test suite still passes
This commit is contained in:
30 changed files with 72 additions and 75 deletions
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ checkIgnoreHandle :: Annex (Maybe Git.CheckIgnoreHandle)
checkIgnoreHandle = maybe startup return =<< Annex.getState Annex.checkignorehandle
startup = do
v <- inRepo $ Git.checkIgnoreStart
v <- inRepo Git.checkIgnoreStart
when (isNothing v) $
warning "The installed version of git is too old for .gitignores to be honored by git-annex."
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.checkignorehandle = Just v }
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ moveAnnex key src = withObjectLoc key storeobject storedirect
thawContentDir =<< calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
thawContent src
v <- isAnnexLink f
if (Just key == v)
if Just key == v
then do
updateInodeCache key src
replaceFile f $ liftIO . moveFile src
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ compareInodeCachesWith = ifM inodesChanged ( return Weakly, return Strongly )
addContentWhenNotPresent :: Key -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
addContentWhenNotPresent key contentfile associatedfile = do
v <- isAnnexLink associatedfile
when (Just key == v) $ do
when (Just key == v) $
replaceFile associatedfile $
liftIO . void . copyFileExternal contentfile
updateInodeCache key associatedfile
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Utility.Env
checkEnvironment :: Annex ()
checkEnvironment = do
gitusername <- fromRepo $ Git.Config.getMaybe "user.name"
when (gitusername == Nothing || gitusername == Just "") $
when (isNothing gitusername || gitusername == Just "") $
liftIO checkEnvironmentIO
checkEnvironmentIO :: IO ()
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Common.Annex
{- Runs an Annex action, with setup and cleanup both in the IO monad. -}
bracketIO :: IO v -> (v -> IO b) -> (v -> Annex a) -> Annex a
bracketIO setup cleanup go = M.bracket (liftIO setup) (liftIO . cleanup) go
bracketIO setup cleanup = M.bracket (liftIO setup) (liftIO . cleanup)
{- try in the Annex monad -}
tryAnnex :: Annex a -> Annex (Either SomeException a)
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ getAnnexLinkTarget file = ifM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
-- characters, or whitespace, we
-- certianly don't have a link to a
-- git-annex key.
if any (`elem` s) "\0\n\r \t"
then return ""
else return s
return $ if any (`elem` s) "\0\n\r \t"
then ""
else s
{- Creates a link on disk.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Annex
import Utility.Quvi
import Utility.Url
withQuviOptions :: forall a. (Query a) -> [CommandParam] -> URLString -> Annex a
withQuviOptions :: forall a. Query a -> [CommandParam] -> URLString -> Annex a
withQuviOptions a ps url = do
opts <- map Param . annexQuviOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
liftIO $ a (ps++opts) url
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ sshCachingOptions (host, port) opts = go =<< sshInfo (host, port)
-- If the lock pool is empty, this is the first ssh of this
-- run. There could be stale ssh connections hanging around
-- from a previous git-annex run that was interrupted.
cleanstale = whenM (not . any isLock . M.keys <$> getPool) $
cleanstale = whenM (not . any isLock . M.keys <$> getPool)
{- Returns a filename to use for a ssh connection caching socket, and
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ sshInfo (host, port) = go =<< sshCacheDir
then return (Just socketfile, sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile)
else do
socketfile' <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile socketfile
if valid_unix_socket_path socketfile'
then return (Just socketfile', sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile')
else return (Nothing, [])
return $ if valid_unix_socket_path socketfile'
then (Just socketfile', sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile')
else (Nothing, [])
sshConnectionCachingParams :: FilePath -> [CommandParam]
sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile =
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ backends :: [Backend]
backends = catMaybes $ map genBackendE sizes ++ map genBackend sizes
genBackend :: SHASize -> Maybe Backend
genBackend size = Just $ Backend
genBackend size = Just Backend
{ name = shaName size
, getKey = keyValue size
, fsckKey = Just $ checkKeyChecksum size
, canUpgradeKey = Just $ needsUpgrade
, canUpgradeKey = Just needsUpgrade
genBackendE :: SHASize -> Maybe Backend
@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ start file = ifAnnexed file addpresent add
- Lockdown can fail if a file gets deleted, and Nothing will be returned.
