@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Ssh where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.WebApp.Gpg
import Assistant.Ssh
import Annex.Ssh
import Assistant.WebApp.MakeRemote
import Logs.Remote
import Remote
@ -25,9 +26,13 @@ import qualified Remote.GCrypt as GCrypt
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.UUID
import Assistant.RemoteControl
import Assistant.CredPairCache
import Config.Files
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
# ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Rsync
# endif
@ -42,10 +47,17 @@ sshConfigurator = page "Add a remote server" (Just Configuration)
data SshInput = SshInput
{ inputHostname :: Maybe Text
, inputUsername :: Maybe Text
, inputAuthMethod :: AuthMethod
, inputPassword :: Maybe Text
, inputDirectory :: Maybe Text
, inputPort :: Int
deriving ( Show )
data AuthMethod
= Password
| CachedPassword
| ExistingSshKey
deriving ( Eq , Show )
{- SshInput is only used for applicative form prompting, this converts
- the result of such a form into a SshData . - }
@ -66,6 +78,8 @@ mkSshInput :: SshData -> SshInput
mkSshInput s = SshInput
{ inputHostname = Just $ sshHostName s
, inputUsername = sshUserName s
, inputAuthMethod = if needsPubKey s then CachedPassword else ExistingSshKey
, inputPassword = Nothing
, inputDirectory = Just $ sshDirectory s
, inputPort = sshPort s
@ -78,9 +92,17 @@ sshInputAForm :: Field WebApp WebApp Text -> SshInput -> AForm WebApp WebApp Ssh
sshInputAForm hostnamefield def = SshInput
<$> aopt check_hostname ( bfs " Host name " ) ( Just $ inputHostname def )
<*> aopt check_username ( bfs " User name " ) ( Just $ inputUsername def )
<*> areq ( selectFieldList authmethods ) ( bfs " Authenticate with " ) ( Just $ inputAuthMethod def )
<*> aopt passwordField ( bfs " Password " ) Nothing
<*> aopt textField ( bfs " Directory " ) ( Just $ Just $ fromMaybe ( T . pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir ) $ inputDirectory def )
<*> areq intField ( bfs " Port " ) ( Just $ inputPort def )
authmethods :: [ ( Text , AuthMethod ) ]
authmethods =
[ ( " password " , Password )
, ( " existing ssh key " , ExistingSshKey )
check_username = checkBool ( all ( ` notElem ` " /:@ \ t " ) . T . unpack )
bad_username textField
@ -122,12 +144,11 @@ postAddSshR = sshConfigurator $ do
username <- liftIO $ T . pack <$> myUserName
( ( result , form ) , enctype ) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ sshInputAForm textField $
SshInput Nothing ( Just username ) Nothing 22
SshInput Nothing ( Just username ) Password Nothing Nothing 22
case result of
FormSuccess sshinput -> do
s <- lift IO $ testServer NoPassword sshinput
s <- lift Assistant $ testServer sshinput
case s of
-- XXX FIXME: now what???
Left status -> showform form enctype status
Right ( sshdata , u ) -> liftH $ redirect $ ConfirmSshR sshdata u
_ -> showform form enctype UntestedServer
@ -180,7 +201,7 @@ enableSpecialSshRemote getsshinput rsyncnetsetup genericsetup u = do
| isRsyncNet ( inputHostname sshinput' ) ->
void $ liftH $ rsyncnetsetup sshinput' reponame
| otherwise -> do
s <- lift IO $ testServer sshinput'
s <- lift Assistant $ testServer sshinput'
case s of
Left status -> showform form enctype status
Right ( sshdata , _u ) -> void $ liftH $ genericsetup
@ -206,49 +227,34 @@ wrapCommand cmd = "if [ -x " ++ commandWrapper ++ " ]; then " ++ commandWrapper
commandWrapper :: String
commandWrapper = " ~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper "
data UsePassword
= NoPassword
| CachedPassword
deriving ( Eq )
{- Test if we can ssh into the server.
- To detect if passwordless login is already enabled on the server ,
- pass NoPassword .
- If that fails , the caller should prompt the user for the necessary
- password , and retry with CachedPassword .
{- Test if we can ssh into the server, using the specified AuthMethod.
- Once logged into the server , probe to see if git - annex - shell ,
- git , and rsync are available .
- Note that , ~/. ssh / git - annex - shell may be
- present, while git- annex - shell is not in PATH .
- Note that ~/. ssh / git - annex - shell may be present , while
- git - annex - shell is not in PATH .
- Also , git and rsync may not be in PATH ; as long as the commandWrapper
- is present , assume it is able to be used to run them .
