Merge branch 'master' into s3-aws-multipart
This commit is contained in:
62 changed files with 1004 additions and 79 deletions
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ checkEnvironment = do
liftIO checkEnvironmentIO
checkEnvironmentIO :: IO ()
checkEnvironmentIO = whenM (null <$> myUserGecos) $ do
checkEnvironmentIO = whenM (isNothing <$> myUserGecos) $ do
username <- myUserName
ensureEnv "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" username
ensureEnv "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" username
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Logs.Location
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import qualified Remote
import Remote.List
import qualified Git.Remote
import qualified Git.Remote.Remove
import Logs.Trust
import qualified Annex
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.Gpg
import Utility.Gpg
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Remote
import qualified Git.Remote.Remove
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Annex.Branch
@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ repository_mode = simpleStat "repository mode" $ lift $
remote_list :: TrustLevel -> Stat
remote_list level = stat n $ nojson $ lift $ do
us <- M.keys <$> (M.union <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap
us <- filter (/= NoUUID) . M.keys
<$> (M.union <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap
rs <- fst <$> trustPartition level us
s <- prettyPrintUUIDs n rs
return $ if null s then "0" else show (length rs) ++ "\n" ++ beginning s
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ statusDirect f = checkstatus =<< liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus f)
checkstatus Nothing = return $ Just DeletedFile
checkstatus (Just s)
-- Git thinks that present direct mode files modifed,
-- Git thinks that present direct mode files are modifed,
-- so have to check.
| not (isSymbolicLink s) = checkkey s =<< catKeyFile f
| otherwise = Just <$> checkNew f
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ gCryptSetup mu _ c = go $ M.lookup "gitrepo" c
method <- setupRepo gcryptid =<< inRepo (Git.Construct.fromRemoteLocation gitrepo)
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' "gcrypt" (fromAccessMethod method)
return (c', u)
else error $ "uuid mismatch " ++ show (u, mu, gcryptid)
else error $ "uuid mismatch; expected " ++ show mu ++ " but remote gitrepo has " ++ show u ++ " (" ++ show gcryptid ++ ")"
{- Sets up the gcrypt repository. The repository is either a local
- repo, or it is accessed via rsync directly, or it is accessed over ssh
@ -40,16 +40,20 @@ myUserName = myVal env userName
myUserGecos :: IO String
#ifdef __ANDROID__
myUserGecos = return "" -- userGecos crashes on Android
myUserGecos :: IO (Maybe String)
-- userGecos crashes on Android and is not available on Windows.
#if defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
myUserGecos = return Nothing
myUserGecos = myVal [] userGecos
myUserGecos = Just <$> myVal [] userGecos
myVal :: [String] -> (UserEntry -> String) -> IO String
myVal envvars extract = maybe (extract <$> getpwent) return =<< check envvars
myVal envvars extract = go envvars
check [] = return Nothing
check (v:vs) = maybe (check vs) (return . Just) =<< getEnv v
getpwent = getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
go [] = extract <$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
go [] = error $ "environment not set: " ++ show envvars
go (v:vs) = maybe (go vs) return =<< getEnv v
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
git-annex (5.20141025) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Windows: Fix crash when is not set in git config.
-- Joey Hess <> Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:13:43 -0400
git-annex (5.20141024) unstable; urgency=medium
* vicfg: Deleting configurations now resets to the default, where
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
### Please describe the problem.
Sometimes a consistency check is undesired, e.g. when one wants to unmount the external drive. Add a button (along Configure) to the bubble that says Consistency check in progress to the assistent.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
Run an automatic conistency check.
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
### Please provide any additional information below.
[[!format sh """
# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log
# End of transcript or log.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 9"""
I have a WIP branch `aws-s3-multipart`. I stopped when I got blocked
by a bad API in the aws library: <>
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 9"""
The aws library now supports multipart uploads, using its
S3.Commands.Multipart module.
I don't think that multipart and chunking fit together: Typically the
chunks are too small to need multipart for individual chunks. And the
chunks shouldn't be combined together into a complete object at the end (at
least not if we care about using chunking to obscure object size).
Individual chunks sizes can vary when encryption is used, so combining them
all into one file wouldn't work.
Also, multipart uploads require at least 3 http calls, so there's no point
using it for small objects, as it would only add overhead.
So, multipart uploads should be used when not chunking, when the object to
upload exceeds some size, which should probably defaut to something in the
range of 100 mb to 1 gb.
It might be possible to support resuming of interrupted multipart uploads.
It seems that git-annex would need to store, locally, the UploadId,
as well as the list of uploaded parts, including the Etag for the upload
(which is needed when completing the multipart upload too).
Also it should probably set Expires when initiating the multipart upload,
so that incomplete ones get cleaned up after some period of time.
Otherwise, users would probably be billed for them.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 4"
the problem here is that it upgrading the repo will not work on a readonly filesystem, so we can't upgrade, we can't get files, so we can't sync.
we should be able to sync anyways - can't we try our best shot at getting files even without upgrading the metadata? i mean i'm looking for something in .git/annex/objects/, maybe i don't care about tracking so much - i just want to recover some files...
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Re: why this happened"
I agree that at least read-only support should be there. This error was from an filesystem type that is impossible to mount read-write.
Now that I am looking at it again with fresh eyes, I suppose it's possible to get around this by mounting an union filesystem with a read-write temp layer on top of the read-only one (not that a regular user would ever figure that out...)
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 6"""
An upgrade could move the annexed objects around.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
### Please describe the problem.
When I login to my session, git-annex starts a few daemons, which is fine, but then it prompts me for tons of passwords, which is really annoying.
