detect when unwanted remote is empty and remove it
Needs fixes to build when the webapp is disabled.
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 157 additions and 42 deletions
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ startDaemon assistant foreground startbrowser = do
, assist $ netWatcherThread
, assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread
, assist $ transferScannerThread
, assist $ transferScannerThread urlrenderer
, assist $ configMonitorThread
, assist $ glacierThread
, watch $ watchThread
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ data AlertName
| WarningAlert String
| PairAlert String
| XMPPNeededAlert
| RemoteRemovalAlert String
| CloudRepoNeededAlert
| SyncAlert
deriving (Eq)
@ -351,6 +352,23 @@ cloudRepoNeededAlert friendname button = Alert
, alertData = []
remoteRemovalAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
remoteRemovalAlert desc button = Alert
{ alertHeader = Just $ fromString $
"The repository \"" ++ desc ++
"\" has been emptied, and can now be removed."
, alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
, alertPriority = High
, alertButton = Just button
, alertClosable = True
, alertClass = Message
, alertMessageRender = tenseWords
, alertBlockDisplay = True
, alertName = Just $ RemoteRemovalAlert desc
, alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
, alertData = []
fileAlert :: TenseChunk -> FilePath -> Alert
fileAlert msg file = (activityAlert Nothing [f])
{ alertName = Just $ FileAlert msg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{- git-annex assistant remote deletion utilities
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.DeleteRemote where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import qualified Remote
import Remote.List
import qualified Git.Command
import Logs.Trust
import qualified Data.Text as T
{- Removes a remote (but leave the repository as-is), and returns the old
- Remote data. -}
removeRemote :: UUID -> Assistant Remote
removeRemote uuid = do
remote <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
<$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
liftAnnex $ do
inRepo $
[ Param "remote"
, Param "remove"
, Param ( remote)
void $ remoteListRefresh
return remote
{- Called when a remote was marked as unwanted, and is now empty, so can be
- removed. -}
finishRemovingRemote :: UrlRenderer -> UUID -> Assistant ()
finishRemovingRemote urlrenderer uuid = do
void $ removeRemote uuid
liftAnnex $ trustSet uuid DeadTrusted
desc <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID uuid
url <- liftIO $ renderUrl urlrenderer (FinishedDeletingRepositoryContentsR uuid) []
close <- asIO1 removeAlert
void $ addAlert $ remoteRemovalAlert desc $ AlertButton
{ buttonLabel = T.pack "Finish removal"
, buttonUrl = url
, buttonAction = Just close
@ -8,14 +8,17 @@
module Assistant.Threads.TransferScanner where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Drop
import Assistant.Sync
import Assistant.DeleteRemote
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Group
import Logs.Web (webUUID)
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
@ -31,8 +34,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
{- This thread waits until a remote needs to be scanned, to find transfers
- that need to be made, to keep data in sync.
transferScannerThread :: NamedThread
transferScannerThread = namedThread "TransferScanner" $ do
transferScannerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
transferScannerThread urlrenderer = namedThread "TransferScanner" $ do
go S.empty
@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ transferScannerThread = namedThread "TransferScanner" $ do
scanrunning True
if any fullScan infos || any (`S.notMember` scanned) rs
then do
expensiveScan rs
expensiveScan urlrenderer rs
go $ scanned `S.union` S.fromList rs
else do
mapM_ failedTransferScan rs
@ -67,6 +70,8 @@ transferScannerThread = namedThread "TransferScanner" $ do
- * We may have run before, and had transfers queued,
- and then the system (or us) crashed, and that info was
- lost.
- * A remote may be in the unwanted group, and this is a chance
- to determine if the remote has been emptied.
startupScan = do
reconnectRemotes True =<< syncGitRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
@ -103,26 +108,46 @@ failedTransferScan r = do
- TODO: It would be better to first drop as much as we can, before
- transferring much, to minimise disk use.
