added remote variants
Todo item is done at last. Might later want to think about testing some other types of remotes that can be tested locally. The git remote itself is probably already well enough tested by the test suite that testremote is not needed. Could test things like bup, or rsync to a local directory. Or even external, although that would require embedding an external special remote program into the test suite..
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 64 additions and 46 deletions
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Types.RemoteConfig
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config (exportTreeField)
import Remote.Helper.Chunked
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable (describeEncryption, encryptionField, highRandomQualityField)
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable (encryptionField, highRandomQualityField)
import Git.Types
import Test.Tasty
@ -85,56 +85,63 @@ start o = starting "testremote" (ActionItemOther (Just (testRemote o))) $ do
let r' = if null (testReadonlyFile o)
then r
else r { Remote.readonly = True }
rs <- if Remote.readonly r'
then return [r']
else remoteVariants r' basesz fast
let drs = if Remote.readonly r'
then [Described "remote" (pure (Just r'))]
else remoteVariants (Described "remote" (pure r')) basesz fast
unavailr <- Remote.mkUnavailable r'
let exportr = if Remote.readonly r'
then return Nothing
else exportTreeVariant r'
perform rs unavailr exportr ks
perform drs unavailr exportr ks
basesz = fromInteger $ sizeOption o
remoteVariants :: Remote -> Int -> Bool -> Annex [Remote]
remoteVariants r basesz fast = do
rs <- catMaybes <$> mapM (adjustChunkSize r) (chunkSizes basesz fast)
concat <$> mapM encryptionVariants rs
perform :: [Remote] -> Maybe Remote -> Annex (Maybe Remote) -> [Key] -> CommandPerform
perform rs unavailr exportr ks = do
perform :: [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))] -> Maybe Remote -> Annex (Maybe Remote) -> [Key] -> CommandPerform
perform drs unavailr exportr ks = do
st <- liftIO . newTVarIO =<< Annex.getState id
let tests = testGroup "Remote Tests" $ mkTestTrees
(runTestCase st)
(map (\r -> Described (descr r) (pure r)) rs)
(pure unavailr)
(map (\k -> Described (desck k) (pure k)) ks)
ok <- case tryIngredients [consoleTestReporter] mempty tests of
Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
Just act -> liftIO act
rs <- catMaybes <$> mapM getVal drs
next $ cleanup rs ks ok
descr r = intercalate "; " $ map unwords
[ [ show (getChunkConfig (Remote.config r)) ]
, ["encryption", describeEncryption (Remote.config r)]
desck k = unwords [ "key size", show (fromKey keySize k) ]
remoteVariants :: Described (Annex Remote) -> Int -> Bool -> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
remoteVariants dr basesz fast =
concatMap encryptionVariants $
map chunkvariant (chunkSizes basesz fast)
chunkvariant sz = Described (getDesc dr ++ " chunksize=" ++ show sz) $ do
r <- getVal dr
adjustChunkSize r sz
adjustChunkSize :: Remote -> Int -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
adjustChunkSize r chunksize = adjustRemoteConfig r $
M.insert chunkField (Proposed (show chunksize))
-- Variants of a remote with no encryption, and with simple shared
-- encryption. Gpg key based encryption is not tested.
encryptionVariants :: Remote -> Annex [Remote]
encryptionVariants r = do
noenc <- adjustRemoteConfig r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "none")
sharedenc <- adjustRemoteConfig r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "shared") .
M.insert highRandomQualityField (Proposed "false")
return $ catMaybes [noenc, sharedenc]
encryptionVariants :: Described (Annex (Maybe Remote)) -> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
encryptionVariants dr = [noenc, sharedenc]
noenc = Described (getDesc dr ++ " encryption=none") $
getVal dr >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r -> adjustRemoteConfig r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "none")
sharedenc = Described (getDesc dr ++ " encryption=shared") $
getVal dr >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r -> adjustRemoteConfig r $
M.insert encryptionField (Proposed "shared") .
M.insert highRandomQualityField (Proposed "false")
-- Variant of a remote with exporttree disabled.
disableExportTree :: Remote -> Annex Remote
@ -182,7 +189,7 @@ runTestCase stv a = do
-- the provided actions are called.
