allow configuring the preferreddir
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 81 additions and 50 deletions
@ -45,26 +45,32 @@ data RepoConfig = RepoConfig
{ repoName :: Text
, repoDescription :: Maybe Text
, repoGroup :: RepoGroup
, repoAssociatedDirectory :: Maybe Text
, repoSyncable :: Bool
deriving (Show)
getRepoConfig :: UUID -> Maybe Remote -> Annex RepoConfig
getRepoConfig uuid mremote = RepoConfig
<$> pure (T.pack $ maybe "here" mremote)
<*> (maybe Nothing (Just . T.pack) . M.lookup uuid <$> uuidMap)
<*> getrepogroup
<*> getsyncing
getrepogroup = do
groups <- lookupGroups uuid
return $
maybe (RepoGroupCustom $ unwords $ S.toList groups) RepoGroupStandard
(getStandardGroup groups)
getsyncing = case mremote of
getRepoConfig uuid mremote = do
groups <- lookupGroups uuid
remoteconfig <- M.lookup uuid <$> readRemoteLog
let (repogroup, associateddirectory) = case getStandardGroup groups of
Nothing -> (RepoGroupCustom $ unwords $ S.toList groups, Nothing)
Just g -> (RepoGroupStandard g, associatedDirectory remoteconfig g)
description <- maybe Nothing (Just . T.pack) . M.lookup uuid <$> uuidMap
syncable <- case mremote of
Just r -> return $ remoteAnnexSync $ Remote.gitconfig r
Nothing -> annexAutoCommit <$> Annex.getGitConfig
return $ RepoConfig
(T.pack $ maybe "here" mremote)
(T.pack <$> associateddirectory)
setRepoConfig :: UUID -> Maybe Remote -> RepoConfig -> RepoConfig -> Handler ()
setRepoConfig uuid mremote oldc newc = do
when descriptionChanged $ liftAnnex $ do
@ -91,6 +97,17 @@ setRepoConfig uuid mremote oldc newc = do
void $ Remote.remoteListRefresh
liftAssistant updateSyncRemotes
when associatedDirectoryChanged $ case repoAssociatedDirectory newc of
Nothing -> noop
Just t
| T.null t -> noop
| otherwise -> liftAnnex $ do
let dir = takeBaseName $ T.unpack t
m <- readRemoteLog
case M.lookup uuid m of
Nothing -> noop
Just remoteconfig -> configSet uuid $
M.insert "preferreddir" dir remoteconfig
when groupChanged $ do
liftAnnex $ case repoGroup newc of
RepoGroupStandard g -> setStandardGroup uuid g
@ -108,22 +125,24 @@ setRepoConfig uuid mremote oldc newc = do
changeSyncable mremote (repoSyncable newc)
syncableChanged = repoSyncable oldc /= repoSyncable newc
associatedDirectoryChanged = repoAssociatedDirectory oldc /= repoAssociatedDirectory newc
groupChanged = repoGroup oldc /= repoGroup newc
nameChanged = isJust mremote && legalName oldc /= legalName newc
descriptionChanged = repoDescription oldc /= repoDescription newc
legalName = makeLegalName . T.unpack . repoName
editRepositoryAForm :: RepoConfig -> Maybe Remote.RemoteConfig -> AForm WebApp WebApp RepoConfig
editRepositoryAForm def remoteconfig = RepoConfig
editRepositoryAForm :: RepoConfig -> AForm WebApp WebApp RepoConfig
editRepositoryAForm def = RepoConfig
<$> areq textField "Name" (Just $ repoName def)
<*> aopt textField "Description" (Just $ repoDescription def)
<*> areq (selectFieldList groups `withNote` help) "Repository group" (Just $ repoGroup def)
<*> associateddirectory
<*> areq checkBoxField "Syncing enabled" (Just $ repoSyncable def)
groups = customgroups ++ standardgroups
standardgroups :: [(Text, RepoGroup)]
standardgroups = map (\g -> (T.pack $ descStandardGroup remoteconfig g , RepoGroupStandard g))
standardgroups = map (\g -> (T.pack $ descStandardGroup g , RepoGroupStandard g))
[minBound :: StandardGroup .. maxBound :: StandardGroup]
customgroups :: [(Text, RepoGroup)]
customgroups = case repoGroup def of
@ -131,6 +150,10 @@ editRepositoryAForm def remoteconfig = RepoConfig
_ -> []
help = [whamlet|<a href="@{RepoGroupR}">What's this?</a>|]
associateddirectory = case repoAssociatedDirectory def of
Nothing -> aopt dummyField "" Nothing
Just d -> aopt textField "Associated directory" (Just $ Just d)
getEditRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getEditRepositoryR = postEditRepositoryR
@ -153,27 +176,28 @@ editForm :: Bool -> UUID -> Handler RepHtml
editForm new uuid = page "Configure repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
mremote <- liftAnnex $ Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid
curr <- liftAnnex $ getRepoConfig uuid mremote
config <- M.lookup uuid <$> liftAnnex readRemoteLog
lift $ checkdirectories curr config
liftAnnex $ checkAssociatedDirectory curr mremote
((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ editRepositoryAForm curr config
runFormPost $ renderBootstrap $ editRepositoryAForm curr
case result of
FormSuccess input -> lift $ do
checkdirectories input config
setRepoConfig uuid mremote curr input
liftAnnex $ checkAssociatedDirectory input mremote
redirect DashboardR
_ -> do
let istransfer = repoGroup curr == RepoGroupStandard TransferGroup
let repoInfo = getRepoInfo mremote config
repoInfo <- getRepoInfo mremote . M.lookup uuid
<$> liftAnnex readRemoteLog
$(widgetFile "configurators/editrepository")
{- Makes any special directory associated with the repository.