- During the scan, we'll also check if any unwanted repositories are empty,
- and can be removed. While unrelated, this is a cheap place to do it,
- since we need to look at the locations of all keys anyway.
expensiveScan :: [Remote] -> Assistant ()
expensiveScan rs = unless onlyweb $ do
expensiveScan :: UrlRenderer -> [Remote] -> Assistant ()
expensiveScan urlrenderer rs = unless onlyweb $ do
debug ["starting scan of", show visiblers]
unwantedrs <- liftAnnex $ S.fromList
<$> filterM inUnwantedGroup (map Remote.uuid rs)
g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
(files, cleanup) <- liftIO $ LsFiles.inRepo [] g
forM_ files $ \f -> do
ts <- maybe (return []) (findtransfers f)
=<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile f)
mapM_ (enqueue f) ts
removablers <- scan unwantedrs files
void $ liftIO cleanup
debug ["finished scan of", show visiblers]
nuke <- asIO1 $ finishRemovingRemote urlrenderer
liftIO $ forM_ (S.toList removablers) $
void . tryNonAsync . nuke
onlyweb = all (== webUUID) $ map Remote.uuid rs
visiblers = let rs' = filter (not . Remote.readonly) rs
in if null rs' then rs else rs'
scan unwanted [] = return unwanted
scan unwanted (f:fs) = do
(unwanted', ts) <- maybe
(return (unwanted, []))
(findtransfers f unwanted)
=<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile f)
mapM_ (enqueue f) ts
scan unwanted' fs
enqueue f (r, t) =
queueTransferWhenSmall "expensive scan found missing object"
(Just f) t r
findtransfers f (key, _) = do
findtransfers f unwanted (key, _) = do
{- The syncable remotes may have changed since this
- scan began. -}
syncrs <- syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
@ -134,11 +159,13 @@ expensiveScan rs = unless onlyweb $ do
liftAnnex $ do
let slocs = S.fromList locs
let use a = return $ catMaybes $ map (a key slocs) syncrs
if present
ts <- if present
then filterM (wantSend True (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
=<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
else ifM (wantGet True $ Just f)
( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
let unwanted' = S.difference unwanted slocs
return (unwanted', ts)
genTransfer :: Direction -> Bool -> Key -> S.Set UUID -> Remote -> Maybe (Remote, Transfer)
genTransfer direction want key slocs r
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ enableAWSRemote remotetype uuid = do
makeAWSRemote remotetype creds name (const noop) M.empty
_ -> do
description <- liftAnnex $
T.pack . concat <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
T.pack <$> Remote.prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/enableaws")
makeAWSRemote :: RemoteType -> AWSCreds -> String -> (Remote -> Handler ()) -> RemoteConfig -> Handler ()
@ -10,28 +10,29 @@
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Delete where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.DeleteRemote
import Assistant.WebApp.Utility
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import qualified Remote
import Remote.List (remoteListRefresh)
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git
import Locations.UserConfig
import Utility.FileMode
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.Remote
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Types.StandardGroups
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.IO.HVFS (SystemFS(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
getDeleteRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getDeleteRepositoryR uuid = go =<< liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
go Nothing = redirect DeleteCurrentRepositoryR
go (Just r) = deletionPage $ do
reponame <- liftAnnex $ concat <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
reponame <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/delete/choose")
getDeleteRepositoryFromListR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
@ -39,20 +40,6 @@ getDeleteRepositoryFromListR uuid = do
void $ liftAssistant $ removeRemote uuid
redirect DashboardR
removeRemote :: UUID -> Assistant Remote
removeRemote uuid = do
remote <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
<$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
liftAnnex $ do
inRepo $
[ Param "remote"
, Param "remove"
, Param ( remote)
void $ remoteListRefresh
return remote
getStartDeleteRepositoryContentsR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getStartDeleteRepositoryContentsR uuid = deletionPage $ do
remote <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
@ -62,9 +49,16 @@ getStartDeleteRepositoryContentsR uuid = deletionPage $ do
setStandardGroup uuid UnwantedGroup
liftAssistant $ addScanRemotes True [remote]
reponame <- liftAnnex $ concat <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
reponame <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/delete/started")
