remove some unncessary uses of warningIO
warningIO is not concurrent output safe, and it doesn't go to --json-error-messages There are a few more that would be too hard to remove, and there are also several dozen direct prints to stderr still.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ runHandler :: Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
runHandler handler file filestatus = void $ do
r <- tryIO <~> handler (normalize file) filestatus
case r of
Left e -> liftIO $ warningIO $ show e
Left e -> liftAnnex $ warning $ show e
Right Nothing -> noop
Right (Just change) -> recordChange change
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ setupRepo gcryptid r
{- Ask git-annex-shell to configure the repository as a gcrypt
- repository. May fail if it is too old. -}
gitannexshellsetup = Ssh.onRemote NoConsumeStdin r
(boolSystem, return False)
(\f p -> liftIO (boolSystem f p), return False)
"gcryptsetup" [ Param gcryptid ] []
denyNonFastForwards = "receive.denyNonFastForwards"
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ getGCryptId fast r gc
| Git.repoIsLocal r || Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r = extract <$>
liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ r)
| not fast = extract . liftM fst <$> getM (eitherToMaybe <$>)
[ Ssh.onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (Git.Config.fromPipe r, return (Left $ error "configlist failed")) "configlist" [] []
[ Ssh.onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (\f p -> liftIO (Git.Config.fromPipe r f p), return (Left $ error "configlist failed")) "configlist" [] []
, getConfigViaRsync r gc
| otherwise = return (Nothing, r)
@ -249,21 +249,21 @@ tryGitConfigRead autoinit r
haveconfig = not . M.null . Git.config
pipedconfig cmd params = do
v <- Git.Config.fromPipe r cmd params
v <- liftIO $ Git.Config.fromPipe r cmd params
case v of
Right (r', val) -> do
unless (isUUIDConfigured r' || null val) $ do
warningIO $ "Failed to get annex.uuid configuration of repository " ++ Git.repoDescribe r
warningIO $ "Instead, got: " ++ show val
warningIO $ "This is unexpected; please check the network transport!"
warning $ "Failed to get annex.uuid configuration of repository " ++ Git.repoDescribe r
warning $ "Instead, got: " ++ show val
warning $ "This is unexpected; please check the network transport!"
return $ Right r'
Left l -> return $ Left l
geturlconfig = Url.withUrlOptions $ \uo -> do
v <- liftIO $ withTmpFile "git-annex.tmp" $ \tmpfile h -> do
hClose h
v <- withTmpFile "git-annex.tmp" $ \tmpfile h -> do
liftIO $ hClose h
let url = Git.repoLocation r ++ "/config"
ifM (Url.downloadQuiet nullMeterUpdate url tmpfile uo)
ifM (liftIO $ Url.downloadQuiet nullMeterUpdate url tmpfile uo)
( Just <$> pipedconfig "git" [Param "config", Param "--null", Param "--list", Param "--file", File tmpfile]
, return Nothing
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ git_annex_shell cs r command params fields
:: ConsumeStdin
-> Git.Repo
-> (FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO a, Annex a)
-> (FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> Annex a, Annex a)
-> String
-> [CommandParam]
-> [(Field, String)]
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ onRemote
onRemote cs r (with, errorval) command params fields = do
s <- git_annex_shell cs r command params fields
case s of
Just (c, ps) -> liftIO $ with c ps
Just (c, ps) -> with c ps
Nothing -> errorval
{- Checks if a remote contains a key. -}
@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ inAnnex r k = do
showChecking r
onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (runcheck, cantCheck r) "inannex" [Param $ serializeKey k] []
runcheck c p = dispatch =<< safeSystem c p
runcheck c p = liftIO $ dispatch =<< safeSystem c p
dispatch ExitSuccess = return True
dispatch (ExitFailure 1) = return False
dispatch _ = cantCheck r
{- Removes a key from a remote. -}
dropKey :: Git.Repo -> Key -> Annex Bool
dropKey r key = onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (boolSystem, return False) "dropkey"
dropKey r key = onRemote NoConsumeStdin r (\f p -> liftIO (boolSystem f p), return False) "dropkey"
[ Param "--quiet", Param "--force"
, Param $ serializeKey key
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ server ichan th@(TransportHandle (LocalRepo r) _) = go
unless ok $ do
hClose conn
warningIO "dropped Tor connection, too busy"
liftAnnex th $ warning "dropped Tor connection, too busy"
handlecontrol servicerunning = do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan ichan
Reference in a new issue