support using haskell-dns for SRV lookups
This library should be easier to install than ADNS, so I've made it be used by default.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 44 additions and 16 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BASEFLAGS=-Wall -outputdir $(GIT_ANNEX_TMP_BUILD_DIR) -IUtility
# you can turn off some of these features.
# If you're using an old version of yesod, enable -DWITH_OLD_YESOD
mans=git-annex.1 git-annex-shell.1
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ sdist: clean $(mans)
hackage: sdist
@cabal upload dist/*.tar.gz
THIRDPARTY_BINS=git curl lsof xargs rsync uuid wget gpg host \
THIRDPARTY_BINS=git curl lsof xargs rsync uuid wget gpg \
sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum sha384sum sha512sum
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{- SRV record lookup
- Uses either the ADNS Haskell library, or if it's not installed,
- the host command.
- Uses either the ADNS Haskell library, or the standalone Haskell DNS
- package, or the host command.
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ import Data.Maybe
#ifdef WITH_ADNS
import ADNS.Resolver
import Data.Either
#ifdef WITH_DNS
import qualified Network.DNS.Lookup as DNS
import Network.DNS.Resolver
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8
newtype SRV = SRV String
@ -37,6 +43,8 @@ newtype SRV = SRV String
type HostPort = (HostName, PortID)
type PriorityWeight = (Int, Int) -- sort by priority first, then weight
mkSRV :: String -> String -> HostName -> SRV
mkSRV transport protocol host = SRV $ concat
["_", protocol, "._", transport, ".", host]
@ -49,13 +57,27 @@ mkSRVTcp = mkSRV "tcp"
- On error, returns an empty list. -}
lookupSRV :: SRV -> IO [HostPort]
#ifdef WITH_ADNS
lookupSRV srv = initResolver [] $ \resolver -> do
lookupSRV (SRV srv) = initResolver [] $ \resolver -> do
r <- catchDefaultIO (Right []) $
resolveSRV resolver srv
return $ either (\_ -> []) id r
#ifdef WITH_DNS
lookupSRV (SRV srv) = do
seed <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
print srv
r <- withResolver seed $ flip DNS.lookupSRV $ B8.fromString srv
print r
return $ maybe [] (orderHosts . map tohosts) r
tohosts (priority, weight, port, hostname) =
( (priority, weight)
, (B8.toString hostname, PortNumber $ fromIntegral port)
lookupSRV = lookupSRVHost
lookupSRVHost :: SRV -> IO [HostPort]
lookupSRVHost (SRV srv)
@ -66,17 +88,22 @@ lookupSRVHost (SRV srv)
| otherwise = return []
parseSrvHost :: String -> [HostPort]
parseSrvHost = map snd . reverse . sortBy cost . catMaybes . map parse . lines
parseSrvHost = orderHosts . catMaybes . map parse . lines
cost = compare `on` fst
parse l = case words l of
[_, _, _, _, priority, weight, sport, hostname] -> do
let v = readish sport :: Maybe Int
[_, _, _, _, spriority, sweight, sport, hostname] -> do
let v =
( readish sport :: Maybe Int
, readish spriority :: Maybe Int
, readish sweight :: Maybe Int
case v of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just port -> Just
(Just port, Just priority, Just weight) -> Just
( (priority, weight)
, (hostname, PortNumber $ fromIntegral port)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
orderHosts :: [(PriorityWeight, HostPort)] -> [HostPort]
orderHosts = map snd . sortBy (compare `on` fst)
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ quite a lot.
* [network-multicast](
* [network-info](
* [network-protocol-xmpp](
* [dns](
* Shell commands
* [git](
* [uuid](
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ Flag Pairing
Description: Enable notifications using XMPP
Flag Adns
Description: Enable the ADNS library for DNS lookup
Flag DNS
Description: Enable the haskell DNS library for DNS lookup
Executable git-annex
Main-Is: git-annex.hs
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ Executable git-annex
Build-Depends: network-protocol-xmpp, gnutls (>= 0.1.4)
if flag(XMPP) && flag(Assistant) && flag(Adns)
Build-Depends: hsdns
if flag(XMPP) && flag(Assistant) && flag(DNS)
Build-Depends: dns
Test-Suite test
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Add table
Reference in a new issue