION_cryptonite(0,6,0)
then DownloadWithConduit
-- Work around for old cryptonite bug that broke tls.
then DownloadWithCurl reqparams
else DownloadWithCurl reqparams
applyrequest = \r -> r { requestHeaders = requestHeaders r ++ addedheaders }
addedheaders = uaheader ++ otherheaders
useragent = maybe defuseragent (Just . B8.toString . snd)
@ -154,6 +147,12 @@ checkPolicy uo u onerr a
hFlush stderr
return onerr
unsupportedUrlScheme :: URI -> IO ()
unsupportedUrlScheme u = do
hPutStrLn stderr $
"Unsupported url scheme" ++ show u
hFlush stderr
allowedScheme :: UrlOptions -> URI -> Bool
allowedScheme uo u = uscheme `S.member` allowedSchemes uo
@ -194,31 +193,24 @@ getUrlInfo :: URLString -> UrlOptions -> IO UrlInfo
getUrlInfo url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
Just u -> checkPolicy uo u dne $
case (urlDownloader uo, parseUrlConduit (show u)) of
(DownloadWithConduit, Just req) -> catchJust
-- When http redirects to a protocol which
-- conduit does not support, it will throw
-- a StatusCodeException with found302.
(matchStatusCodeException (== found302))
(existsconduit req)
(const (existscurl u))
`catchNonAsync` (const $ return dne)
-- http-conduit does not support file:, ftp:, etc urls,
-- so fall back to reading files and using curl.
| uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
let f = unEscapeString (uriPath u)
s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus f
case s of
Just stat -> do
sz <- getFileSize' f stat
found (Just sz) Nothing
Nothing -> return dne
| otherwise -> existscurl u
(DownloadWithConduit, Just req) ->
existsconduit req
`catchNonAsync` (const $ return dne)
(DownloadWithConduit, Nothing)
| isfileurl u -> existsfile u
| otherwise -> do
unsupportedUrlScheme u
return dne
(DownloadWithCurl _, _)
| isfileurl u -> existsfile u
| otherwise -> existscurl u
Nothing -> return dne
dne = UrlInfo False Nothing Nothing
found sz f = return $ UrlInfo True sz f
isfileurl u = uriScheme u == "file:"
curlparams = curlParams uo $
[ Param "-s"
, Param "--head"
@ -266,6 +258,15 @@ getUrlInfo url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
-- got a length, it's good
_ | isftp && isJust len -> good
_ -> return dne
existsfile u = do
let f = unEscapeString (uriPath u)
s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus f
case s of
Just stat -> do
sz <- getFileSize' f stat
found (Just sz) Nothing
Nothing -> return dne
-- Parse eg: attachment; filename="fname.ext"
-- per RFC 2616
@ -287,10 +288,6 @@ headRequest r = r
{- Download a perhaps large file, with auto-resume of incomplete downloads.
- By default, conduit is used for the download, except for file: urls,
- which are copied. If the url scheme is not supported by conduit, falls
- back to using curl.
- Displays error message on stderr when download failed.
@ -302,21 +299,19 @@ download meterupdate url file uo =
go = case parseURIRelaxed url of
Just u -> checkPolicy uo u False $
case (urlDownloader uo, parseUrlConduit (show u)) of
(DownloadWithConduit, Just req) -> catchJust
-- When http redirects to a protocol which
-- conduit does not support, it will throw
-- a StatusCodeException with found302.
(matchStatusCodeException (== found302))
(downloadconduit req)
(const downloadcurl)
| uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
let src = unEscapeString (uriPath u)
withMeteredFile src meterupdate $
L.writeFile file
return True
| otherwise -> downloadcurl
(DownloadWithConduit, Just req) ->
downloadconduit req
(DownloadWithConduit, Nothing)
| isfileurl u -> downloadfile u
| otherwise -> do
unsupportedUrlScheme u
return False
(DownloadWithCurl _, _)
| isfileurl u -> downloadfile u
| otherwise -> downloadcurl
Nothing -> return False
isfileurl u = uriScheme u == "file:"
downloadconduit req = catchMaybeIO (getFileSize file) >>= \case
Nothing -> runResourceT $ do
@ -369,6 +364,10 @@ download meterupdate url file uo =
let msg = case he of
HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException _ msgb) ->
B8.toString msgb
HttpExceptionRequest _ (InternalException ie) ->
case fromException ie of
Nothing -> show ie
Just (ConnectionRestricted why) -> why
HttpExceptionRequest _ other -> show other
_ -> show he
@ -401,6 +400,12 @@ download meterupdate url file uo =
, Param "-C", Param "-"
boolSystem "curl" (ps ++ [Param "-o", File file, File url])
downloadfile u = do
let src = unEscapeString (uriPath u)
withMeteredFile src meterupdate $
L.writeFile file
return True
{- Sinks a Response's body to a file. The file can either be opened in
- WriteMode or AppendMode. Updates the meter as data is received.
@ -1356,12 +1356,16 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
* `annex.web-options`
Setting this makes git-annex use curl to download urls
Options to pass to curl when git-annex uses it to download urls
(rather than the default built-in url downloader).
For example, to force IPv4 only, set it to "-4".
Or to make curl use your ~/.netrc file, set it to "--netrc".
Setting this option makes git-annex use curl, but only
when is configured in a
specific way. See its documentation.
* ``
Options to pass to youtube-dl when using it to find the url to download
@ -1393,15 +1397,34 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
The default is "http https".
Think very carefully before changing this; there are security
implications. For example, if it's changed to allow "file" URLs,
then anyone who can get a commit into your git-annex repository
could add a pointer to a private file located outside that repository,
risking it being copied into the repository and transferred on to other
remotes, exposing its content.
implications. For example, if it's changed to allow "file" URLs, then
anyone who can get a commit into your git-annex repository could
`git-annex addurl` a pointer to a private file located outside that
repository, possibly causing it to be copied into your repository
and transferred on to other remotes, exposing its content.
Some special remotes support their own domain-specific URL
schemes; those are not affected by this configuration setting.
* ``
By default, git-annex only makes HTTP connections to public IP addresses;
it will refuse to use HTTP servers on localhost or on a private network.
This setting can override that behavior, allowing access to particular
IP addresses. For example " ::1" allows access to localhost
(both IPV4 and IPV6). To allow access to all IP addresses, use "all"
Think very carefully before changing this; there are security
implications. Anyone who can get a commit into your git-annex repository
could `git annex addurl` an url on a private http server, possibly
causing it to be downloaded into your repository transferred to
other remotes, exposing its content.
Note that, since curl's interface does not allow these IP address
restrictions to be enforced, any configuration that enables use of curl
will be ignored unless
* ``
This can be set to a command that should be run whenever git-annex
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