Joey Hess 2016-06-13 12:56:31 -04:00
parent b66e517b28
commit b0682f2b5f
Failed to extract signature

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@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ unitTests note = testGroup ("Unit Tests " ++ note)
, testCase "version" test_version
, testCase "sync" test_sync
, testCase "union merge regression" test_union_merge_regression
, testCase "adjusted branch merge regression" test_adjusted_branch_merge_regression
, testCase "conflict resolution" test_conflict_resolution
, testCase "conflict resolution (adjusted branch)" test_conflict_resolution_adjusted_branch
, testCase "conflict resolution movein regression" test_conflict_resolution_movein_regression
@ -1390,13 +1391,39 @@ test_mixed_lock_conflict_resolution =
let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l
length v == 0
@? (what ++ " not exactly 0 variant files in: " ++ show l)
void $ boolSystem "sh" [Param "-l"]
conflictor `elem` l @? ("conflictor not present after conflict resolution")
git_annex "get" [conflictor] @? "get failed"
git_annex_expectoutput "find" [conflictor] [conflictor]
-- regular file because it's unlocked
checkregularfile conflictor
{- Regression test for a bad merge between two adjusted branch repos,
- where the same file is added to both independently. The bad merge
- emptied the whole tree. -}
test_adjusted_branch_merge_regression :: Assertion
test_adjusted_branch_merge_regression = whenM Annex.AdjustedBranch.isGitVersionSupported $
withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 ->
withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do
pair r1 r2
setup r1
setup r2
checkmerge "r1" r1
checkmerge "r2" r2
conflictor = "conflictor"
setup r = indir r $ do
git_annex "upgrade" [] @? "upgrade failed"
git_annex "adjust" ["--unlock", "--force"] @? "adjust failed"
writeFile conflictor "conflictor"
git_annex "add" [conflictor] @? "add conflicter failed"
git_annex "sync" [] @? "sync failed"
checkmerge what d = indir d $ do
git_annex "sync" [] @? ("sync failed in " ++ what)
l <- getDirectoryContents "."
conflictor `elem` l
@? ("conflictor not present after merge in " ++ what)
{- Set up repos as remotes of each other. -}
pair :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertion
pair r1 r2 = forM_ [r1, r2] $ \r -> indir r $ do