purify exportActions

Purifying exportActions will allow introspecting and modifying it,
which is needed to add progress bar display to it.

Only S3 and WebDAV ran an Annex action while constructing ExportActions.
There was a small performance gain from them doing that, since a
resource was able to be prepared and reused for multiple actions by

As seen in commit 809cfbbd8a and
5d394023eb S3 and WebDAV actually create a
new handle for each access in normal, non-export use. It doesn't seem
worth making export use of them marginally more efficient than normal
use. It would be better to do that work upfront when constructing the
remote. Or perhaps use a MVar to cache a handle.

This commit was sponsored by Nick Piper on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2019-01-30 14:55:28 -04:00
parent 5d394023eb
commit 9cebfd7002
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
11 changed files with 143 additions and 148 deletions

View file

@ -82,16 +82,15 @@ seek o = do
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree (exportTreeish o))
withExclusiveLock (gitAnnexExportLock (uuid r)) $ do
db <- openDb (uuid r)
ea <- exportActions r
changeExport r ea db new
changeExport r db new
unlessM (Annex.getState Annex.fast) $
void $ fillExport r ea db new
void $ fillExport r db new
closeDb db
-- | Changes what's exported to the remote. Does not upload any new
-- files, but does delete and rename files already exported to the remote.
changeExport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> Git.Ref -> CommandSeek
changeExport r ea db new = do
changeExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Ref -> CommandSeek
changeExport r db new = do
old <- getExport (uuid r)
recordExportBeginning (uuid r) new
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ changeExport r ea db new = do
-- temp files. Diff from the incomplete tree to the new tree,
-- and delete any temp files that the new tree can't use.
let recover diff = commandAction $
startRecoverIncomplete r ea db
startRecoverIncomplete r db
(Git.DiffTree.srcsha diff)
(Git.DiffTree.file diff)
forM_ (incompleteExportedTreeishes old) $ \incomplete ->
@ -123,15 +122,15 @@ changeExport r ea db new = do
seekdiffmap $ \(ek, (moldf, mnewf)) -> do
case (moldf, mnewf) of
(Just oldf, Just _newf) ->
startMoveToTempName r ea db oldf ek
startMoveToTempName r db oldf ek
(Just oldf, Nothing) ->
startUnexport' r ea db oldf ek
startUnexport' r db oldf ek
_ -> stop
-- Rename from temp to new files.
seekdiffmap $ \(ek, (moldf, mnewf)) ->
case (moldf, mnewf) of
(Just _oldf, Just newf) ->
startMoveFromTempName r ea db ek newf
startMoveFromTempName r db ek newf
_ -> stop
ts -> do
warning "Export conflict detected. Different trees have been exported to the same special remote. Resolving.."
@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ changeExport r ea db new = do
-- Don't rename to temp, because the
-- content is unknown; delete instead.
(\diff -> commandAction $ startUnexport r ea db (Git.DiffTree.file diff) (unexportboth diff))
(\diff -> commandAction $ startUnexport r db (Git.DiffTree.file diff) (unexportboth diff))
oldtreesha new
updateExportTree db emptyTree new
liftIO $ recordExportTreeCurrent db new
@ -193,24 +192,24 @@ mkDiffMap old new db = do
-- | Upload all exported files that are not yet in the remote,
-- Returns True when files were uploaded.
fillExport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool
fillExport r ea db new = do
fillExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool
fillExport r db new = do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsTree.lsTree new
cvar <- liftIO $ newMVar False
commandActions $ map (startExport r ea db cvar) l
commandActions $ map (startExport r db cvar) l
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
liftIO $ takeMVar cvar
startExport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> MVar Bool -> Git.LsTree.TreeItem -> CommandStart
startExport r ea db cvar ti = do
startExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> MVar Bool -> Git.LsTree.TreeItem -> CommandStart
startExport r db cvar ti = do
ek <- exportKey (Git.LsTree.sha ti)
stopUnless (notrecordedpresent ek) $ do
showStart ("export " ++ name r) f
ifM (either (const False) id <$> tryNonAsync (checkPresentExport ea (asKey ek) loc))
ifM (either (const False) id <$> tryNonAsync (checkPresentExport (exportActions r) (asKey ek) loc))
( next $ next $ cleanupExport r db ek loc False
, do
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ cvar (pure . const True)
next $ performExport r ea db ek af (Git.LsTree.sha ti) loc
next $ performExport r db ek af (Git.LsTree.sha ti) loc
loc = mkExportLocation f
@ -222,9 +221,9 @@ startExport r ea db cvar ti = do
-- will still list it, so also check location tracking.
<*> (notElem (uuid r) <$> loggedLocations (asKey ek))
performExport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> AssociatedFile -> Sha -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performExport r ea db ek af contentsha loc = do
let storer = storeExport ea
performExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> AssociatedFile -> Sha -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performExport r db ek af contentsha loc = do
let storer = storeExport (exportActions r)
sent <- case ek of
AnnexKey k -> ifM (inAnnex k)
( notifyTransfer Upload af $
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ performExport r ea db ek af contentsha loc = do
-- exports cannot be resumed.
upload (uuid r) k af noRetry $ \pm -> do
let rollback = void $
performUnexport r ea db [ek] loc
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
sendAnnex k rollback $ \f ->
metered Nothing k (return $ Just f) $ \_ m -> do
let m' = combineMeterUpdate pm m
@ -259,22 +258,22 @@ cleanupExport r db ek loc sent = do
logChange (asKey ek) (uuid r) InfoPresent
