webapp: Better ssh password prompting.
When setting up a remote on a ssh server, prompt for a password inside the webapp, rather than relying on ssh's own password prompting in the terminal the webapp was started from, or ssh-askpass. Avoids double prompting for the ssh password (and triple-prompting on windows for rsync.net), since the entered password is cached for 10 minutes and this cached password is reused when setting up the repository, after the initial probe. When the user has an existing ssh key set up, they can choose to use it, rather than entering a password. The webapp used to probe for this case automatically, so this is a little harder, but it's an advanced user thing. Note that this commit is known to break enabling existing rsync repositories. It hs not been tested with gcrypt repositories. It's not been successfully tested yet on Windows. This commit was sponsored by Ralph Mayer.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 112 additions and 72 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Ssh where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.WebApp.Gpg
import Assistant.Ssh
import Annex.Ssh
import Assistant.WebApp.MakeRemote
import Logs.Remote
import Remote
@ -25,9 +26,13 @@ import qualified Remote.GCrypt as GCrypt
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.UUID
import Assistant.RemoteControl
import Assistant.CredPairCache
import Config.Files
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Rsync
@ -42,10 +47,17 @@ sshConfigurator = page "Add a remote server" (Just Configuration)
data SshInput = SshInput
{ inputHostname :: Maybe Text
, inputUsername :: Maybe Text
, inputAuthMethod :: AuthMethod
, inputPassword :: Maybe Text
, inputDirectory :: Maybe Text
, inputPort :: Int
deriving (Show)
data AuthMethod
= Password
| CachedPassword
| ExistingSshKey
deriving (Eq, Show)
{- SshInput is only used for applicative form prompting, this converts
- the result of such a form into a SshData. -}
@ -66,6 +78,8 @@ mkSshInput :: SshData -> SshInput
mkSshInput s = SshInput
{ inputHostname = Just $ sshHostName s
, inputUsername = sshUserName s
, inputAuthMethod = if needsPubKey s then CachedPassword else ExistingSshKey
, inputPassword = Nothing
, inputDirectory = Just $ sshDirectory s
, inputPort = sshPort s
@ -78,9 +92,17 @@ sshInputAForm :: Field WebApp WebApp Text -> SshInput -> AForm WebApp WebApp Ssh
sshInputAForm hostnamefield def = SshInput
<$> aopt check_hostname (bfs "Host name") (Just $ inputHostname def)
<*> aopt check_username (bfs "User name") (Just $ inputUsername def)
<*> areq (selectFieldList authmethods) (bfs "Authenticate with") (Just $ inputAuthMethod def)
<*> aopt passwordField (bfs "Password") Nothing
<*> aopt textField (bfs "Directory") (Just $ Just $ fromMaybe (T.pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir) $ inputDirectory def)
<*> areq intField (bfs "Port") (Just $ inputPort def)
authmethods :: [(Text, AuthMethod)]
authmethods =
[ ("password", Password)
, ("existing ssh key", ExistingSshKey)
check_username = checkBool (all (`notElem` "/:@ \t") . T.unpack)
bad_username textField
@ -122,12 +144,11 @@ postAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
username <- liftIO $ T.pack <$> myUserName
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ sshInputAForm textField $
SshInput Nothing (Just username) Nothing 22
SshInput Nothing (Just username) Password Nothing Nothing 22
case result of
FormSuccess sshinput -> do
s <- liftIO $ testServer NoPassword sshinput
s <- liftAssistant $ testServer sshinput
case s of
-- XXX FIXME: now what???
Left status -> showform form enctype status
Right (sshdata, u) -> liftH $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR sshdata u
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
@ -180,7 +201,7 @@ enableSpecialSshRemote getsshinput rsyncnetsetup genericsetup u = do
| isRsyncNet (inputHostname sshinput') ->
void $ liftH $ rsyncnetsetup sshinput' reponame
| otherwise -> do
s <- liftIO $ testServer sshinput'
s <- liftAssistant $ testServer sshinput'
case s of
Left status -> showform form enctype status
Right (sshdata, _u) -> void $ liftH $ genericsetup
@ -206,49 +227,34 @@ wrapCommand cmd = "if [ -x " ++ commandWrapper ++ " ]; then " ++ commandWrapper
commandWrapper :: String
commandWrapper = "~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper"
data UsePassword
= NoPassword
| CachedPassword
deriving (Eq)
{- Test if we can ssh into the server.