- This is done both when displaying the form, as well as after
- it's posted, because the user may not post the form,
- but may see that the repo is set up to use the directory. -}
checkdirectories cfg repoconfig = case repoGroup cfg of
RepoGroupStandard gr -> case specialDirectory repoconfig gr of
Just d -> liftAnnex $ inRepo $ \g ->
{- Makes any directory associated with the repository. -}
checkAssociatedDirectory :: RepoConfig -> Maybe Remote -> Annex ()
checkAssociatedDirectory _ Nothing = noop
checkAssociatedDirectory cfg (Just r) = do
repoconfig <- M.lookup (Remote.uuid r) <$> readRemoteLog
case repoGroup cfg of
RepoGroupStandard gr -> case associatedDirectory repoconfig gr of
Just d -> inRepo $ \g ->
createDirectoryIfMissing True $
Git.repoPath g </> d
Nothing -> noop
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ formatMediaType MediaOmitted = ""
collectionMediaType :: MediaType -> Maybe String
collectionMediaType MediaText = Just "opensource"
collectionMediaType MediaImages = Just "opensource" -- not ideal
collectionMediaType MediaSoftware = Just "opensource -- not ideal
collectionMediaType MediaSoftware = Just "opensource" -- not ideal
collectionMediaType MediaVideo = Just "opensource_movies"
collectionMediaType MediaAudio = Just "opensource_audio"
collectionMediaType MediaOmitted = Jusr "opensource"
collectionMediaType MediaOmitted = Just "opensource"
{- Format a MediaType for user display. -}
showMediaType :: MediaType -> String
@ -182,10 +182,10 @@ getRepoInfo c = do
exists <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO False $ fst <$> Url.exists url []
<a href="#{url}">
Internet Archive page
Internet Archive item
$if (not exists)
The page will only appear once some files #
The page will only be available once some files #
have been uploaded, and the Internet Archive has processed them.
@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ passwordField = F.passwordField
{- Useful in an AForm when sometimes a field is not used. -}
dummyField :: RenderMessage master FormMessage => Field sub master Text
dummyField = Field
{ fieldView = \_theId _name _attrs _val _isReq -> return ()
, fieldParse = const $ return $ Right Nothing
{- Makes a note widget be displayed after a field. -}
withNote :: Field sub master v -> GWidget sub master () -> Field sub master v
withNote field note = field { fieldView = newview }
@ -50,25 +50,25 @@ toStandardGroup "public" = Just PublicGroup
toStandardGroup "unwanted" = Just UnwantedGroup
toStandardGroup _ = Nothing
descStandardGroup :: Maybe RemoteConfig -> StandardGroup -> String
descStandardGroup _ ClientGroup = "client: a repository on your computer"
descStandardGroup _ TransferGroup = "transfer: distributes files to clients"
descStandardGroup _ BackupGroup = "full backup: backs up all files"
descStandardGroup _ IncrementalBackupGroup = "incremental backup: backs up files not backed up elsewhere"
descStandardGroup _ SmallArchiveGroup = "small archive: archives files located in \"archive\" directories"
descStandardGroup _ FullArchiveGroup = "full archive: archives all files not archived elsewhere"
descStandardGroup _ SourceGroup = "file source: moves files on to other repositories"
descStandardGroup _ ManualGroup = "manual mode: only stores files you manually choose"
descStandardGroup _ UnwantedGroup = "unwanted: remove content from this repository"
descStandardGroup c PublicGroup = "public: only stores files located in \"" ++ fromJust (specialDirectory c PublicGroup) ++ "\" directories"
descStandardGroup :: StandardGroup -> String
descStandardGroup ClientGroup = "client: a repository on your computer"
descStandardGroup TransferGroup = "transfer: distributes files to clients"
descStandardGroup BackupGroup = "full backup: backs up all files"
descStandardGroup IncrementalBackupGroup = "incremental backup: backs up files not backed up elsewhere"
descStandardGroup SmallArchiveGroup = "small archive: archives files located in \"archive\" directories"
descStandardGroup FullArchiveGroup = "full archive: archives all files not archived elsewhere"
descStandardGroup SourceGroup = "file source: moves files on to other repositories"
descStandardGroup ManualGroup = "manual mode: only stores files you manually choose"
descStandardGroup UnwantedGroup = "unwanted: remove content from this repository"
descStandardGroup PublicGroup = "public: publishes files located in an associated directory"
specialDirectory :: Maybe RemoteConfig -> StandardGroup -> Maybe FilePath
specialDirectory _ SmallArchiveGroup = Just "archive"
specialDirectory _ FullArchiveGroup = Just "archive"
specialDirectory (Just c) PublicGroup = Just $
associatedDirectory :: Maybe RemoteConfig -> StandardGroup -> Maybe FilePath
associatedDirectory _ SmallArchiveGroup = Just "archive"
associatedDirectory _ FullArchiveGroup = Just "archive"
associatedDirectory (Just c) PublicGroup = Just $
fromMaybe "public" $ M.lookup "preferreddir" c
specialDirectory Nothing PublicGroup = Just "public"
specialDirectory _ _ = Nothing
associatedDirectory Nothing PublicGroup = Just "public"
associatedDirectory _ _ = Nothing
{- See doc/preferred_content.mdwn for explanations of these expressions. -}
preferredContent :: StandardGroup -> String
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
If you configure a repository that can be viwed by the public, #
but you don't want all your files to show up there, you can #
configure it to be a <b>public repository</b>. Then only files #
located in a particular directory will be sent to it.
located in a directory you choose will be sent to it.
Finally, repositories can be configured to be in <b>manual mode</b>. This #
prevents content being automatically synced to the repository, but #
Add table
Reference in a new issue