It is strange because one of the things I do when I start my session is to input my keys in the SSH agent. But then git-annex still prompts me:
21503 ? Sl 3:04 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s
21517 ? S 0:03 \_ git --git-dir=/srv/musique/anarcat/books/.git --work-tree=/srv/musique/anarcat/books cat-file --batch
21612 ? SNl 0:00 \_ git-annex remotedaemon
21706 ? S 0:00 \_ git --git-dir=/srv/musique/anarcat/books/.git --work-tree=/srv/musique/anarcat/books check-ignore -z --stdin --verbose --non-matching
21898 ? SN 0:00 \_ git --git-dir=/srv/musique/anarcat/books/.git --work-tree=/srv/musique/anarcat/books check-attr -z --stdin annex.backend annex.numcopies --
6712 ? SNl 0:00 \_ git-annex transferkeys
6719 ? SN 0:00 \_ git --git-dir=/srv/musique/anarcat/books/.git --work-tree=/srv/musique/anarcat/books cat-file --batch
6720 ? SN 0:00 \_ rsync --progress --inplace --perms -e 'ssh' '-S' '.git/annex/ssh/' '-o' 'ControlMaster=auto' '-o' 'ControlPersist=yes' '-T' '' 'git-annex-shell ''sendkey'' ''/srv/books'' ''SHA256E-s17781587--f204e6ef1f14b624e222d6ad73ed41edf65c29c93afad9a1e4e1954ad68d1753.pdf'' --uuid a75cbbf7-e055-423e-b375-443e0552c9e2 ''--'' ''remoteuuid=aa500f29-42d9-4777-ae02-4a2c3d47db44'' ''direct='' ''associatedfile=Garde cotiere canadienne/Navigation dans les glaces en eaux Canadiennes (1112)/Navigation dans les glaces en eaux Canadie - Garde cotiere canadienne.pdf'' ''--''' -- dummy: /srv/musique/anarcat/books/.git/annex/tmp/SHA256E-s17781587--f204e6ef1f14b624e222d6ad73ed41edf65c29c93afad9a1e4e1954ad68d1753.pdf
6721 ? SN 0:00 \_ ssh -S .git/annex/ssh/ -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=yes -T git-annex-shell 'sendkey' '/srv/books' 'SHA256E-s17781587--f204e6ef1f14b624e222d6ad73ed41edf65c29c93afad9a1e4e1954ad68d1753.pdf' --uuid a75cbbf7-e055-423e-b375-443e0552c9e2 '--' 'remoteuuid=aa500f29-42d9-4777-ae02-4a2c3d47db44' 'direct=' 'associatedfile=Garde cotiere canadienne/Navigation dans les glaces en eaux Canadiennes (1112)/Navigation dans les glaces en eaux Canadie - Garde cotiere canadienne.pdf' '--' dummy rsync --server --sender -vpe.Lsf --inplace .
6722 ? SN 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/ssh-askpass's password:
Yet I can login to `` without a passphrase without problems.
Interestingly enough, my main session and git-annex do not seem to share the same `SSH_AGENT` environment variable. It's unclear to me why. git-annex's SSH_AGENT environment variable seems to refer to a process that disappeared, actually. So it could be there's something wrong with my session.
Still, when a situation like this occurs, it seems to me that it should generate in this noisy concert of ssh prompts that basically blocks all work until i hit "escape" often enough. In fact, that it is rather problematic to have random password prompts show up like this without an explanation: git-annex should tell me it's the source of this password prompt or not prompt at all, because there's no way i'll start entering random passphrases into random pinentry dialogs that show up...
Doesn't git-annex deploy its own ssh keys once it has established a connexion with an SSH remote?
> After more investigation, it turns out this peculiar git-annex daemon was some left-overs from a previous session i had logged out of. It is unclear why git-annex was still running, but there were also pulseaudio and redshift programs lying around so I suspect it wasn't git-annex specific.
> However, this problem remains on login. When I start a new session, there's a race condition between git-annex asking passwords and ssh-add asking me to unlock my private key. It's a nice festival of password prompts as I struggle to type in my ssh key faster than git-annex asks me for the remote host's password.
> In general, I think git-annex should set `PasswordAuthentication=no` (or allow me to configure it as such), especially if it knows it was able to login without a password at some point. It should especially do that if there's no UI attached informing the user it will be prompting for a password. `NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1` would also be a welcome improvement, but I really don't think I should be seeing those password prompts, especially since I *can* login to the server with my existing SSH key.
> Also note that I use Monkeysphere to input my private key into the SSH agent so it could explain why this doesn't usually happen to other people: Monkeysphere doesn't automatically get started from `ssh` if the key is missing, and instead `ssh` will revert to a regular password-based authentication which competes with the Monkeysphere password prompt.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
It's unclear - i guess you need to setup git-annex to autostart and sync with remote ssh annexes. You may also need to have to use XFCE with Awesome to reproduce the problem. I can provide more details on my session setup on request. --[[anarcat]]
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
5.20140927~bpo70+3 on debian wheezy.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 1"
I've ran into this as well using wheezy+awesome. It definitely looks like a race condition, I ended up doing a
killall git-annex
git-annex webapp
to get things going again.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
### Please describe the problem.
After a clean install of the latest git-annex for Windows (, most git-annex commands fail with the following error message:
git-annex: System.PosixCompat.User.getEffectiveUserID: not supported: illegal operation
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
git init
git annex init
Running for example `git annex version` or `git annex info` gives the same error message.