- To detect if passwordless login is already enabled on the server,
- pass NoPassword.
- If that fails, the caller should prompt the user for the necessary
- password, and retry with CachedPassword.
{- Test if we can ssh into the server, using the specified AuthMethod.
- Once logged into the server, probe to see if git-annex-shell,
- git, and rsync are available.
- Note that, ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell may be
- present, while git-annex-shell is not in PATH.
- Note that ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell may be present, while
- git-annex-shell is not in PATH.
- Also, git and rsync may not be in PATH; as long as the commandWrapper
- is present, assume it is able to be used to run them.
- Also probe to see if there is already a git repository at the location
- with either an annex-uuid or a gcrypt-id set. (If not, returns NoUUID.)
testServer :: UsePassword -> SshInput -> IO (Either ServerStatus (SshData, UUID))
testServer _ (SshInput { inputHostname = Nothing }) = return $
testServer :: SshInput -> Assistant (Either ServerStatus (SshData, UUID))
testServer (SshInput { inputHostname = Nothing }) = return $
Left $ UnusableServer "Please enter a host name."
testServer usepassword sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
(status, u) <- probe $
if usepassword == NoPassword
then [sshOpt "NumberOfPasswordPrompts" "0"]
else []
testServer sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
(status, u) <- probe
case capabilities status of
[] -> return $ Left status'
cs -> ret cs (usepassword == CachedPassword) u
[] -> return $ Left status
cs -> do
let sshdata = (mkSshData sshinput)
{ needsPubKey = inputAuthMethod sshinput /= ExistingSshKey
, sshCapabilities = cs
return $ Right (sshdata, u)
ret cs needspubkey u = do
let sshdata = (mkSshData sshinput)
{ needsPubKey = needspubkey
, sshCapabilities = cs
return $ Right (sshdata, u)
probe extraopts = do
probe = do
let remotecommand = shellWrap $ intercalate ";"
[ report "loggedin"
, checkcommand "git-annex-shell"
@ -258,20 +264,20 @@ testServer usepassword sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
, checkcommand commandWrapper
, getgitconfig (T.unpack <$> inputDirectory sshinput)
knownhost <- knownHost hn
let sshopts = filter (not . null) $ extraopts ++
knownhost <- liftIO $ knownHost hn
let sshopts = catMaybes
{- If this is an already known host, let
- ssh check it as usual.
- Otherwise, trust the host key. -}
[ if knownhost then "" else sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
, "-n" -- don't read from stdin
, "-p", show (inputPort sshinput)
, genSshHost
[ if knownhost then Nothing else Just (sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no")
, Just "-n" -- don't read from stdin
, Just "-p", Just (show (inputPort sshinput))
, Just $ genSshHost
(fromJust $ inputHostname sshinput)
(inputUsername sshinput)
, remotecommand
, Just remotecommand
parsetranscript . fst <$> sshTranscript sshopts Nothing
parsetranscript . fst <$> sshAuthTranscript sshinput sshopts Nothing
parsetranscript s =
let cs = map snd $ filter (reported . fst)
[ ("git-annex-shell", GitAnnexShellCapable)
@ -304,11 +310,11 @@ testServer usepassword sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
| not (null d) = "cd " ++ shellEscape d ++ " && git config --list"
getgitconfig _ = "echo"
{- Runs a ssh command; if it fails shows the user the transcript,
- and if it succeeds, runs an action. -}
sshSetup :: [String] -> Maybe String -> Handler Html -> Handler Html
sshSetup opts input a = do
(transcript, ok) <- liftIO $ sshTranscript opts input
{- Runs a ssh command to set up the repository; if it fails shows
- the user the transcript, and if it succeeds, runs an action. -}
sshSetup :: SshInput -> [String] -> Maybe String -> Handler Html -> Handler Html
sshSetup sshinput opts input a = do
(transcript, ok) <- liftAssistant $ sshAuthTranscript sshinput opts input
if ok
then a
else showSshErr transcript
@ -317,6 +323,41 @@ showSshErr :: String -> Handler Html
showSshErr msg = sshConfigurator $
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/error")
