type based git config handling
Now there's a Config type, that's extracted from the git config at startup. Note that laziness means that individual config values are only looked up and parsed on demand, and so we get implicit memoization for all of them. So this is not only prettier and more type safe, it optimises several places that didn't have explicit memoization before. As well as getting rid of the ugly explicit memoization code. Not yet done for annex.<remote>.* configuration settings.
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 151 additions and 103 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex monad
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Copyright 2010-2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ module Annex (
) where
import "mtl" Control.Monad.State.Strict
@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ import Git.CheckAttr
import Git.SharedRepository
import qualified Git.Queue
import Types.Backend
import Types.Config
import qualified Types.Remote
import Types.Crypto
import Types.BranchState
@ -88,6 +92,7 @@ type PreferredContentMap = M.Map UUID (Utility.Matcher.Matcher (S.Set UUID -> Fi
-- internal state storage
data AnnexState = AnnexState
{ repo :: Git.Repo
, config :: Config
, backends :: [BackendA Annex]
, remotes :: [Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex]
, output :: MessageState
@ -99,7 +104,6 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
, catfilehandle :: Maybe CatFileHandle
, checkattrhandle :: Maybe CheckAttrHandle
, forcebackend :: Maybe String
, forcenumcopies :: Maybe Int
, limit :: Matcher (FileInfo -> Annex Bool)
, uuidmap :: Maybe UUIDMap
, preferredcontentmap :: Maybe PreferredContentMap
@ -118,6 +122,7 @@ data AnnexState = AnnexState
newState :: Git.Repo -> AnnexState
newState gitrepo = AnnexState
{ repo = gitrepo
, config = extractConfig gitrepo
, backends = []
, remotes = []
, output = defaultMessageState
@ -129,7 +134,6 @@ newState gitrepo = AnnexState
, catfilehandle = Nothing
, checkattrhandle = Nothing
, forcebackend = Nothing
, forcenumcopies = Nothing
, limit = Left []
, uuidmap = Nothing
, preferredcontentmap = Nothing
@ -197,3 +201,18 @@ inRepo a = liftIO . a =<< gitRepo
{- Extracts a value from the annex's git repisitory. -}
fromRepo :: (Git.Repo -> a) -> Annex a
fromRepo a = a <$> gitRepo
{- Gets the Config settings. -}
getConfig :: Annex Config
getConfig = getState config
{- Modifies a Config setting. -}
changeConfig :: (Config -> Config) -> Annex ()
changeConfig a = changeState $ \s -> s { config = a (config s) }
{- Changing the git Repo data also involves re-extracting its Config. -}
changeGitRepo :: Git.Repo -> Annex ()
changeGitRepo r = changeState $ \s -> s
{ repo = r
, config = extractConfig r
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Common.Annex
import Logs.Location
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Queue
import qualified Annex.Branch
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ withTmp key action = do
- in a destination (or the annex) printing a warning if not. -}
checkDiskSpace :: Maybe FilePath -> Key -> Integer -> Annex Bool
checkDiskSpace destination key alreadythere = do
reserve <- getDiskReserve
reserve <- annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getConfig
free <- liftIO . getDiskFree =<< dir
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
case (free, keySize key) of
@ -396,11 +395,8 @@ saveState :: Bool -> Annex ()
saveState nocommit = doSideAction $ do
unless nocommit $
whenM alwayscommit $
whenM (annexAlwaysCommit <$> Annex.getConfig) $
Annex.Branch.commit "update"
alwayscommit = fromMaybe True . Git.Config.isTrue
<$> getConfig (annexConfig "alwayscommit") ""
{- Downloads content from any of a list of urls. -}
downloadUrl :: [Url.URLString] -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Common.Annex
import Annex hiding (new)
import qualified Git.Queue
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
import Config
{- Adds a git command to the queue. -}
addCommand :: String -> [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Annex ()
@ -55,11 +54,9 @@ get = maybe new return =<< getState repoqueue
new :: Annex Git.Queue.Queue
new = do