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
git-annex version should be 5.20141024, but the installer does not specify version and `git annex info` does not work, so it is hard to tell for sure.
Running Windows 7, x64. Also tried running as administrator and in a cmd.exe shell as well as Powershell.
### Please provide any additional information below.
The `git annex test` command does work, and all 84 tests passes.
> [[fixed|done]]; I was able to reproduce this bug, and it was crashing
> trying to look up the geckos username. I don't understand why this worked
> before; some change exposed this code path on Windows. In any case, I've
> fixed the crash, and I will be updating the windows builds with this bug
> fix. --[[Joey]]
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
### Please describe the problem.
After I run "git annex add" some folders (not empty) in current directory remain unannexed and git shows them as untracked. Even git annex add "problemDirName" does nothing. git annex add --force doesn't help either.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
No idea :( sometimes it happens and sometimes not.
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
5.20141013 on Debian testing
### Please provide any additional information below.
git add works fine. It correctly stages the files.
This is regular repository (not direct).
It seems that all the problem directories have either .git directory in them (I understand that git cannot manage .git but what about all the other files in there?) or are full of symlinks (git annex cannot manage symlinks?)
> You should `git add` symlinks. They are not large files, so
> are out of scope for git-annex.
> Git repositories cannot contain other git repositories. [[done]]
> --[[Joey]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
I have a git-annex repository on a server managed by git annex assistant in indirect mode and as a backup group serving my org-mode files (organizer module for emacs) which are plain text files no more than a 100kb.
I also have 2 clients in direct mode to sync the files across my computers.
I save my files fairly often so the assistant might be a bit overwhelmed but I think it can managed that. At least it used to.
Since maybe a couple months, the assistant running on the server has been leaking nearly 1Gb each day and I suspect it rises whenever I push files to it.
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
### Please describe the problem.
git annex sync fails with "Unknown command 'i3'". i3 is the name of one annex.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
git annex clone i3:PATH annex
git annex sync
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
git-annex version: 5.20140920-gb0c4300
build flags: Assistant Webapp Webapp-secure Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV Inotify DBus DesktopNotify XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA CryptoHash
key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SKEIN256 SKEIN512 WORM URL
remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web webdav tahoe glacier ddar hook external
on Linux Mint Qiana
### Please provide any additional information below.
[[!format sh """
# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log
git annex sync
(merging origin/git-annex origin/synced/git-annex into git-annex...)
(Recording state in git...)
commit ok
pull origin
git-annex: Unknown command 'i3'
Did you mean one of these?
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
push origin
git-annex: Unknown command 'i3'
Did you mean one of these?
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Pushing to origin failed.
(non-fast-forward problems can be solved by setting receive.denyNonFastforwards to false in the remote's git config)
git-annex: sync: 2 failed
# End of transcript or log.
[[!tag moreinfo]]
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
I cannot reproduce this. (I made the hostname i3 point to localhost to test
Please paste the output of `git annex sync --debug` and
`git config --list`. If you have any executable hooks in .git/hooks, please
check that they don't try to run "git annex i3" for some reason.
@ -103,3 +103,5 @@ git-annex: uuid mismatch (UUID "78104a6f-16a9-504b-8e8a-d8a3c59351e8",Just (UUID
# End of transcript or log.
> [[done]]; see comments. --[[Joey]]
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 2"""
The uuid mismatch message tells me that you have tried to enable a special
remote that has uuid 984e0333-3327-5f21-87a1-35d30f37f337. However, when
it checked the gcrypt repository, it found that it had gcrypt id
":id:8sucFsBZIGQKXFv5ecSW", which means its uuid should be
78104a6f-16a9-504b-8e8a-d8a3c59351e8. I have improved that message to be
more clear.
Since `git annex info` doesn't list that
78104a6f-16a9-504b-8e8a-d8a3c59351e8 uuid at all, it seems that
this gcrypt repository has not been initialized using `git-annex
initremote`. It's not a gcrypt special remote, but instead is a gcrypt
repository, that was probably created using `git push`. You can convert it
to a gcrypt special remote by running `git-annex initremote` and providing
its repourl. Once that's done and pushed, you will be able to `git annex
enableremote` it elsewhere.
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
### Please describe the problem.
i tried to sync my home music annex to a server. Half the files worked nicely, but on the rest it fails with rsync errors.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
