added push notifier thread, currently a no-op
Hooked up everything that needs to notify on pushes. Note that syncNewRemote does not notify. This is probably ok, and I'd need to thread more state through to make it do so. This is only set up to support a single push notification method; I didn't use a NotificationBroadcaster. Partly because I don't yet know what info about pushes needs to be communicated, so my data types are only preliminary.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 100 additions and 50 deletions
@ -69,7 +69,9 @@
- Thread 18: ConfigMonitor
- Triggered by changes to the git-annex branch, checks for changed
- config files, and reloads configs.
- Thread 19: WebApp
- Thread 19: PushNotifier
- Notifies other repositories of pushes, using out of band signaling.
- Thread 20: WebApp
- Spawns more threads as necessary to handle clients.
- Displays the DaemonStatus.
@ -100,6 +102,11 @@
- ScanRemotes (STM TMVar)
- Remotes that have been disconnected, and should be scanned
- are indicated by writing to this TMVar.
- BranchChanged (STM SampleVar)
- Changes to the git-annex branch are indicated by updating this
- SampleVar.
- PushNotifier (STM SampleVar)
- After successful pushes, this SampleVar is updated.
- UrlRenderer (MVar)
- A Yesod route rendering function is stored here. This allows
- things that need to render Yesod routes to block until the webapp
@ -133,6 +140,7 @@ import Assistant.Threads.NetWatcher
import Assistant.Threads.TransferScanner
import Assistant.Threads.TransferPoller
import Assistant.Threads.ConfigMonitor
import Assistant.Threads.PushNotifier
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.Threads.WebApp
@ -180,6 +188,7 @@ startAssistant assistant daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
transferslots <- newTransferSlots
scanremotes <- newScanRemoteMap
branchhandle <- newBranchChangeHandle
pushnotifier <- newPushNotifier
urlrenderer <- newUrlRenderer
@ -191,19 +200,20 @@ startAssistant assistant daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do
, assist $ pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer
, assist $ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap
, assist $ pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap
, assist $ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap pushnotifier
, assist $ pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap pushnotifier
, assist $ mergeThread st dstatus transferqueue branchhandle
, assist $ transferWatcherThread st dstatus transferqueue
, assist $ transferPollerThread st dstatus
, assist $ transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue transferslots
, assist $ daemonStatusThread st dstatus
, assist $ sanityCheckerThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
, assist $ mountWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes
, assist $ netWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes
, assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread st dstatus scanremotes
, assist $ mountWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ netWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
, assist $ transferScannerThread st dstatus scanremotes transferqueue
, assist $ configMonitorThread st dstatus branchhandle commitchan
, assist $ pushNotifierThread pushnotifier
, watch $ watchThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Assistant.Pushes where
import Common.Annex
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -17,6 +18,9 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
type PushMap = M.Map Remote UTCTime
type FailedPushMap = TMVar PushMap
{- Used to notify about successful pushes. -}
newtype PushNotifier = PushNotifier (MSampleVar ())
{- The TMVar starts empty, and is left empty when there are no
- failed pushes. This way we can block until there are some failed pushes.
@ -44,3 +48,12 @@ changeFailedPushMap v a = atomically $
store m
| m == M.empty = noop
| otherwise = putTMVar v $! m
newPushNotifier :: IO PushNotifier
newPushNotifier = PushNotifier <$> newEmptySV
notifyPush :: PushNotifier -> IO ()
notifyPush (PushNotifier sv) = writeSV sv ()
waitPush :: PushNotifier -> IO ()
waitPush (PushNotifier sv) = readSV sv
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ import Control.Concurrent
- the remotes have diverged from the local git-annex branch. Otherwise,
- it's sufficient to requeue failed transfers.
reconnectRemotes :: ThreadName -> ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> [Remote] -> IO ()
reconnectRemotes _ _ _ _ [] = noop
reconnectRemotes threadname st dstatus scanremotes rs = void $
reconnectRemotes :: ThreadName -> ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> Maybe PushNotifier -> [Remote] -> IO ()
reconnectRemotes _ _ _ _ _ [] = noop
reconnectRemotes threadname st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier rs = void $
alertWhile dstatus (syncAlert rs) $ do
(ok, diverged) <- sync
=<< runThreadState st (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ reconnectRemotes threadname st dstatus scanremotes rs = void $
sync (Just branch) = do
diverged <- manualPull st (Just branch) gitremotes
now <- getCurrentTime
ok <- pushToRemotes threadname now st Nothing gitremotes
ok <- pushToRemotes threadname now st pushnotifier Nothing gitremotes
return (ok, diverged)
{- No local branch exists yet, but we can try pulling. -}
sync Nothing = do
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ reconnectRemotes threadname st dstatus scanremotes rs = void $
- them. While ugly, those branches are reserved for pushing by us, and
- so our pushes will succeed.
