maxsize overview display and --json support
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 109 additions and 27 deletions
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ git-annex (10.20240831) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Support "balanced=" and "fullybalanced=" in preferred content expressions.
* Added --rebalance option.
* maxsize: New command to tell git-annex how large the expected maximum
size of a repository is.
size of a repository is, and to display repository sizes.
* vicfg: Include maxsize configuration.
* info: Improved speed.
@ -573,7 +573,8 @@ reposizes_stats count desc m = stat desc $ nojson $ do
let maxlen = maximum (map (length . snd) l)
descm <- lift Remote.uuidDescriptions
-- This also handles json display.
s <- lift $ Remote.prettyPrintUUIDsWith (Just "size") desc descm (Just . show) $
s <- lift $ Remote.prettyPrintUUIDsWith (Just "size") desc descm
(\sz -> Just $ show sz ++ ": ") $
map (\(u, sz) -> (u, Just $ mkdisp sz maxlen)) l
return $ if count
then countRepoList (length l) s
@ -5,21 +5,28 @@
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.MaxSize where
import Command
import qualified Remote
import Annex.RepoSize
import Types.RepoSize
import Logs.MaxSize
import Utility.SafeOutput
import Logs.Trust
import Utility.DataUnits
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
cmd :: Command
cmd = noMessages $ command "maxsize" SectionSetup
"configure maximum size of repositoriy"
(paramPair paramRepository (paramOptional paramSize))
(seek <$$> optParser)
cmd = noMessages $ withAnnexOptions [jsonOptions] $
command "maxsize" SectionSetup
"configure maximum size of repositoriy"
(paramPair paramRepository (paramOptional paramSize))
(seek <$$> optParser)
data MaxSizeOptions = MaxSizeOptions
{ cmdparams :: CmdParams
@ -37,16 +44,17 @@ optParser desc = MaxSizeOptions
seek :: MaxSizeOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case cmdparams o of
(rname:[]) -> commandAction $ do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID rname
startingCustomOutput (ActionItemOther Nothing) $ do
showCustom "maxsize" (SeekInput [rname]) $ do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID rname
v <- M.lookup u <$> getMaxSizes
liftIO $ putStrLn $ safeOutput $ case v of
maybeAddJSONField "maxsize" (fromMaxSize <$> v)
showRaw $ encodeBS $ case v of
Just (MaxSize n) ->
if bytesOption o
then show n
else preciseSize storageUnits False n
formatSize o (preciseSize storageUnits True) n
Nothing -> ""
next $ return True
return True
(rname:sz:[]) -> commandAction $ do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID rname
let si = SeekInput (cmdparams o)
@ -57,4 +65,51 @@ seek o = case cmdparams o of
Just n -> do
recordMaxSize u (MaxSize n)
next $ return True
_ -> giveup "Specify a repository."
[] -> commandAction $ sizeOverview o
_ -> giveup "Too many parameters"
sizeOverview :: MaxSizeOptions -> CommandStart
sizeOverview o = do
showCustom "maxsize" (SeekInput []) $ do
descmap <- Remote.uuidDescriptions
deadset <- S.fromList <$> trustGet DeadTrusted
maxsizes <- getMaxSizes
reposizes <- flip M.withoutKeys deadset <$> getRepoSizes True
let l = reverse $ sortOn snd $ M.toList $
M.mapWithKey (gather maxsizes) reposizes
v <- Remote.prettyPrintUUIDsWith' False (Just "size")
"repositories" descmap showsizes l
showRaw $ encodeBS $ tableheader
showRaw $ encodeBS $ dropWhileEnd (== '\n') v
return True
sizefield = "size" :: T.Text
maxsizefield = "maxsize" :: T.Text
gather maxsizes u (RepoSize currsize) = Just $
[ (sizefield, Just currsize)
, (maxsizefield, fromMaxSize <$> M.lookup u maxsizes)
tableheader = tablerow ["size", "maxsize", "repository"]
showsizes m = do
size <- M.lookup sizefield m
maxsize <- M.lookup maxsizefield m
return $ tablerow [formatsize size, formatsize maxsize, ""]
formatsize = maybe "" (formatSize o (roughSize' storageUnits True 0))
padcolumn s = replicate (7 - length s) ' ' ++ s
tablerow [] = ""