return True
startUnexport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> [Git.Sha] -> CommandStart
startUnexport r ea db f shas = do
startUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> [Git.Sha] -> CommandStart
startUnexport r db f shas = do
eks <- forM (filter (/= nullSha) shas) exportKey
if null eks
then stop
else do
showStart ("unexport " ++ name r) f'
next $ performUnexport r ea db eks loc
next $ performUnexport r db eks loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
startUnexport' :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> ExportKey -> CommandStart
startUnexport' r ea db f ek = do
startUnexport' :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> ExportKey -> CommandStart
startUnexport' r db f ek = do
showStart ("unexport " ++ name r) f'
next $ performUnexport r ea db [ek] loc
next $ performUnexport r db [ek] loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
@ -284,15 +283,15 @@ startUnexport' r ea db f ek = do
-- remote is untrusted, so would not count as a copy anyway.
-- Or, an export may be appendonly, and removing a file from it does
-- not really remove the content, which must be accessible later on.
performUnexport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> [ExportKey] -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performUnexport r ea db eks loc = do
ifM (allM (\ek -> removeExport ea (asKey ek) loc) eks)
( next $ cleanupUnexport r ea db eks loc
performUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> [ExportKey] -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performUnexport r db eks loc = do
ifM (allM (\ek -> removeExport (exportActions r) (asKey ek) loc) eks)
( next $ cleanupUnexport r db eks loc
, stop
cleanupUnexport :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> [ExportKey] -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupUnexport r ea db eks loc = do
cleanupUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> [ExportKey] -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupUnexport r db eks loc = do
liftIO $ do
forM_ eks $ \ek ->
removeExportedLocation db (asKey ek) loc
@ -308,68 +307,68 @@ cleanupUnexport r ea db eks loc = do
forM_ eks $ \ek ->
logChange (asKey ek) (uuid r) InfoMissing
removeEmptyDirectories ea db loc (map asKey eks)
removeEmptyDirectories r db loc (map asKey eks)
startRecoverIncomplete :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> Git.Sha -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startRecoverIncomplete r ea db sha oldf
startRecoverIncomplete :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Sha -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startRecoverIncomplete r db sha oldf
| sha == nullSha = stop
| otherwise = do
ek <- exportKey sha
let loc = exportTempName ek
showStart ("unexport " ++ name r) (fromExportLocation loc)
liftIO $ removeExportedLocation db (asKey ek) oldloc
next $ performUnexport r ea db [ek] loc
next $ performUnexport r db [ek] loc
oldloc = mkExportLocation oldf'
oldf' = getTopFilePath oldf
startMoveToTempName :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> ExportKey -> CommandStart
startMoveToTempName r ea db f ek = do
startMoveToTempName :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> ExportKey -> CommandStart
startMoveToTempName r db f ek = do
showStart ("rename " ++ name r) (f' ++ " -> " ++ fromExportLocation tmploc)
next $ performRename r ea db ek loc tmploc
next $ performRename r db ek loc tmploc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
tmploc = exportTempName ek
startMoveFromTempName :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startMoveFromTempName r ea db ek f = do
startMoveFromTempName :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startMoveFromTempName r db ek f = do
let tmploc = exportTempName ek
stopUnless (liftIO $ elem tmploc <$> getExportedLocation db (asKey ek)) $ do
showStart ("rename " ++ name r) (fromExportLocation tmploc ++ " -> " ++ f')
next $ performRename r ea db ek tmploc loc
next $ performRename r db ek tmploc loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
performRename :: Remote -> ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performRename r ea db ek src dest = do
ifM (renameExport ea (asKey ek) src dest)
( next $ cleanupRename ea db ek src dest
performRename :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performRename r db ek src dest = do
ifM (renameExport (exportActions r) (asKey ek) src dest)
( next $ cleanupRename r db ek src dest
-- In case the special remote does not support renaming,
-- unexport the src instead.
, do
warning "rename failed; deleting instead"
performUnexport r ea db [ek] src
performUnexport r db [ek] src
cleanupRename :: ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupRename ea db ek src dest = do
cleanupRename :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupRename r db ek src dest = do
liftIO $ do
removeExportedLocation db (asKey ek) src
addExportedLocation db (asKey ek) dest
flushDbQueue db
if exportDirectories src /= exportDirectories dest
then removeEmptyDirectories ea db src [asKey ek]
then removeEmptyDirectories r db src [asKey ek]
else return True
-- | Remove empty directories from the export. Call after removing an
-- exported file, and after calling removeExportLocation and flushing the
-- database.
removeEmptyDirectories :: ExportActions Annex -> ExportHandle -> ExportLocation -> [Key] -> Annex Bool
removeEmptyDirectories ea db loc ks
removeEmptyDirectories :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportLocation -> [Key] -> Annex Bool
removeEmptyDirectories r db loc ks
| null (exportDirectories loc) = return True
| otherwise = case removeExportDirectory ea of
| otherwise = case removeExportDirectory (exportActions r) of
Nothing -> return True
Just removeexportdirectory -> do
ok <- allM (go removeexportdirectory)