q <- Git.Queue.new <$> queuesize
q <- Git.Queue.new . annexQueueSize <$> getConfig
store q
return q
queuesize = readish <$> getConfig (annexConfig "queuesize") ""
store :: Git.Queue.Queue -> Annex ()
store q = changeState $ \s -> s { repoqueue = Just q }
@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ import Common.Annex
import Annex.LockPool
import Annex.Perms
#ifndef WITH_OLD_SSH
import qualified Git.Config
import Config
import qualified Build.SysConfig as SysConfig
import qualified Annex
{- Generates parameters to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
@ -60,8 +59,7 @@ sshInfo (host, port) = ifM caching
caching = return False
caching = fromMaybe SysConfig.sshconnectioncaching
. Git.Config.isTrue
<$> getConfig (annexConfig "sshcaching") ""
. annexSshCaching <$> Annex.getConfig
cacheParams :: FilePath -> [CommandParam]
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Types.KeySource
import Config
import Annex.Exception
import Annex.Content
import qualified Annex
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Tuple.Utils
@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ import Data.Either
{- This thread makes git commits at appropriate times. -}
commitThread :: NamedThread
commitThread = NamedThread "Committer" $ do
delayadd <- liftAnnex $ do
v <- readish <$> getConfig (annexConfig "delayadd") ""
maybe delayaddDefault (return . Just . Seconds) v
delayadd <- liftAnnex $
maybe delayaddDefault (return . Just . Seconds)
=<< annexDelayAdd <$> Annex.getConfig
runEvery (Seconds 1) <~> do
-- We already waited one second as a simple rate limiter.
-- Next, wait until at least one change is available for
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ import Assistant.XMPP.Client
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- The main configuration screen. -}
getConfigR :: Handler RepHtml
getConfigR = ifM (inFirstRun)
getConfigurationR :: Handler RepHtml
getConfigurationR = ifM (inFirstRun)
( getFirstRepositoryR
, page "Configuration" (Just Config) $ do
, page "Configuration" (Just Configuration) $ do
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
xmppconfigured <- lift $ runAnnex False $ isJust <$> getXMPPCreds
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ makeCloudRepositories = $(widgetFile "configurators/repositories/cloud")
{- Lists known repositories, followed by options to add more. -}
getRepositoriesR :: Handler RepHtml
getRepositoriesR = page "Repositories" (Just Config) $ do
getRepositoriesR = page "Repositories" (Just Configuration) $ do
let repolist = repoListDisplay $ RepoSelector
{ onlyCloud = False
, onlyConfigured = False
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
awsConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
awsConfigurator = page "Add an Amazon repository" (Just Config)
awsConfigurator = page "Add an Amazon repository" (Just Configuration)
glacierConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
glacierConfigurator a = do
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ getEditNewCloudRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getEditNewCloudRepositoryR uuid = xmppNeeded >> editForm True uuid
editForm :: Bool -> UUID -> Handler RepHtml
editForm new uuid = page "Configure repository" (Just Config) $ do
editForm new uuid = page "Configure repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
(repo, mremote) <- lift $ runAnnex undefined $ Remote.repoFromUUID uuid
curr <- lift $ runAnnex undefined $ getRepoConfig uuid repo mremote
lift $ checkarchivedirectory curr
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import Annex.UUID
import Types.StandardGroups
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Utility.UserInfo
import Config
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ newRepositoryForm defpath msg = do
{- Making the first repository, when starting the webapp for the first time. -}
getFirstRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
getFirstRepositoryR = page "Getting started" (Just Config) $ do
getFirstRepositoryR = page "Getting started" (Just Configuration) $ do
path <- liftIO . defaultRepositoryPath =<< lift inFirstRun
((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet $ newRepositoryForm path
case res of
