use System.Timeout

I'd forgotten this existed!
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2012-11-14 11:53:23 -04:00
parent 481f32dfbc
commit 98d45cd383
2 changed files with 12 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import qualified Git.Branch
import Locations.UserConfig
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ import System.Posix.Env
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Process (std_in, std_out, std_err)
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Timeout
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ xmppPush cid gitpush = runPush SendPack cid handleDeferred $ do
then liftIO $ killThread =<< myThreadId
else sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid $ SendPackOutput b
fromxmpp outh controlh = forever $ do
m <- runTimeout xmppTimeout <~> waitNetPushMessage SendPack
m <- timeout xmppTimeout <~> waitNetPushMessage SendPack
case m of
(Right (Pushing _ (ReceivePackOutput b))) ->
(Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackOutput b))) ->
liftIO $ writeChunk outh b
(Right (Pushing _ (ReceivePackDone exitcode))) ->
(Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackDone exitcode))) ->
liftIO $ do
hPrint controlh exitcode
hFlush controlh
(Right _) -> noop
(Left _) -> do
(Just _) -> noop
Nothing -> do
debug ["timeout waiting for git receive-pack output via XMPP"]
-- Send a synthetic exit code to git-annex
-- xmppgit, which will exit and cause git push
@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ xmppReceivePack cid = runPush ReceivePack cid handleDeferred $ do
sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid $ ReceivePackOutput b
relaytoxmpp outh
relayfromxmpp inh = forever $ do
m <- runTimeout xmppTimeout <~> waitNetPushMessage ReceivePack
m <- timeout xmppTimeout <~> waitNetPushMessage ReceivePack
case m of
(Right (Pushing _ (SendPackOutput b))) ->
(Just (Pushing _ (SendPackOutput b))) ->
liftIO $ writeChunk inh b
(Right _) -> noop
(Left _) -> do
(Just _) -> noop
Nothing -> do
debug ["timeout waiting for git send-pack output via XMPP"]
-- closing the handle will make
-- git receive-pack exit
@ -291,5 +291,5 @@ chunkSize = 4096
- delayed for running until the timeout is reached, so it should not be
- excessive.
xmppTimeout :: Seconds
xmppTimeout = Seconds 120
xmppTimeout :: Int
xmppTimeout = 120000000 -- 120 seconds

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Common
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Posix.Signals
@ -46,19 +45,6 @@ unboundDelay time = do
threadDelay $ fromInteger maxWait
when (maxWait /= time) $ unboundDelay (time - maxWait)
{- Runs an action until a timeout is reached. If it fails to complete in
- time, or throws an exception, returns a Left value.
- Note that if the action runs an unsafe foreign call, the signal to
- cancel it may not arrive until the call returns. -}
runTimeout :: Seconds -> IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
runTimeout secs a = do
runner <- async a
controller <- async $ do
threadDelaySeconds secs
cancel runner
cancel controller `after` waitCatch runner
{- Pauses the main thread, letting children run until program termination. -}
waitForTermination :: IO ()
waitForTermination = do