finished pushing Assistant monad into all relevant files
All temporary and old functions are removed.
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 262 additions and 301 deletions
@ -24,30 +24,12 @@ import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- TODO remove this
getDaemonStatusOld :: DaemonStatusHandle -> IO DaemonStatus
getDaemonStatusOld = atomically . readTMVar
getDaemonStatus :: Assistant DaemonStatus
getDaemonStatus = (atomically . readTMVar) <<~ daemonStatusHandle
-- TODO remove this
modifyDaemonStatusOld_ :: DaemonStatusHandle -> (DaemonStatus -> DaemonStatus) -> IO ()
modifyDaemonStatusOld_ dstatus a = modifyDaemonStatusOld dstatus $ \s -> (a s, ())
modifyDaemonStatus_ :: (DaemonStatus -> DaemonStatus) -> Assistant ()
modifyDaemonStatus_ a = modifyDaemonStatus $ \s -> (a s, ())
-- TODO remove this
modifyDaemonStatusOld :: DaemonStatusHandle -> (DaemonStatus -> (DaemonStatus, b)) -> IO b
modifyDaemonStatusOld dstatus a = do
(s, b) <- atomically $ do
r@(s, _) <- a <$> takeTMVar dstatus
putTMVar dstatus s
return r
sendNotification $ changeNotifier s
return b
modifyDaemonStatus :: (DaemonStatus -> (DaemonStatus, b)) -> Assistant b
modifyDaemonStatus a = do
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
@ -188,11 +170,6 @@ notifyTransfer = do
liftIO $ sendNotification
=<< transferNotifier <$> atomically (readTMVar dstatus)
-- TODO remove
notifyTransferOld :: DaemonStatusHandle -> IO ()
notifyTransferOld dstatus = sendNotification
=<< transferNotifier <$> atomically (readTMVar dstatus)
{- Send a notification when alerts are changed. -}
notifyAlert :: Assistant ()
notifyAlert = do
@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ import Config
{- Drop from local and/or remote when allowed by the preferred content and
- numcopies settings. -}
handleDrops :: DaemonStatusHandle -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex ()
handleDrops _ _ _ Nothing = noop
handleDrops dstatus fromhere key f = do
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatusOld dstatus
locs <- loggedLocations key
handleDrops' locs syncrs fromhere key f
handleDrops :: Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Assistant ()
handleDrops _ _ Nothing = noop
handleDrops fromhere key f = do
syncrs <- syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
liftAnnex $ do
locs <- loggedLocations key
handleDrops' locs syncrs fromhere key f
handleDrops' :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex ()
handleDrops' _ _ _ _ Nothing = noop
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Assistant.Monad (
) where
@ -95,12 +96,16 @@ io <~> a = do
liftIO $ io $ runAssistant a d
{- Creates an IO action that will run an Assistant action when run. -}
asIO :: (a -> Assistant b) -> Assistant (a -> IO b)
asIO :: Assistant a -> Assistant (IO a)
asIO a = do
d <- reader id
return $ runAssistant a d
asIO1 :: (a -> Assistant b) -> Assistant (a -> IO b)
asIO1 a = do
d <- reader id
return $ \v -> runAssistant (a v) d
{- Creates an IO action that will run an Assistant action when run. -}
asIO2 :: (a -> b -> Assistant c) -> Assistant (a -> b -> IO c)
asIO2 a = do
d <- reader id
@ -50,47 +50,50 @@ multicastAddress (IPv6Addr _) = "ff02::fb"
multicastPairMsg :: Maybe Int -> Secret -> PairData -> PairStage -> IO ()
multicastPairMsg repeats secret pairdata stage = go M.empty repeats
go _ (Just 0) = noop
go cache n = do
addrs <- activeNetworkAddresses
let cache' = updatecache cache addrs
mapM_ (sendinterface cache') addrs
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
go cache' $ pred <$> n
{- The multicast library currently chokes on ipv6 addresses. -}
sendinterface _ (IPv6Addr _) = noop
sendinterface cache i = void $ catchMaybeIO $
withSocketsDo $ bracket setup cleanup use
setup = multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort
cleanup (sock, _) = sClose sock -- FIXME does not work
use (sock, addr) = do
setInterface sock (showAddr i)
maybe noop (\s -> void $ sendTo sock s addr)
(M.lookup i cache)
updatecache cache [] = cache
updatecache cache (i:is)
| M.member i cache = updatecache cache is
| otherwise = updatecache (M.insert i (show $ mkmsg i) cache) is
mkmsg addr = PairMsg $
mkVerifiable (stage, pairdata, addr) secret
go _ (Just 0) = noop
go cache n = do
addrs <- activeNetworkAddresses
let cache' = updatecache cache addrs
mapM_ (sendinterface cache') addrs
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
go cache' $ pred <$> n
{- The multicast library currently chokes on ipv6 addresses. -}
sendinterface _ (IPv6Addr _) = noop
sendinterface cache i = void $ catchMaybeIO $
withSocketsDo $ bracket setup cleanup use
setup = multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort
cleanup (sock, _) = sClose sock -- FIXME does not work
use (sock, addr) = do
setInterface sock (showAddr i)
maybe noop (\s -> void $ sendTo sock s addr)
(M.lookup i cache)
updatecache cache [] = cache
updatecache cache (i:is)
