committer tweak to wait for Watcher to resume after a max-size commit
Without this, a very large batch add has commits of sizes approx 5000, 2500, 1250, etc down to 10, and then starts over at 5000. This fixes it so it's 5000+ every time.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 73 additions and 20 deletions
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ commitThread = namedThread "Committer" $ do
=<< annexDelayAdd <$> Annex.getGitConfig
waitChangeTime $ \(changes, time) -> do
readychanges <- handleAdds delayadd changes
if shouldCommit time readychanges
if shouldCommit time (length readychanges) readychanges
then do
[ "committing"
@ -62,8 +62,12 @@ commitThread = namedThread "Committer" $ do
void $ alertWhile commitAlert $
liftAnnex commitStaged
let numchanges = length readychanges
mapM_ checkChangeContent readychanges
else refill readychanges
return numchanges
else do
refill readychanges
return 0
refill :: [Change] -> Assistant ()
refill [] = noop
@ -72,21 +76,33 @@ refill cs = do
refillChanges cs
{- Wait for one or more changes to arrive to be committed. -}
waitChangeTime :: (([Change], UTCTime) -> Assistant ()) -> Assistant ()
waitChangeTime a = runEvery (Seconds 1) <~> do
-- We already waited one second as a simple rate limiter.
-- Next, wait until at least one change is available for
-- processing.
changes <- getChanges
-- See if now's a good time to commit.
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case (shouldCommit now changes, possiblyrename changes) of
(True, False) -> a (changes, now)
(True, True) -> do
morechanges <- getrelatedchanges changes
a (changes ++ morechanges, now)
_ -> refill changes
waitChangeTime :: (([Change], UTCTime) -> Assistant Int) -> Assistant ()
waitChangeTime a = go [] 0
go unhandled lastcommitsize = do
-- Wait one one second as a simple rate limiter.
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
-- Now, wait until at least one change is available for
-- processing.
cs <- getChanges
let changes = unhandled ++ cs
let len = length changes
-- See if now's a good time to commit.
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case (lastcommitsize >= maxCommitSize, shouldCommit now len changes, possiblyrename changes) of
(True, True, _)
| len > maxCommitSize ->
go [] =<< a (changes, now)
| otherwise -> aftermaxcommit changes
(_, True, False) ->
go [] =<< a (changes, now)
(_, True, True) -> do
morechanges <- getrelatedchanges changes
go [] =<< a (changes ++ morechanges, now)
_ -> do
refill changes
go [] lastcommitsize
{- Did we perhaps only get one of the AddChange and RmChange pair
- that make up a file rename? Or some of the pairs that make up
- a directory rename?
@ -116,6 +132,41 @@ waitChangeTime a = runEvery (Seconds 1) <~> do
then return cs
else getbatchchanges (cs':cs)
{- The last commit was maximum size, so it's very likely there
- are more changes and we'd like to ensure we make another commit
- of maximum size if possible.
- But, it can take a while for the Watcher to wake back up
- after a commit. It can get blocked by another thread
- that is using the Annex state, such as a git-annex branch
- commit. Especially after such a large commit, this can
- take several seconds. When this happens, it defeats the
- normal commit batching, which sees some old changes the
- Watcher found while the commit was being prepared, and sees
- no recent ones, and wants to commit immediately.
- All that we need to do, then, is wait for the Watcher to
- wake up, and queue up one more change.
- However, it's also possible that we're at the end of changes for
- now. So to avoid waiting a really long time before committing
- those changes we have, poll for up to 30 seconds, and then
- commit them.
- Also, try to run something in Annex, to ensure we block
- longer if the Annex state is indeed blocked.
aftermaxcommit oldchanges = loop (30 :: Int)
loop 0 = go oldchanges 0
loop n = do
liftAnnex noop -- ensure Annex state is free
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
changes <- getAnyChanges
if null changes
then loop (n - 1)
else go (oldchanges ++ changes) 0
isRmChange :: Change -> Bool
isRmChange (Change { changeInfo = i }) | i == RmChange = True
isRmChange _ = False
@ -131,20 +182,22 @@ humanImperceptibleDelay :: IO ()
humanImperceptibleDelay = threadDelay $
truncate $ humanImperceptibleInterval * fromIntegral oneSecond
maxCommitSize :: Int
maxCommitSize = 5000
{- Decide if now is a good time to make a commit.
- Note that the list of changes has an undefined order.
- Current strategy: If there have been 10 changes within the past second,
- a batch activity is taking place, so wait for later.
shouldCommit :: UTCTime -> [Change] -> Bool
shouldCommit now changes
shouldCommit :: UTCTime -> Int -> [Change] -> Bool
shouldCommit now len changes
| len == 0 = False
| len > 5000 = True -- avoid bloating change pool too much
| len >= maxCommitSize = True
| length recentchanges < 10 = True
| otherwise = False -- batch activity
len = length changes
thissecond c = timeDelta c <= 1
recentchanges = filter thissecond changes
timeDelta c = now `diffUTCTime` changeTime c
Add table
Reference in a new issue