View file

@ -691,7 +691,6 @@ seekExportContent rs (currbranch, _) = or <$> forM rs go
go r = withExclusiveLock (gitAnnexExportLock (Remote.uuid r)) $ do
db <- Export.openDb (Remote.uuid r)
ea <- Remote.exportActions r
exported <- case remoteAnnexExportTracking (Remote.gitconfig r) of
Nothing -> nontracking r
Just b -> do
@ -699,9 +698,9 @@ seekExportContent rs (currbranch, _) = or <$> forM rs go
case mcur of
Nothing -> nontracking r
Just cur -> do
Command.Export.changeExport r ea db cur
Command.Export.changeExport r db cur
return [mkExported cur []]
Export.closeDb db `after` fillexport r ea db (exportedTreeishes exported)
Export.closeDb db `after` fillexport r db (exportedTreeishes exported)
nontracking r = do
exported <- getExport (Remote.uuid r)
@ -720,10 +719,9 @@ seekExportContent rs (currbranch, _) = or <$> forM rs go
_ -> noop
fillexport _ _ _ [] = return False
fillexport r ea db (t:[]) =
Command.Export.fillExport r ea db t
fillexport r _ _ _ = do
fillexport _ _ [] = return False
fillexport r db (t:[]) = Command.Export.fillExport r db t
fillexport r _ _ = do
warnExportConflict r
return False

View file

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ start o = do
perform :: [Remote] -> [Remote] -> Maybe Remote -> [Key] -> CommandPerform
perform rs unavailrs exportr ks = do
ea <- maybe exportUnsupported Remote.exportActions exportr
let ea = maybe exportUnsupported Remote.exportActions exportr
st <- Annex.getState id
let tests = testGroup "Remote Tests" $ concat
[ [ testGroup "unavailable remote" (testUnavailable st r (Prelude.head ks)) | r <- unavailrs ]

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = False
, exportActions = return $ ExportActions
, exportActions = ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportM serial adir
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportM serial adir
, removeExport = removeExportM serial adir

View file

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = True
, exportActions = return $ ExportActions
, exportActions = ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportM dir
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportM dir
, removeExport = removeExportM dir

View file

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ gen r u c gc
then checkExportSupported' external
else return False
let exportactions = if exportsupported
then return $ ExportActions
then ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportM external
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportM external
, removeExport = removeExportM external