| M.member i cache = updatecache cache is
| otherwise = updatecache (M.insert i (show $ mkmsg i) cache) is
mkmsg addr = PairMsg $
mkVerifiable (stage, pairdata, addr) secret
startSending :: DaemonStatusHandle -> PairingInProgress -> PairStage -> (PairStage -> IO ()) -> IO ()
startSending dstatus pip stage sender = void $ forkIO $ do
tid <- myThreadId
let pip' = pip { inProgressPairStage = stage, inProgressThreadId = Just tid }
oldpip <- modifyDaemonStatusOld dstatus $
\s -> (s { pairingInProgress = Just pip' }, pairingInProgress s)
maybe noop stopold oldpip
sender stage
stopold = maybe noop killThread . inProgressThreadId
startSending :: PairingInProgress -> PairStage -> (PairStage -> IO ()) -> Assistant ()
startSending pip stage sender = do
a <- asIO start
void $ liftIO $ forkIO a
start = do
tid <- liftIO myThreadId
let pip' = pip { inProgressPairStage = stage, inProgressThreadId = Just tid }
oldpip <- modifyDaemonStatus $
\s -> (s { pairingInProgress = Just pip' }, pairingInProgress s)
maybe noop stopold oldpip
liftIO $ sender stage
stopold = maybe noop (liftIO . killThread) . inProgressThreadId
stopSending :: PairingInProgress -> DaemonStatusHandle -> IO ()
stopSending pip dstatus = do
maybe noop killThread $ inProgressThreadId pip
modifyDaemonStatusOld_ dstatus $ \s -> s { pairingInProgress = Nothing }
stopSending :: PairingInProgress -> Assistant ()
stopSending pip = do
maybe noop (liftIO . killThread) $ inProgressThreadId pip
modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { pairingInProgress = Nothing }
class ToSomeAddr a where
toSomeAddr :: a -> SomeAddr
@ -123,5 +126,5 @@ pairRepo msg = concat
, ":"
, remoteDirectory d
d = pairMsgData msg
d = pairMsgData msg
@ -202,9 +202,7 @@ handleAdds delayadd cs = returnWhen (null incomplete) $ do
Git.HashObject.hashObject BlobObject link
stageSymlink file sha
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftAnnex $ queueTransfers Next transferqueue dstatus key (Just file) Upload
queueTransfers Next key (Just file) Upload
return $ Just change
{- Check that the keysource's keyFilename still exists,
@ -67,11 +67,8 @@ onAdd file
| ".lock" `isSuffixOf` file = noop
| isAnnexBranch file = do
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftAnnex $
whenM Annex.Branch.forceUpdate $
queueDeferredDownloads Later transferqueue dstatus
whenM (liftAnnex Annex.Branch.forceUpdate) $
queueDeferredDownloads Later
| "/synced/" `isInfixOf` file = do
mergecurrent =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
| otherwise = noop
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ mountWatcherThread = NamedThread "MountWatcher" $
dbusThread :: Assistant ()
dbusThread = do
runclient <- asIO go
runclient <- asIO1 go
r <- liftIO $ E.try $ runClient getSessionAddress runclient
either onerr (const noop) r
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ dbusThread = do
- mount point from the dbus message, but this is
- easier. -}
mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar =<< currentMountPoints
handleevent <- asIO $ \_event -> do
handleevent <- asIO1 $ \_event -> do
nowmounted <- liftIO $ currentMountPoints
wasmounted <- liftIO $ swapMVar mvar nowmounted
handleMounts wasmounted nowmounted
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ netWatcherFallbackThread = NamedThread "NetWatcherFallback" $
dbusThread :: Assistant ()
dbusThread = do
handleerr <- asIO2 onerr
runclient <- asIO go
runclient <- asIO1 go
liftIO $ persistentClient getSystemAddress () handleerr runclient
go client = ifM (checkNetMonitor client)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ thisThread = "PairListener"
pairListenerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
pairListenerThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "PairListener" $ do
listener <- asIO $ go [] []
listener <- asIO1 $ go [] []
liftIO $ withSocketsDo $
runEvery (Seconds 1) $ void $ tryIO $
listener =<< getsock
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ pairListenerThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "PairListener" $ do
| not verified && sameuuid = do
liftAnnex $ warning
"detected possible pairing brute force attempt; disabled pairing"
stopSending pip <<~ daemonStatusHandle
stopSending pip
return (Nothing, False)
|otherwise = return (Just pip, verified && sameuuid)
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ pairReqReceived :: Bool -> UrlRenderer -> PairMsg -> Assistant ()
pairReqReceived True _ _ = noop -- ignore our own PairReq
pairReqReceived False urlrenderer msg = do
url <- liftIO $ renderUrl urlrenderer (FinishPairR msg) []
close <- asIO removeAlert
close <- asIO1 removeAlert
void $ addAlert $ pairRequestReceivedAlert repo
{ buttonUrl = url
@ -119,11 +119,10 @@ pairReqReceived False urlrenderer msg = do
- and send a single PairDone. -}
pairAckReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> PairMsg -> [PairingInProgress] -> Assistant [PairingInProgress]
