include adjustment in the adjusted branch name

Allows it to be recovered easily.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2016-02-29 15:04:03 -04:00
parent 3b4557c754
commit 9e1ebc2336
Failed to extract signature

View file

@ -5,7 +5,14 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.AdjustedBranch where
module Annex.AdjustedBranch (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
@ -38,22 +45,35 @@ type AdjBranch = Branch
adjustedBranchPrefix :: String
adjustedBranchPrefix = "refs/heads/adjusted/"
originalToAdjusted :: OrigBranch -> AdjBranch
originalToAdjusted orig = Ref $ adjustedBranchPrefix ++ takeFileName (fromRef orig)
serialize :: Adjustment -> String
serialize UnlockAdjustment = "unlock"
adjustedToOriginal :: AdjBranch -> Maybe (OrigBranch)
deserialize :: String -> Maybe Adjustment
deserialize "unlock" = Just UnlockAdjustment
deserialize _ = Nothing
originalToAdjusted :: OrigBranch -> Adjustment -> AdjBranch
originalToAdjusted orig adj = Git.Ref.under base orig
base = adjustedBranchPrefix ++ serialize adj
adjustedToOriginal :: AdjBranch -> Maybe (Adjustment, OrigBranch)
adjustedToOriginal b
| adjustedBranchPrefix `isPrefixOf` bs =
Just $ Ref $ drop prefixlen bs
| adjustedBranchPrefix `isPrefixOf` bs = do
adj <- deserialize (takeWhile (/= '/') (drop prefixlen bs))
Just (adj, Git.Ref.basename b)
| otherwise = Nothing
bs = fromRef b
prefixlen = length adjustedBranchPrefix
getAdjustment :: Annex (Maybe (Adjustment, OrigBranch))
getAdjustment = maybe Nothing adjustedToOriginal <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current
originalBranch :: Annex (Maybe OrigBranch)
originalBranch = fmap getorig <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current
getorig currbranch = fromMaybe currbranch (adjustedToOriginal currbranch)
getorig currbranch = maybe currbranch snd (adjustedToOriginal currbranch)
{- Enter an adjusted version of current branch (or, if already in an
- adjusted version of a branch, changes the adjustment of the original
@ -82,7 +102,7 @@ adjustBranch adj origbranch = do
inRepo $ Git.Branch.update adjbranch commitsha
return adjbranch
adjbranch = originalToAdjusted origbranch
adjbranch = originalToAdjusted origbranch adj
{- Commits a given adjusted tree, with the provided parent ref.
@ -100,3 +120,9 @@ commitAdjustedTree treesha parent = go =<< catCommit parent
mkcommit = Git.Branch.commitTree
Git.Branch.AutomaticCommit "adjusted branch" [parent] treesha
{- Update the currently checked out adjusted branch, merging the provided
- branch into it. -}
updateAdjustedBranch :: Adjustment -> OrigBranch -> Branch -> Annex ()
updateAdjustedBranch mergebranch = do
error "updateAdjustedBranch"