sqlite datbase for importfeed
importfeed: Use caching database to avoid needing to list urls on every run, and avoid using too much memory. Benchmarking in my podcasts repo, importfeed got 1.42 seconds faster, and memory use dropped from 203000k to 59408k. Database.ImportFeed is Database.ContentIdentifier with the serial number filed off. There is a bit of code duplication I would like to avoid, particularly recordAnnexBranchTree, and getAnnexBranchTree. But these use the persistent sqlite tables, so despite the code being the same, they cannot be factored out. Since this database includes the contentidentifier metadata, it will be slightly redundant if a sqlite database is ever added for metadata. I did consider making such a generic database and using it for this. But, that would then need importfeed to update both the url database and the metadata database, which is twice as much work diffing the git-annex branch trees. Or would entagle updating two databases in a complex way. So instead it seems better to optimise the database that importfeed needs, and if the metadata database is used by another command, use a little more disk space and do a little bit of redundant work to update it. Sponsored-by: unqueued on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 287 additions and 82 deletions
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module Annex.Branch (
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
@ -1029,3 +1030,11 @@ overBranchFileContents' select go st = do
Nothing -> getnext fs
Just v -> Just (v, f, fs)
{- Check if the git-annex branch has been updated from the oldtree.
- If so, returns the tuple of the old and new trees. -}
updatedFromTree :: Git.Sha -> Annex (Maybe (Git.Sha, Git.Sha))
updatedFromTree oldtree =
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree fullname) >>= \case
Just currtree | currtree /= oldtree ->
return $ Just (oldtree, currtree)
_ -> return Nothing
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ module Annex.Locations (
@ -460,6 +462,15 @@ gitAnnexImportLog :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexImportLog u r c =
gitAnnexImportDir r c P.</> fromUUID u P.</> "log"
{- Directory containing database used by importfeed. -}
gitAnnexImportFeedDbDir :: Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexImportFeedDbDir r c =
fromMaybe (gitAnnexDir r) (annexDbDir c) P.</> "importfeed"
{- Lock file for writing to the importfeed database. -}
gitAnnexImportFeedDbLock :: Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexImportFeedDbLock r c = gitAnnexImportFeedDbDir r c <> ".lck"
{- .git/annex/schedulestate is used to store information about when
- scheduled jobs were last run. -}
gitAnnexScheduleState :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ module Annex.MetaData.StandardFields (
) where
import Types.MetaData
@ -61,3 +62,6 @@ lastchanged = "lastchanged"
lastchangedSuffix :: T.Text
lastchangedSuffix = "-lastchanged"
itemIdField :: MetaField
itemIdField = mkMetaFieldUnchecked "itemid"
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ git-annex (10.20230927) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Ignore directories and other unusual files in .git/annex/journal/
* Fix crash of enableremote when the special remote has embedcreds=yes.
* importfeed: Use caching database to avoid needing to list urls
on every run, and avoid using too much memory.
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Tue, 10 Oct 2023 13:17:31 -0400
@ -48,9 +48,8 @@ import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.UntrustedFilePath
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import qualified Database.ImportFeed as Db
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $ withAnnexOptions os $
@ -202,53 +201,25 @@ data DownloadLocation = Enclosure URLString | MediaLink URLString
type ItemId = String
data Cache = Cache
{ knownurls :: S.Set URLString
, knownitems :: S.Set ItemId
{ dbhandle :: Maybe Db.ImportFeedDbHandle
, template :: Utility.Format.Format
getCache :: Maybe String -> Annex Cache
getCache opttemplate = ifM (Annex.getRead Annex.force)
( ret S.empty S.empty
( ret Nothing
, do
j <- jsonOutputEnabled
unless j $
showStartMessage (StartMessage "importfeed" (ActionItemOther (Just "gathering known urls")) (SeekInput []))
(us, is) <- knownItems
h <- Db.openDb
unless j
ret (S.fromList us) (S.fromList is)
ret (Just h)
tmpl = Utility.Format.gen $ fromMaybe defaultTemplate opttemplate
ret us is = return $ Cache us is tmpl
{- Scan all url logs and metadata logs in the branch and find urls
- and ItemIds that are already known. -}
knownItems :: Annex ([URLString], [ItemId])
knownItems = Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents select (go [] []) >>= \case
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> giveup "This repository is read-only."
