tailVerify: return deferred action when it gets behind
Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's DANDI project
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1 changed files with 51 additions and 15 deletions
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Types.Key
import qualified System.INotify as INotify
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
data VerifyConfig = AlwaysVerify | NoVerify | RemoteVerify Remote | DefaultVerify
@ -130,6 +131,9 @@ startVerifyKeyContentIncrementally verifyconfig k =
-- The file does not need to exist yet when this is called. It will wait
-- for the file to appear before opening it and starting verification.
-- This is not supported for all OSs, and will return False on OS's
-- where it is not supported.
-- Note that there are situations where the file may fail to verify despite
-- having the correct content. For example, when the file is written out
-- of order, or gets replaced part way through. To deal with such cases,
@ -137,8 +141,10 @@ startVerifyKeyContentIncrementally verifyconfig k =
-- content is known to be incorrect, but instead as an indication that the
-- file should be verified again, once it's done being written to.
-- Also, this is not supported for all OSs, and will return False on OS's
-- where it is not supported.
-- (It is also possible, in theory, for a file to verify despite having
-- incorrect content. For that to happen, the file would need to have
-- the right content when this checks it, but then the content gets
-- changed later by whatever is writing to the file.)
-- This should be fairly efficient, reading from the disk cache,
-- as long as the writer does not get very far ahead of it. However,
@ -148,11 +154,25 @@ startVerifyKeyContentIncrementally verifyconfig k =
-- and if the disk is slow, the reader may never catch up to the writer,
-- and the disk cache may never speed up reads. So this should only be
-- used when there's not a better way to incrementally verify.
tailVerify :: IncrementalVerifier -> FilePath -> TMVar () -> IO Bool
-- If the writer gets far ahead, this can still need to do a significant
-- amount off work once the writer is finished. That could lead to a long
-- pause with no indication to the user about what is being done. To deal
-- with this problem, it will do at most half a second of work after the
-- writer has finished. If there is more work still to do, it returns an IO
-- action that will complete the work. This way, the caller can display
-- something appropriate while that is running.
tailVerify :: IncrementalVerifier -> FilePath -> TMVar () -> IO (Either (IO Bool) Bool)
tailVerify iv f finished =
catchDefaultIO False $ INotify.withINotify $ \i ->
bracket (waitforfiletoexist i) (maybe noop hClose) (go i)
catchDefaultIO (Right False) $
INotify.withINotify $ \i -> do
h <- waitforfiletoexist i
tryIO (go i h) >>= \case
Right r -> return r
Left _ -> do
maybe noop hClose h
return (Right False)
rf = toRawFilePath f
d = toRawFilePath (takeDirectory f)
@ -209,7 +229,7 @@ tailVerify iv f finished =
return r
-- File never showed up, but we've been told it's done being
-- written to.
go _ Nothing = return False
go _ Nothing = return (Right False)
follow h modified = do
b <- S.hGetNonBlocking h chunk
@ -223,26 +243,42 @@ tailVerify iv f finished =
((const (follow h modified))
<$> takeTMVar modified)
((const (finish h))
<$> readTMVar finished)
((const (finish h =<< getPOSIXTime))
<$> takeTMVar finished)
else do
updateIncremental iv b
follow h modified
atomically (tryTakeTMVar finished) >>= \case
Nothing -> follow h modified
Just () -> finish h =<< getPOSIXTime
-- We've been told the file is done being written to, but we
-- may not have reached the end of it yet. Read until EOF.
finish h = do
-- may not have reached the end of it yet.
finish h starttime = do
b <- S.hGet h chunk
if S.null b
then finalizeIncremental iv
then do
hClose h
Right <$> finalizeIncremental iv
else do
updateIncremental iv b
finish h
now <- getPOSIXTime
if now - starttime > 0.5
then return (Left (deferredfinish h))
else finish h starttime
deferredfinish h = do
b <- S.hGet h chunk
if S.null b
then do
hClose h
finalizeIncremental iv
else do
updateIncremental iv b
deferredfinish h
chunk = 65536
tailVerify _ _ _ = return False -- not supported
tailVerify _ _ _ = return (Right False) -- not supported
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