atomic git-annex branch update when regrafting in transition
Fix a bug where interrupting git-annex while it is updating the git-annex branch could lead to git fsck complaining about missing tree objects. Interrupting git-annex while regraftexports is running in a transition that is forgetting git-annex branch history would leave the repository with a git-annex branch that did not contain the tree shas listed in export.log. That lets those trees be garbage collected. A subsequent run of the same transition then regrafts the trees listed in export.log into the git-annex branch. But those trees have been lost. Note that both sides of `if neednewlocalbranch` are atomic now. I had thought only the True side needed to be, but I do think there may be cases where the False side needs to be as well. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's OpenNeuro project
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 78 additions and 27 deletions
@ -818,12 +818,18 @@ performTransitionsLocked jl ts neednewlocalbranch transitionedrefs = do
if neednewlocalbranch
then do
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
committedref <- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitAlways cmode message fullname transitionedrefs
setIndexSha committedref
-- Creating a new empty branch must happen
-- atomically, so if this is interrupted,
-- it will not leave the new branch created
-- but without exports grafted in.
c <- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitShaAlways
cmode message transitionedrefs
void $ regraftexports c
else do
ref <- getBranch
commitIndex jl ref message (nub $ fullname:transitionedrefs)
ref' <- regraftexports ref
commitIndex jl ref' message
(nub $ fullname:transitionedrefs)
| neednewlocalbranch && null transitionedrefs = "new branch for transition " ++ tdesc
@ -872,13 +878,21 @@ performTransitionsLocked jl ts neednewlocalbranch transitionedrefs = do
apply rest file content'
-- Trees mentioned in export.log were grafted into the old
-- git-annex branch to make sure they remain available. Re-graft
-- the trees into the new branch.
regraftexports = do
-- git-annex branch to make sure they remain available.
-- Re-graft the trees.
regraftexports parent = do
l <- exportedTreeishes . M.elems . parseExportLogMap
<$> getStaged exportLog
forM_ l $ \t ->
rememberTreeishLocked t (asTopFilePath exportTreeGraftPoint) jl
c <- regraft l parent
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update' fullname c
setIndexSha c
return c
regraft [] c = pure c
regraft (et:ets) c =
prepRememberTreeish et graftpoint c
>>= regraft ets
graftpoint = asTopFilePath exportTreeGraftPoint
checkBranchDifferences :: Git.Ref -> Annex ()
checkBranchDifferences ref = do
@ -935,26 +949,29 @@ getMergedRefs' = do
- Returns the sha of the git commit made to the git-annex branch.
rememberTreeish :: Git.Ref -> TopFilePath -> Annex Git.Sha
rememberTreeish treeish graftpoint = lockJournal $
rememberTreeishLocked treeish graftpoint
rememberTreeishLocked :: Git.Ref -> TopFilePath -> JournalLocked -> Annex Git.Sha
rememberTreeishLocked treeish graftpoint jl = do
rememberTreeish treeish graftpoint = lockJournal $ \jl -> do
branchref <- getBranch
updateIndex jl branchref
c <- prepRememberTreeish treeish graftpoint branchref
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update' fullname c
-- The tree in c is the same as the tree in branchref,
-- and the index was updated to that above, so it's safe to
-- say that the index contains c.
setIndexSha c
return c
{- Create a series of commits that graft a tree onto the parent commit,
- and then remove it. -}
prepRememberTreeish :: Git.Ref -> TopFilePath -> Git.Ref -> Annex Git.Sha
prepRememberTreeish treeish graftpoint parent = do
origtree <- fromMaybe (giveup "unable to determine git-annex branch tree") <$>
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree branchref)
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree parent)
addedt <- inRepo $ Git.Tree.graftTree treeish graftpoint origtree
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
c <- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitTree cmode
["graft"] [branchref] addedt
c' <- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitTree cmode
["graft"] [parent] addedt
inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitTree cmode
["graft cleanup"] [c] origtree
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update' fullname c'
-- The tree in c' is the same as the tree in branchref,
-- and the index was updated to that above, so it's safe to
-- say that the index contains c'.
setIndexSha c'
return c'
{- Runs an action on the content of selected files from the branch.
- This is much faster than reading the content of each file in turn,
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
git-annex (10.20240532) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Fix a bug where interrupting git-annex while it is updating the
git-annex branch for an export could later lead to git fsck
complaining about missing tree objects.
* Fix Windows build with Win32 2.13.4+
Thanks, Oleg Tolmatcev
@ -178,13 +178,25 @@ commitCommand' runner commitmode commitquiet ps =
- in any way, or output a summary.
commit :: CommitMode -> Bool -> String -> Branch -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
commit commitmode allowempty message branch parentrefs repo = do
tree <- writeTree repo
ifM (cancommit tree)
( do
sha <- commitTree commitmode [message] parentrefs tree repo
commit commitmode allowempty message branch parentrefs repo =
commitSha commitmode allowempty message parentrefs repo >>= \case
Just sha -> do
update' branch sha repo
return $ Just sha
Nothing -> return Nothing
cancommit tree
| allowempty = return True
| otherwise = case parentrefs of
[p] -> maybe False (tree /=) <$> Git.Ref.tree p repo
_ -> return True
{- Same as commit but without updating any branch. -}
commitSha :: CommitMode -> Bool -> String -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
commitSha commitmode allowempty message parentrefs repo = do
tree <- writeTree repo
ifM (cancommit tree)
( Just <$> commitTree commitmode [message] parentrefs tree repo
, return Nothing
@ -198,6 +210,10 @@ commitAlways :: CommitMode -> String -> Branch -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO Sha
commitAlways commitmode message branch parentrefs repo = fromJust
<$> commit commitmode True message branch parentrefs repo
commitShaAlways :: CommitMode -> String -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO Sha
commitShaAlways commitmode message parentrefs repo = fromJust
<$> commitSha commitmode True message parentrefs repo
-- Throws exception if the index is locked, with an error message output by
-- git on stderr.
writeTree :: Repo -> IO Sha
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 8"""
Fixed performTransitionsLocked to create the new git-annex branch
Found another way this could happen, interrupting `git-annex export` after
it writes export.log but before it grafts the tree into the git-annex
branch. Fixed that one too.
So hopefully this won't happen to any more repositories with these fixes.
Still leaves the question of how to recover from the problem.
Add table
Reference in a new issue