pushToRemotes :: ThreadName -> UTCTime -> ThreadState -> Maybe FailedPushMap -> [Remote] -> IO Bool
pushToRemotes threadname now st mpushmap remotes = do
pushToRemotes :: ThreadName -> UTCTime -> ThreadState -> Maybe PushNotifier -> Maybe FailedPushMap -> [Remote] -> IO Bool
pushToRemotes threadname now st mpushnotifier mpushmap remotes = do
(g, branch, u) <- runThreadState st $ (,,)
<$> gitRepo
<*> inRepo Git.Branch.current
@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ pushToRemotes threadname now st mpushmap remotes = do
updatemap succeeded []
let ok = null failed
if ok
then return ok
then do
maybe noop notifyPush mpushnotifier
return ok
else if shouldretry
then retry branch g u failed
else fallback branch g u failed
@ -124,6 +126,8 @@ pushToRemotes threadname now st mpushmap remotes = do
(succeeded, failed) <- inParallel (pushfallback g u branch) rs
updatemap succeeded failed
unless (null succeeded) $
maybe noop notifyPush mpushnotifier
return $ null failed
push g branch remote = Command.Sync.pushBranch remote branch g
@ -157,4 +161,4 @@ manualPull st currentbranch remotes = do
syncNewRemote :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> Remote -> IO ()
syncNewRemote st dstatus scanremotes remote = do
runThreadState st $ updateSyncRemotes dstatus
void $ forkIO $ reconnectRemotes "SyncRemote" st dstatus scanremotes [remote]
void $ forkIO $ reconnectRemotes "SyncRemote" st dstatus scanremotes Nothing [remote]
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Assistant.ThreadedMonad
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.Sync
import Assistant.Pushes
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
@ -38,20 +39,20 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "MountWatcher"
mountWatcherThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> NamedThread
mountWatcherThread st handle scanremotes = thread $
mountWatcherThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> NamedThread
mountWatcherThread st handle scanremotes pushnotifier = thread $
dbusThread st handle scanremotes
dbusThread st handle scanremotes pushnotifier
pollingThread st handle scanremotes
pollingThread st handle scanremotes pushnotifier
thread = NamedThread thisThread
dbusThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> IO ()
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes = E.catch (go =<< connectSession) onerr
dbusThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> IO ()
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier = E.catch (go =<< connectSession) onerr
go client = ifM (checkMountMonitor client)
( do
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes = E.catch (go =<< connectSession) onerr
listen client matcher $ \_event -> do
nowmounted <- currentMountPoints
wasmounted <- swapMVar mvar nowmounted
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes wasmounted nowmounted
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier wasmounted nowmounted
, do
runThreadState st $
warning "No known volume monitor available through dbus; falling back to mtab polling"
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes = E.catch (go =<< connectSession) onerr
runThreadState st $
warning $ "Failed to use dbus; falling back to mtab polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
pollinstead = pollingThread st dstatus scanremotes
pollinstead = pollingThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
{- Examine the list of services connected to dbus, to see if there
- are any we can use to monitor mounts. If not, will attempt to start one. -}
@ -137,24 +138,24 @@ mountChanged = [gvfs True, gvfs False, kde, kdefallback]
pollingThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> IO ()
pollingThread st dstatus scanremotes = go =<< currentMountPoints
pollingThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> IO ()
pollingThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier = go =<< currentMountPoints
go wasmounted = do
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 10)
nowmounted <- currentMountPoints
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes wasmounted nowmounted
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier wasmounted nowmounted
go nowmounted
handleMounts :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> MountPoints -> MountPoints -> IO ()
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes wasmounted nowmounted =
mapM_ (handleMount st dstatus scanremotes . mnt_dir) $
handleMounts :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> MountPoints -> MountPoints -> IO ()
handleMounts st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier wasmounted nowmounted =
mapM_ (handleMount st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier . mnt_dir) $
S.toList $ newMountPoints wasmounted nowmounted
handleMount :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> FilePath -> IO ()
handleMount st dstatus scanremotes dir = do
handleMount :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> FilePath -> IO ()
handleMount st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier dir = do
debug thisThread ["detected mount of", dir]
reconnectRemotes thisThread st dstatus scanremotes
reconnectRemotes thisThread st dstatus scanremotes (Just pushnotifier)
=<< filter (Git.repoIsLocal . Remote.repo)
<$> remotesUnder st dstatus dir
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Assistant.ThreadedMonad
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.Sync
import Assistant.Pushes
