rather ugly workaround for directories with spaces as MetaFields

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-02-22 16:32:39 -04:00
parent 079b35a1a8
commit b4a3ee7f59

View file

@ -45,10 +45,17 @@ perform view = do
paramView :: String
paramView = paramPair (paramRepeating "TAG") (paramRepeating "FIELD=VALUE")
{- Parse field=value
- Note that the field may not be a legal metadata field name,
- but it's let through anywa (using MetaField rather than mkMetaField).
- This is useful when matching on directory names with spaces,
- which are not legal MetaFields.
parseViewParam :: String -> (MetaField, String)
parseViewParam s = case separate (== '=') s of
(tag, []) -> (tagMetaField, tag)
(field, wanted) -> either error (\f -> (f, wanted)) (mkMetaField field)
(field, wanted) -> (MetaField field, wanted)
mkView :: [String] -> Annex View
mkView params = do