lockDown :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe KeySource)
lockDown file = ifM (crippledFileSystem)
lockDown file = ifM crippledFileSystem
( liftIO $ catchMaybeIO nohardlink
, do
tmp <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpDir
createAnnexDirectory tmp
unlessM (isDirect) $ liftIO $
void $ tryIO $ preventWrite file
unlessM isDirect $
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ preventWrite file
liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ do
(tmpfile, h) <- openTempFile tmp $
relatedTemplate $ takeFileName file
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ lockDown file = ifM (crippledFileSystem)
nohardlink = do
cache <- genInodeCache file
return $ KeySource
return KeySource
{ keyFilename = file
, contentLocation = file
, inodeCache = cache
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ lockDown file = ifM (crippledFileSystem)
withhardlink tmpfile = do
createLink file tmpfile
cache <- genInodeCache tmpfile
return $ KeySource
return KeySource
{ keyFilename = file
, contentLocation = tmpfile
, inodeCache = cache
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ lockDown file = ifM (crippledFileSystem)
- In direct mode, leaves the file alone, and just updates bookkeeping
- information.
ingest :: (Maybe KeySource) -> Annex (Maybe Key)
ingest :: Maybe KeySource -> Annex (Maybe Key)
ingest Nothing = return Nothing
ingest (Just source) = do
backend <- chooseBackend $ keyFilename source
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ link file key hascontent = flip catchAnnex (undo file key) $ do
replaceFile file $ makeAnnexLink l
#ifndef __ANDROID__
when hascontent $ do
when hascontent $
-- touch the symlink to have the same mtime as the
-- file it points to
liftIO $ do
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ unknownNameError prefix = do
error $ prefix ++
if null names
then ""
else " Known special remotes: " ++ intercalate " " names
else " Known special remotes: " ++ unwords names
perform :: RemoteType -> UUID -> R.RemoteConfig -> CommandPerform
perform t u c = do
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ withIncremental = withValue $ do
Nothing -> noop
Just started -> do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
when (now - realToFrac started >= delta) $
when (now - realToFrac started >= delta)
return True
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ performAll key backend = check
check :: [Annex Bool] -> Annex Bool
check cs = all id <$> sequence cs
check cs = and <$> sequence cs
{- Checks that the file's link points correctly to the content.
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ verifyLocationLog key desc = do
{- In direct mode, modified files will show up as not present,
- but that is expected and not something to do anything about. -}
if (direct && not present)
if direct && not present
then return True
else verifyLocationLog' key desc present u (logChange key u)
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ checkBackend backend key mfile = go =<< isDirect
checkBackendRemote :: Backend -> Key -> Remote -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkBackendRemote backend key remote = maybe (return True) go
go file = checkBackendOr (badContentRemote remote) backend key file
go = checkBackendOr (badContentRemote remote) backend key
checkBackendOr :: (Key -> Annex String) -> Backend -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkBackendOr bad backend key file =
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ badContentDirect :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex String
badContentDirect file key = do
void $ liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ touchFile file
logStatus key InfoMissing
return $ "left in place for you to examine"
return "left in place for you to examine"
badContentRemote :: Remote -> Key -> Annex String
badContentRemote remote key = do
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ getKeyFile key afile dest = dispatch =<< Remote.keyPossibilities key
( docopy r (trycopy full rs)
, trycopy full rs
showlocs = Remote.showLocations key [] $
showlocs = Remote.showLocations key []
"No other repository is known to contain the file."
-- This check is to avoid an ugly message if a remote is a
-- drive that is not mounted.
@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ perform relaxed cache url = do
v <- findEnclosures url
case v of
Just l | not (null l) -> do
ok <- all id
<$> mapM (downloadEnclosure relaxed cache) l
ok <- and <$> mapM (downloadEnclosure relaxed cache) l
unless ok $
feedProblem url "problem downloading item"
next $ cleanup url True
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ start = ifM isDirect
perform :: CommandPerform
perform = do
showStart "commit" ""
whenM (stageDirect) $ do
whenM stageDirect $ do
void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
[ Param "commit"
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ type RemoteName = String
type Present = Bool
header :: [(RemoteName, TrustLevel)] -> String