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ getFirstRepositoryR = page "Getting started" (Just Config) $ do
{- Adding a new, separate repository. -}
getNewRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
getNewRepositoryR = page "Add another repository" (Just Config) $ do
getNewRepositoryR = page "Add another repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
home <- liftIO myHomeDir
((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet $ newRepositoryForm home
case res of
@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ selectDriveForm drives def = renderBootstrap $ RemovableDrive
{- Adding a removable drive. -}
getAddDriveR :: Handler RepHtml
getAddDriveR = page "Add a removable drive" (Just Config) $ do
getAddDriveR = page "Add a removable drive" (Just Configuration) $ do
removabledrives <- liftIO $ driveList
writabledrives <- liftIO $
filterM (canWrite . T.unpack . mountPoint) removabledrives
@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ getAddDriveR = page "Add a removable drive" (Just Config) $ do
addRemote $ makeGitRemote name dir
getEnableDirectoryR :: UUID -> Handler RepHtml
getEnableDirectoryR uuid = page "Enable a repository" (Just Config) $ do
getEnableDirectoryR uuid = page "Enable a repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
description <- lift $ runAnnex "" $
T.pack . concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [uuid]
$(widgetFile "configurators/enabledirectory")
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ sampleQuote = T.unwords
pairPage :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
pairPage = page "Pairing" (Just Config)
pairPage = page "Pairing" (Just Configuration)
noPairing :: Text -> Handler RepHtml
noPairing pairingtype = pairPage $
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.Socket
sshConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
sshConfigurator = page "Add a remote server" (Just Config)
sshConfigurator = page "Add a remote server" (Just Configuration)
data SshInput = SshInput
{ inputHostname :: Maybe Text
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ getAddRsyncNetR = do
((result, form), enctype) <- runFormGet $
renderBootstrap $ sshInputAForm hostnamefield $
SshInput Nothing Nothing Nothing 22
let showform status = page "Add a Rsync.net repository" (Just Config) $
let showform status = page "Add a Rsync.net repository" (Just Configuration) $
$(widgetFile "configurators/addrsync.net")
case result of
FormSuccess sshinput
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
webDAVConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
webDAVConfigurator = page "Add a WebDAV repository" (Just Config)
webDAVConfigurator = page "Add a WebDAV repository" (Just Configuration)
boxConfigurator :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
boxConfigurator = page "Add a Box.com repository" (Just Config)
boxConfigurator = page "Add a Box.com repository" (Just Configuration)
data WebDAVInput = WebDAVInput
{ user :: Text
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ xmppNeeded = return ()
getXMPPR :: Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
getXMPPR = getXMPPR' ConfigR
getXMPPR = getXMPPR' ConfigurationR
getXMPPR = xmppPage $
$(widgetFile "configurators/xmpp/disabled")
@ -155,4 +155,4 @@ testXMPP creds = either Left (const $ Right creds)
xmppPage :: Widget -> Handler RepHtml
xmppPage = page "Jabber" (Just Config)
xmppPage = page "Jabber" (Just Configuration)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ dashboard warnNoScript = do
getHomeR :: Handler RepHtml
getHomeR = ifM (inFirstRun)
( redirect ConfigR
( redirect ConfigurationR
, page "" (Just DashBoard) $ dashboard True
@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ import Yesod
import Text.Hamlet
import Data.Text (Text)
data NavBarItem = DashBoard | Config | About
data NavBarItem = DashBoard | Configuration | About
deriving (Eq)
navBarName :: NavBarItem -> Text
navBarName DashBoard = "Dashboard"
navBarName Config = "Configuration"
navBarName Configuration = "Configuration"
navBarName About = "About"
navBarRoute :: NavBarItem -> Route WebApp
navBarRoute DashBoard = HomeR
navBarRoute Config = ConfigR
navBarRoute Configuration = ConfigurationR