tablerow (s:[]) = " " ++ s
tablerow (s:l) = padcolumn s ++ " " ++ tablerow l
formatSize :: MaxSizeOptions -> (ByteSize -> String) -> ByteSize -> String
formatSize o f n
| bytesOption o = show n
| otherwise = f n
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ module Messages (
) where
import Control.Concurrent
@ -87,9 +88,7 @@ showStartMessage (StartMessage command ai si) =
json = JSON.startActionItem command ai si
showStartMessage (StartUsualMessages command ai si) = do
outputType <$> Annex.getState Annex.output >>= \case
QuietOutput -> Annex.setOutput NormalOutput
_ -> noop
showStartMessage (StartMessage command ai si)
showStartMessage (StartNoMessage _) = noop
showStartMessage (CustomOutput _) =
@ -379,3 +378,9 @@ countdownToMessage n showmsg
| otherwise = do
let !n' = pred n
return n'
enableNormalOutput :: Annex ()
enableNormalOutput =
outputType <$> Annex.getState Annex.output >>= \case
QuietOutput -> Annex.setOutput NormalOutput
_ -> noop
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ module Remote (
@ -229,11 +230,25 @@ prettyPrintUUIDsWith
-> (v -> Maybe String)
-> [(UUID, Maybe v)]
-> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDsWith optfield header descm showval uuidvals = do
prettyPrintUUIDsWith = prettyPrintUUIDsWith' True
:: ToJSON' v
=> Bool
-> Maybe String
-> String
-> UUIDDescMap
-> (v -> Maybe String)
-> [(UUID, Maybe v)]
-> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDsWith' indented optfield header descm showval uuidvals = do
hereu <- getUUID
maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk [(header, V.fromList $ map (jsonify hereu) uuidvals)]
return $ unwords $ map (\u -> "\t" ++ prettify hereu u ++ "\n") uuidvals
return $ concatMap
(\u -> tabindent ++ prettify hereu u ++ "\n")
tabindent = if indented then "\t" else ""
finddescription u = fromUUIDDesc $ M.findWithDefault mempty u descm
prettify hereu (u, optval)
| not (null d) = addoptval $ fromUUID u ++ " -- " ++ d
@ -247,7 +262,7 @@ prettyPrintUUIDsWith optfield header descm showval uuidvals = do
| otherwise = n
addoptval s = case showval =<< optval of
Nothing -> s
Just val -> val ++ ": " ++ s
Just val -> val ++ s
jsonify hereu (u, optval) = object $ catMaybes
[ Just ("uuid", toJSON' (fromUUID u :: String))
, Just ("description", toJSON' $ finddescription u)
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
module Types.RepoSize where
-- The current size of a repo.
newtype RepoSize = RepoSize Integer
newtype RepoSize = RepoSize { fromRepoSize :: Integer }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Num)
-- The maximum size of a repo.
newtype MaxSize = MaxSize Integer
newtype MaxSize = MaxSize { fromMaxSize :: Integer }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -8,11 +8,15 @@ git annex maxsize repository size
git annex maxsize repository
git annex maxsize
This configures the maximum combined size of annexed files that can be
stored in a repository. When run without a size,
it displays the currently configured maxsize.
stored in a repository. When run with a repository but without a size,
it displays the currently configured maxsize. When run without a
repository, it displays an overview of the size and maxsize of all
The repository can be specified by git remote name or
by uuid. For the current repository, use "here".
@ -35,6 +39,10 @@ gigabyte, then it would make sense to run
Displays the maximum size in bytes, disabling the default nicer units.
* `--json`
Enable JSON output.
* The [[git-annex-common-options]](1) can also be used.
@ -86,8 +86,6 @@ Planned schedule of work:
overLocationLogs. In the other path it does not, and this should be fixed
for consistency and correctness.
* `git-annex info` can use maxsize to display how full repositories are
* implement size-based balancing, so all balanced repositories are around
the same percent full, either as the default or as another preferred
content expression.
Add table
Reference in a new issue