- Also probe to see if there is already a git repository at the location
- with either an annex - uuid or a gcrypt - id set . ( If not , returns NoUUID . )
- }
testServer :: UsePassword -> SshInput -> IO ( Either ServerStatus ( SshData , UUID ) )
testServer _ ( SshInput { inputHostname = Nothing } ) = return $
testServer :: SshInput -> Assistant ( Either ServerStatus ( SshData , UUID ) )
testServer ( SshInput { inputHostname = Nothing } ) = return $
Left $ UnusableServer " Please enter a host name. "
testServer usepassword sshinput @ ( SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn } ) = do
( status , u ) <- probe $
if usepassword == NoPassword
then [ sshOpt " NumberOfPasswordPrompts " " 0 " ]
else []
testServer sshinput @ ( SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn } ) = do
( status , u ) <- probe
case capabilities status of
[] -> return $ Left status'
cs -> ret cs ( usepassword == CachedPassword ) u
[] -> return $ Left status
cs -> do
let sshdata = ( mkSshData sshinput )
{ needsPubKey = inputAuthMethod sshinput /= ExistingSshKey
, sshCapabilities = cs
return $ Right ( sshdata , u )
ret cs needspubkey u = do
let sshdata = ( mkSshData sshinput )
{ needsPubKey = needspubkey
, sshCapabilities = cs
return $ Right ( sshdata , u )
probe extraopts = do
probe = do
let remotecommand = shellWrap $ intercalate " ; "
[ report " loggedin "
, checkcommand " git-annex-shell "
@ -258,20 +264,20 @@ testServer usepassword sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
, checkcommand commandWrapper
, getgitconfig ( T . unpack <$> inputDirectory sshinput )
knownhost <- knownHost hn
let sshopts = filter ( not . null ) $ extraopts ++
knownhost <- liftIO $ knownHost hn
let sshopts = catMaybes
{- If this is an already known host, let
- ssh check it as usual .
- Otherwise , trust the host key . - }
[ if knownhost then " " else sshOpt " StrictHostKeyChecking " " no "
, " -n " -- don't read from stdin
, " -p " , show ( inputPort sshinput )
, genSshHost
[ if knownhost then Nothing else Just ( sshOpt " StrictHostKeyChecking " " no " )
, Just " -n " -- don't read from stdin
, Just " -p " , Just ( show ( inputPort sshinput ) )
, Just $ genSshHost
( fromJust $ inputHostname sshinput )
( inputUsername sshinput )
, remotecommand
, Just remotecommand
parsetranscript . fst <$> ssh Transcript sshopts Nothing
parsetranscript . fst <$> ssh Auth Transcript sshinpu t sshopts Nothing
parsetranscript s =
let cs = map snd $ filter ( reported . fst )
[ ( " git-annex-shell " , GitAnnexShellCapable )
@ -304,11 +310,11 @@ testServer usepassword sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
| not ( null d ) = " cd " ++ shellEscape d ++ " && git config --list "
getgitconfig _ = " echo "
{- Runs a ssh command ; if it fails shows the user the transcript,
- and if it succeeds , runs an action . - }
sshSetup :: [ String ] -> Maybe String -> Handler Html -> Handler Html
sshSetup opts input a = do
( transcript , ok ) <- lift IO $ sshTranscrip t opts input
{- Runs a ssh command to set up the repository ; if it fails shows
- the user the transcript , and if it succeeds , runs an action . - }
sshSetup :: SshInput -> [ String ] -> Maybe String -> Handler Html -> Handler Html
sshSetup sshinput opts input a = do
( transcript , ok ) <- lift Assistant $ sshAuthTranscript sshinpu t opts input
if ok
then a
else showSshErr transcript
@ -317,6 +323,41 @@ showSshErr :: String -> Handler Html
showSshErr msg = sshConfigurator $
$ ( widgetFile " configurators/ssh/error " )
sshAuthTranscript :: SshInput -> [ String ] -> ( Maybe String ) -> Assistant ( String , Bool )
sshAuthTranscript sshinput opts input = case inputAuthMethod sshinput of
ExistingSshKey -> liftIO $ go [ passwordprompts 0 ] Nothing
CachedPassword -> setupAskPass
Password -> do
cacheCred ( login , geti inputPassword ) ( Seconds $ 60 * 10 )
login = geti inputUsername ++ " @ " ++ geti inputHostname
geti f = maybe " " T . unpack ( f sshinput )
go extraopts env = processTranscript' " ssh " ( extraopts ++ opts ) env input
setupAskPass = do
program <- liftIO readProgramFile
v <- getCachedCred login
liftIO $ case v of
Nothing -> go [ passwordprompts 0 ] Nothing
Just pass -> withTmpFile " ssh " $ \ passfile h -> do
hClose h
writeFileProtected passfile pass
let env =
[ ( " SSH_ASKPASS " , program )
, ( sshAskPassEnv , passfile )
-- ssh does not use SSH_ASKPASS
-- unless DISPLAY is set, and
-- there is no controlling
-- terminal.
