configuration to disable automatic merge conflict resolution
* Added annex.resolvemerge configuration, which can be set to false to disable the usual automatic merge conflict resolution done by git-annex sync and the assistant. * sync: Added --no-resolvemerge option. Note that disabling merge conflict resolution is probably not a good idea in a direct mode repo or adjusted branch. Since updates to both are done outside the usual work tree, if it fails the tree is not left in a conflicted state, and it would be hard to manually resolve the conflict. Still, made annex.resolvemerge be supported in those cases for consistency. This commit was sponsored by Riku Voipio.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 89 additions and 29 deletions
@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ findAdjustingCommit (AdjBranch b) = go =<< catCommit b
{- Update the currently checked out adjusted branch, merging the provided
- branch into it. Note that the provided branch should be a non-adjusted
- branch. -}
updateAdjustedBranch :: Branch -> (OrigBranch, Adjustment) -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Annex Bool
updateAdjustedBranch tomerge (origbranch, adj) mergeconfig commitmode = catchBoolIO $
updateAdjustedBranch :: Branch -> (OrigBranch, Adjustment) -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Annex Bool -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Annex Bool
updateAdjustedBranch tomerge (origbranch, adj) mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode = catchBoolIO $
join $ preventCommits go
adjbranch@(AdjBranch currbranch) = originalToAdjusted origbranch adj
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ updateAdjustedBranch tomerge (origbranch, adj) mergeconfig commitmode = catchBoo
-- this commit will be a fast-forward.
adjmergecommitff <- commitAdjustedTree' adjtree (BasisBranch mergecommit) [currbranch]
showAction "Merging into adjusted branch"
ifM (autoMergeFrom adjmergecommitff (Just currbranch) mergeconfig commitmode)
ifM (autoMergeFrom adjmergecommitff (Just currbranch) mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode)
( reparent adjtree adjmergecommit =<< getcurrentcommit
, return False
@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
- Callers should use Git.Branch.changed first, to make sure that
- there are changes from the current branch to the branch being merged in.
autoMergeFrom :: Git.Ref -> Maybe Git.Ref -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Annex Bool
autoMergeFrom branch currbranch mergeconfig commitmode = do
autoMergeFrom :: Git.Ref -> Maybe Git.Ref -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Annex Bool -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Annex Bool
autoMergeFrom branch currbranch mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode = do
case currbranch of
Nothing -> go Nothing
Just b -> go =<< inRepo (Git.Ref.sha b)
go old = ifM isDirect
( mergeDirect currbranch old branch (resolveMerge old branch False) mergeconfig commitmode
( mergeDirect currbranch old branch resolvemerge mergeconfig commitmode
, do
r <- inRepo (Git.Merge.merge branch mergeconfig commitmode)
<||> (resolveMerge old branch False <&&> commitResolvedMerge commitmode)
<||> (resolvemerge <&&> commitResolvedMerge commitmode)
-- Merging can cause new associated files to appear
-- and the smudge filter will add them to the database.
-- To ensure that this process sees those changes,
@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ autoMergeFrom branch currbranch mergeconfig commitmode = do
return r
resolvemerge = ifM canresolvemerge
( resolveMerge old branch False
, return False
{- Resolves a conflicted merge. It's important that any conflicts be
- resolved in a way that itself avoids later merge conflicts, since
@ -211,7 +211,8 @@ manualPull currentbranch remotes = do
else return Nothing
haddiverged <- liftAnnex Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
forM_ normalremotes $ \r ->
liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeRemote r currentbranch Command.Sync.mergeConfig
liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeRemote r
currentbranch Command.Sync.mergeConfig def
return (catMaybes failed, haddiverged)
wantpull gc = remoteAnnexPull gc
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ onChange file
void $ liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.merge
currbranch Command.Sync.mergeConfig
mergecurrent _ = noop
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ git-annex (6.20170520) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* metadata: When setting metadata of a file that did not exist,
no error message was displayed, unlike getting metadata and most other
git-annex commands. Fixed this oversight.
* Added annex.resolvemerge configuration, which can be set to false to
disable the usual automatic merge conflict resolution done by git-annex
sync and the assistant.
* sync: Added --no-resolvemerge option.