git annex -d sync --content
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
ubuntu trusty
Version: 5.20140517.4
ubuntu trusty
Version: 5.20140412ubuntu1
### Please provide any additional information below.
[[!format sh """
dirus-dom:/music$ git annex -d sync --content
[2014-10-28 19:18:28 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","git-annex"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:28 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","--hash","refs/heads/git-annex"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:29 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/git-annex..1599d29eba7a0ec50217c2b4a3f4cc1ecc8b2116","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:29 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/git-annex..27b47301dcb5007705d1dcd5a414df964b840467","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:29 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/git-annex..a95ca0282fefcd774ec8a00b6f33c11f08f789d8","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:29 CET] chat: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","cat-file","--batch"]
commit [2014-10-28 19:18:29 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","commit","-a","-m","git-annex automatic sync"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:31 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","symbolic-ref","HEAD"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:31 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","refs/heads/master"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:31 CET] call: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","--verify","-q","refs/heads/synced/master"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:31 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/master..refs/heads/synced/master","--oneline","-n1"]
pull sync.poelzi.org__music
[2014-10-28 19:18:31 CET] read: ssh ["-O","stop","-S","","-o","ControlMaster=auto","-o","ControlPersist=yes","localhost"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:31 CET] call: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","fetch","sync.poelzi.org__music"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] call: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","--verify","-q","refs/remotes/sync.poelzi.org__music/master"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/master..refs/remotes/sync.poelzi.org__music/master","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] call: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","--verify","-q","refs/remotes/sync.poelzi.org__music/synced/master"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/synced/master..refs/remotes/sync.poelzi.org__music/synced/master","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","git-annex"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","show-ref","--hash","refs/heads/git-annex"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/git-annex..1599d29eba7a0ec50217c2b4a3f4cc1ecc8b2116","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/git-annex..27b47301dcb5007705d1dcd5a414df964b840467","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","log","refs/heads/git-annex..a95ca0282fefcd774ec8a00b6f33c11f08f789d8","--oneline","-n1"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","ls-files","--cached","-z","--"]
[2014-10-28 19:18:33 CET] chat: git ["--git-dir=/exports/music/.git","--work-tree=/exports/music","check-attr","-z","--stdin","annex.backend","annex.numcopies","--"]
copy Alan Parsons Project/Eye In The Sky/.07 - Psychobabble.mood copy Alan Parsons Project/Eye In The Sky/.07 - Psychobabble.mood (checking sync.poelzi.org__music...) [2014-10-28 19:18:43 CET] call: ssh ["-S",".git/annex/ssh/","-o","ControlMaster=auto","-o","ControlPersist=yes","-T","","git-annex-shell 'inannex' '/music/' 'SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood' --uuid 35a89672-4ff5-4d9a-9bf2-cedb272bb7cb"]
(to sync.poelzi.org__music...)
[2014-10-28 19:18:43 CET] read: rsync ["--progress","--inplace","--perms","-e","'ssh' '-S' '.git/annex/ssh/' '-o' 'ControlMaster=auto' '-o' 'ControlPersist=yes' '-T' '' 'git-annex-shell ''recvkey'' ''/music/'' ''SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood'' --uuid 35a89672-4ff5-4d9a-9bf2-cedb272bb7cb ''--'' ''remoteuuid=97a3cd71-ee6c-4437-8740-253cde0d32ae'' ''direct='' ''associatedfile=Alan Parsons Project/Eye In The Sky/.07 - Psychobabble.mood'' ''--'''","--","/exports/music/.git/annex/objects/20/Z4/SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood/SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood","dummy:"]
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1]
rsync failed -- run git annex again to resume file transfer
copy Alessandro Scarlatti/Motets - Gérard Lesne, Veronique Gens (1993) [300]/06 - Infirmata, Vulnerata - VI Semper Gratus.ogg copy Alessandro Scarlatti/Motets - Gérard Lesne, Veronique Gens (1993) [300]/06 - Infirmata, Vulnerata - VI Semper Gratus.ogg (checking sync.poelzi.org__music...) [2014-10-28 19:18:48 CET] call: ssh ["-S",".git/annex/ssh/","-o","ControlMaster=auto","-o","ControlPersist=yes","-T","","git-annex-shell 'inannex' '/music/' 'SHA256E-s3847396--05c5498f08c727645ba84270cb8d82da69a3c9bede35520aa3128b938d003a3d.ogg' --uuid 35a89672-4ff5-4d9a-9bf2-cedb272bb7cb"]
(to sync.poelzi.org__music...)
[2014-10-28 19:18:48 CET] read: rsync ["--progress","--inplace","--perms","-e","'ssh' '-S' '.git/annex/ssh/' '-o' 'ControlMaster=auto' '-o' 'ControlPersist=yes' '-T' '' 'git-annex-shell ''recvkey'' ''/music/'' ''SHA256E-s3847396--05c5498f08c727645ba84270cb8d82da69a3c9bede35520aa3128b938d003a3d.ogg'' --uuid 35a89672-4ff5-4d9a-9bf2-cedb272bb7cb ''--'' ''remoteuuid=97a3cd71-ee6c-4437-8740-253cde0d32ae'' ''direct='' ''associatedfile=Alessandro Scarlatti/Motets - G\233rard Lesne, Veronique Gens (1993) [300]/06 - Infirmata, Vulnerata - VI Semper Gratus.ogg'' ''--'''","--","/exports/music/.git/annex/objects/XJ/f9/SHA256E-s3847396--05c5498f08c727645ba84270cb8d82da69a3c9bede35520aa3128b938d003a3d.ogg/SHA256E-s3847396--05c5498f08c727645ba84270cb8d82da69a3c9bede35520aa3128b938d003a3d.ogg","dummy:"]
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1]
rsync failed -- run git annex again to resume file transfer
Calling this through python gives:
In [5]:["rsync", "--debug=all", "--progress","--inplace","--perms","-e","'ssh' '-S' '.git/annex/ssh/' '-o' 'ControlMaster=auto' '-o' 'ControlPersist=yes' '-T' '' 'git-annex-shell ''recvkey'' ''/music/'' ''SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood'' --uuid 35a89672-4ff5-4d9a-9bf2-cedb272bb7cb ''--'' ''remoteuuid=97a3cd71-ee6c-4437-8740-253cde0d32ae'' ''direct='' ''associatedfile=Alan Parsons Project/Eye In The Sky/.07 - Psychobabble.mood'' ''--'''","--","/exports/music/.git/annex/objects/20/Z4/SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood/SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood","dummy:"])
opening connection using: ssh -S .git/annex/ssh/ -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=yes -T "git-annex-shell 'recvkey' '/music/' 'SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood' --uuid 35a89672-4ff5-4d9a-9bf2-cedb272bb7cb '--' 'remoteuuid=97a3cd71-ee6c-4437-8740-253cde0d32ae' 'direct=' 'associatedfile=Alan Parsons Project/Eye In The Sky/.07 - Psychobabble.mood' '--'" dummy rsync --server -pe.Lsfx --log-format=X --debug=ALL --inplace . . (19 args)
(Client) Protocol versions: remote=31, negotiated=31
[sender] change_dir(/exports/music/.git/annex/objects/20/Z4/SHA256E-s3000--da8a3336a484a171a438c99660260cc35cbd37c339dd2c18447cd025064bc00b.mood)
send_files starting
send_files phase=1
send_files phase=2
send files finished
total: matches=0 hash_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1]
[sender] _exit_cleanup(code=1, file=main.c, line=1183): about to call exit(1)
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
This is a rsync protocol level error; one side is sending something
that the other side fails to deal with. We can see in your log that the
two rsync are communicating successfully over the ssh connection
at first.