select f
| isUrlLog f = Just ()
| isMetaDataLog f = Just ()
| otherwise = Nothing
go uc ic reader = reader >>= \case
Just ((), f, Just content)
| isUrlLog f -> case parseUrlLog content of
[] -> go uc ic reader
us -> go (us++uc) ic reader
| isMetaDataLog f ->
let s = currentMetaDataValues itemIdField $
parseCurrentMetaData content
in if S.null s
then go uc ic reader
else go uc (map (decodeBS . fromMetaValue) (S.toList s)++ic) reader
| otherwise -> go uc ic reader
Just ((), _, Nothing) -> go uc ic reader
Nothing -> return (uc, ic)
ret h = return $ Cache h tmpl
findDownloads :: URLString -> Feed -> [ToDownload]
findDownloads u f = catMaybes $ map mk (feedItems f)
@ -285,14 +256,20 @@ startDownload addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload = case location todown
, downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
forced = Annex.getRead Annex.force
{- Avoids downloading any items that are already known to be
- associated with a file in the annex, unless forced. -}
checkknown url a
| knownitemid || S.member url (knownurls cache)
= ifM forced (a, nothingtodo)
| otherwise = a
- associated with a file in the annex. -}
checkknown url a = case dbhandle cache of
Just db -> ifM (liftIO $ Db.isKnownUrl db url)
( nothingtodo
, case getItemId (item todownload) of
Just (_, itemid) ->
ifM (liftIO $ Db.isKnownItemId db (fromFeedText itemid))
( nothingtodo
, a
_ -> a
Nothing -> a
nothingtodo = recordsuccess >> stop
@ -302,11 +279,6 @@ startDownload addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload = case location todown
startdownloadenclosure url = checkknown url $ startUrlDownload cv todownload url $
downloadEnclosure addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload url
knownitemid = case getItemId (item todownload) of
Just (_, itemid) ->
S.member (decodeBS $ fromFeedText itemid) (knownitems cache)
_ -> False
downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
| rawOption (downloadOptions opts) = startdownloadlink
| otherwise = ifM (youtubeDlSupported linkurl)
@ -555,9 +527,6 @@ extractFields i = map (uncurry extractField)
feedauthor = decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getFeedAuthor (feed i)
itemauthor = decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemAuthor (item i)
itemIdField :: MetaField
itemIdField = mkMetaFieldUnchecked "itemid"
extractField :: String -> [Maybe String] -> (String, String)
extractField k [] = (k, noneValue)
extractField k (Just v:_)
@ -162,10 +162,7 @@ getAnnexBranchTree (ContentIdentifierHandle h _) = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
needsUpdateFromLog :: ContentIdentifierHandle -> Annex (Maybe (Sha, Sha))
needsUpdateFromLog db = do
oldtree <- liftIO $ getAnnexBranchTree db
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree Annex.Branch.fullname) >>= \case
Just currtree | currtree /= oldtree ->
return $ Just (oldtree, currtree)
_ -> return Nothing
Annex.Branch.updatedFromTree oldtree
{- The database should be locked for write when calling this. -}
updateFromLog :: ContentIdentifierHandle -> (Sha, Sha) -> Annex ContentIdentifierHandle
@ -73,18 +73,18 @@ share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateExport"] [persistLowerCase|
-- Files that have been exported to the remote and are present on it.
key Key
file SFilePath
file SByteString
ExportedIndex key file
-- Directories that exist on the remote, and the files that are in them.
subdir SFilePath
file SFilePath
subdir SByteString
file SByteString
ExportedDirectoryIndex subdir file
-- The content of the tree that has been exported to the remote.