-- Joey Hess <> Wed, 24 May 2017 14:03:40 -0400
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ mergeBranch = do
mergeSynced :: CommandStart
mergeSynced = do
mergeLocal mergeConfig =<< join getCurrBranch
mergeLocal mergeConfig def =<< join getCurrBranch
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ fixPostReceiveHookEnv = do
updateInsteadEmulation :: CommandStart
updateInsteadEmulation = do
mergeLocal mergeConfig =<< join getCurrBranch
mergeLocal mergeConfig def =<< join getCurrBranch
@ -76,8 +76,14 @@ data SyncOptions = SyncOptions
, noContentOption :: Bool
, contentOfOption :: [FilePath]
, keyOptions :: Maybe KeyOptions
, resolveMergeOverride :: ResolveMergeOverride
newtype ResolveMergeOverride = ResolveMergeOverride Bool
instance Default ResolveMergeOverride where
def = ResolveMergeOverride False
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser SyncOptions
optParser desc = SyncOptions
<$> (many $ argument str
@ -117,6 +123,9 @@ optParser desc = SyncOptions
<> metavar paramPath
<*> optional parseAllOption
<*> (ResolveMergeOverride <$> invertableSwitch "resolvemerge" True
( help "do not automatically resolve merge conflicts"
-- Since prepMerge changes the working directory, FilePath options
-- have to be adjusted.
@ -132,6 +141,7 @@ instance DeferredParseClass SyncOptions where
<*> pure (noContentOption v)
<*> liftIO (mapM absPath (contentOfOption v))
<*> pure (keyOptions v)
<*> pure (resolveMergeOverride v)
seek :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
@ -150,7 +160,7 @@ seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
-- These actions cannot be run concurrently.
mapM_ includeCommandAction $ concat
[ [ commit o ]
, [ withbranch (mergeLocal mergeConfig) ]
, [ withbranch (mergeLocal mergeConfig (resolveMergeOverride o)) ]
, map (withbranch . pullRemote o mergeConfig) gitremotes
, [ mergeAnnex ]
@ -219,11 +229,14 @@ mergeConfig =
, Git.Merge.MergeUnrelatedHistories
merge :: CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Git.Branch -> Annex Bool
merge (Just b, Just adj) mergeconfig commitmode tomerge =
updateAdjustedBranch tomerge (b, adj) mergeconfig commitmode
merge (b, _) mergeconfig commitmode tomerge =
autoMergeFrom tomerge b mergeconfig commitmode
merge :: CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> ResolveMergeOverride -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Git.Branch -> Annex Bool
merge currbranch mergeconfig resolvemergeoverride commitmode tomerge = case currbranch of
(Just b, Just adj) -> updateAdjustedBranch tomerge (b, adj) mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode
(b, _) -> autoMergeFrom tomerge b mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode
canresolvemerge = case resolvemergeoverride of
ResolveMergeOverride True -> getGitConfigVal annexResolveMerge
ResolveMergeOverride False -> return False
syncBranch :: Git.Branch -> Git.Branch
syncBranch = Git.Ref.underBase "refs/heads/synced" . fromDirectBranch . fromAdjustedBranch
@ -296,15 +309,15 @@ commitStaged commitmode commitmessage = do
void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit commitmode False commitmessage branch parents
return True
mergeLocal :: [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
mergeLocal mergeconfig currbranch@(Just _, _) =
mergeLocal :: [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> ResolveMergeOverride -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
mergeLocal mergeconfig resolvemergeoverride currbranch@(Just _, _) =
go =<< needMerge currbranch
go Nothing = stop
go (Just syncbranch) = do
showStart "merge" $ Git.Ref.describe syncbranch
next $ next $ merge currbranch mergeconfig Git.Branch.ManualCommit syncbranch
mergeLocal _ (Nothing, madj) = do
next $ next $ merge currbranch mergeconfig resolvemergeoverride Git.Branch.ManualCommit syncbranch
mergeLocal _ _ (Nothing, madj) = do
b <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
ifM (isJust <$> needMerge (b, madj))
( do
@ -365,7 +378,7 @@ pullRemote o mergeconfig remote branch = stopUnless (pure $ pullOption o && want
next $ do
stopUnless fetch $
next $ mergeRemote remote branch mergeconfig
next $ mergeRemote remote branch mergeconfig (resolveMergeOverride o)
fetch = inRepoWithSshOptionsTo (Remote.repo remote) (Remote.gitconfig remote) $
@ -377,8 +390,8 @@ pullRemote o mergeconfig remote branch = stopUnless (pure $ pullOption o && want
- were committed (or pushed changes, if this is a bare remote),
- while the synced/master may have changes that some
- other remote synced to this remote. So, merge them both. -}