header remotes = (unlines $ zipWith formatheader [0..] remotes) ++ (pipes (length remotes))
header remotes = unlines (zipWith formatheader [0..] remotes) ++ pipes (length remotes)
formatheader n (remotename, trustlevel) = (pipes n) ++ remotename ++ (trust trustlevel)
formatheader n (remotename, trustlevel) = pipes n ++ remotename ++ trust trustlevel
pipes = flip replicate '|'
trust UnTrusted = " (untrusted)"
trust _ = ""
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ start :: Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> Bool -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> C
start to from move file (key, _) = start' to from move (Just file) key
startKey :: Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> Bool -> Key -> CommandStart
startKey to from move key = start' to from move Nothing key
startKey to from move = start' to from move Nothing
start' :: Maybe Remote -> Maybe Remote -> Bool -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> CommandStart
start' to from move afile key = do
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def = [command "pre-commit" paramPaths seek SectionPlumbing
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek =
-- fix symlinks to files being committed
[ whenNotDirect $ withFilesToBeCommitted $ whenAnnexed $ Command.Fix.start
[ whenNotDirect $ withFilesToBeCommitted $ whenAnnexed Command.Fix.start
-- inject unlocked files into the annex
, whenNotDirect $ withFilesUnlockedToBeCommitted startIndirect
-- update direct mode mappings for committed files
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ seek = [withKeys start]
start :: Key -> CommandStart
start key = ifM (inAnnex key)
( error "key is already present in annex"
, fieldTransfer Download key $ \_p -> do
, fieldTransfer Download key $ \_p ->
ifM (getViaTmp key go)
( do
-- forcibly quit after receiving one key,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ start (src:dest:[])
start _ = error "specify a src file and a dest file"
perform :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> CommandPerform
perform src _dest (key, backend) = do
perform src _dest (key, backend) =
{- Check the content before accepting it. -}
ifM (Command.Fsck.checkKeySizeOr reject key src
<&&> Command.Fsck.checkBackendOr reject backend key src)
@ -46,6 +46,6 @@ fieldTransfer direction key a = do
ok <- maybe (a $ const noop)
(\u -> runTransfer (Transfer direction (toUUID u) key) afile noRetry a)
=<< Fields.getField Fields.remoteUUID
if ok
then liftIO exitSuccess
else liftIO exitFailure
liftIO $ if ok
then exitSuccess
else exitFailure
@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ transfer_list :: Stat
transfer_list = stat "transfers in progress" $ nojson $ lift $ do
uuidmap <- Remote.remoteMap id
ts <- getTransfers
if null ts
then return "none"
else return $ multiLine $
map (\(t, i) -> line uuidmap t i) $ sort ts
return $ if null ts
then "none"
else multiLine $
map (uncurry $ line uuidmap) $ sort ts
line uuidmap t i = unwords
[ showLcDirection (transferDirection t) ++ "ing"
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ emptyKeyData :: KeyData
emptyKeyData = KeyData 0 0 0 M.empty
emptyNumCopiesStats :: NumCopiesStats
emptyNumCopiesStats = NumCopiesStats $ M.empty
emptyNumCopiesStats = NumCopiesStats M.empty
foldKeys :: [Key] -> KeyData
foldKeys = foldl' (flip addKey) emptyKeyData
@ -86,10 +86,9 @@ syncRemotes rs = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.fast) ( nub <$> pickfast , wanted )
fastest = fromMaybe [] . headMaybe . Remote.byCost
commit :: CommandStart
commit = next $ next $ do
ifM isDirect
commit = next $ next $ ifM isDirect
( do
void $ stageDirect
void stageDirect
runcommit []
, runcommit [Param "-a"]
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ commit = next $ next $ do
Annex.Branch.commit "update"
-- Commit will fail when the tree is clean, so ignore failure.
let params = (Param "commit") : ps ++
let params = Param "commit" : ps ++
[Param "-m", Param "git-annex automatic sync"]
_ <- inRepo $ tryIO . Git.Command.runQuiet params
return True
@ -151,12 +150,12 @@ pullRemote remote branch = do
- were committed (or pushed changes, if this is a bare remote),
- while the synced/master may have changes that some
- other remote synced to this remote. So, merge them both. -}
mergeRemote :: Remote -> (Maybe Git.Ref) -> CommandCleanup
mergeRemote :: Remote -> Maybe Git.Ref -> CommandCleanup
mergeRemote remote b = case b of
Nothing -> do
branch <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
all id <$> (mapM merge $ branchlist branch)
Just _ -> all id <$> (mapM merge =<< tomerge (branchlist b))
and <$> mapM merge (branchlist branch)
Just _ -> and <$> (mapM merge =<< tomerge (branchlist b))
merge = mergeFrom . remoteBranch remote
tomerge branches = filterM (changed remote) branches
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ pushBranch remote branch g = tryIO (directpush g) `after` syncpush g
mergeAnnex :: CommandStart
mergeAnnex = do
void $ Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
void Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