This could be something not clean about your ssh connection, or some incompatability
in the versions of rsync or git-annex between the client and the server.
It probably wouldn't hurt to make sure client and server have the same rsync
version, and perhaps upgrade them both to the newest git-annex in case this
problem is somehow fixed there.
Then, seems to me that the next step is to get git-annex-shell out of the
picture and see if you can still reproduce the problem. You can find the rsync
command that git-annex-shell runs by passing --debug to it. The just replace
the git-annex-shell command in your python code with the rsync command it runs.
Here's a shell command line I came up with by doing that. It will have
different paths for your repo, and localhost will need to be changed to your
server's name.
rsync --progress --inplace --perms --debug=all -e 'ssh -4 -T localhost "rsync --server -t --inplace -e.Lsf . //home/joey/annex/.git/annex/tmp/SHA256E-s30--bdce956a335681853344fce6f1f940a5c8b7061007398661a3b14f2037843744" dummy rsync --server -pe.Lsfx --log-format=X --debug=ALL --inplace . .' /tmp/annex/.git/annex/objects/Wx/Mf/SHA256E-s30--bdce956a335681853344fce6f1f940a5c8b7061007398661a3b14f2037843744/SHA256E-s30--bdce956a335681853344fce6f1f940a5c8b7061007398661a3b14f2037843744 dummy:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
### Please describe the problem.
The webapp does not start automatically and instead this message is printed in the terminal:
Falling back to hardcoded app location; cannot find expected files in /data/app-lib
git annex webapp
After typing `git annex webapp`, the webapp starts normally.
If I click the WebApp entry in the terminal menu, nothing happens.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
Launch Git Annex from the applications menu.
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
Using 4.3/4.4 daily build (nov 1st 2014) apk.
CyanogemMod 11 (M10)
@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ that line up with the open and close punctuation.
, address = "baz"
Similarly, data structures line up the leading `=` with the following `|`
data Foo
= Bar
| Baz
| Quux Foo
deriving (Eq, Ord)
Module imports are separated into two blocks, one for third-party modules,
and one for modules that are part of git-annex. (Additional blocks can be used
if it makes sense.)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Some progress on the [[bugs/S3_upload_not_using_multipart]] bug. The aws
library now includes the multipart API. However, when I dug into it, it
looks like the API needs some changes to get the ETAG of each uploaded
part. Once that's fixed, git-annex should be able to support S3 multipart
uploads, although I think that git-annex's own chunking is better in most
situations -- it supports resuming uploads and downloads better. The main
use case for S3 multipart seems to be using git-annex to publish large
Also, managed to get the backlog down from 100 to just 65 messages,
including catching up on quite old parts of backlog.
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 2"""
If you configure the central repository to be in the "full backup" group,
then the assistant and `git annex sync --content` etc will send the
contents of all files to it, and never remove the contents of files from
This doesn't prevent someone manually running `git annex drop --from
$centralrepo --force`, or similar. But then, nothing prevents users from
using git to push annexed files to the central repo, and never sending the
contents of the files along to it.
It would be possible to make `git-annex-shell` have a config setting that
would prevent ever dropping keys. But I'd like to talk about this use case
more, to make sure that really makes sense.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
git-annex has to tell rsync to transfer the "24863" directory,
otherwise rsync would not create that directory, and would then
fail to create "24863/2fe" since its parent directory doesn't exist.
Might be able to use use ACLS, I suppose, but they bring a lot of complexity.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 3"
I was thinking that a call to `rsync /blah/.git/annex/tmp/rsynctmp/24863/2fe blah@blah:/home/shared-xfer/24863/` would work just as well, creating the necessary directories. But this requires knowing all the subdirectories of `24863`. Not sure if `git-annex` knows this.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
I'm using git-annex across a number of (indirect) repositories, making heavy use of deduplication for organizing files according to various different aspects.
Now I want to keep part of the files also on a VFAT device, which doesn't let me use indirect mode. In direct mode, however, git-annex "get" or "copy" places a separate copy of each file in the repository, whereas in indirect mode, it would just keep a single copy and maintain a number of (inexpensive) symbolic links. Since space on the VFAT drive is limited, I would like to just keep one, specific copy, not caring about the others. If I "drop" an unneeded copy of the file, it also gets replaced by the ASCII "link" in all other places that contained the same file. Therefore, I can either have multiple copies of the same data or none at all.