sshAuthTranscript :: SshInput -> [String] -> (Maybe String) -> Assistant (String, Bool)
sshAuthTranscript sshinput opts input = case inputAuthMethod sshinput of
ExistingSshKey -> liftIO $ go [passwordprompts 0] Nothing
CachedPassword -> setupAskPass
Password -> do
cacheCred (login, geti inputPassword) (Seconds $ 60 * 10)
login = geti inputUsername ++ "@" ++ geti inputHostname
geti f = maybe "" T.unpack (f sshinput)
go extraopts env = processTranscript' "ssh" (extraopts ++ opts) env input
setupAskPass = do
program <- liftIO readProgramFile
v <- getCachedCred login
liftIO $ case v of
Nothing -> go [passwordprompts 0] Nothing
Just pass -> withTmpFile "ssh" $ \passfile h -> do
hClose h
writeFileProtected passfile pass
let env =
[ ("SSH_ASKPASS", program)
, (sshAskPassEnv, passfile)
-- ssh does not use SSH_ASKPASS
-- unless DISPLAY is set, and
-- there is no controlling
-- terminal.
, ("DISPLAY", ":0")
go [passwordprompts 1] (Just env)
passwordprompts :: Int -> String
passwordprompts = sshOpt "NumberOfPasswordPrompts" . show
{- The UUID will be NoUUID when the repository does not already exist,
- or was not a git-annex repository before. -}
getConfirmSshR :: SshData -> UUID -> Handler Html
@ -349,7 +390,7 @@ getCombineSshR sshdata = prepSsh False sshdata $ \sshdata' ->
getRetrySshR :: SshData -> Handler ()
getRetrySshR sshdata = do
s <- liftIO $ testServer $ mkSshInput sshdata
s <- liftAssistant $ testServer $ mkSshInput sshdata
redirect $ either (const $ ConfirmSshR sshdata NoUUID) (uncurry ConfirmSshR) s
{- Making a new git repository. -}
@ -409,7 +450,7 @@ prepSsh needsinit sshdata a
| otherwise = prepSsh' needsinit sshdata sshdata Nothing a
prepSsh' :: Bool -> SshData -> SshData -> Maybe SshKeyPair -> (SshData -> Handler Html) -> Handler Html
prepSsh' needsinit origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup
prepSsh' needsinit origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup (mkSshInput origsshdata)
[ "-p", show (sshPort origsshdata)
, genSshHost (sshHostName origsshdata) (sshUserName origsshdata)
, remoteCommand
@ -457,7 +498,7 @@ postAddRsyncNetR :: Handler Html
postAddRsyncNetR = do
((result, form), enctype) <- runFormPostNoToken $
renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ sshInputAForm hostnamefield $
SshInput Nothing Nothing Nothing 22
SshInput Nothing Nothing Password Nothing Nothing 22
let showform status = inpage $
$(widgetFile "configurators/rsync.net/add")
case result of
@ -482,6 +523,7 @@ postAddRsyncNetR = do
go sshinput = do
let reponame = genSshRepoName "rsync.net"
(maybe "" T.unpack $ inputDirectory sshinput)
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ \sshdata -> inpage $
checkExistingGCrypt sshdata $ do
secretkeys <- sortBy (comparing snd) . M.toList
@ -496,7 +538,7 @@ getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR :: SshData -> RepoKey -> Handler Html
getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR sshdata NoRepoKey = whenGcryptInstalled $
withNewSecretKey $ getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR sshdata . RepoKey
getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR sshdata (RepoKey keyid) = whenGcryptInstalled $
sshSetup [sshhost, gitinit] Nothing $ makeGCryptRepo keyid sshdata
sshSetup (mkSshInput sshdata) [sshhost, gitinit] Nothing $ makeGCryptRepo keyid sshdata
sshhost = genSshHost (sshHostName sshdata) (sshUserName sshdata)
gitinit = "git init --bare " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
@ -551,21 +593,20 @@ prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame a = do
, "dd of=.ssh/authorized_keys oflag=append conv=notrunc"
, "mkdir -p " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
sshSetup (torsyncnet remotecommand) (Just $ sshPubKey keypair) (a sshdata)
sshSetup sshinput (torsyncnet remotecommand) (Just $ sshPubKey keypair) (a sshdata)
liftIO $ withTmpDir "rsyncnet" $ \tmpdir -> do
createDirectory $ tmpdir </> ".ssh"
(oldkeys, _) <- sshTranscript (torsyncnet "cat .ssh/authorized_keys") Nothing
writeFile (tmpdir </> ".ssh" </> "authorized_keys")
(sshPubKey keypair ++ "\n" ++ oldkeys)
liftIO $ putStrLn "May need to prompt for your rsync.net password one more time..."