{- Merges from a branch into the current branch. -}
@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ mergeFrom branch = do
mergeDirectCleanup d oldsha newsha
_ -> noop
return r
runmerge a = ifM (a)
runmerge a = ifM a
( return True
, resolveMerge
@ -268,7 +267,7 @@ resolveMerge :: Annex Bool
resolveMerge = do
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
(fs, cleanup) <- inRepo (LsFiles.unmerged [top])
merged <- all id <$> mapM resolveMerge' fs
merged <- and <$> mapM resolveMerge' fs
void $ liftIO cleanup
(deleted, cleanup2) <- inRepo (LsFiles.deleted [top])
@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ resolveMerge' u
withKey LsFiles.valUs $ \keyUs ->
withKey LsFiles.valThem $ \keyThem -> do
ifM isDirect
( maybe noop (\k -> removeDirect k file) keyUs
( maybe noop (`removeDirect` file) keyUs
, liftIO $ nukeFile file
Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Params "--quiet -f --"] [file]
@ -307,14 +306,13 @@ resolveMerge' u
makelink keyThem
return True
file = LsFiles.unmergedFile u
issymlink select = any (select (LsFiles.unmergedBlobType u) ==)
[Just SymlinkBlob, Nothing]
issymlink select = select (LsFiles.unmergedBlobType u) `elem` [Just SymlinkBlob, Nothing]
makelink (Just key) = do
let dest = mergeFile file key
l <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLink dest key
replaceFile dest $ makeAnnexLink l
stageSymlink dest =<< hashSymlink l
whenM (isDirect) $
whenM isDirect $
toDirect key dest
makelink _ = noop
withKey select a = do
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ seek = [withWords start]
start :: [String] -> CommandStart
start (k:[]) = do
case (file2key k) of
case file2key k of
Nothing -> error "bad key"
(Just key) -> whenM (inAnnex key) $ do
file <- Fields.getField Fields.associatedFile
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ seek = [withField readFdOption convertFd $ \readh ->
convertFd :: Maybe String -> Annex (Maybe Handle)
convertFd Nothing = return Nothing
convertFd (Just s) = liftIO $ do
convertFd (Just s) = liftIO $
case readish s of
Nothing -> error "bad fd"
Just fd -> Just <$> fdToHandle fd
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ performIndirect file key = do
-- git as a normal non-annexed file, to thinking that the
-- file has been unlocked and needs to be re-annexed.
(s, reap) <- inRepo $ LsFiles.staged [file]
when (not $ null s) $
unless (null s) $
inRepo $ Git.Command.run
[ Param "commit"
, Param "-q"
@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ concat [intro, trust, groups, preferredcontent]
settings field desc showvals showdefaults = concat
[ desc
, concatMap showvals $ sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ field cfg
, concatMap (\u -> lcom $ showdefaults u) $ missing field
, concatMap (lcom . showdefaults) $ missing field
line setting u value =
[ com $ "(for " ++ (fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup u descs) ++ ")"
[ com $ "(for " ++ fromMaybe "" (M.lookup u descs) ++ ")"
, unwords [setting, fromUUID u, "=", value]
lcom = map (\l -> if "#" `isPrefixOf` l then l else "#" ++ l)
lcom = map (\l -> if "#" `isPrefixOf` l then l else '#' : l)
missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet descs `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg)
{- If there's a parse error, returns a new version of the file,
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ parseCfg :: Cfg -> String -> Either String Cfg
parseCfg curcfg = go [] curcfg . lines
go c cfg []
| null (catMaybes $ map fst c) = Right cfg
| null (mapMaybe fst c) = Right cfg
| otherwise = Left $ unlines $
badheader ++ concatMap showerr (reverse c)
go c cfg (l:ls) = case parse (dropWhile isSpace l) cfg of
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ start = start' True
start' :: Bool -> Maybe HostName -> CommandStart
start' allowauto listenhost = do
liftIO $ ensureInstalled
liftIO ensureInstalled
ifM isInitialized ( go , auto )
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ openBrowser mcmd htmlshim realurl outh errh = do
, std_err = maybe Inherit UseHandle errh
exitcode <- waitForProcess pid
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ do
unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $
hPutStrLn (fromMaybe stderr errh) "failed to start web browser"
{- web.browser is a generic git config setting for a web browser program -}
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ costBetween x y
| x == y = x
| x > y = -- avoid fractions unless needed
let mid = y + (x - y) / 2
mid' = fromIntegral ((floor mid) :: Int)
mid' = fromIntegral (floor mid :: Int)
in if mid' > y then mid' else mid
| otherwise = costBetween y x
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ modifyAutoStartFile func = do
when (dirs' /= dirs) $ do
f <- autoStartFile
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir f)
viaTmp writeFile f $ unlines $ dirs'
viaTmp writeFile f $ unlines dirs'
{- Adds a directory to the autostart file. If the directory is already
- present, it's moved to the top, so it will be used as the default
Add table
Reference in a new issue