pairAckReceived True (Just pip) msg cache = do
stopSending pip <<~ daemonStatusHandle
stopSending pip
liftIO $ setupAuthorizedKeys msg
finishedPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftIO $ startSending dstatus pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
startSending pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
(Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) (inProgressPairData pip)
return $ pip : take 10 cache
{- A stale PairAck might also be seen, after we've finished pairing.
@ -132,10 +131,9 @@ pairAckReceived True (Just pip) msg cache = do
- response to stale PairAcks for them. -}
pairAckReceived _ _ msg cache = do
let pips = filter (verifiedPairMsg msg) cache
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
unless (null pips) $
liftIO $ forM_ pips $ \pip ->
startSending dstatus pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
forM_ pips $ \pip ->
startSending pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
(Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) (inProgressPairData pip)
return cache
@ -152,5 +150,5 @@ pairDoneReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> PairMsg -> Assistant ()
pairDoneReceived False _ _ = noop -- not verified
pairDoneReceived True Nothing _ = noop -- not in progress
pairDoneReceived True (Just pip) msg = do
stopSending pip <<~ daemonStatusHandle
stopSending pip
finishedPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ import Data.Time.Clock
pushNotifierThread :: NamedThread
pushNotifierThread = NamedThread "PushNotifier" $ do
iodebug <- asIO debug
iopull <- asIO pull
iowaitpush <- asIO $ const waitPush
ioclient <- asIO2 $ xmppClient $ iowaitpush ()
iodebug <- asIO1 debug
iopull <- asIO1 pull
iowaitpush <- asIO $ waitPush
ioclient <- asIO2 $ xmppClient $ iowaitpush
forever $ do
tid <- liftIO $ forkIO $ ioclient iodebug iopull
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
import Command
import qualified Backend
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Wanted
@ -78,11 +78,7 @@ failedTransferScan r = do
- that the remote doesn't already have the
- key, so it's not redundantly checked here. -}
requeue t info
requeue t info = do
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftIO $ queueTransferWhenSmall
transferqueue dstatus (associatedFile info) t r
requeue t info = queueTransferWhenSmall (associatedFile info) t r
{- This is a expensive scan through the full git work tree, finding
- files to transfer. The scan is blocked when the transfer queue gets
@ -101,10 +97,9 @@ expensiveScan rs = unless onlyweb $ do
void $ alertWhile (scanAlert visiblers) $ do
g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
(files, cleanup) <- liftIO $ LsFiles.inRepo [] g
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
forM_ files $ \f -> do
ts <- liftAnnex $
ifAnnexed f (findtransfers dstatus f) (return [])
ts <- maybe (return []) (findtransfers f)
=<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile f)
mapM_ (enqueue f) ts
void $ liftIO cleanup
return True
@ -115,25 +110,24 @@ expensiveScan rs = unless onlyweb $ do
in if null rs' then rs else rs'
enqueue f (r, t) = do
debug ["queuing", show t]
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftIO $ queueTransferWhenSmall transferqueue dstatus (Just f) t r
findtransfers dstatus f (key, _) = do
locs <- loggedLocations key
queueTransferWhenSmall (Just f) t r
findtransfers f (key, _) = do
{- The syncable remotes may have changed since this
- scan began. -}
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatusOld dstatus
present <- inAnnex key
syncrs <- syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
liftAnnex $ do
locs <- loggedLocations key
present <- inAnnex key
handleDrops' locs syncrs present key (Just f)
handleDrops' locs syncrs present key (Just f)
let slocs = S.fromList locs
let use a = return $ catMaybes $ map (a key slocs) syncrs
if present
then filterM (wantSend (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
=<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
else ifM (wantGet $ Just f)
( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
let slocs = S.fromList locs
let use a = return $ catMaybes $ map (a key slocs) syncrs
if present
then filterM (wantSend (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
=<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
else ifM (wantGet $ Just f)
( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
genTransfer :: Direction -> Bool -> Key -> S.Set UUID -> Remote -> Maybe (Remote, Transfer)
genTransfer direction want key slocs r
@ -115,15 +115,9 @@ finishedTransfer :: Transfer -> Maybe TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
finishedTransfer t (Just info)
| transferDirection t == Download =
whenM (liftAnnex $ inAnnex $ transferKey t) $ do
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
liftAnnex $ handleDrops dstatus False
(transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
liftAnnex $ queueTransfersMatching (/= transferUUID t)
Later transferqueue dstatus
handleDrops False (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
queueTransfersMatching (/= transferUUID t) Later
(transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Upload
| otherwise = do
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftAnnex $ handleDrops dstatus True (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
| otherwise = handleDrops True (transferKey t) (associatedFile info)
finishedTransfer _ _ = noop
@ -30,26 +30,22 @@ maxTransfers = 1
transfererThread :: NamedThread
transfererThread = NamedThread "Transferr" $ do
program <- liftIO readProgramFile
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
starter <- asIO2 $ startTransfer program
forever $ inTransferSlot $ liftIO $
maybe (return Nothing) (uncurry starter)
=<< getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning
forever $ inTransferSlot $
maybe (return Nothing) (uncurry $ startTransfer program)
=<< getNextTransfer notrunning
{- Skip transfers that are already running. -}
notrunning = isNothing . startedTime
{- By the time this is called, the daemonstatus's transfer map should
- already have been updated to include the transfer. -}
startTransfer :: FilePath -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ()))
startTransfer :: FilePath -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, Assistant ()))
startTransfer program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
(Just remote, Just file) -> ifM (liftAnnex $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
tp <- asIO2 transferprocess
return $ Just (t, info, tp remote file)
return $ Just (t, info, transferprocess remote file)
, do
debug [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:" , show t ]
void $ removeTransfer t
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ needLsof = error $ unlines
watchThread :: NamedThread
watchThread = NamedThread "Watcher" $ do
startup <- asIO startupScan
startup <- asIO1 startupScan
addhook <- hook onAdd
delhook <- hook onDel
addsymlinkhook <- hook onAddSymlink
@ -182,12 +182,9 @@ onAddSymlink file filestatus = go =<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile file)
checkcontent key daemonstatus
| scanComplete daemonstatus = do
present <- liftAnnex $ inAnnex key
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
unless present $ do
transferqueue <- getAssistant transferQueue
liftAnnex $ queueTransfers Next transferqueue
dstatus key (Just file) Download
liftAnnex $ handleDrops dstatus present key (Just file)
unless present $
queueTransfers Next key (Just file) Download
handleDrops present key (Just file)
| otherwise = noop
onDel :: Handler
@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ module Assistant.TransferQueue (
) where
import Common.Annex
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Types.TransferQueue
import Logs.Transfer
import Types.Remote
@ -35,8 +34,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- Reads the queue's content without blocking or changing it. -}
getTransferQueue :: TransferQueue -> IO [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getTransferQueue q = atomically $ readTVar $ queuelist q
getTransferQueue :: Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getTransferQueue = (atomically . readTVar . queuelist) <<~ transferQueue
stubInfo :: AssociatedFile -> Remote -> TransferInfo
stubInfo f r = stubTransferInfo
@ -46,101 +45,104 @@ stubInfo f r = stubTransferInfo
{- Adds transfers to queue for some of the known remotes.
- Honors preferred content settings, only transferring wanted files. -}
queueTransfers :: Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Direction -> Annex ()
queueTransfers :: Schedule -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Direction -> Assistant ()
queueTransfers = queueTransfersMatching (const True)
{- Adds transfers to queue for some of the known remotes, that match a
- condition. Honors preferred content settings. -}
queueTransfersMatching :: (UUID -> Bool) -> Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Direction -> Annex ()
queueTransfersMatching matching schedule q dstatus k f direction
| direction == Download = whenM (wantGet f) go
queueTransfersMatching :: (UUID -> Bool) -> Schedule -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Direction -> Assistant ()
queueTransfersMatching matching schedule k f direction
| direction == Download = whenM (liftAnnex $ wantGet f) go
| otherwise = go
go = do
rs <- sufficientremotes
=<< syncRemotes <$> liftIO (getDaemonStatusOld dstatus)
let matchingrs = filter (matching . Remote.uuid) rs
if null matchingrs
then defer
else forM_ matchingrs $ \r -> liftIO $
enqueue schedule q dstatus (gentransfer r) (stubInfo f r)
sufficientremotes rs
{- Queue downloads from all remotes that
- have the key, with the cheapest ones first.