Imagine you have a bunch of photos sorted into a directories in meant to make it easy to find them (same file name means same file content):
I want to keep a copy of ./photo?.jpg in the VFAT repository, but not the other (identical) files. How do I do that? Or is there really no way of doing this?
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
There is really no way to do this.
We could consider hard-linking the files, but then modifying one would
modify the other, which is likely to be confusing. And, FAT doesn't support
hard links anyway.
I don't want to complicate git-annex's notion of whether an object is
present or not with the possibility that it might be present for some
files but not for others. For example, `git annex get` would then need
to make a copy of content that was already locally present, while
currently it knows that if the file is locally present, it has nothing to
I think that the solution is to use either a better filesystem
which can support the suprerior indirect mode, or to switch your
repository to use the WORM backend which does not do deduplication.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
The latest version of git-annex adds the ability to `git annex info
$remote` and get all the info you asked for. Enjoy!
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
> the probability of something going wrong during the conversion is quite high (see other bugs reported during import)
I don't know what bugs you speak of. If the probability of something going
wrong is quite high, then you must have a reproducible test case. Submit a
bug with such a test case, and I can fix it.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
I seem to have forgotten to follow up here, but I think I fixed
this problem some time ago, in [[!commit 5afc8b28e03f4d242fa81a9a93384714d12d4e5c]].
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 5"""
git-upload-pack is a git command, which is not present in PATH
on your NAS when git sshes in and tries to run it.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 7"""
See [[bugs/present_files__47__directories_are_dropped_after_a_sync]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
I have created a git annex repo, added data. I then went to check it out in another location in the following way (my goal is to checkout origin, add a test file, push it back to origin).
git clone ../test_repo/
282 17:19 cd test_repo/
283 17:19 ls
284 17:19 git status
285 17:22 git annex init DEV
286 17:22 touch test.txt
287 17:22 vi test.txt
288 17:22 git annex merge
289 17:22 git annex add test.txt
290 17:22 git commit -am "test"
291 17:23 git push origin master git-annex
However I am getting the following error
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 48 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 364 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master
remote: error: By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository
remote: error: is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent
remote: error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match
remote: error: the work tree to HEAD.
remote: error:
remote: error: You can set 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to
remote: error: 'ignore' or 'warn' in the remote repository to allow pushing into
remote: error: its current branch; however, this is not recommended unless you
remote: error: arranged to update its work tree to match what you pushed in some
remote: error: other way.
remote: error:
remote: error: To squelch this message and still keep the default behaviour, set
remote: error: 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to 'refuse'.
To /test_repo/
! [remote rejected] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)
error: failed to push some refs to '/test_repo/'
What am I missing?
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
git does not allow pushing into a non-bare repsitory. This is why
bare repositories exist.
You have basically 3 choices:
1. Go to the first repo you made, and `git pull` from the other repo
into it. Pulling in this direction will work.
2. Set up a bare repo that both the non-bare repos use.
3. Use `git annex sync`, which avoids this problem. You need to run
it in both repos in order to get them to sync with one-another.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Git-annex assistant configuration has an item saying "disable/enable expiry after X days". What does it mean? Am I the only one confused by this?
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
Well, let's see.. You've gone into the Configuration and picked "Unused
files". The full text in front of you is:
Managing unused files
Old versions of files and deleted files can be preserved inside this repository.
This might be useful, if you ever need to access those old or deleted files. But they'll also use up disk space. There are three ways to deal with this
1. Set up a backup or archive repository, on a removable drive or in the cloud, and the unused files will be moved to it, freeing up space.
[Add a new repository]
2. Or, you can let unused files expire after a period of time.
[Disable expiry / Enable expiry] after [7] days. [Save changes]
So yes, if I read only item #2, and possibly skip the first sentence of it
and look at only the "Disable expiry / Enable expiry",
it seems a litte confusing, possibly, but if I read the 2 paragraphs
of explaination above it, not so much?
What do you find confusing about this form as a whole?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
It seems that `git annex status` is much slower than `git status`, at least in direct mode. The man page does not give any hint about why it should be slower.
Does `git annex status` do something that `git status` does not?
Here is an example in a repo with 8000+ files in direct mode and with no modified files:
$ time git -c core.bare=false status --porcelain > /dev/null
real 0m0.096s
user 0m0.042s
sys 0m0.071s
$ time git annex status
real 0m17.144s
user 0m10.555s
sys 0m1.934s
It is strange to see that `git annex status` is ~200 times slower than the bare `git status`.
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
`git status` looks at the index and work tree. In an indirect mode
repository, `git annex status` does too, and is not significantly slower.
In direct mode, `git annex status` has to look up from git the key
that corresponds to each file in the work tree. This is the main
thing that slows it down.
(See the code for details, it's quite clear.)
The best workaround is proably to pass git-annex status a subdirectory
that you're interested in, so it can only look at the contents of that one
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 4"
I struggle to see how you could draw that conclusion from what I said.
git-annex will work fine in an existing git repository. You can mix regular git commands like `git add`, `git push`, `git pull`, `git merge` with git-annex commands like `git annex add`, `git annex copy --to origin`, `git annex get`, `git annex merge`, in the same repository.
The `git annex sync` command effcetively runs `git commit; git pull; git annex merge; git push; git annex copy --to origin; git annex get`. If you don't want to run all those commands at once, you don't want to run `git annex sync`. That will not prevent you from using git-annex in any way.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 5"
thank you for your response. I just want to control my branches (master, dev and so on ...) by myself, without sync/master or sync/dev and without merging it automatically. But the git-annex branch should be populated between the repositories \"magically\" (some kind of \"git annex syncannex\"). As annex can't deliver such a basic functionality i assumed, that it was not designed to work with existing \"real\" git repositories.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
I have explained clearly in comment #1 above how to do what you want to do,
using git-annex, so it is a pity if still think that "annex
can't deliver such a basic functionality".