View file

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class HasExportUnsupported a where
instance HasExportUnsupported (RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Bool) where
exportUnsupported = \_ _ -> return False
instance HasExportUnsupported (Annex (ExportActions Annex)) where
exportUnsupported = return $ ExportActions
instance HasExportUnsupported (ExportActions Annex) where
exportUnsupported = ExportActions
{ storeExport = \_ _ _ _ -> do
warning "store export is unsupported"
return False
@ -182,9 +182,7 @@ adjustExportable r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
-- non-export remote)
, checkPresent = if appendonly r
then checkPresent r
else \k -> do
ea <- exportActions r
anyM (checkPresentExport ea k)
else \k -> anyM (checkPresentExport (exportActions r) k)
=<< getexportlocs k
-- checkPresent from an export is more expensive
-- than otherwise, so not cheap. Also, this
@ -211,9 +209,7 @@ adjustExportable r = case M.lookup "exporttree" (config r) of
, warning "unknown export location"
return False
(l:_) -> do
ea <- exportActions r
retrieveExport ea k l dest p
(l:_) -> retrieveExport (exportActions r) k l dest p
else do
warning $ "exported content cannot be verified due to using the " ++ decodeBS (formatKeyVariety (keyVariety k)) ++ " backend"
return False

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = False
, exportActions = return $ ExportActions
, exportActions = ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportM o
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportM o
, removeExport = removeExportM o

View file

@ -100,15 +100,14 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = False
, exportActions = withS3HandleMaybe' c gc u $ \mh ->
return $ ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportS3 u info mh magic
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportS3 u info mh
, removeExport = removeExportS3 u info mh
, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportS3 u info mh
, exportActions = ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportS3 this info magic
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportS3 this info
, removeExport = removeExportS3 this info
, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportS3 this info
-- S3 does not have directories.
, removeExportDirectory = Nothing
, renameExport = renameExportS3 u info mh
, renameExport = renameExportS3 this info
, whereisKey = Just (getPublicWebUrls u info c)
, remoteFsck = Nothing
@ -341,63 +340,68 @@ checkKeyHelper info h loc = do
| otherwise = Nothing
storeExportS3 :: UUID -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportS3 u info (Just h) magic f k loc p =
catchNonAsync go (\e -> warning (show e) >> return False)
storeExportS3 :: Remote -> S3Info -> Maybe Magic -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportS3 r info magic f k loc p = withS3HandleMaybe r $ \case
Just h -> catchNonAsync (go h) (\e -> warning (show e) >> return False)
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
return False
go = do
go h = do
let o = T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info loc
storeHelper info h magic f o p
>>= setS3VersionID info u k
>>= setS3VersionID info (uuid r) k
return True
storeExportS3 u _ Nothing _ _ _ _ _ = do
warning $ needS3Creds u
return False
retrieveExportS3 :: UUID -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveExportS3 u info mh _k loc f p =
retrieveExportS3 :: Remote -> S3Info -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveExportS3 r info _k loc f p =
catchNonAsync go (\e -> warning (show e) >> return False)
go = case mh of
go = withS3HandleMaybe r $ \case
Just h -> do
retrieveHelper info h (Left (T.pack exporturl)) f p
return True
Nothing -> case getPublicUrlMaker info of
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds u
warning $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
return False
Just geturl -> Url.withUrlOptions $
liftIO . Url.download p (geturl exporturl) f
exporturl = bucketExportLocation info loc
removeExportS3 :: UUID -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
removeExportS3 u info (Just h) k loc = checkVersioning info u k $
catchNonAsync go (\e -> warning (show e) >> return False)
removeExportS3 :: Remote -> S3Info -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
removeExportS3 r info k loc = withS3HandleMaybe r $ \case
Just h -> checkVersioning info (uuid r) k $
catchNonAsync (go h) (\e -> warning (show e) >> return False)
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
return False
go = do
go h = do
res <- tryNonAsync $ sendS3Handle h $
S3.DeleteObject (T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info loc) (bucket info)
return $ either (const False) (const True) res
removeExportS3 u _ Nothing _ _ = do
warning $ needS3Creds u
return False
checkPresentExportS3 :: UUID -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportS3 _u info (Just h) _k loc =
checkKeyHelper info h (Left (T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info loc))
checkPresentExportS3 u info Nothing k loc = case getPublicUrlMaker info of
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds u
giveup "No S3 credentials configured"
checkPresentExportS3 :: Remote -> S3Info -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportS3 r info k loc = withS3HandleMaybe r $ \case
Just h -> checkKeyHelper info h (Left (T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info loc))
Nothing -> case getPublicUrlMaker info of
Just geturl -> withUrlOptions $ liftIO .
checkBoth (geturl $ bucketExportLocation info loc) (keySize k)
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
giveup "No S3 credentials configured"
-- S3 has no move primitive; copy and delete.
renameExportS3 :: UUID -> S3Info -> Maybe S3Handle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
renameExportS3 u info (Just h) k src dest = checkVersioning info u k $
catchNonAsync go (\_ -> return False)
renameExportS3 :: Remote -> S3Info -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
renameExportS3 r info k src dest = withS3HandleMaybe r $ \case
Just h -> checkVersioning info (uuid r) k $
catchNonAsync (go h) (\_ -> return False)
Nothing -> do
warning $ needS3Creds (uuid r)
return False
go = do
go h = do
let co = S3.copyObject (bucket info) dstobject
(S3.ObjectId (bucket info) srcobject Nothing)
@ -407,9 +411,6 @@ renameExportS3 u info (Just h) k src dest = checkVersioning info u k $
return True
srcobject = T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info src
dstobject = T.pack $ bucketExportLocation info dest
renameExportS3 u _ Nothing _ _ _ = do
warning $ needS3Creds u
return False
{- Generate the bucket if it does not already exist, including creating the
- UUID file within the bucket.

