move supportedBackends list into annex monad
This was necessary so the File backend could import Backend w/o a cycle. Moved code that checks whether enough backends have a file into File backend.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 105 additions and 95 deletions
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Annex (
@ -20,20 +22,21 @@ import qualified BackendTypes as Backend
{- Create and returns an Annex state object for the specified git repo.
new :: Git.Repo -> IO AnnexState
new g = do
new :: Git.Repo -> [Backend] -> IO AnnexState
new gitrepo allbackends = do
let s = Backend.AnnexState {
Backend.repo = g,
Backend.repo = gitrepo,
Backend.backends = [],
Backend.supportedBackends = allbackends,
Backend.flags = []
(_,s') <- s (prep g)
(_,s') <- s (prep gitrepo)
return s'
prep g = do
prep gitrepo = do
-- read git config and update state
g' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead g
Annex.gitRepoChange g'
gitrepo' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead gitrepo
Annex.gitRepoChange gitrepo'
-- performs an action in the Annex monad
run state action = runStateT (action) state
@ -57,6 +60,15 @@ backendsChange b = do
state <- get
put state { Backend.backends = b }
return ()
supportedBackends :: Annex [Backend]
supportedBackends = do
state <- get
return (Backend.supportedBackends state)
supportedBackendsChange :: [Backend] -> Annex ()
supportedBackendsChange b = do
state <- get
put state { Backend.supportedBackends = b }
return ()
flagIsSet :: Flag -> Annex Bool
flagIsSet flag = do
state <- get
@ -28,14 +28,12 @@ import System.FilePath
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Posix.Files
import BackendList
import Locations
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified Annex
import Utility
import Types
import qualified BackendTypes as B
import BackendList
{- List of backends in the order to try them when storing a new key. -}
backendList :: Annex [Backend]
@ -44,10 +42,24 @@ backendList = do
if (0 < length l)
then return l
else do
all <- Annex.supportedBackends
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let l = parseBackendList $ Git.configGet g "annex.backends" ""
let l = parseBackendList all $ Git.configGet g "annex.backends" ""
Annex.backendsChange l
return l
parseBackendList all s =
if (length s == 0)
then all
else map (lookupBackendName all) $ words s
{- Looks up a backend in the list of supportedBackends -}
lookupBackendName :: [Backend] -> String -> Backend
lookupBackendName all s =
if ((length matches) /= 1)
then error $ "unknown backend " ++ s
else matches !! 0
where matches = filter (\b -> s == b) all
{- Attempts to store a file in one of the backends. -}
storeFileKey :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe (Key, Backend))
@ -81,21 +93,24 @@ removeKey backend key = (B.removeKey backend) key
{- Checks if a backend has its key. -}
hasKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
hasKey key = (B.hasKey (lookupBackendName $ backendName key)) key
hasKey key = do
all <- Annex.supportedBackends
(B.hasKey (lookupBackendName all $ backendName key)) key
{- Looks up the key and backend corresponding to an annexed file,
- by examining what the file symlinks to. -}
lookupFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Key, Backend))
lookupFile :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe (Key, Backend))
lookupFile file = do
result <- try (lookup)::IO (Either SomeException (Maybe (Key, Backend)))
all <- Annex.supportedBackends
result <- liftIO $ (try (lookup all)::IO (Either SomeException (Maybe (Key, Backend))))
case (result) of
Left err -> return Nothing
Right succ -> return succ
lookup = do
lookup all = do
l <- readSymbolicLink file
return $ Just $ pair $ takeFileName l
pair file = (k, b)
return $ Just $ pair all $ takeFileName l
pair all file = (k, b)
k = fileKey file
b = lookupBackendName $ backendName k
b = lookupBackendName all $ backendName k
@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ import Utility
import Core
import qualified Annex
import UUID
import qualified Backend
backend = Backend {
name = mustProvide,
getKey = mustProvide,
storeFileKey = dummyStore,
retrieveKeyFile = copyKeyFile,
removeKey = dummyRemove,
removeKey = checkRemoveKey,
hasKey = checkKeyFile
@ -41,10 +42,6 @@ mustProvide = error "must provide this field"
dummyStore :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex (Bool)
dummyStore file key = return True
{- Allow keys to be removed. -}
dummyRemove :: Key -> Annex Bool
dummyRemove url = return True
{- Just check if the .git/annex/ file for the key exists. -}
checkKeyFile :: Key -> Annex Bool
checkKeyFile k = inAnnex k
@ -102,3 +99,56 @@ copyFromRemote r key file = do
else error "cp failed"
getremote = error "get via network not yet implemented!"