It can. I have explained how. I don't know how to explain any better.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ detailed instructions | quick install
[[Ubuntu]] | `apt-get install git-annex`
[[Fedora]] | `yum install git-annex`
[[FreeBSD]] | `pkg_add -r hs-git-annex`
[[ArchLinux]] | `yaourt -Sy git-annex`
[[ArchLinux]] | `yaourt -Sy git-annex-bin`
[[NixOS]] | `nix-env -i git-annex`
[[Gentoo]] | `emerge git-annex`
[[ScientificLinux5]] |
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
There are three non non-official packages for git-annex in the Archlinux User Repository. Any of these may be installed manually per [AUR guidelines]( or using a wrapper such as [`yaourt`]( shown below.
There are four non non-official packages for git-annex in the Arch Linux User Repository. Any of these may be installed manually per [AUR guidelines]( or using a wrapper such as [`yaourt`]( shown below.
1. The simplest method is to use the [git-annex-bin]( package based on the [prebuilt Linux tarballs]( This package includes many of the binary shims from the pre-built package. Although common Linux system utilities have been stripped in favor of normal dependencies, the pre-configured Haskell libraries included out of the box make this an easy install. The disadvantage is the resulting installation is a bit on the heavy side at nearly 100M.
$ yaourt -Sy git-annex-bin
2. A more traditional source package is available at [git-annex]( This depends on a large number of Haskell packages available from a third party repository or through Cabal. This has been historically a bit problematic and the package frequently sits flagged out of date. The state of dependencies also varies, so some intervention may be required to get this option to work.
2. A more traditional source package is available at [git-annex]( This depends on a large number of Haskell packages available from a third party repository or through Cabal. You must either enable a 3rd party repo that has the dependencies or have a working Cabal installation. Unless you know what you are doing this is a bit problematic and some intervention may be required to get this option to work. The state of available dependency versions also varies so this may not work at all times.
$ yaourt -Sy git-annex
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ There are three non non-official packages for git-annex in the Archlinux User Re
$ yaourt -Sy git-annex-git
Finally you may choose to forgo the Archlinux package system and install git-annex directly through cabal.
4. A Cabal sandbox build is also available
$ yaourt -Sy git-annex-cabal
Finally you may choose to forgo the Arch Linux package system entirely and install git-annex directly through cabal.
$ pacman -S git rsync curl wget gnupg openssh cabal-install
$ cabal update
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Arch Linux"
For Arch Linux there should be the AUR package [git-annex-bin]( mentioned, because it's easier to install (no haskell dependencies to be installed) and is based on the prebuild linux binary tarball.
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Out of date"
The AUR package you reference is woefully out of date. I have updated the standalone variant so it might be worth using that until the maintainer catches up.
yaourt -Sy git-annex-standalone
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ In the world of git, we're not scared about internal implementation
details, and sometimes we like to dive in and tweak things by hand. Here's
some documentation to that end.
## `.git/annex/objects/aa/bb/*/*`
## The .git/ directory
### `.git/annex/objects/aa/bb/*/*`
This is where locally available file contents are actually stored.
Files added to the annex get a symlink checked into git that points
@ -27,11 +29,11 @@ Also in [[direct_mode]], some additional data is stored in these directories.
changed, and `.map` files contain a list of file(s) in the work directory
that contain the key.
# `.git/annex/tmp/`
### `.git/annex/tmp/`
This directory contains partially transferred objects.
# `.git/annex/misctmp/`
### `.git/annex/misctmp/`
This is a temp directory for miscellaneous other temp files.
@ -39,26 +41,26 @@ While .git/annex/objects and .git/annex/tmp can be put on different
filesystems if desired, .git/annex/misctmp
has to be on the same filesystem as the work tree and git repository.
# `.git/annex/bad/`
### `.git/annex/bad/`
git-annex fsck puts any bad objects it finds in here.
# `.git/annex/transfers/`
### `.git/annex/transfers/`
Contains information files for uploads and downloads that are in progress,
as well as any that have failed. Used especially by the assistant.
It is safe to delete these files.
# `.git/annex/ssh/`
### `.git/annex/ssh/`
ssh connection caching files are written in here.
# `.git/annex/index`
### `.git/annex/index`
This is a git index file which git-annex uses for commits to the git-annex
This is a git index file which git-annex uses to stage files
when preparing commits to the git-annex branch.
# `.git/annex/journal/`
### `.git/annex/journal/`
git-annex uses this to journal changes to the git-annex branch,
before committing a set of changes.
@ -67,13 +69,9 @@ before committing a set of changes.
This branch is managed by git-annex, with the contents listed below.
The file `.git/annex/index` is a separate git index file it uses
to accumulate changes for the git-annex branch.
Also, `.git/annex/journal/` is used to record changes before they
are added to git.
This branch operates on objects exclusively. No file names will ever
be stored in this branch.
This branch is not connected to your master, etc branches. It it used for
internal tracking of information about git-annex repositories and annexed
The files stored in this branch are all designed to be auto-merged
using git's [[union merge driver|git-union-merge]]. So each line
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
A fairly common request is that a repo is using direct mode, and the user
has made some change, and now wants to undo it. Since direct mode doesn't
allow using `git revert`, the repo would need to be switched to indirect
mode first, which can range from annoying to really annoying to impossible
(on eg FAT).