void $ rsync
[ Param "-r"
, File $ tmpdir </> ".ssh/"
, Param $ sshhost ++ ":.ssh/"
let remotecommand = "mkdir -p " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
sshSetup (torsyncnet remotecommand) Nothing (a sshdata)
sshSetup ssinput (torsyncnet remotecommand) Nothing (a sshdata)
isRsyncNet :: Maybe Text -> Bool
@ -21,13 +21,12 @@ import Yesod.Form.Fields as F
import Yesod hiding (textField, passwordField, selectField, selectFieldList)
import Yesod.Form.Fields as F hiding (selectField, selectFieldList)
import Assistant.WebApp.Bootstrap3 hiding (bfs)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Assistant.WebApp.Bootstrap3 hiding (bfs)
{- Yesod's textField sets the required attribute for required fields.
- We don't want this, because many of the forms used in this webapp
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ git-annex (5.20140422) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Simplified repository description line format. The remote name,
if any, is always in square brackets after the description.
* assistant: Clean up stale tmp files on startup.
* webapp: Better ssh password prompting.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Fri, 02 May 2014 15:28:53 -0300
@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ can be pretty sure noone is sniffing the (localhost) connection.
## ssh-askpass approach
* If ssh-askpass is in PATH, or `SSH_ASKPASS` is set, do nothing.
(Unless webapp is run remotely.)
(Unless webapp is run remotely.)
XXX not currently done; the UI would need to omit the password entry
fields in this case.
* Otherwise, have the assistant set `SSH_ASKPASS` to a command that will
cause the webapp to read the password and forward it on. Also, set
DISPLAY to ensure that ssh runs the program.
DISPLAY to ensure that ssh runs the program. **done**
Looking at ssh.exe, I think this will even work on windows; it contains the
code to run ssh-askpass.
@ -36,14 +38,18 @@ code to run ssh-askpass.
### ssh-askpass shim, and password forwarding
`SSH_ASKPASS` needs to be set to a program (probably git-annex)
which gets the password from the webapp, and outputs it to stdout.
which gets the password from the webapp, and outputs it to stdout. **done**
Seems to call for the webapp and program to communicate over a local
socket (locked down so only user can access) or environment.
Environment is not as secure (easily snooped by root).
Local socket probably won't work on Windows. Could just use a temp file.
(Currently uses a temp file with locked down perms that it's careful
to clean up after use.)
Note that the webapp can probe to see if ssh needs a password, and can
prompt the user for it before running ssh and the ssh-askpass shim.
This avoids some complexity, and perhaps some attack vectors,
if the shim cannot requst an arbitrary password prompt.
(This complexity not needed with the temp file approach..)
@ -41,5 +41,3 @@
<div .modal-body>
This could take a minute.
You may be prompted for your rsync.net ssh password.
@ -30,5 +30,3 @@
<div .modal-body>
Checking ssh connection to the server. This could take a minute.
You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.
@ -9,6 +9,5 @@
Setting up repository on the remote server. This could take a minute.
$if needsPubKey sshdata
You will be prompted once more for your ssh password. A ssh key #
is being installed on the server, allowing git-annex to access it #
securely without a password.
A ssh key is being installed on the server, allowing git-annex #
to access it securely without a password.
@ -7,5 +7,3 @@
<div .modal-body>
Checking ssh connection to the server. This could take a minute.
You may be prompted for your password to log into the server.
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