navBarRoute About = AboutR
defaultNavBar :: [NavBarItem]
defaultNavBar = [DashBoard, Config, About]
defaultNavBar = [DashBoard, Configuration, About]
firstRunNavBar :: [NavBarItem]
firstRunNavBar = [Config, About]
firstRunNavBar = [Configuration, About]
selectNavBar :: Handler [NavBarItem]
selectNavBar = ifM (inFirstRun) (return firstRunNavBar, return defaultNavBar)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/about/license LicenseR GET
/about/repogroups RepoGroupR GET
/config ConfigR GET
/config ConfigurationR GET
/config/repository RepositoriesR GET
/config/xmpp XMPPR GET
/config/xmpp/for/pairing XMPPForPairingR GET
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Backend (
import System.Posix.Files
import Common.Annex
import Config
import qualified Annex
import Annex.CheckAttr
import Types.Key
@ -39,17 +38,18 @@ orderedList = do
l <- Annex.getState Annex.backends -- list is cached here
if not $ null l
then return l
else handle =<< Annex.getState Annex.forcebackend
handle Nothing = standard
handle (Just "") = standard
handle (Just name) = do
l' <- (lookupBackendName name :) <$> standard
else do
f <- Annex.getState Annex.forcebackend
case f of
Just name | not (null name) ->
return [lookupBackendName name]
_ -> do
l' <- gen . annexBackends <$> Annex.getConfig
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.backends = l' }
return l'
standard = parseBackendList <$> getConfig (annexConfig "backends") ""
parseBackendList [] = list
parseBackendList s = map lookupBackendName $ words s
gen [] = list
gen l = map lookupBackendName l
{- Generates a key for a file, trying each backend in turn until one
- accepts it. -}
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ transfer_list = stat "transfers in progress" $ nojson $ lift $ do
disk_size :: Stat
disk_size = stat "available local disk space" $ json id $ lift $
<$> getDiskReserve
<$> (annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getConfig)
<*> inRepo (getDiskFree . gitAnnexDir)
calcfree reserve (Just have) = unwords
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import Logs.Unused
import Annex.Content
import Utility.FileMode
import Logs.Location
import Config
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
@ -181,11 +180,9 @@ exclude smaller larger = S.toList $ remove larger $ S.fromList smaller
- so will easily fit on even my lowest memory systems.
bloomCapacity :: Annex Int
bloomCapacity = fromMaybe 500000 . readish
<$> getConfig (annexConfig "bloomcapacity") ""
bloomCapacity = fromMaybe 500000 . annexBloomCapacity <$> Annex.getConfig
bloomAccuracy :: Annex Int
bloomAccuracy = fromMaybe 1000 . readish
<$> getConfig (annexConfig "bloomaccuracy") ""
bloomAccuracy = fromMaybe 1000 . annexBloomAccuracy <$> Annex.getConfig
bloomBitsHashes :: Annex (Int, Int)
bloomBitsHashes = do
capacity <- bloomCapacity
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Annex
import Utility.DataUnits
type UnqualifiedConfigKey = String
data ConfigKey = ConfigKey String
@ -21,8 +20,7 @@ data ConfigKey = ConfigKey String
setConfig :: ConfigKey -> String -> Annex ()
setConfig (ConfigKey key) value = do
inRepo $ Git.Command.run "config" [Param key, Param value]
newg <- inRepo Git.Config.reRead
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = newg }
Annex.changeGitRepo =<< inRepo Git.Config.reRead
{- Unsets a git config setting. (Leaves it in state currently.) -}
unsetConfig :: ConfigKey -> Annex ()
@ -93,49 +91,28 @@ repoSyncable :: Git.Repo -> Annex Bool
repoSyncable r = fromMaybe True . Git.Config.isTrue
<$> getRemoteConfig r "sync" ""
{- If a value is specified, it is used; otherwise the default is looked up
- in git config. forcenumcopies overrides everything. -}
getNumCopies :: Maybe Int -> Annex Int
getNumCopies v = perhaps (use v) =<< Annex.getState Annex.forcenumcopies
use (Just n) = return n
use Nothing = perhaps (return 1) =<<
readish <$> getConfig (annexConfig "numcopies") "1"
perhaps fallback = maybe fallback (return . id)
{- Gets the trust level set for a remote in git config. -}
getTrustLevel :: Git.Repo -> Annex (Maybe String)
getTrustLevel r = fromRepo $ Git.Config.getMaybe key
(ConfigKey key) = remoteConfig r "trustlevel"
{- Gets annex.diskreserve setting. -}