-- Not all of these files are necessarily present on the remote yet.
key Key
file SFilePath
file SByteString
ExportTreeKeyFileIndex key file
ExportTreeFileKeyIndex file key
-- The tree stored in ExportTree
@ -139,26 +139,26 @@ addExportedLocation :: ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
addExportedLocation h k el = queueDb h $ do
void $ insertUniqueFast $ Exported k ef
let edirs = map
(\ed -> ExportedDirectory (SFilePath (fromExportDirectory ed)) ef)
(\ed -> ExportedDirectory (SByteString (fromExportDirectory ed)) ef)
(exportDirectories el)
putMany edirs
ef = SFilePath (fromExportLocation el)
ef = SByteString (fromExportLocation el)
removeExportedLocation :: ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
removeExportedLocation h k el = queueDb h $ do
deleteWhere [ExportedKey ==. k, ExportedFile ==. ef]
let subdirs = map (SFilePath . fromExportDirectory)
let subdirs = map (SByteString . fromExportDirectory)
(exportDirectories el)
deleteWhere [ExportedDirectoryFile ==. ef, ExportedDirectorySubdir <-. subdirs]
ef = SFilePath (fromExportLocation el)
ef = SByteString (fromExportLocation el)
{- Note that this does not see recently queued changes. -}
getExportedLocation :: ExportHandle -> Key -> IO [ExportLocation]
getExportedLocation (ExportHandle h _) k = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList [ExportedKey ==. k] []
return $ map (mkExportLocation . (\(SFilePath f) -> f) . exportedFile . entityVal) l
return $ map (mkExportLocation . (\(SByteString f) -> f) . exportedFile . entityVal) l
{- Note that this does not see recently queued changes. -}
isExportDirectoryEmpty :: ExportHandle -> ExportDirectory -> IO Bool
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ isExportDirectoryEmpty (ExportHandle h _) d = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList [ExportedDirectorySubdir ==. ed] []
return $ null l
ed = SFilePath $ fromExportDirectory d
ed = SByteString $ fromExportDirectory d
{- Get locations in the export that might contain a key. -}
getExportTree :: ExportHandle -> Key -> IO [ExportLocation]
getExportTree (ExportHandle h _) k = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList [ExportTreeKey ==. k] []
return $ map (mkExportLocation . (\(SFilePath f) -> f) . exportTreeFile . entityVal) l
return $ map (mkExportLocation . (\(SByteString f) -> f) . exportTreeFile . entityVal) l
{- Get keys that might be currently exported to a location.
@ -183,19 +183,19 @@ getExportTreeKey (ExportHandle h _) el = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
map (exportTreeKey . entityVal)
<$> selectList [ExportTreeFile ==. ef] []
ef = SFilePath (fromExportLocation el)
ef = SByteString (fromExportLocation el)
addExportTree :: ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
addExportTree h k loc = queueDb h $
void $ insertUniqueFast $ ExportTree k ef
ef = SFilePath (fromExportLocation loc)
ef = SByteString (fromExportLocation loc)
removeExportTree :: ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
removeExportTree h k loc = queueDb h $
deleteWhere [ExportTreeKey ==. k, ExportTreeFile ==. ef]
ef = SFilePath (fromExportLocation loc)
ef = SByteString (fromExportLocation loc)
-- An action that is passed the old and new values that were exported,
-- and updates state.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
{- Sqlite database of known urls, and another of known itemids,
- for use by git-annex importfeed.
- Copyright 2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GADTs, FlexibleContexts, EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_persistent_template(2,8,0)
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Database.ImportFeed (
) where
import Database.Types
import qualified Database.Queue as H
import Database.Init
import Database.Utility
import Annex.Locations
import Annex.Common hiding (delete)
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Git.Types
import Git.Sha
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Git.DiffTree as DiffTree
import Logs
import Logs.Web
import Logs.MetaData
import Types.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData.StandardFields
import Annex.LockFile
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Key)
import Database.Persist.TH
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Set as S
data ImportFeedDbHandle = ImportFeedDbHandle H.DbQueue
-- Note on indexes: ContentIndentifiersKeyRemoteCidIndex etc are really
-- uniqueness constraints, which cause sqlite to automatically add indexes.