mergeRemote :: Remote -> CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> CommandCleanup
mergeRemote remote currbranch mergeconfig = ifM isBareRepo
mergeRemote :: Remote -> CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> ResolveMergeOverride -> CommandCleanup
mergeRemote remote currbranch mergeconfig resolvemergeoverride = ifM isBareRepo
( return True
, case currbranch of
(Nothing, _) -> do
@ -390,7 +403,7 @@ mergeRemote remote currbranch mergeconfig = ifM isBareRepo
mergelisted getlist = and <$>
(mapM (merge currbranch mergeconfig Git.Branch.ManualCommit . remoteBranch remote) =<< getlist)
(mapM (merge currbranch mergeconfig resolvemergeoverride Git.Branch.ManualCommit . remoteBranch remote) =<< getlist)
tomerge = filterM (changed remote)
branchlist Nothing = []
branchlist (Just branch) = [branch, syncBranch branch]
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ data GitConfig = GitConfig
, annexHttpHeaders :: [String]
, annexHttpHeadersCommand :: Maybe String
, annexAutoCommit :: Configurable Bool
, annexResolveMerge :: Configurable Bool
, annexSyncContent :: Configurable Bool
, annexDebug :: Bool
, annexWebOptions :: [String]
@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ extractGitConfig r = GitConfig
, annexHttpHeadersCommand = getmaybe (annex "http-headers-command")
, annexAutoCommit = configurable True $
getmaybebool (annex "autocommit")
, annexResolveMerge = configurable True $
getmaybebool (annex "resolvemerge")
, annexSyncContent = configurable False $
getmaybebool (annex "synccontent")
, annexDebug = getbool (annex "debug") False
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 2"""
I've implemented the annex.automerge configuration setting, for the next
release. There's also a `git annex sync --no-resolvemerge`
@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ These settings can be overridden on a per-repository basis using
Set to false to prevent the git-annex assistant and git-annex sync
from automatically committing changes to files in the repository.
* `annex.resolvemerge`
Set to false to prevent merge conflicts being automatically resolved
by the git-annex assitant, git-annex sync, git-annex merge,
and the git-annex post-receive hook.
* `annex.synccontent`
Set to true to make git-annex sync default to syncing content.
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ This performs the same merging (and merge conflict resolution)
that is done by the sync command, but without pushing or pulling any
When annex.resolvemerge is set to false, merge conflict resolution
will not be done.
@ -21,11 +21,6 @@ worry about the details, you can use sync.
The content of annexed objects is not synced by default, but the --content
option (see below) can make that also be synchronized.
Merge conflicts are automatically handled by sync. When two conflicting
versions of a file have been committed, both will be added to the tree,
under different filenames. For example, file "foo" would be replaced
with "foo.somekey" and "foo.otherkey".
Note that syncing with a remote will not normally update the remote's working
tree with changes made to the local repository. (Unless it's configured
with receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead.) However, those changes
@ -114,6 +109,18 @@ by running "git annex sync" on the remote.
less efficient. When --content is synced, the files are processed
in parallel as well.
* `--resolvemerge`, `--no-resolvemerge`
By default, merge conflicts are automatically handled by sync. When two
conflicting versions of a file have been committed, both will be added
to the tree, under different filenames. For example, file "foo"
would be replaced with "foo.variant-A" and "foo.variant-B". (See
[[git-annex-resolvemerge]](1) for details.)
Use `--no-resolvemerge` to disable this automatic merge conflict
resolution. It can also be disabled by setting annex.resolvemerge
to false.
@ -1040,6 +1040,15 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
To configure the behavior in all clones of the repository,
this can be set in [[git-annex-config]].
* `annex.resolvemerge`
Set to false to prevent merge conflicts being automatically resolved
by the git-annex assitant, git-annex sync, git-annex merge,
and the git-annex post-receive hook.
To configure the behavior in all clones of the repository,
this can be set in [[git-annex-config]].
* `annex.synccontent`
Set to true to make git-annex sync default to syncing content.
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