- More expensive ones will only be tried if
- downloading from a cheap one fails. -}
| direction == Download = do
uuids <- Remote.keyLocations k
return $ filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` uuids) rs
{- Upload to all remotes that want the content. -}
| otherwise = filterM (wantSend f . Remote.uuid) $
filter (not . Remote.readonly) rs
gentransfer r = Transfer
{ transferDirection = direction
, transferKey = k
, transferUUID = Remote.uuid r
{- Defer this download, as no known remote has the key. -}
| direction == Download = void $ liftIO $ atomically $
modifyTVar' (deferreddownloads q) $
\l -> (k, f):l
| otherwise = noop
go = do
rs <- liftAnnex . sufficientremotes
=<< syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
let matchingrs = filter (matching . Remote.uuid) rs
if null matchingrs
then defer
else forM_ matchingrs $ \r ->
enqueue schedule (gentransfer r) (stubInfo f r)
sufficientremotes rs
{- Queue downloads from all remotes that
- have the key, with the cheapest ones first.
- More expensive ones will only be tried if
- downloading from a cheap one fails. -}
| direction == Download = do
uuids <- Remote.keyLocations k
return $ filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` uuids) rs
{- Upload to all remotes that want the content. -}
| otherwise = filterM (wantSend f . Remote.uuid) $
filter (not . Remote.readonly) rs
gentransfer r = Transfer
{ transferDirection = direction
, transferKey = k
, transferUUID = Remote.uuid r
{- Defer this download, as no known remote has the key. -}
| direction == Download = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
void $ liftIO $ atomically $
modifyTVar' (deferreddownloads q) $
\l -> (k, f):l
| otherwise = noop
{- Queues any deferred downloads that can now be accomplished, leaving
- any others in the list to try again later. -}
queueDeferredDownloads :: Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> Annex ()
queueDeferredDownloads schedule q dstatus = do
queueDeferredDownloads :: Schedule -> Assistant ()
queueDeferredDownloads schedule = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
l <- liftIO $ atomically $ swapTVar (deferreddownloads q) []
rs <- syncRemotes <$> liftIO (getDaemonStatusOld dstatus)
rs <- syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
left <- filterM (queue rs) l
unless (null left) $
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' (deferreddownloads q) $
\new -> new ++ left
queue rs (k, f) = do
uuids <- Remote.keyLocations k
let sources = filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` uuids) rs
unless (null sources) $
forM_ sources $ \r -> liftIO $
enqueue schedule q dstatus
(gentransfer r) (stubInfo f r)
return $ null sources
gentransfer r = Transfer
{ transferDirection = Download
, transferKey = k
, transferUUID = Remote.uuid r
queue rs (k, f) = do
uuids <- liftAnnex $ Remote.keyLocations k
let sources = filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` uuids) rs
unless (null sources) $
forM_ sources $ \r ->
enqueue schedule (gentransfer r) (stubInfo f r)
return $ null sources
gentransfer r = Transfer
{ transferDirection = Download
, transferKey = k
, transferUUID = Remote.uuid r
enqueue :: Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> IO ()
enqueue schedule q dstatus t info
enqueue :: Schedule -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
enqueue schedule t info
| schedule == Next = go (new:)
| otherwise = go (\l -> l++[new])
new = (t, info)
go modlist = do
atomically $ do
void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) succ
void $ modifyTVar' (queuelist q) modlist
void $ notifyTransferOld dstatus
new = (t, info)
go modlist = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
liftIO $ atomically $ do
void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) succ
void $ modifyTVar' (queuelist q) modlist
{- Adds a transfer to the queue. -}
queueTransfer :: Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> IO ()
queueTransfer schedule q dstatus f t remote =
enqueue schedule q dstatus t (stubInfo f remote)
queueTransfer :: Schedule -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> Assistant ()
queueTransfer schedule f t remote = enqueue schedule t (stubInfo f remote)
{- Blocks until the queue is no larger than a given size, and then adds a
- transfer to the queue. -}
queueTransferAt :: Int -> Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> IO ()
queueTransferAt wantsz schedule q dstatus f t remote = do
atomically $ do
queueTransferAt :: Int -> Schedule -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> Assistant ()
queueTransferAt wantsz schedule f t remote = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
