make start button work on queued transfers
When multiple downloads of a key are queued, it starts the first, but leaves the other downloads in the queue. This ensures that we don't lose a queued download if the one that got started failed.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 66 additions and 51 deletions
@ -34,49 +34,26 @@ transfererThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> Transf
transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue slots = go =<< readProgramFile
go program = forever $ inTransferSlot dstatus slots $
getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning
>>= handle program
handle _ Nothing = return Nothing
handle program (Just (t, info)) = ifM (runThreadState st $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug thisThread [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
notifyTransfer dstatus
let a = doTransfer dstatus t info program
return $ Just (t, info, a)
, do
debug thisThread [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:" , show t ]
-- getNextTransfer added t to the
-- daemonstatus's transfer map.
void $ removeTransfer dstatus t
return Nothing
maybe (return Nothing) (uncurry $ startTransfer st dstatus program)
=<< getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning
{- Skip transfers that are already running. -}
notrunning i = startedTime i == Nothing
{- Checks if the file to download is already present, or the remote
- being uploaded to isn't known to have the file. -}
shouldTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex Bool
shouldTransfer t info
| transferDirection t == Download =
not <$> inAnnex key
| transferDirection t == Upload =
{- Trust the location log to check if the
- remote already has the key. This avoids
- a roundtrip to the remote. -}
case transferRemote info of
Nothing -> return False
Just remote ->
notElem (Remote.uuid remote)
<$> loggedLocations key
| otherwise = return False
key = transferKey t
doTransfer :: DaemonStatusHandle -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> FilePath -> IO ()
doTransfer dstatus t info program = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
(Nothing, _) -> noop
(_, Nothing) -> noop
(Just remote, Just file) -> transferprocess remote file
{- By the time this is called, the daemonstatis's transfer map should
- already have been updated to include the transfer. -}
startTransfer :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> FilePath -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferGenerator
startTransfer st dstatus program t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
(Just remote, Just file) -> ifM (runThreadState st $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug thisThread [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
notifyTransfer dstatus
return $ Just (t, info, transferprocess remote file)
, do
debug thisThread [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:" , show t ]
void $ removeTransfer dstatus t
return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
direction = transferDirection t
isdownload = direction == Download
@ -101,3 +78,22 @@ doTransfer dstatus t info program = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile in
, Param "--file"
, File file
{- Checks if the file to download is already present, or the remote
- being uploaded to isn't known to have the file. -}
shouldTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex Bool
shouldTransfer t info
| transferDirection t == Download =
not <$> inAnnex key
| transferDirection t == Upload =
{- Trust the location log to check if the
- remote already has the key. This avoids
- a roundtrip to the remote. -}
case transferRemote info of
Nothing -> return False
Just remote ->
notElem (Remote.uuid remote)
<$> loggedLocations key
| otherwise = return False
key = transferKey t
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Assistant.TransferQueue (
) where
@ -140,20 +141,32 @@ getNextTransfer q dstatus acceptable = atomically $ do
return $ Just r
else return Nothing
{- Moves transfers matching a condition from the queue, to the
- currentTransfers map. -}
getMatchingTransfers :: TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> IO [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getMatchingTransfers q dstatus c = atomically $ do
ts <- dequeueTransfersSTM q c
unless (null ts) $
adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $ \m -> M.union m $ M.fromList ts
return ts
{- Removes transfers matching a condition from the queue, and returns the
- removed transfers. -}
dequeueTransfers :: TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> IO [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
dequeueTransfers q dstatus c = do
removed <- atomically $ do
(removed, ls) <- partition (c . fst)
<$> readTVar (queuelist q)
void $ writeTVar (queuesize q) (length ls)
void $ writeTVar (queuelist q) ls
forM_ ls $ unGetTChan (queue q)
return removed
removed <- atomically $ dequeueTransfersSTM q c
unless (null removed) $
notifyTransfer dstatus
return removed
dequeueTransfersSTM :: TransferQueue -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> STM [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
dequeueTransfersSTM q c = do
(removed, ts) <- partition (c . fst)
<$> readTVar (queuelist q)
void $ writeTVar (queuesize q) (length ts)
void $ writeTVar (queuelist q) ts
forM_ ts $ unGetTChan (queue q)
return removed
drain = maybe noop (const drain) =<< tryReadTChan (queue q)
@ -209,8 +209,14 @@ cancelTransfer pause t = do
startTransfer :: Transfer -> Handler ()
startTransfer t = do
m <- getCurrentTransfers
webapp <- getYesod
let dstatus = daemonStatus webapp
let q = transferQueue webapp
{- resume a paused transfer -}
maybe noop go (M.lookup t m)
-- TODO: handle starting a queued transfer
{- start a queued transfer -}
is <- liftIO $ map snd <$> getMatchingTransfers q dstatus (== t)
maybe noop start $ headMaybe is
go info = maybe (start info) (resume info) $ transferTid info
resume info tid = do
@ -222,6 +228,7 @@ startTransfer t = do
throwTo tid ResumeTransfer
start info = do
webapp <- getYesod
let st = fromJust $ threadState webapp
let dstatus = daemonStatus webapp
let slots = transferSlots webapp
{- This transfer was being run by another process,
@ -230,8 +237,7 @@ startTransfer t = do
{ transferPid = Nothing, transferPaused = False }
liftIO $ inImmediateTransferSlot dstatus slots $ do
program <- readProgramFile
let a = Transferrer.doTransfer dstatus t info program
return $ Just (t, info, a)
Transferrer.startTransfer st dstatus program t info
getCurrentTransfers :: Handler TransferMap
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers
Add table
Reference in a new issue