-- So when adding indexes, have to take care to only add ones that work as
-- uniqueness constraints. (Unfortunately persistent does not support indexes
-- that are not uniqueness constraints;
-- https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/109)
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateImportFeed"] [persistLowerCase|
url SByteString
UniqueUrl url
itemid SByteString
UniqueItemId itemid
-- The last git-annex branch tree sha that was used to update
-- KnownUrls and KnownItemIds
tree SSha
UniqueTree tree
{- Opens the database, creating it if it doesn't exist yet.
- Updates the database from the git-annex branch. -}
openDb :: Annex ImportFeedDbHandle
openDb = do
dbdir <- calcRepo' gitAnnexImportFeedDbDir
let db = dbdir P.</> "db"
isnew <- liftIO $ not <$> R.doesPathExist db
when isnew $
initDb db $ void $
runMigrationSilent migrateImportFeed
dbh <- liftIO $ H.openDbQueue db "known_urls"
let h = ImportFeedDbHandle dbh
needsUpdateFromLog h >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just v -> do
lck <- calcRepo' gitAnnexImportFeedDbLock
withExclusiveLock lck $
updateFromLog h v
return h
closeDb :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> Annex ()
closeDb (ImportFeedDbHandle h) = liftIO $ H.closeDbQueue h
isKnownUrl :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> URLString -> IO Bool
isKnownUrl (ImportFeedDbHandle h) u =
H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList
[ KnownUrlsUrl ==. SByteString (encodeBS u)
] []
return $ not (null l)
isKnownItemId :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> B.ByteString -> IO Bool
isKnownItemId (ImportFeedDbHandle h) i =
H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList
[ KnownItemIdsItemid ==. SByteString i
] []
return $ not (null l)
recordKnownUrl :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> URLString -> IO ()
recordKnownUrl h u = queueDb h $
void $ insertUniqueFast $ KnownUrls $ SByteString $ encodeBS u
recordKnownItemId :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> SByteString -> IO ()
recordKnownItemId h i = queueDb h $
void $ insertUniqueFast $ KnownItemIds i
recordAnnexBranchTree :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> Sha -> IO ()
recordAnnexBranchTree h s = queueDb h $ do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter AnnexBranch])
void $ insertUniqueFast $ AnnexBranch $ toSSha s
getAnnexBranchTree :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> IO Sha
getAnnexBranchTree (ImportFeedDbHandle h) = H.queryDbQueue h $ do
l <- selectList ([] :: [Filter AnnexBranch]) []
case l of
(s:[]) -> return $ fromSSha $ annexBranchTree $ entityVal s
_ -> return emptyTree
queueDb :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> SqlPersistM () -> IO ()
queueDb (ImportFeedDbHandle h) = H.queueDb h checkcommit
-- commit queue after 10000 changes
checkcommit sz _lastcommittime
| sz > 10000 = return True
| otherwise = return False
{- Check if the git-annex branch has been updated and the database needs
- to be updated with any new information from it. -}
needsUpdateFromLog :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> Annex (Maybe (Sha, Sha))
needsUpdateFromLog db = do
oldtree <- liftIO $ getAnnexBranchTree db
Annex.Branch.updatedFromTree oldtree
{- The database should be locked for write when calling this. -}
updateFromLog :: ImportFeedDbHandle -> (Sha, Sha) -> Annex ()
updateFromLog db@(ImportFeedDbHandle h) (oldtree, currtree)
| oldtree == emptyTree = do
| otherwise = do
out = liftIO $ do
recordAnnexBranchTree db currtree
H.flushDbQueue h
knownitemids s = liftIO $ forM_ (S.toList s) $
recordKnownItemId db . SByteString . fromMetaValue
knownurls us = liftIO $ forM_ us $
recordKnownUrl db
scandiff = do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $
DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive oldtree currtree
mapM_ godiff l
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
godiff ti = do
let f = getTopFilePath (DiffTree.file ti)
case extLogFileKey urlLogExt f of
Just k -> do
knownurls =<< getUrls k
Nothing -> case extLogFileKey metaDataLogExt f of
Just k -> do
m <- getCurrentMetaData k
knownitemids (currentMetaDataValues itemIdField m)
Nothing -> return ()
-- When initially populating the database, this
-- is faster than diffing from the empty tree
-- and looking up every log file.