liftIO $ atomically $ do
sz <- readTVar (queuesize q)
unless (sz <= wantsz) $
retry -- blocks until queuesize changes
enqueue schedule q dstatus t (stubInfo f remote)
enqueue schedule t (stubInfo f remote)
queueTransferWhenSmall :: TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> IO ()
queueTransferWhenSmall :: AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> Assistant ()
queueTransferWhenSmall = queueTransferAt 10 Later
{- Blocks until a pending transfer is available in the queue,
@ -151,38 +153,45 @@ queueTransferWhenSmall = queueTransferAt 10 Later
- This is done in a single STM transaction, so there is no window
- where an observer sees an inconsistent status. -}
getNextTransfer :: TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> (TransferInfo -> Bool) -> IO (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo))
getNextTransfer q dstatus acceptable = atomically $ do
sz <- readTVar (queuesize q)
if sz < 1
then retry -- blocks until queuesize changes
else do
(r@(t,info):rest) <- readTVar (queuelist q)
writeTVar (queuelist q) rest
void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) pred
if acceptable info
then do
adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $
M.insertWith' const t info
return $ Just r
else return Nothing
getNextTransfer :: (TransferInfo -> Bool) -> Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo))
getNextTransfer acceptable = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftIO $ atomically $ do
sz <- readTVar (queuesize q)
if sz < 1
then retry -- blocks until queuesize changes
else do
(r@(t,info):rest) <- readTVar (queuelist q)
writeTVar (queuelist q) rest
void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) pred
if acceptable info
then do
adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $
M.insertWith' const t info
return $ Just r
else return Nothing
{- Moves transfers matching a condition from the queue, to the
- currentTransfers map. -}
getMatchingTransfers :: TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> IO [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getMatchingTransfers q dstatus c = atomically $ do
ts <- dequeueTransfersSTM q c
unless (null ts) $
adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $ \m -> M.union m $ M.fromList ts
return ts
getMatchingTransfers :: (Transfer -> Bool) -> Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getMatchingTransfers c = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
liftIO $ atomically $ do
ts <- dequeueTransfersSTM q c
unless (null ts) $
adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $ \m -> M.union m $ M.fromList ts
return ts
{- Removes transfers matching a condition from the queue, and returns the
- removed transfers. -}
dequeueTransfers :: TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> IO [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
dequeueTransfers q dstatus c = do
removed <- atomically $ dequeueTransfersSTM q c
dequeueTransfers :: (Transfer -> Bool) -> Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
dequeueTransfers c = do
q <- getAssistant transferQueue
removed <- liftIO $ atomically $ dequeueTransfersSTM q c
unless (null removed) $
notifyTransferOld dstatus
return removed
dequeueTransfersSTM :: TransferQueue -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> STM [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MSemN as MSemN
type TransferGenerator = Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ()))
type TransferGenerator = Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, Assistant ()))
{- Waits until a transfer slot becomes available, then runs a
- TransferGenerator, and then runs the transfer action in its own thread.
@ -44,26 +44,30 @@ inImmediateTransferSlot gen = do
- then pausing the thread until a ResumeTransfer exception is raised,
- then rerunning the action.
runTransferThread :: Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ()) -> Assistant ()
runTransferThread :: Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, Assistant ()) -> Assistant ()
runTransferThread Nothing = flip MSemN.signal 1 <<~ transferSlots
runTransferThread (Just (t, info, a)) = do
d <- getAssistant id
tid <- liftIO $ forkIO $ go d
aio <- asIO a
tid <- liftIO $ forkIO $ runTransferThread' d aio
updateTransferInfo t $ info { transferTid = Just tid }
runTransferThread' :: AssistantData -> IO () -> IO ()
runTransferThread' d a = go
go d = catchPauseResume d a
pause d = catchPauseResume d $ runEvery (Seconds 86400) noop
go = catchPauseResume a
pause = catchPauseResume $ runEvery (Seconds 86400) noop
{- Note: This must use E.try, rather than E.catch.