getDiskReserve :: Annex Integer
getDiskReserve = fromMaybe megabyte . readSize dataUnits
<$> getConfig (annexConfig "diskreserve") ""
megabyte = 1000000
getNumCopies :: Maybe Int -> Annex Int
getNumCopies (Just v) = return v
getNumCopies Nothing = annexNumCopies <$> Annex.getConfig
{- Gets annex.direct setting, cached for speed. -}
isDirect :: Annex Bool
isDirect = maybe fromconfig return =<< Annex.getState Annex.direct
fromconfig = do
direct <- fromMaybe False . Git.Config.isTrue <$>
getConfig (annexConfig "direct") ""
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.direct = Just direct }
return direct
isDirect = annexDirect <$> Annex.getConfig
setDirect :: Bool -> Annex ()
setDirect b = do
setConfig (annexConfig "direct") (if b then "true" else "false")
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.direct = Just b }
setConfig (annexConfig "direct") $ if b then "true" else "false"
Annex.changeConfig $ \c -> c { annexDirect = b }
{- Gets annex.httpheaders or annex.httpheaders-command setting,
- splitting it into lines. -}
{- Gets the http headers to use. -}
getHttpHeaders :: Annex [String]
getHttpHeaders = do
cmd <- getConfig (annexConfig "http-headers-command") ""
if null cmd
then fromRepo $ Git.Config.getList "annex.http-headers"
else lines <$> liftIO (readProcess "sh" ["-c", cmd])
v <- annexHttpHeadersCommand <$> Annex.getConfig
case v of
Just cmd -> lines <$> liftIO (readProcess "sh" ["-c", cmd])
Nothing -> annexHttpHeaders <$> Annex.getConfig
@ -170,12 +170,10 @@ options = Option.common ++
, Option [] ["trust-glacier"] (NoArg (Annex.setFlag "trustglacier")) "Trust Amazon Glacier inventory"
] ++ Option.matcher
setnumcopies v = Annex.changeState $
\s -> s { Annex.forcenumcopies = readish v }
setgitconfig :: String -> Annex ()
setgitconfig v = do
newg <- inRepo $ Git.Config.store v
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = newg }
setnumcopies v = maybe noop
(\n -> Annex.changeConfig $ \c -> c { annexNumCopies = n })
(readish v)
setgitconfig v = Annex.changeGitRepo =<< inRepo (Git.Config.store v)
header :: String
header = "Usage: git-annex command [option ..]"
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Types (
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ module Types (
import Annex
import Types.Backend
import Types.Config
import Types.Key
import Types.UUID
import Types.Remote
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
{- git-annex configuration
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Types.Config (
) where
import Common
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import Utility.DataUnits
{- Main git-annex settings. Each setting corresponds to a git-config key
- such as annex.foo -}
data Config = Config
{ annexNumCopies :: Int
, annexDiskReserve :: Integer
, annexDirect :: Bool
, annexBackends :: [String]
, annexQueueSize :: Maybe Int
, annexBloomCapacity :: Maybe Int
, annexBloomAccuracy :: Maybe Int
, annexSshCaching :: Maybe Bool
, annexAlwaysCommit :: Bool
, annexDelayAdd :: Maybe Int
, annexHttpHeaders :: [String]
, annexHttpHeadersCommand :: Maybe String
extractConfig :: Git.Repo -> Config
extractConfig r = Config
{ annexNumCopies = get "numcopies" 1
, annexDiskReserve = fromMaybe onemegabyte $
readSize dataUnits =<< getmaybe "diskreserve"
, annexDirect = getbool "direct" False
, annexBackends = fromMaybe [] $
words <$> getmaybe "backends"
, annexQueueSize = getmayberead "queuesize"
, annexBloomCapacity = getmayberead "bloomcapacity"
, annexBloomAccuracy = getmayberead "bloomaccuracy"
, annexSshCaching = getmaybebool "sshcaching"
, annexAlwaysCommit = getbool "alwayscommit" True
, annexDelayAdd = getmayberead "delayadd"
, annexHttpHeaders = getlist "http-headers"
, annexHttpHeadersCommand = getmaybe "http-headers-command"
get k def = fromMaybe def $ getmayberead k
getbool k def = fromMaybe def $ getmaybebool k
getmaybebool k = Git.Config.isTrue =<< getmaybe k
getmayberead k = readish =<< getmaybe k
getmaybe k = Git.Config.getMaybe (key k) r
getlist k = Git.Config.getList (key k) r
key k = "annex." ++ k
onemegabyte = 1000000
{- Per-remote git-annex settings. Each setting corresponds to a git-config
- key such as annex.<remote>.foo -}
Add table
Reference in a new issue