getFinishedDeletingRepositoryContentsR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getFinishedDeletingRepositoryContentsR uuid = deletionPage $ do
reponame <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID uuid
{- If it's not listed in the remote log, it must be a git repo. -}
gitrepo <- liftAnnex $ M.notMember uuid <$> readRemoteLog
$(widgetFile "configurators/delete/finished")
getDeleteCurrentRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
getDeleteCurrentRepositoryR = deleteCurrentRepository
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Utility.Mounts
import Utility.DiskFree
import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.Network
import Remote (prettyListUUIDs)
import Remote (prettyUUID)
import Annex.UUID
import Types.StandardGroups
import Logs.PreferredContent
@ -261,8 +261,7 @@ combineRepos dir name = liftAnnex $ do
getEnableDirectoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getEnableDirectoryR uuid = page "Enable a repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
description <- liftAnnex $
T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
description <- liftAnnex $ T.pack <$> prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/enabledirectory")
{- List of removable drives. -}
@ -148,8 +148,7 @@ postEnableRsyncR u = do
_ -> redirect AddSshR
showform form enctype status = do
description <- liftAnnex $
T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [u]
description <- liftAnnex $ T.pack <$> prettyUUID u
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/enable")
enable sshdata = lift $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR $
sshdata { rsyncOnly = True }
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ postEnableWebDAVR uuid = do
makeWebDavRemote name (toCredPair input) (const noop) M.empty
_ -> do
description <- liftAnnex $
T.pack . concat <$> Remote.prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
T.pack <$> Remote.prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/enablewebdav")
postEnableWebDAVR _ = error "WebDAV not supported by this build"
@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
/config/repository/edit/new/cloud/#UUID EditNewCloudRepositoryR GET POST
/config/repository/sync/disable/#UUID DisableSyncR GET
/config/repository/sync/enable/#UUID EnableSyncR GET
/config/repository/delete/choose/#UUID DeleteRepositoryR GET
/config/repository/delete/fromlist/#UUID DeleteRepositoryFromListR GET
/config/repository/delete/contents/start/#UUID StartDeleteRepositoryContentsR GET
/config/repository/delete/here DeleteCurrentRepositoryR GET POST
/config/repository/add/drive AddDriveR GET POST
/config/repository/add/drive/confirm/#RemovableDrive ConfirmAddDriveR GET
@ -47,6 +43,12 @@
/config/repository/add/cloud/glacier AddGlacierR GET POST
/config/repository/add/cloud/ AddBoxComR GET POST
/config/repository/delete/choose/#UUID DeleteRepositoryR GET
/config/repository/delete/fromlist/#UUID DeleteRepositoryFromListR GET
/config/repository/delete/contents/start/#UUID StartDeleteRepositoryContentsR GET
/config/repository/delete/contents/finish/#UUID FinishedDeletingRepositoryContentsR GET
/config/repository/delete/here DeleteCurrentRepositoryR GET POST
/config/repository/pair/local/start StartLocalPairR GET POST
/config/repository/pair/local/running/#SecretReminder RunningLocalPairR GET
/config/repository/pair/local/finish/#PairMsg FinishLocalPairR GET POST
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Logs.Group (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -74,3 +75,7 @@ getStandardGroup :: S.Set Group -> Maybe StandardGroup
getStandardGroup s = case mapMaybe toStandardGroup $ S.toList s of
[g] -> Just g
_ -> Nothing
inUnwantedGroup :: UUID -> Annex Bool
inUnwantedGroup u = elem UnwantedGroup
. mapMaybe toStandardGroup . S.toList <$> lookupGroups u
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Remote (
@ -159,6 +160,10 @@ prettyListUUIDs uuids = do
n = finddescription m u
{- Nice display of a remote's name and/or description. -}
prettyUUID :: UUID -> Annex String
prettyUUID u = concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [u]
{- Gets the remote associated with a UUID.
- There's no associated remote when this is the UUID of the local repo. -}
remoteFromUUID :: UUID -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<div .span9 .hero-unit>
Repository removed
As much data as possible has been removed from the repository
"#{reponame}", and it has been removed from the list of repositories.
$if gitrepo
<div .alert>
Since "#{reponame}" is a git repository, it still contains
some data. To completely remove it, you should go delete that git
Now you can go go delete the underlying storage of the repository.
Add table
Reference in a new issue