:: RunAnnex
-> [Described (Annex Remote)]
-> [Described (Annex (Maybe Remote))]
-> Annex (Maybe Remote)
-> Annex (Maybe Remote)
-> [Described (Annex Key)]
@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ mkTestTrees runannex mkrs mkunavailr mkexportr mkks = concat $
, [ getDesc k2 ]
test :: RunAnnex -> Annex Remote -> Annex Key -> [TestTree]
test :: RunAnnex -> Annex (Maybe Remote) -> Annex Key -> [TestTree]
test runannex mkr mkk =
[ check "removeKey when not present" $ \r k ->
whenwritable r $ remove r k
@ -253,10 +260,11 @@ test runannex mkr mkk =
| Remote.readonly r = return True
| otherwise = a
check desc a = testCase desc $ do
let a' = do
r <- mkr
k <- mkk
a r k
let a' = mkr >>= \case
Just r -> do
k <- mkk
a r k
Nothing -> return True
runannex a' @? "failed"
present r k b = (== Right b) <$> Remote.hasKey r k
fsck _ k = case maybeLookupBackendVariety (fromKey keyVariety k) of
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ ingredients =
tests :: Bool -> Bool -> TestOptions -> TestTree
tests crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts =
testGroup "Tests" $ properties
: withTestMode remotetestmode Nothing testRemote
: withTestMode remotetestmode Nothing testRemotes
: map (\(d, te) -> withTestMode te (Just initTests) (unitTests d)) testmodes
testmodes = catMaybes
@ -207,16 +207,25 @@ properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck" $
, Utility.Hash.props_macs_stable
testRemote :: TestTree
testRemote = withResource newEmptyTMVarIO (const noop) $ \getv ->
testGroup "Remote Tests" $ concat
[ [testCase "init" (prep getv)]
, go getv
testRemotes :: TestTree
testRemotes = testGroup "Remote Tests"
[ testRemote "directory"
[ "directory=remotedir"
, "encryption=none"
(createDirectory "remotedir")
testRemote :: String -> [String] -> IO () -> TestTree
testRemote remotetype config preinitremote =
withResource newEmptyTMVarIO (const noop) $ \getv ->
testGroup ("remote type " ++ remotetype) $ concat
[ [testCase "init" (prep getv)]
, go getv
reponame = "test repo"
remotename = "dir"
remotetype =" directory"
remotename = "testremote"
basesz = 1024 * 1024
keysizes = Command.TestRemote.keySizes basesz False
prep getv = do
@ -225,17 +234,15 @@ testRemote = withResource newEmptyTMVarIO (const noop) $ \getv ->
innewrepo $ do
git_annex "init" [reponame, "--quiet"]
@? "init failed"
createDirectory "remotedir"
git_annex "initremote"
[ remotename
([ remotename
, "type=" ++ remotetype
, "directory=remotedir"
, "encryption=none"
, "--quiet"
] ++ config)
@? "init failed"
r <- annexeval $ either error return
=<< Remote.byName' remotename
=<< Remote.byName' remotename
unavailr <- annexeval $ Types.Remote.mkUnavailable r
exportr <- annexeval $ Command.TestRemote.exportTreeVariant r
ks <- annexeval $ mapM Command.TestRemote.randKey keysizes
@ -245,7 +252,8 @@ testRemote = withResource newEmptyTMVarIO (const noop) $ \getv ->
go getv = Command.TestRemote.mkTestTrees runannex mkrs mkunavailr mkexportr mkks
runannex = inmainrepo . annexeval
mkrs = [descas (remotetype ++ " remote") (fst <$> v)]
mkrs = Command.TestRemote.remoteVariants mkr basesz False
mkr = descas (remotetype ++ " remote") (fst <$> v)
mkunavailr = fst . snd <$> v
mkexportr = fst . snd . snd <$> v
mkks = map (\(sz, n) -> desckeysize sz (getk n))
@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ that could then be added to the test suite's TestTree.
(See [[bugs/testremote_failures_starting_with_aeca7c220]])
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
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