fix git-annex test -p
test: When limiting tests to run with -p, work around tasty limitation by automatically including dependent tests. This fixes a reversion because it didn't used to use dependencies and forced tasty to run the init tests first. That changed when parallelizing the test suite. It will sometimes do a little more work than strictly required, because it adds init tests deps when limited to eg quickcheck tests, which don't depend on them. But this only adds a few seconds work. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 37 additions and 13 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ git-annex (10.20220505) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Improve an error message displayed in that situation.
* Prevent git-annex init incorrectly reinitializing the repository in
that situation.
* test: When limiting tests to run with -p, work around tasty limitation
by automatically including dependent tests.
-- Joey Hess <> Thu, 05 May 2022 15:08:07 -0400
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ testRemote testvariants remotetype setupremote =
{- These tests set up the test environment, but also test some basic parts
- of git-annex. They are always run before the repoTests. -}
initTests :: TestTree
initTests = testGroup "Init Tests"
initTests = testGroup initTestsName
[ testCase "init" test_init
, testCase "add" test_add
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ repoTests note numparts = map mk $ sep
mk l = testGroup groupname (initTests : map adddep l)
adddep = Test.Tasty.after AllSucceed (groupname ++ ".Init Tests")
adddep = Test.Tasty.after AllSucceed (groupname ++ "." ++ initTestsName)
groupname = "Repo Tests " ++ note
sep = sep' (replicate numparts [])
sep' (p:ps) (l:ls) = sep' (ps++[l:p]) ls
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.ConsoleReporter
import qualified Test.Tasty.Patterns.Types as TP
import Options.Applicative.Types
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
@ -724,10 +725,12 @@ parallelTestRunner' numjobs opts mkts
| otherwise = go =<< Utility.Env.getEnv subenv
-- Make more parts than there are jobs, because some parts
-- are larger, and this allows the smaller parts to be packed
-- in more efficiently, speeding up the test suite overall.
numparts = numjobs * 2
worker rs nvar a = do
(n, m) <- atomically $ do
(n, m) <- readTVar nvar
@ -738,6 +741,7 @@ parallelTestRunner' numjobs opts mkts
else do
r <- a n
worker (r:rs) nvar a
go Nothing = withConcurrentOutput $ do
ensuredir tmpdir
crippledfilesystem <- fst <$> Annex.Init.probeCrippledFileSystem'
@ -753,7 +757,7 @@ parallelTestRunner' numjobs opts mkts
args <- getArgs
pp <- Annex.Path.programPath
termcolor <- hSupportsANSIColor stdout
let ps = if useColor (lookupOption (tastyOptionSet opts)) termcolor
let ps = if useColor (lookupOption tastyopts) termcolor
then "--color=always":args
else "--color=never":args
let runone n = do
@ -783,16 +787,29 @@ parallelTestRunner' numjobs opts mkts
Just (n, crippledfilesystem, adjustedbranchok) -> setTestEnv $ do
let ts = mkts numparts crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts
let t = topLevelTestGroup [ ts !! (n - 1) ]
case tryIngredients ingredients (tastyOptionSet opts) t of
case tryIngredients ingredients tastyopts t of
Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
Just act -> ifM act
( exitSuccess
, exitFailure
tastyopts = case lookupOption (tastyOptionSet opts) of
-- Work around limitation of tasty; when tests to run
-- are limited to a pattern, it does not include their
-- dependencies. So, add another pattern including the
-- init tests, which are a dependency of most tests.
TestPattern (Just p) ->
setOption (TestPattern (Just (TP.Or p (TP.ERE initTestsName))))
(tastyOptionSet opts)
TestPattern Nothing -> tastyOptionSet opts
topLevelTestGroup :: [TestTree] -> TestTree
topLevelTestGroup = testGroup "Tests"
initTestsName :: String
initTestsName = "Init Tests"
tastyParser :: [TestTree] -> ([String], Parser Test.Tasty.Options.OptionSet)
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,3,0)
tastyParser ts = go
@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
The changes to make `git-annex test` concurrent have
broken using eg `git-annex test -p 'concurrent get of dup key regression'`
The problem is that tasty is being run with a subset of tests in each
runner, so most of them don't know about the test they're being limited to
There either needs to be a way to disable concurrency (eg, run all tests
in one runner with -J1), or the code detect when tasty is limited, and
automatically disable concurrency.
Also, it looks like the repo setup test is not being run, even though it's
It looks like the repo setup test is not being run, even though it's
supposed to be a dependency of the test it was limited to.
> Oh, that seems to be a limitation of tasty. From its docs:
If Test B depends on Test A, remember that either of them may be
filtered out using the --pattern option. Collecting the dependency
info happens after filtering. Therefore, if Test A is filtered out,
Test B will run unconditionally, and if Test B is filtered out,
it simply won't run.
> This works: `git-annex test -p '/concurrent get of dup key regression/ || /Init Tests/'`
> Ok, I was able to work around this by having git-annex test add the latter
> pattern automatically. [[done]] --[[Joey]]
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