- When E.catch is used, and has called go in its exception
- handler, Control.Concurrent.throwTo will block sometimes
- when signaling. Using E.try avoids the problem. -}
catchPauseResume d a' = do
catchPauseResume a' = do
r <- E.try a' :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
case r of
Left e -> case E.fromException e of
Just PauseTransfer -> pause d
Just ResumeTransfer -> go d
_ -> done d
_ -> done d
done d = flip runAssistant d $
Just PauseTransfer -> pause
Just ResumeTransfer -> go
_ -> done
_ -> done
done = flip runAssistant d $
flip MSemN.signal 1 <<~ transferSlots
@ -71,11 +71,8 @@ newWebAppState = do
{ showIntro = True
, otherRepos = otherrepos }
getAssistantY :: forall sub a. (AssistantData -> a) -> GHandler sub WebApp a
getAssistantY f = f <$> (assistantData <$> getYesod)
runAssistantY :: forall sub a. (Assistant a) -> GHandler sub WebApp a
runAssistantY a = liftIO . runAssistant a =<< assistantData <$> getYesod
liftAssistant :: forall sub a. (Assistant a) -> GHandler sub WebApp a
liftAssistant a = liftIO . runAssistant a =<< assistantData <$> getYesod
getWebAppState :: forall sub. GHandler sub WebApp WebAppState
getWebAppState = liftIO . atomically . readTMVar =<< webAppState <$> getYesod
@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ modifyWebAppState a = go =<< webAppState <$> getYesod
runAnnex :: forall sub a. a -> Annex a -> GHandler sub WebApp a
runAnnex fallback a = ifM (noAnnex <$> getYesod)
( return fallback
, runAssistantY $ liftAnnex a
, liftAssistant $ liftAnnex a
waitNotifier :: forall sub. (DaemonStatus -> NotificationBroadcaster) -> NotificationId -> GHandler sub WebApp ()
@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ newNotifier selector = do
liftIO $ notificationHandleToId <$> newNotificationHandle notifier
getNotifier :: forall sub. (DaemonStatus -> NotificationBroadcaster) -> GHandler sub WebApp NotificationBroadcaster
getNotifier selector = selector <$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
getNotifier selector = selector <$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
{- Adds the auth parameter as a hidden field on a form. Must be put into
- every form. -}
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ repoList onlyconfigured includehere
configured = do
rs <- filter (not . Remote.readonly) . syncRemotes
<$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
<$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
runAnnex [] $ do
u <- getUUID
let l = map Remote.uuid rs
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ setRepoConfig uuid mremote oldc newc = do
, Param name
void $ Remote.remoteListRefresh
runAssistantY updateSyncRemotes
liftAssistant updateSyncRemotes
editRepositoryAForm :: RepoConfig -> AForm WebApp WebApp RepoConfig
editRepositoryAForm def = RepoConfig
@ -87,17 +87,15 @@ getInprogressPairR _ = noPairing
startPairing :: PairStage -> IO () -> (AlertButton -> Alert) -> Maybe UUID -> Text -> Secret -> Widget
startPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
dstatus <- lift $ getAssistantY daemonStatusHandle
urlrender <- lift getUrlRender
reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> lift getYesod
sendrequests <- lift $ runAssistantY $ asIO2 $ mksendrequests urlrender
sendrequests <- lift $ liftAssistant $ asIO2 $ mksendrequests urlrender
{- Generating a ssh key pair can take a while, so do it in the
- background. -}
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
keypair <- genSshKeyPair
pairdata <- PairData
thread <- lift $ liftAssistant $ asIO $ do
keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
pairdata <- liftIO $ PairData
<$> getHostname
<*> myUserName
<*> pure reldir
@ -105,7 +103,8 @@ startPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
<*> (maybe genUUID return muuid)
let sender = multicastPairMsg Nothing secret pairdata
let pip = PairingInProgress secret Nothing keypair pairdata stage
startSending dstatus pip stage $ sendrequests sender
startSending pip stage $ sendrequests sender
void $ liftIO $ forkIO thread
lift $ redirect $ InprogressPairR $ toSecretReminder displaysecret
@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ makeS3Remote :: S3Creds -> String -> (Remote -> Handler ()) -> RemoteConfig -> H
makeS3Remote (S3Creds ak sk) name setup config = do
remotename <- runAnnex name $ fromRepo $ uniqueRemoteName name 0
liftIO $ S3.s3SetCredsEnv ( T.unpack ak, T.unpack sk)
r <- runAssistantY $ liftAnnex $ addRemote $ do
r <- liftAssistant $ liftAnnex $ addRemote $ do
makeSpecialRemote name S3.remote config
return remotename
setup r
runAssistantY $ syncNewRemote r
liftAssistant $ syncNewRemote r
redirect $ EditNewCloudRepositoryR $ Remote.uuid r
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ makeSsh' rsync setup sshdata keypair =
makeSshRepo :: Bool -> (Remote -> Handler ()) -> SshData -> Handler RepHtml
makeSshRepo forcersync setup sshdata = do