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Remote.List
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
@ -32,12 +33,12 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "NetWatcher"
netWatcherThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> NamedThread
netWatcherThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> NamedThread
netWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes = thread $
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes
netWatcherThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier = thread $
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
netWatcherThread _ _ _ = thread noop
netWatcherThread _ _ _ _ = thread noop
thread = NamedThread thisThread
@ -47,17 +48,17 @@ netWatcherThread _ _ _ = thread noop
- any networked remotes that may have not been routable for a
- while (despite the local network staying up), are synced with
- periodically. -}
netWatcherFallbackThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> NamedThread
netWatcherFallbackThread st dstatus scanremotes = thread $
netWatcherFallbackThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> NamedThread
netWatcherFallbackThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier = thread $
runEvery (Seconds 3600) $
handleConnection st dstatus scanremotes
handleConnection st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
thread = NamedThread thisThread
dbusThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> IO ()
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes = E.catch (go =<< connectSystem) onerr
dbusThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> IO ()
dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier = E.catch (go =<< connectSystem) onerr
go client = ifM (checkNetMonitor client)
( do
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ dbusThread st dstatus scanremotes = E.catch (go =<< connectSystem) onerr
warning $ "Failed to use dbus; falling back to polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
handle = do
debug thisThread ["detected network connection"]
handleConnection st dstatus scanremotes
handleConnection st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier
{- Examine the list of services connected to dbus, to see if there
- are any we can use to monitor network connections. -}
@ -126,9 +127,9 @@ listenWicdConnections client callback =
handleConnection :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> IO ()
handleConnection st dstatus scanremotes =
reconnectRemotes thisThread st dstatus scanremotes
handleConnection :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PushNotifier -> IO ()
handleConnection st dstatus scanremotes pushnotifier =
reconnectRemotes thisThread st dstatus scanremotes (Just pushnotifier)
=<< networkRemotes st
{- Finds network remotes. -}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{- git-annex assistant push notification thread
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.Threads.PushNotifier where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Pushes
thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "PushNotifier"
pushNotifierThread :: PushNotifier -> NamedThread
pushNotifierThread pushnotifier = thread $ forever $ do
waitPush pushnotifier
thread = NamedThread thisThread
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ thisThread :: ThreadName
thisThread = "Pusher"
{- This thread retries pushes that failed before. -}
pushRetryThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> FailedPushMap -> NamedThread
pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap = thread $ runEvery (Seconds halfhour) $ do
pushRetryThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> FailedPushMap -> PushNotifier -> NamedThread
pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap pushnotifier = thread $ runEvery (Seconds halfhour) $ do
-- We already waited half an hour, now wait until there are failed
-- pushes to retry.
topush <- getFailedPushesBefore pushmap (fromIntegral halfhour)
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap = thread $ runEvery (Seconds halfhour) $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
void $ alertWhile dstatus (pushRetryAlert topush) $
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushmap) topush
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushnotifier) (Just pushmap) topush
halfhour = 1800
thread = NamedThread thisThread
{- This thread pushes git commits out to remotes soon after they are made. -}
pushThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> CommitChan -> FailedPushMap -> NamedThread
pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap = thread $ runEvery (Seconds 2) $ do
pushThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> CommitChan -> FailedPushMap -> PushNotifier -> NamedThread
pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap pushnotifier = thread $ runEvery (Seconds 2) $ do
-- We already waited two seconds as a simple rate limiter.
-- Next, wait until at least one commit has been made
commits <- getCommits commitchan
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap = thread $ runEvery (Seconds 2) $ do
<$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
unless (null remotes) $
void $ alertWhile dstatus (pushAlert remotes) $
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushmap) remotes
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushnotifier) (Just pushmap) remotes
else do
debug thisThread
[ "delaying push of"
Add table
Reference in a new issue