create directory for upgraded versio early as a locking mechanism

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2013-11-24 15:03:50 -04:00
parent 5ff5d0a854
commit 95feec24d1
2 changed files with 78 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -63,17 +63,24 @@ upgradedEnv = "GIT_ANNEX_UPGRADED"
{- Start downloading the distribution key from the web.
- Install a hook that will be run once the download is complete,
- and finishes the upgrade. -}
- and finishes the upgrade.
- Creates the destination directory where the upgrade will be installed
- early, in order to check if another upgrade has happened (or is
- happending). On failure, the directory is removed.
startDistributionDownload :: GitAnnexDistribution -> Assistant ()
startDistributionDownload d = do
liftAnnex $ setUrlPresent k u
hook <- asIO1 $ distributionDownloadComplete d cleanup
modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
{ transferHook = M.insert k hook (transferHook s) }
maybe noop (queueTransfer "upgrade" Next (Just f) t)
=<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID webUUID)
startTransfer t
startDistributionDownload d = go =<< liftIO . newVersionLocation d =<< liftIO oldVersionLocation
go Nothing = debug ["Skipping redundant upgrade"]
go (Just dest) = do
liftAnnex $ setUrlPresent k u
hook <- asIO1 $ distributionDownloadComplete d dest cleanup
modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
{ transferHook = M.insert k hook (transferHook s) }
maybe noop (queueTransfer "upgrade" Next (Just f) t)
=<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID webUUID)
startTransfer t
k = distributionKey d
u = distributionUrl d
f = takeFileName u ++ " (for upgrade)"
@ -92,11 +99,12 @@ startDistributionDownload d = do
- Fsck the key to verify the download.
distributionDownloadComplete :: GitAnnexDistribution -> Assistant () -> Transfer -> Assistant ()
distributionDownloadComplete d cleanup t
distributionDownloadComplete :: GitAnnexDistribution -> FilePath -> Assistant () -> Transfer -> Assistant ()
distributionDownloadComplete d dest cleanup t
| transferDirection t == Download = do
debug ["finished downloading git-annex distribution"]
maybe cleanup go =<< liftAnnex (withObjectLoc k fsckit (getM fsckit))
maybe (failedupgrade "bad download") go
=<< liftAnnex (withObjectLoc k fsckit (getM fsckit))
| otherwise = cleanup
k = distributionKey d
@ -109,12 +117,13 @@ distributionDownloadComplete d cleanup t
, return Nothing
go f = do
ua <- asIO $ upgradeToDistribution d cleanup f
ua <- asIO $ upgradeToDistribution dest cleanup f
fa <- asIO1 failedupgrade
liftIO $ ua `catchNonAsync` fa
failedupgrade e = do
liftIO $ ua `catchNonAsync` (fa . show)
failedupgrade msg = do
void $ addAlert $ upgradeFailedAlert msg
void $ addAlert $ upgradeFailedAlert $ show e
liftIO $ void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dest
{- The upgrade method varies by OS.
@ -122,8 +131,8 @@ distributionDownloadComplete d cleanup t
- and unpack the new distribution next to it (in a versioned directory).
- Then update the programFile to point to the new version.
upgradeToDistribution :: GitAnnexDistribution -> Assistant () -> FilePath -> Assistant ()
upgradeToDistribution d cleanup f = do
upgradeToDistribution :: FilePath -> Assistant () -> FilePath -> Assistant ()
upgradeToDistribution newdir cleanup distributionfile = do
(program, deleteold) <- unpack
changeprogram program
@ -149,12 +158,8 @@ upgradeToDistribution d cleanup f = do
- untar it (into a temp directory) and move the directory
- into place. -}
unpack = liftIO $ do
olddir <- parentDir <$> readProgramFile
when (null olddir) $
error $ "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading."
newdir <- newVersionLocation d olddir "git-annex.linux."
whenM (doesDirectoryExist newdir) $
error $ "Upgrade destination directory " ++ newdir ++ "already exists; not overwriting."
olddir <- oldVersionLocation
createDirectoryIfMissing True newdir
withTmpDirIn (parentDir newdir) "git-annex.upgrade" $ \tmpdir -> do
let tarball = tmpdir </> "tar"
-- Cannot rely on filename extension, and this also
@ -162,7 +167,7 @@ upgradeToDistribution d cleanup f = do
-- decompression.
void $ boolSystem "sh"
[ Param "-c"
, Param $ "zcat < " ++ shellEscape f ++
, Param $ "zcat < " ++ shellEscape distributionfile ++
" > " ++ shellEscape tarball
tarok <- boolSystem "tar"
@ -171,37 +176,66 @@ upgradeToDistribution d cleanup f = do
, Param "--directory", File tmpdir
unless tarok $
error $ "failed to untar " ++ f
let unpacked = tmpdir </> "git-annex.linux"
error $ "failed to untar " ++ distributionfile
let unpacked = tmpdir </> installBase
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist unpacked) $
error $ "did not find git-annex.linux in " ++ f
renameDirectory unpacked newdir
error $ "did not find " ++ installBase ++ " in " ++ distributionfile
moveinto newdir unpacked
let deleteold = do
deleteFromManifest olddir
let origdir = parentDir olddir </> "git-annex.linux"
let origdir = parentDir olddir </> installBase
nukeFile origdir
createSymbolicLink newdir origdir
return (newdir </> "git-annex", deleteold)
moveinto dstdir srcdir =
mapM_ (\x -> rename x (dstdir </> takeFileName x))
=<< dirContents srcdir
{- Finds where the old version was installed. -}
oldVersionLocation :: IO FilePath
oldVersionLocation = do
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
error "TODO OSX oldVersionLocation"
olddir <- parentDir <$> readProgramFile
when (null olddir) $
error $ "Cannot find old distribution bundle; not upgrading."
return olddir
{- Finds a place to install the new version.
- Generally, put it in the parent directory of where the old version was
- installed, and use a version number in the directory name.
- If unable to write to there, instead put it in the home directory.
- The directory is created. If it already exists, returns Nothing.
newVersionLocation :: GitAnnexDistribution -> FilePath -> String -> IO FilePath
newVersionLocation d olddir base = go =<< tryIO (writeFile testfile "")
newVersionLocation :: GitAnnexDistribution -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
newVersionLocation d olddir =
trymkdir newloc $ do
home <- myHomeDir
trymkdir (home </> s) $
return Nothing
s = base ++ distributionVersion d
s = installBase ++ "." ++ distributionVersion d
topdir = parentDir olddir
newloc = topdir </> s
testfile = newloc ++ ".test"
go (Right _) = do
nukeFile testfile
return newloc
go (Left _) = do
home <- myHomeDir
return $ home </> s
trymkdir dir fallback =
(createDirectory dir >> return (Just dir))
`catchIO` const fallback
installBase :: String
installBase = "git-annex." ++
#ifdef linux_HOST_OS
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
deleteFromManifest :: FilePath -> IO ()
deleteFromManifest dir = do

View file

@ -46,4 +46,7 @@ should notice the upgrade and restart.
I don't want every daemon trying to download the file at once..
TODO Add locking to prevent that.
Approach: The first new version is installed into a stable directory, based
on its version. So, start the upgrade by making this directory. If upgrade
is already in progress, the directory will already exist. (Remove directory
if upgrade fails.)