handle stale PairAcks
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 45 additions and 27 deletions
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ data PairStage
newtype PairMsg = PairMsg (Verifiable (PairStage, PairData, SomeAddr))
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
verifiedPairMsg :: PairMsg -> PairingInProgress -> Bool
verifiedPairMsg (PairMsg m) pip = verify m $ inProgressSecret pip
fromPairMsg :: PairMsg -> (Verifiable (PairStage, PairData, SomeAddr))
fromPairMsg (PairMsg m) = m
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.Alert
import Utility.Verifiable
import Utility.Tense
import Network.Multicast
@ -30,14 +29,31 @@ thisThread = "PairListener"
pairListenerThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer = thread $ withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- multicastReceiver (multicastAddress $ IPv4Addr undefined) pairingPort
go sock
go sock []
thread = NamedThread thisThread
go sock = do
msg <- getmsg sock []
dispatch $ readish msg
go sock
go sock cache = getmsg sock [] >>= \msg -> case readish msg of
Nothing -> go sock cache
Just m -> do
pip <- pairingInProgress <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
let verified = maybe False (verifiedPairMsg m) pip
case pairMsgStage m of
PairReq -> do
pairReqReceived verified dstatus urlrenderer m
go sock $ invalidateCache m cache
PairAck -> do
pairAckReceived verified pip st dstatus scanremotes m cache
>>= go sock
PairDone -> do
pairDoneReceived verified pip st dstatus scanremotes m
go sock cache
{- PairReqs invalidate the cache of recently finished pairings.
- This is so that, if a new pairing is started with the
- same secret used before, a bogus PairDone is not sent. -}
invalidateCache msg =
filter (\pip -> not $ verifiedPairMsg msg pip)
getmsg sock c = do
(msg, n, _) <- recvFrom sock chunksz
@ -47,21 +63,12 @@ pairListenerThread st dstatus scanremotes urlrenderer = thread $ withSocketsDo $
chunksz = 1024
dispatch Nothing = noop
dispatch (Just m@(PairMsg v)) = do
pip <- pairingInProgress <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
let verified = maybe False (verify v . inProgressSecret) pip
case pairMsgStage m of
PairReq -> pairReqReceived verified dstatus urlrenderer m
PairAck -> pairAckReceived verified pip st dstatus scanremotes m
PairDone -> pairDoneReceived verified pip st dstatus scanremotes m
{- Show an alert when a PairReq is seen.
- Pair request alerts from the same host combine,
- so repeated requests do not add additional alerts. -}
pairReqReceived :: Bool -> DaemonStatusHandle -> UrlRenderer -> PairMsg -> IO ()
pairReqReceived True _ _ _ = noop -- ignore out own PairReq
pairReqReceived True _ _ _ = noop -- ignore our own PairReq
pairReqReceived False dstatus urlrenderer msg = do
url <- renderUrl urlrenderer (FinishPairR msg) []
void $ addAlert dstatus $ pairRequestReceivedAlert repo
@ -94,29 +101,37 @@ pairReqReceived False dstatus urlrenderer msg = do
{- When a verified PairAck is seen, a host is ready to pair with us, and has
- already configured our ssh key. Stop sending PairReqs, finish the pairing,
- and send a single PairDone.
- TODO: A stale PairAck might also be seen, after we've finished pairing.
- Perhaps our PairDone was not received. To handle this, we keep
- a list of recently finished pairings, and re-send PairDone in
- response to stale PairAcks for them.
pairAckReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PairMsg -> IO ()
pairAckReceived False _ _ _ _ _ = noop -- not verified
pairAckReceived True Nothing _ _ _ _ = noop -- not in progress
pairAckReceived True (Just pip) st dstatus scanremotes msg = do
- and send a single PairDone. -}
pairAckReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PairMsg -> [PairingInProgress] -> IO [PairingInProgress]
pairAckReceived True (Just pip) st dstatus scanremotes msg cache = do
stopSending dstatus pip
setupAuthorizedKeys msg
finishedPairing st dstatus scanremotes msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
startSending dstatus pip $ multicastPairMsg
(Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) PairDone (inProgressPairData pip)
return $ pip:(take 10 cache)
{- A stale PairAck might also be seen, after we've finished pairing.
- Perhaps our PairDone was not received. To handle this, we keep
- a cache of recently finished pairings, and re-send PairDone in
- response to stale PairAcks for them. -}
pairAckReceived _ _ _ dstatus _ msg cache = do
let pips = filter (verifiedPairMsg msg) cache
unless (null pips) $
forM_ pips $ \pip ->
startSending dstatus pip $ multicastPairMsg
(Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) PairDone (inProgressPairData pip)
return cache
{- If we get a verified PairDone, the host has accepted our PairAck, and
- has paired with us. Stop sending PairAcks, and finish pairing with them.
- If we get an unverified PairDone that matches the PairReq
- TODO: Should third-party hosts remove their pair request alert when they
- see a PairDone? How to tell if a PairDone matches with the PairReq
- that brought up the alert? Cannot verify it without the secret..
- Also, the user could have already clicked on the alert and be entering
- the secret. Would be better to start a fresh pair request in this
- situation.
pairDoneReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> PairMsg -> IO ()
pairDoneReceived False _ _ _ _ _ = noop -- not verified
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