use TopFilePath for associated files
Fixes several bugs with updates of pointer files. When eg, running git annex drop --from localremote it was updating the pointer file in the local repository, not the remote. Also, fixes drop ../foo when run in a subdir, and probably lots of other problems. Test suite drops from ~30 to 11 failures now. TopFilePath is used to force thinking about what the filepath is relative to. The data stored in the sqlite db is still just a plain string, and TopFilePath is a newtype, so there's no overhead involved in using it in DataBase.Keys.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 60 additions and 38 deletions
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Branch
import Git.Types (BlobType(..))
import Git.FilePath
import Config
import Annex.ReplaceFile
import Annex.VariantFile
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ resolveMerge' unstagedmap (Just us) them u = do
writeFile dest (formatPointer key)
_ -> noop
stagePointerFile dest =<< hashPointerFile key
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key dest
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath dest)
{- Stage a graft of a directory or file from a branch.
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.CopyFile
import Utility.Metered
import Config
import Git.FilePath
import Git.SharedRepository
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.Link
@ -471,7 +472,9 @@ moveAnnex key src = withObjectLoc key storeobject storedirect
, modifyContent dest $ do
freezeContent src
liftIO $ moveFile src dest
fs <- Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
g <- Annex.gitRepo
fs <- map (`fromTopFilePath` g)
<$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
unless (null fs) $ do
mapM_ (populatePointerFile key dest) fs
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key (dest:fs)
@ -722,7 +725,8 @@ removeAnnex (ContentRemovalLock key) = withObjectLoc key remove removedirect
remove file = cleanObjectLoc key $ do
secureErase file
liftIO $ nukeFile file
mapM_ (void . tryIO . resetpointer)
g <- Annex.gitRepo
mapM_ (\f -> void $ tryIO $ resetpointer $ fromTopFilePath f g)
=<< Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
Database.Keys.removeInodeCaches key
Direct.removeInodeCache key
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Annex.Wanted
import Config
import Annex.Content.Direct
import qualified Database.Keys
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Log.Logger (debugM)
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ handleDropsFrom :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Reason -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile
handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key afile preverified runner = do
l <- ifM isDirect
( associatedFilesRelative key
, Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
, mapM getTopFilePath <$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
let fs = if null l then maybeToList afile else l
n <- getcopies fs
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Utility.InodeCache
import Annex.ReplaceFile
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.CopyFile
import Git.FilePath
import Annex.InodeSentinal
#ifndef __ANDROID__
@ -186,15 +187,18 @@ finishIngestUnlocked key source = do
finishIngestUnlocked' :: Key -> KeySource -> Annex ()
finishIngestUnlocked' key source = do
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key (keyFilename source)
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath (keyFilename source))
populateAssociatedFiles key source
{- Copy to any other locations using the same key. -}
populateAssociatedFiles :: Key -> KeySource -> Annex ()
populateAssociatedFiles key source = do
otherfs <- filter (/= keyFilename source) <$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
obj <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
forM_ otherfs $
g <- Annex.gitRepo
ingestedf <- flip fromTopFilePath g
<$> inRepo (toTopFilePath (keyFilename source))
afs <- map (`fromTopFilePath` g) <$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
forM_ (filter (/= ingestedf) afs) $
populatePointerFile key obj
cleanCruft :: KeySource -> Annex ()
@ -206,16 +210,18 @@ cleanCruft source = when (contentLocation source /= keyFilename source) $
-- content. Clean up from that.
cleanOldKeys :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex ()
cleanOldKeys file newkey = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
ingestedf <- flip fromTopFilePath g <$> inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
topf <- inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
oldkeys <- filter (/= newkey)
<$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedKey file
mapM_ go oldkeys
go key = do
<$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedKey topf
forM_ oldkeys $ \key -> do
obj <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
caches <- Database.Keys.getInodeCaches key
unlessM (sameInodeCache obj caches) $ do
unlinkAnnex key
fs <- filter (/= file)
fs <- filter (/= ingestedf)
. map (`fromTopFilePath` g)
<$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
fs' <- filterM (`sameInodeCache` caches) fs
case fs' of
@ -225,9 +231,7 @@ cleanOldKeys file newkey = do
(f:_) -> do
ic <- withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache f)
void $ linkToAnnex key f ic
_ -> lostcontent
lostcontent = logStatus key InfoMissing
_ -> logStatus key InfoMissing
{- On error, put the file back so it doesn't seem to have vanished.
