add status field to log
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 31 additions and 17 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
- a file's content. (Git is configured to use a union merge for this file,
- so the lines may be in arbitrary order, but it will never conflict.)
- A line of the log will look like: "date reponame filename"
- A line of the log will look like: "date N reponame filename"
- Where N=1 when the repo has the file, and 0 otherwise.
@ -21,31 +22,44 @@ import System.IO
import System.Posix.IO
import GitRepo
data LogStatus = FilePresent | FileMissing | Undefined
deriving (Eq)
instance Show LogStatus where
show FilePresent = "1"
show FileMissing = "0"
show Undefined = "undefined"
instance Read LogStatus where
readsPrec _ "1" = [(FilePresent, "")]
readsPrec _ "0" = [(FileMissing, "")]
readsPrec _ _ = [(Undefined, "")]
data LogLine = LogLine {
date :: DateTime,
status :: LogStatus,
repo :: String,
file :: String
} deriving (Eq)
-- a special value representing a log file line that could not be parsed
unparsable = (LogLine (fromSeconds 0) "" "")
instance Show LogLine where
show (LogLine date repo file) = unwords
[(show (toSeconds date)), repo, file]
show (LogLine date status repo file) = unwords
[(show (toSeconds date)), (show status), repo, file]
instance Read LogLine where
-- this parser is robust in that even unparsable log lines are
-- read without an exception being thrown
-- This parser is robust in that even unparsable log lines are
-- read without an exception being thrown.
-- Such lines have a status of Undefined.
readsPrec _ string = if (length w >= 3)
then [((LogLine time repo file), "")]
else [(unparsable, "")]
then [((LogLine date status repo file), "")]
else [((LogLine (fromSeconds 0) Undefined "" ""), "")]
time = fromSeconds $ read $ w !! 0
repo = w !! 1
date = fromSeconds $ read $ w !! 0
status = read $ w !! 1
repo = w !! 2
file = unwords $ rest w
w = words string
rest (_:_:l) = l
rest (_:_:_:l) = l
{- Reads a log file -}
readLog :: String -> IO [LogLine]
@ -54,7 +68,7 @@ readLog file = do
s <- hGetContents h
-- hClose handle' -- TODO disabled due to lazy IO issue
-- filter out any unparsable lines
return $ filter ( /= unparsable ) $ map read $ lines s
return $ filter (\l -> (status l) /= Undefined ) $ map read $ lines s
{- Adds a LogLine to a log file -}
writeLog :: String -> LogLine -> IO ()
@ -76,10 +90,10 @@ openLocked file mode = do
lockType _ = WriteLock
{- Generates a new log line with the current date. -}
logNow :: String -> String -> IO LogLine
logNow repo file = do
logNow :: LogStatus -> String -> String -> IO LogLine
logNow status repo file = do
now <- getCurrentTime
return $ LogLine now repo file
return $ LogLine now status repo file
{- Returns the filename of the log file for a given annexed file. -}
logFile :: String -> IO String
Add table
Reference in a new issue