convert checkAvailable to use availability rather than localpath
Every remote that sets localpath also implements an availability that reutrns Unavailable when a local directory is not available. This makes external remotes, and others that get support for availability Unavailable to be used by checkAvailable. (Which is only used by the assistant.) Had to keep localpath though, since other parts of the assistant use it to eg, sync with a remote when a removable drive is plugged in. Sponsored-by: Jack Hill on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 11 additions and 8 deletions
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async
reconnectRemotes :: [Remote] -> Assistant ()
reconnectRemotes [] = recordExportCommit
reconnectRemotes rs = void $ do
rs' <- liftIO $ filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True) rs
rs' <- liftAnnex $ filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True) rs
unless (null rs') $ do
failedrs <- syncAction rs' (const go)
forM_ failedrs $ \r ->
whenM (liftIO $ Remote.checkAvailable False r) $
whenM (liftAnnex $ Remote.checkAvailable False r) $
repoHasProblem (Remote.uuid r) (syncRemote r)
mapM_ signal $ filter (`notElem` failedrs) rs'
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ exportThread = namedThread "Exporter" $ runEvery (Seconds 30) <~> do
- to avoid ugly messages when a removable drive is not attached.
exportTargets :: Assistant [Remote]
exportTargets = liftIO . filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True)
exportTargets = liftAnnex . filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True)
=<< candidates <$> getDaemonStatus
candidates = filter (not . Remote.readonly) . exportRemotes
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ handleRemoteProblem urlrenderer rmt = do
handleRemoteProblem' :: Git.Repo -> UrlRenderer -> Remote -> Assistant Bool
handleRemoteProblem' repo urlrenderer rmt
| Git.repoIsLocal repo && not (Git.repoIsLocalUnknown repo) =
ifM (liftIO $ checkAvailable True rmt)
ifM (liftAnnex $ checkAvailable True rmt)
( do
fixedlocks <- repairStaleGitLocks repo
fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer (Just rmt) $ tryNonAsync $
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pushThread = namedThread "Pusher" $ runEvery (Seconds 2) <~> do
- to avoid ugly messages when a removable drive is not attached.
pushTargets :: Assistant [Remote]
pushTargets = liftIO . filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True)
pushTargets = liftAnnex . filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True)
=<< candidates <$> getDaemonStatus
candidates = filter (not . Remote.readonly) . syncGitRemotes
@ -411,9 +411,12 @@ byCost = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . M.toList . costmap
costmap = M.fromListWith (++) . map costpair
costpair r = (cost r, [r])
checkAvailable :: Bool -> Remote -> IO Bool
checkAvailable assumenetworkavailable =
maybe (return assumenetworkavailable) doesDirectoryExist . localpath
checkAvailable :: Bool -> Remote -> Annex Bool
checkAvailable assumenetworkavailable r = tryNonAsync (availability r) >>= \case
Left _e -> return assumenetworkavailable
Right LocallyAvailable -> return True
Right GloballyAvailable -> return assumenetworkavailable
Right Unavailable -> return False
hasKey :: Remote -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
hasKey r k = either (Left . show) Right <$> tryNonAsync (checkPresent r k)
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