scanbranch = Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents toscan goscan >>= \case
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> scandiff
toscan f
| isUrlLog f = Just ()
| isMetaDataLog f = Just ()
| otherwise = Nothing
goscan reader = reader >>= \case
Just ((), f, Just content)
| isUrlLog f -> do
knownurls (parseUrlLog content)
goscan reader
| isMetaDataLog f -> do
knownitemids $
currentMetaDataValues itemIdField $
parseCurrentMetaData content
goscan reader
| otherwise -> goscan reader
Just ((), _, Nothing) -> goscan reader
Nothing -> return ()
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateKeysDb"] [persistLowerCase|
key Key
file SFilePath
file SByteString
KeyFileIndex key file
FileKeyIndex file key
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ addAssociatedFile k f = queueDb $
(Associated k af)
[AssociatedFile =. af, AssociatedKey =. k]
af = SFilePath (getTopFilePath f)
af = SByteString (getTopFilePath f)
-- Faster than addAssociatedFile, but only safe to use when the file
-- was not associated with a different key before, as it does not delete
@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ newAssociatedFile :: Key -> TopFilePath -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
newAssociatedFile k f = queueDb $
insert_ $ Associated k af
af = SFilePath (getTopFilePath f)
af = SByteString (getTopFilePath f)
{- Note that the files returned were once associated with the key, but
- some of them may not be any longer. -}
getAssociatedFiles :: Key -> ReadHandle -> IO [TopFilePath]
getAssociatedFiles k = readDb $ do
l <- selectList [AssociatedKey ==. k] []
return $ map (asTopFilePath . (\(SFilePath f) -> f) . associatedFile . entityVal) l
return $ map (asTopFilePath . (\(SByteString f) -> f) . associatedFile . entityVal) l
{- Gets any keys that are on record as having a particular associated file.
- (Should be one or none.) -}
@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ getAssociatedKey f = readDb $ do
l <- selectList [AssociatedFile ==. af] []
return $ map (associatedKey . entityVal) l
af = SFilePath (getTopFilePath f)
af = SByteString (getTopFilePath f)
removeAssociatedFile :: Key -> TopFilePath -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
removeAssociatedFile k f = queueDb $
deleteWhere [AssociatedKey ==. k, AssociatedFile ==. af]
af = SFilePath (getTopFilePath f)
af = SByteString (getTopFilePath f)
addInodeCaches :: Key -> [InodeCache] -> WriteHandle -> IO ()
addInodeCaches k is = queueDb $
@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ instance PersistField ContentIdentifier where
instance PersistFieldSql ContentIdentifier where
sqlType _ = SqlBlob
-- A serialized RawFilePath.
newtype SFilePath = SFilePath S.ByteString
-- A serialized bytestring.
newtype SByteString = SByteString S.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance PersistField SFilePath where
toPersistValue (SFilePath b) = toPersistValue b
fromPersistValue v = SFilePath <$> fromPersistValue v
instance PersistField SByteString where
toPersistValue (SByteString b) = toPersistValue b
fromPersistValue v = SByteString <$> fromPersistValue v
instance PersistFieldSql SFilePath where
instance PersistFieldSql SByteString where
sqlType _ = SqlBlob
-- A serialized git Sha
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
* [[metadata]] for views
* [[todo/cache_key_info]]
* [[todo/importfeed_needs_more_memory_the_more_urls_there_are]]
What do all these have in common? They could all be improved by
using some kind of database to locally store the information in an
@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ branch is changed. --[[Joey]]
> significantly slow in large repos. So I think worth doing.
[[!tag confirmed]]
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -737,6 +737,7 @@ Executable git-annex
Add table
Reference in a new issue