r <- runAssistantY $ makeSshRemote forcersync sshdata
r <- liftAssistant $ makeSshRemote forcersync sshdata
setup r
redirect $ EditNewCloudRepositoryR $ Remote.uuid r
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
xmppNeeded :: Handler ()
xmppNeeded = whenM (isNothing <$> runAnnex Nothing getXMPPCreds) $ do
urlrender <- getUrlRender
void $ runAssistantY $ do
close <- asIO removeAlert
void $ liftAssistant $ do
close <- asIO1 removeAlert
addAlert $ xmppNeededAlert $ AlertButton
{ buttonLabel = "Configure a Jabber account"
, buttonUrl = urlrender XMPPR
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ getXMPPR = xmppPage $ do
storecreds creds = do
void $ runAnnex undefined $ setXMPPCreds creds
runAssistantY notifyRestart
liftAssistant notifyRestart
redirect ConfigR
getXMPPR = xmppPage $
@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent
transfersDisplay :: Bool -> Widget
transfersDisplay warnNoScript = do
webapp <- lift getYesod
d <- lift $ getAssistantY id
current <- lift $ M.toList <$> getCurrentTransfers
queued <- liftIO $ getTransferQueue $ transferQueue d
queued <- lift $ liftAssistant getTransferQueue
autoUpdate ident NotifierTransfersR (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int)
let transfers = simplifyTransfers $ current ++ queued
if null transfers
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sideBarDisplay = do
let content = do
{- Add newest alerts to the sidebar. -}
alertpairs <- lift $ M.toList . alertMap
<$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
<$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
mapM_ renderalert $
take displayAlerts $ reverse $ sortAlertPairs alertpairs
let ident = "sidebar"
@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ getSideBarR nid = do
{- Called by the client to close an alert. -}
getCloseAlert :: AlertId -> Handler ()
getCloseAlert = runAssistantY . removeAlert
getCloseAlert = liftAssistant . removeAlert
{- When an alert with a button is clicked on, the button takes us here. -}
getClickAlert :: AlertId -> Handler ()
getClickAlert i = do
m <- alertMap <$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
m <- alertMap <$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
case M.lookup i m of
Just (Alert { alertButton = Just b }) -> do
{- Spawn a thread to run the action while redirecting. -}
@ -36,15 +36,13 @@ changeSyncable (Just r) True = do
syncRemote r
changeSyncable (Just r) False = do
changeSyncFlag r False
d <- getAssistantY id
let dstatus = daemonStatusHandle d
runAssistantY $ updateSyncRemotes
liftAssistant $ updateSyncRemotes
{- Stop all transfers to or from this remote.
- XXX Can't stop any ongoing scan, or git syncs. -}
void $ liftIO $ dequeueTransfers (transferQueue d) dstatus tofrom
void $ liftAssistant $ dequeueTransfers tofrom
mapM_ (cancelTransfer False) =<<
filter tofrom . M.keys <$>
runAssistantY (currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus)
liftAssistant (currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus)
tofrom t = transferUUID t == Remote.uuid r
@ -60,24 +58,21 @@ changeSyncFlag r enabled = runAnnex undefined $ do
{- Start syncing remote, using a background thread. -}
syncRemote :: Remote -> Handler ()
syncRemote = runAssistantY . syncNewRemote
syncRemote = liftAssistant . syncNewRemote
pauseTransfer :: Transfer -> Handler ()
pauseTransfer = cancelTransfer True
cancelTransfer :: Bool -> Transfer -> Handler ()
cancelTransfer pause t = do
tq <- getAssistantY transferQueue
m <- getCurrentTransfers
dstatus <- getAssistantY daemonStatusHandle
unless pause $ liftIO $
unless pause $
{- remove queued transfer -}
void $ dequeueTransfers tq dstatus $
equivilantTransfer t
void $ liftAssistant $ dequeueTransfers $ equivilantTransfer t
{- stop running transfer -}
maybe noop stop (M.lookup t m)
stop info = runAssistantY $ do
stop info = liftAssistant $ do
{- When there's a thread associated with the
- transfer, it's signaled first, to avoid it
- displaying any alert about the transfer having
@ -107,18 +102,16 @@ startTransfer t = do
go info = maybe (start info) resume $ transferTid info
startqueued = do
dstatus <- getAssistantY daemonStatusHandle
q <- getAssistantY transferQueue
is <- liftIO $ map snd <$> getMatchingTransfers q dstatus (== t)
is <- liftAssistant $ map snd <$> getMatchingTransfers (== t)
maybe noop start $ headMaybe is
resume tid = do
runAssistantY $ alterTransferInfo t $
liftAssistant $ alterTransferInfo t $
\i -> i { transferPaused = False }
liftIO $ throwTo tid ResumeTransfer
start info = runAssistantY $ do
start info = liftAssistant $ do
program <- liftIO readProgramFile
inImmediateTransferSlot $
Transferrer.startTransfer program t info
getCurrentTransfers :: Handler TransferMap
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers <$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers <$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus
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