location = annexLocation r key
{- Checks remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to allow
- for a key to be safely removed (with no data loss), and fails with an
- error if not. -}
checkRemoveKey :: Key -> Annex (Bool)
checkRemoveKey key = do
force <- Annex.flagIsSet Force
if (force)
then return True
else do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let numcopies = read $ Git.configGet g config "1"
remotes <- Remotes.withKey key
if (numcopies > length remotes)
then retNotEnoughCopiesKnown remotes numcopies
else findcopies numcopies remotes []
failMsg w = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "git-annex: " ++ w
return False -- failure, not enough copies found
findcopies 0 _ _ = return True -- success, enough copies found
findcopies _ [] bad = notEnoughCopiesSeen bad
findcopies n (r:rs) bad = do
all <- Annex.supportedBackends
result <- liftIO $ ((try $ remoteHasKey r all)::IO (Either SomeException Bool))
case (result) of
Right True -> findcopies (n-1) rs bad
Right False -> findcopies n rs bad
Left _ -> findcopies n rs (r:bad)
remoteHasKey r all = do
-- To check if a remote has a key, construct a new
-- Annex monad and query its backend.
a <- r all
(result, _) <- a (Backend.hasKey key)
return result
notEnoughCopiesSeen bad = failMsg $
"I failed to find enough other copies of: " ++
(keyFile key) ++
(if (0 /= length bad) then listbad bad else "")
++ unsafe
listbad bad = "\nI was unable to access these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list bad)
retNotEnoughCopiesKnown remotes numcopies = failMsg $
"I only know about " ++ (show $ length remotes) ++
" out of " ++ (show numcopies) ++
" necessary copies of: " ++ (keyFile key) ++
unsafe = "\n" ++
" -- According to the " ++ config ++
" setting, it is not safe to remove it!\n" ++
" (Use --force to override.)"
config = "annex.numcopies"
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
{- git-annex backend list
- -}
module BackendList (
) where
module BackendList (allBackends) where
import BackendTypes
@ -13,25 +9,8 @@ import BackendTypes
import qualified Backend.WORM
import qualified Backend.SHA1
import qualified Backend.URL
supportedBackends =
allBackends =
[ Backend.WORM.backend
, Backend.SHA1.backend
, Backend.URL.backend
{- Parses a string with a list of backend names into
- a list of Backend objects. If the list is empty,
- defaults to supportedBackends. -}
parseBackendList :: String -> [Backend]
parseBackendList s =
if (length s == 0)
then supportedBackends
else map (lookupBackendName) $ words s
{- Looks up a supported backend by name. -}
lookupBackendName :: String -> Backend
lookupBackendName s =
if ((length matches) /= 1)
then error $ "unknown backend " ++ s
else matches !! 0
where matches = filter (\b -> s == name b) supportedBackends
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ data Flag = Force | NoCommit | NeedCommit
data AnnexState = AnnexState {
repo :: Git.Repo,
backends :: [Backend],
supportedBackends :: [Backend],
flags :: [Flag]
} deriving (Show)
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import qualified Annex
import Utility
import Locations
import qualified Backend
import BackendList
import UUID
import LocationLog
import Types
@ -169,10 +168,6 @@ dropCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
if (not inbackend)
then return () -- no-op
else do
force <- Annex.flagIsSet Force
if (not force)
then requireEnoughCopies key
else return ()
success <- Backend.removeKey backend key
if (success)
then cleanup key
@ -235,51 +230,8 @@ logStatus key status = do
gitAdd f Nothing -- all logs are committed at end
inBackend file yes no = do
r <- liftIO $ Backend.lookupFile file
r <- Backend.lookupFile file
case (r) of
Just v -> yes v
Nothing -> no
notinBackend file yes no = inBackend file no yes
{- Checks remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to allow
- for a key to be safely removed (with no data loss), and fails with an
- error if not. -}
requireEnoughCopies :: Key -> Annex ()
requireEnoughCopies key = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let numcopies = read $ Git.configGet g config "1"
remotes <- Remotes.withKey key
if (numcopies > length remotes)
then error $ "I only know about " ++ (show $ length remotes) ++
" out of " ++ (show numcopies) ++
" necessary copies of: " ++ (keyFile key) ++
else findcopies numcopies remotes []
findcopies 0 _ _ = return () -- success, enough copies found
findcopies _ [] bad = die bad
findcopies n (r:rs) bad = do
result <- liftIO $ try $ haskey r
case (result) of
Right True -> findcopies (n-1) rs bad
Right False -> findcopies n rs bad
Left _ -> findcopies n rs (r:bad)
haskey r = do
-- To check if a remote has a key, construct a new
-- Annex monad and query its backend.
a <- r
(result, _) <- a (Backend.hasKey key)
return result
die bad =
error $ "I failed to find enough other copies of: " ++
(keyFile key) ++
(if (0 /= length bad) then listbad bad else "")
++ unsafe
listbad bad = "\nI was unable to access these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list bad)
unsafe = "\n" ++
" -- According to the " ++ config ++
" setting, it is not safe to remove it!\n" ++
" (Use --force to override.)"
config = "annex.numcopies"
@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import Types
import Core
import Commands
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import BackendList
main = do
args <- getArgs
gitrepo <- Git.repoFromCwd
state <- gitrepo
state <- gitrepo allBackends
(flags, actions) <- parseCmd args state
tryRun state $ [startup flags] ++ actions ++ [shutdown]
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