View file

@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = False
, exportActions = withDAVHandle this $ \mh -> return $ ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportDav mh
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportDav mh
, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportDav this mh
, removeExport = removeExportDav mh
, exportActions = ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportDav this
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportDav this
, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportDav this
, removeExport = removeExportDav this
, removeExportDirectory = Just $
removeExportDirectoryDav mh
, renameExport = renameExportDav mh
removeExportDirectoryDav this
, renameExport = renameExportDav this
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
@ -193,45 +193,46 @@ checkKey r chunkconfig (Just dav) k = do
existsDAV (keyLocation k)
either giveup return v
storeExportDav :: Maybe DavHandle -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportDav mh f k loc p = runExport mh $ \dav -> do
storeExportDav :: Remote -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeExportDav r f k loc p = withDAVHandle r $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \dav -> do
reqbody <- liftIO $ httpBodyStorer f p
storeHelper dav (keyTmpLocation k) (exportLocation loc) reqbody
return True
retrieveExportDav :: Maybe DavHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveExportDav mh _k loc d p = runExport mh $ \_dav -> do
retrieveExportDav :: Remote -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieveExportDav r _k loc d p = withDAVHandle r $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \_dav -> do
retrieveHelper (exportLocation loc) d p
return True
checkPresentExportDav :: Remote -> Maybe DavHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportDav r mh _k loc = case mh of
checkPresentExportDav :: Remote -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportDav r _k loc = withDAVHandle r $ \case
Nothing -> giveup $ name r ++ " not configured"
Just h -> liftIO $ do
v <- goDAV h $ existsDAV (exportLocation loc)
either giveup return v
removeExportDav :: Maybe DavHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
removeExportDav mh _k loc = runExport mh $ \_dav ->
removeExportDav :: Remote -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
removeExportDav r _k loc = withDAVHandle r $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \_dav ->
removeHelper (exportLocation loc)
removeExportDirectoryDav :: Maybe DavHandle -> ExportDirectory -> Annex Bool
removeExportDirectoryDav mh dir = runExport mh $ \_dav -> do
removeExportDirectoryDav :: Remote -> ExportDirectory -> Annex Bool
removeExportDirectoryDav r dir = withDAVHandle r $ \mh -> runExport mh $ \_dav -> do
let d = fromExportDirectory dir
debugDav $ "delContent " ++ d
safely (inLocation d delContentM)
>>= maybe (return False) (const $ return True)
renameExportDav :: Maybe DavHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
renameExportDav Nothing _ _ _ = return False
renameExportDav (Just h) _k src dest
renameExportDav :: Remote -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
renameExportDav r _k src dest = withDAVHandle r $ \case
Just h
-- box.com's DAV endpoint has buggy handling of renames,
-- so avoid renaming when using it.
| boxComUrl `isPrefixOf` baseURL h = return False
| otherwise = runExport (Just h) $ \dav -> do
| boxComUrl `isPrefixOf` baseURL h -> return False
| otherwise -> runExport (Just h) $ \dav -> do
maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent (exportLocation dest))
moveDAV (baseURL dav) (exportLocation src) (exportLocation dest)
return True
Nothing -> return False
runExport :: Maybe DavHandle -> (DavHandle -> DAVT IO Bool) -> Annex Bool
runExport Nothing _ = return False

View file

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ data RemoteA a = Remote
-- operation.
, checkPresentCheap :: Bool
-- Some remotes support exports of trees.
, exportActions :: a (ExportActions a)
, exportActions :: ExportActions a
-- Some remotes can provide additional details for whereis.
, whereisKey :: Maybe (Key -> a [String])
-- Some remotes can run a fsck operation on the remote,