## general approach
`git annex foo $gitcmd` could:
1. check out a local clone of the repo
2. run "git $gitcmd" inside the cline
3. merge any changes from the clone back into the direct mode repo
and update the work tree the same as is done by `git annex merge`.
This is a general bypass for the direct mode guard. It should work anywhere
(even on FAT). It avoids problems like `git commit -a` being unsafe in
direct mode, since running such a command in a local clone, which does not
use direct mode is always safe.
One problem with it is that it can only operate on changes that have been
committed. If you've just accidentially deleted a file and want to undo
that, and haven't run `git annex sync` to commit it, you can't revert it.
Also, while this is general, I don't know if the generality is useful.
What other changes, than revert, would it make sense to do with such a
command? It could be used to check out some other branch, but step 3 above
would merge that branch back into the direct mode repo.
## git annex undo
I don't want to recapitulate all of the git commands in git-annex for
direct mode. So I don't want to add `git annex revert` and `git annex
branch` etc, etc.
So, adding `git annex undo` feels like a step down a slippery slope. But it
might be justified as providing just enough functionality to make direct
mode a lot more useful, without trying to recapitulate all the flexability
of git. Like `git annex merge` and `git annex sync` also do.
Another use case is binding `git annex undo $file` to an action in a file
Here's a design for undo:
1. Can be passed one or more files. Which may or may not exist in the work tree.
2. First, commits the current state of the files as staged in the index,
or in the working tree. This may involve checksumming modified files.
3. Then, for each file, looks back through git history, to find the commit
just before the most recent change that was made to that file.
Stage the version of the file as it was in that commit.
4. Updates work tree, and leaves the changes staged
but not committed. (To allow the user to bundle up multiple undos in a
single commit).
6. Does not get or drop content. The content may even be completely
missing after an undo.
Note that undoing an undo should get back to the original state. This is
why #2 commits changes first. This way, if a file has a staged change,
it gets committed, and then that commit is reverted, resulting in another
commit. Which a later run of undo can in turn revert. If it didn't commit,
the history about the staged change that was reverted would be lost.
What about undoing changes to a whole directory? It first would
need to look through the git history to find every file under that
directory. And then it would behave as if it were passed all those
files. This would be useful for reverting `rm -rf`. But it could be very
expensive. And it could lead to surprising results, like undoing a lot
of unrelated changes when running on a bunch of files in a directory
that were changed at different times.
Maybe instead of letting a directory be passed, make undo with no
parameters revert all changes made in the most recent commit.
Also, --depth could make undo look for an older commit than the most
recent one to affect the specified file.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
`git annex unused` only looks at tags and branches. Some users would like
to drop any objects that are not pointed to by any commit, but keep any
object that any commit ever referenced.
This could be a switch, like --ever.
The implementation would need to walk the history of all branches and check
all commits. This would tend to be slow. It could look at tags+branches as
it does now as a first pass, and only do the slow part if there are objects
not referred to by the tags+branches. And, it could stop looking through
the whole commit history if there were no more objects to check. Still,
gonna be slooow. Another optimisation would be to get only the objects
changed by the commit, and not look at the whole tree as it appeared on
each commit. --[[Joey]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
### Please describe the problem.
`git annex status` does not report the fact that some files have been added but not yet committed.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
$ # alwayscommit = false
$ echo "new" > new-file
$ git annex status
? new-file
$ git annex add
add new-file
$ git annex status
Using the `git status` command directly will show the added files
$ git -c core.bare=false status --porcelain | grep -v '^ T'
AT new-file
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
git-annex version: 5.20141024-g613f396
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
It's documentation says it shows files that have been deleted/modified/are
not checked into git. Not staged files.
So, this is not a bug report, it's a request to make git annex status list
more files.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
yep, that would be fine.
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Did not know of this when I wrote S3 support. Ability to resume large
uploads would be good.
Also allows supporting files > 5 gb, a S3 limit I was not aware of.
NB: It would work just as well to split the object and upload the N parts
to S3, but not bother with S3's paperwork to rejoin them into one object.
Only reasons not to do that are a) backwards compatability with
the existing S3 remote and b) this would not allow accessing the content
in S3 w/o using git-annex, which could be useful in some scenarios.
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Could a --dry-run option be added to the git annex commands? Or, at least, to the most common ones like `git annex add`.
Given that there is no undo command, it would be nice to have the ability to simulate what git annex will do.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
This would add a lot of complexity; it's not like I could switch off
running all external commands, since many external commands are run to
query state to decide what to do. And then there's large chunks of code
that actually do stuff and would have to all be guarded to not run.
I don't see the benefit to justify this work. `git annex add` is entirely
predictable; it's very similar to `git add`. Which itself lacks a dry-run
option. And like `git add`, you can certianly undo the effects of `git
annex add`.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="why worry about modifications ?"
I don't understand why you worry about having one remote modify the file locally which would get propagated to the other because of the hardlinks. When using checksumming, the repos would be pretty screwed if someone would do that anyways.
In other words, hardlinking the SHA-checksummed files in .git/annex/objects/ across repos and/or between e.g. a directory remote and a repo would sound a pretty safe and nice optimization to me. I am like the OP, deduplication that does not require brtfs would be a great git annex feature.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 3"""
`git-annex unused` looks at what data is used by git branches and tags, but
not by other commits. It's a reasonable request and I have made a todo for
it: [[todo/find_unused_in_any_commit]] .. But I am unure if it can be
implemented to run fast enough to be usable.
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