improve error message
This commit was sponsored by Jack Hill on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 18 additions and 11 deletions
@ -75,11 +75,13 @@ getUrlOptions = Annex.getState Annex.urloptions >>= \case
| isLoopbackAddress addr = False
| isPrivateAddress addr = False
| otherwise = True
let connectionrestricted = addrConnectionRestricted
("Configuration of does not allow accessing address " ++)
let r = Restriction
{ addressRestriction = \addr ->
if isallowed (addrAddress addr)
then Nothing
else Just (addrConnectionRestricted addr)
else Just (connectionrestricted addr)
(settings, pr) <- liftIO $
restrictManagerSettings r U.managerSettings
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Utility.HttpManagerRestricted (
) where
import Network.HTTP.Client
@ -34,25 +35,29 @@ data Restriction = Restriction
{ addressRestriction :: AddrInfo -> Maybe ConnectionRestricted
-- | An exception used to indicate that the connection was restricted.
data ConnectionRestricted = ConnectionRestricted String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ConnectionRestricted
addrConnectionRestricted :: AddrInfo -> ConnectionRestricted
addrConnectionRestricted addr = ConnectionRestricted $ unwords
[ "Configuration does not allow accessing address"
, showSockAddress (addrAddress addr)
type IPAddrString = String
-- | Constructs a ConnectionRestricted, passing the function a string
-- containing the IP address.
addrConnectionRestricted :: (IPAddrString -> String) -> AddrInfo -> ConnectionRestricted
addrConnectionRestricted mkmessage =
ConnectionRestricted . mkmessage . showSockAddress . addrAddress
data ProxyRestricted = ProxyRestricted
deriving (Show)
-- | Adjusts a ManagerSettings to enforce a Restriction.
-- | Adjusts a ManagerSettings to enforce a Restriction. The restriction
-- will be checked each time a Request is made, and for each redirect
-- followed.
-- This includes checking the http proxy against the Restriction.
-- If access to it is blocked, the ManagerSettings will be made to
-- not use the proxy.
-- The http proxy is also checked against the Restriction, and if
-- access to it is blocked, the http proxy will not be used.
:: Restriction
-> ManagerSettings
@ -219,7 +224,7 @@ convertConnection conn = makeConnection
-- For ipv4 and ipv6, the string will contain only the IP address,
-- omitting the port that the Show instance includes.
showSockAddress :: SockAddr -> String
showSockAddress :: SockAddr -> IPAddrString
showSockAddress a@(SockAddrInet _ _) =
takeWhile (/= ':') $ show a
showSockAddress a@(SockAddrInet6 _ _ _ _) =
Add table
Reference in a new issue