, ( " DISPLAY " , " :0 " )
go [ passwordprompts 1 ] ( Just env )
passwordprompts :: Int -> String
passwordprompts = sshOpt " NumberOfPasswordPrompts " . show
{- The UUID will be NoUUID when the repository does not already exist,
- or was not a git - annex repository before . - }
getConfirmSshR :: SshData -> UUID -> Handler Html
@ -349,7 +390,7 @@ getCombineSshR sshdata = prepSsh False sshdata $ \sshdata' ->
getRetrySshR :: SshData -> Handler ()
getRetrySshR sshdata = do
s <- lift IO $ testServer $ mkSshInput sshdata
s <- lift Assistant $ testServer $ mkSshInput sshdata
redirect $ either ( const $ ConfirmSshR sshdata NoUUID ) ( uncurry ConfirmSshR ) s
{- Making a new git repository. -}
@ -409,7 +450,7 @@ prepSsh needsinit sshdata a
| otherwise = prepSsh' needsinit sshdata sshdata Nothing a
prepSsh' :: Bool -> SshData -> SshData -> Maybe SshKeyPair -> ( SshData -> Handler Html ) -> Handler Html
prepSsh' needsinit origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup
prepSsh' needsinit origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup ( mkSshInput origsshdata )
[ " -p " , show ( sshPort origsshdata )
, genSshHost ( sshHostName origsshdata ) ( sshUserName origsshdata )
, remoteCommand
@ -457,7 +498,7 @@ postAddRsyncNetR :: Handler Html
postAddRsyncNetR = do
( ( result , form ) , enctype ) <- runFormPostNoToken $
renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $ sshInputAForm hostnamefield $
SshInput Nothing Nothing Nothing 22
SshInput Nothing Nothing Password Nothing Nothing 22
let showform status = inpage $
$ ( widgetFile " configurators/rsync.net/add " )
case result of
@ -482,6 +523,7 @@ postAddRsyncNetR = do
go sshinput = do
let reponame = genSshRepoName " rsync.net "
( maybe " " T . unpack $ inputDirectory sshinput )
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ \ sshdata -> inpage $
checkExistingGCrypt sshdata $ do
secretkeys <- sortBy ( comparing snd ) . M . toList
@ -496,7 +538,7 @@ getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR :: SshData -> RepoKey -> Handler Html
getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR sshdata NoRepoKey = whenGcryptInstalled $
withNewSecretKey $ getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR sshdata . RepoKey
getMakeRsyncNetGCryptR sshdata ( RepoKey keyid ) = whenGcryptInstalled $
sshSetup [sshhost , gitinit ] Nothing $ makeGCryptRepo keyid sshdata
sshSetup (mkSshInput sshdata ) [sshhost , gitinit ] Nothing $ makeGCryptRepo keyid sshdata
sshhost = genSshHost ( sshHostName sshdata ) ( sshUserName sshdata )
gitinit = " git init --bare " ++ T . unpack ( sshDirectory sshdata )
@ -551,21 +593,20 @@ prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame a = do
, " dd of=.ssh/authorized_keys oflag=append conv=notrunc "
, " mkdir -p " ++ T . unpack ( sshDirectory sshdata )
sshSetup ( torsyncnet remotecommand ) ( Just $ sshPubKey keypair ) ( a sshdata )
sshSetup sshinput ( torsyncnet remotecommand ) ( Just $ sshPubKey keypair ) ( a sshdata )
# else
liftIO $ withTmpDir " rsyncnet " $ \ tmpdir -> do
createDirectory $ tmpdir </> " .ssh "
( oldkeys , _ ) <- sshTranscript ( torsyncnet " cat .ssh/authorized_keys " ) Nothing
writeFile ( tmpdir </> " .ssh " </> " authorized_keys " )
( sshPubKey keypair ++ " \ n " ++ oldkeys )
liftIO $ putStrLn " May need to prompt for your rsync.net password one more time... "
void $ rsync
[ Param " -r "
, File $ tmpdir </> " .ssh/ "
, Param $ sshhost ++ " :.ssh/ "
let remotecommand = " mkdir -p " ++ T . unpack ( sshDirectory sshdata )
sshSetup ( torsyncnet remotecommand ) Nothing ( a sshdata )
sshSetup ssinput ( torsyncnet remotecommand ) Nothing ( a sshdata )
# endif
isRsyncNet :: Maybe Text -> Bool