- This can be called before or after the symlink is in place. -}
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Annex.ReplaceFile
import Annex.Version
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import Git.Types
import Git.FilePath
import Config
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Logs.Location
@ -225,8 +226,11 @@ shouldRestage :: DaemonStatus -> Bool
shouldRestage ds = scanComplete ds || forceRestage ds
onAddUnlocked :: Bool -> FileMatcher Annex -> Handler
onAddUnlocked = onAddUnlocked' False contentchanged Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile samefilestatus
onAddUnlocked = onAddUnlocked' False contentchanged addassociatedfile samefilestatus
addassociatedfile key file =
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key
=<< inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
samefilestatus key file status = do
cache <- Database.Keys.getInodeCaches key
curr <- withTSDelta $ \delta -> liftIO $ toInodeCache delta file status
@ -235,7 +239,8 @@ onAddUnlocked = onAddUnlocked' False contentchanged Database.Keys.addAssociatedF
([], Nothing) -> return True
_ -> return False
contentchanged oldkey file = do
Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile oldkey file
Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile oldkey
=<< inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
unlessM (inAnnex oldkey) $
logStatus oldkey InfoMissing
@ -356,8 +361,9 @@ onDel file _ = do
onDel' :: FilePath -> Annex ()
onDel' file = do
topfile <- inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
ifM versionSupportsUnlockedPointers
( withkey $ flip Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile file
( withkey $ flip Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile topfile
, whenM isDirect $
withkey $ \key -> void $ removeAssociatedFile key file
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Utility.InodeCache
import qualified Database.Keys
import Annex.Ingest
import Logs.Location
import Git.FilePath
cmd :: Command
cmd = notDirect $ withGlobalOptions annexedMatchingOptions $
@ -85,7 +86,9 @@ performNew file key filemodified = do
-- Try to repopulate obj from an unmodified associated file.
repopulate obj
| filemodified = modifyContent obj $ do
fs <- Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
g <- Annex.gitRepo
fs <- mapM (`fromTopFilePath` g)
<$> Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles key
mfile <- firstM (isUnmodified key) fs
liftIO $ nukeFile obj
case mfile of
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ performNew file key filemodified = do
cleanupNew :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanupNew file key = do
Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile key file
Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile key =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
return True
startOld :: FilePath -> CommandStart
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.Ingest
import Logs.Location
import qualified Database.Keys
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ smudge file = do
=<< catchMaybeIO (B.readFile content)
, liftIO $ B.putStr b
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k file
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
-- Clean filter is fed file content on stdin, decides if a file
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import qualified Git.DiffTree as DiffTree
import Utility.CopyFile
import Command.PreCommit (lockPreCommitHook)
import qualified Database.Keys
import Git.FilePath
cmd :: Command
cmd = withGlobalOptions annexedMatchingOptions $
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ performIndirect file key = do
cleanupIndirect :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanupIndirect file key = do
Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile key file
Database.Keys.removeAssociatedFile key =<< inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
src <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key
ifM (Annex.getState
( do
@ -165,50 +165,50 @@ openDb createdb _ = withExclusiveLock gitAnnexKeysDbLock $ do
open db = liftIO $ DbOpen <$> H.openDbQueue db "content"
addAssociatedFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex ()
addAssociatedFile :: Key -> TopFilePath -> Annex ()
addAssociatedFile k f = runWriter $ addAssociatedFile' k f
addAssociatedFile' :: Key -> FilePath -> Writer
addAssociatedFile' :: Key -> TopFilePath -> Writer
addAssociatedFile' k f = queueDb $ do
-- If the same file was associated with a different key before,
-- remove that.
delete $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val f &&. r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk)
void $ insertUnique $ Associated sk f
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f) &&. r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk)
void $ insertUnique $ Associated sk (getTopFilePath f)
sk = toSKey k
{- Note that the files returned were once associated with the key, but
- some of them may not be any longer. -}
getAssociatedFiles :: Key -> Annex [FilePath]
getAssociatedFiles :: Key -> Annex [TopFilePath]
getAssociatedFiles = runReader . getAssociatedFiles' . toSKey
getAssociatedFiles' :: SKey -> Reader [FilePath]
getAssociatedFiles' :: SKey -> Reader [TopFilePath]
getAssociatedFiles' sk = readDb $ do
l <- select $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk)
return (r ^. AssociatedFile)
return $ map unValue l
return $ map (TopFilePath . unValue) l
{- Gets any keys that are on record as having a particular associated file.
- (Should be one or none but the database doesn't enforce that.) -}
getAssociatedKey :: FilePath -> Annex [Key]
getAssociatedKey :: TopFilePath -> Annex [Key]
getAssociatedKey = runReader . getAssociatedKey'
getAssociatedKey' :: FilePath -> Reader [Key]
getAssociatedKey' :: TopFilePath -> Reader [Key]
getAssociatedKey' f = readDb $ do
l <- select $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val f)
where_ (r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f))
return (r ^. AssociatedKey)
return $ map (fromSKey . unValue) l
removeAssociatedFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex ()
removeAssociatedFile :: Key -> TopFilePath -> Annex ()
removeAssociatedFile k = runWriter . removeAssociatedFile' (toSKey k)
removeAssociatedFile' :: SKey -> FilePath -> Writer
removeAssociatedFile' :: SKey -> TopFilePath -> Writer
removeAssociatedFile' sk f = queueDb $
delete $ from $ \r -> do
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk &&. r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val f)
where_ (r ^. AssociatedKey ==. val sk &&. r ^. AssociatedFile ==. val (getTopFilePath f))
{- Find all unlocked associated files. This is expensive, and so normally
- the associated files are updated incrementally when changes are noticed. -}
@ -13,9 +13,8 @@
module Git.FilePath (
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import qualified Annex.Content.Direct as Direct
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.LsFiles
import qualified Git.Branch
import Git.FilePath
import Git.FileMode
import Git.Config
import Utility.InodeCache
@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ upgradeDirectWorkTree = do
, fromdirect f k
stagePointerFile f =<< hashPointerFile k
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k f
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k
=<< inRepo (toTopFilePath f)
return ()
go _ = noop
Add table
Reference in a new issue