assistant: Support repairing git remotes that are locally accessible
(eg, on removable drives) gcrypt remotes are not yet handled. This commit was sponsored by Sören Brunk.
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 132 additions and 75 deletions
@ -177,6 +177,12 @@ fsckAlert button n = baseActivityAlert
brokenRepositoryAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
brokenRepositoryAlert = errorAlert "Serious problems have been detected with your repository. This needs your immediate attention!"
repairingAlert :: String -> Alert
repairingAlert repodesc = activityAlert Nothing
[ Tensed "Attempting to repair" "Repaired"
, UnTensed $ T.pack repodesc
pairingAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
pairingAlert button = baseActivityAlert
{ alertData = [ UnTensed "Pairing in progress" ]
@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ module Assistant.Repair where
import Assistant.Common
import Command.Repair (repairAnnexBranch)
import Git.Fsck (FsckResults)
import Git.Fsck (FsckResults, foundBroken)
import Git.Repair (runRepairOf)
import qualified Git
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Logs.FsckResults
import Annex.UUID
import Utility.Batch
@ -28,11 +31,16 @@ import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Concurrent.Async
{- Try to do a non-destructive repair. If that fails, pop up an alert. -}
brokenRepositoryDetected :: FsckResults -> UrlRenderer -> UUID -> Assistant ()
brokenRepositoryDetected fsckresults urlrenderer u = do
liftAnnex $ writeFsckResults u fsckresults
handle =<< runRepair u False
{- When the FsckResults require a repair, tries to do a non-destructive
- repair. If that fails, pops up an alert. -}
repairWhenNecessary :: UrlRenderer -> UUID -> Maybe Remote -> FsckResults -> Assistant ()
repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u mrmt fsckresults
| foundBroken fsckresults = do
liftAnnex $ writeFsckResults u fsckresults
repodesc <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID u
handle =<< alertDuring (repairingAlert repodesc)
(runRepair u mrmt False)
| otherwise = noop
handle True = return ()
handle False = do
@ -44,47 +52,58 @@ brokenRepositoryDetected fsckresults urlrenderer u = do
return ()
runRepair :: UUID -> Bool -> Assistant Bool
runRepair u destructiverepair = do
-- Stop the watcher from running while running repairs.
changeSyncable Nothing False
runRepair :: UUID -> Maybe Remote -> Bool -> Assistant Bool
runRepair u mrmt destructiverepair = do
fsckresults <- liftAnnex $ readFsckResults u
myu <- liftAnnex getUUID
ok <- if u == myu
then localrepair fsckresults
else remoterepair fsckresults
liftAnnex $ writeFsckResults u Nothing
-- Start the watcher running again. This also triggers it to do a
-- startup scan, which is especially important if the git repo
-- repair removed files from the index file. Those files will be
-- seen as new, and re-added to the repository.
when ok $
changeSyncable Nothing True
debug [ "Repaired", show u, show ok ]
return ok
localrepair fsckresults = do
-- Stop the watcher from running while running repairs.
changeSyncable Nothing False
-- This intentionally runs the repair inside the Annex
-- monad, which is not strictly necessary, but keeps
-- other threads that might be trying to use the Annex
-- from running until it completes.
ok <- liftAnnex $ do
(ok, stillmissing, modifiedbranches) <- inRepo $
runRepairOf fsckresults destructiverepair
when destructiverepair $
repairAnnexBranch stillmissing modifiedbranches
return ok
ok <- liftAnnex $ repair fsckresults Nothing
-- Run a background fast fsck if a destructive repair had
-- to be done, to ensure that the git-annex branch
-- reflects the current state of the repo.
when (destructiverepair && not ok) $
when destructiverepair $
backgroundfsck [ Param "--fast" ]
-- Start the watcher running again. This also triggers it to
-- do a startup scan, which is especially important if the
-- git repo repair removed files from the index file. Those
-- files will be seen as new, and re-added to the repository.
when (ok || destructiverepair) $
changeSyncable Nothing True
return ok
remoterepair _fsckresults = do
error "TODO: remote repair"
remoterepair fsckresults = case Remote.repairRepo =<< mrmt of
Nothing -> return False
Just mkrepair -> do
thisrepopath <- liftIO . absPath
=<< liftAnnex (fromRepo Git.repoPath)
a <- liftAnnex $ mkrepair $
repair fsckresults (Just thisrepopath)
liftIO $ catchBoolIO a
repair fsckresults referencerepo = do
(ok, stillmissing, modifiedbranches) <- inRepo $
runRepairOf fsckresults destructiverepair referencerepo
when destructiverepair $
repairAnnexBranch stillmissing modifiedbranches
return ok
backgroundfsck params = liftIO $ void $ async $ do
program <- readProgramFile
@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ import Logs.Transfer
import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
import Assistant.Alert
import Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Git.Remote (RemoteName)
import qualified Git.Fsck
import Assistant.Repair
import qualified Git
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
@ -186,34 +188,39 @@ runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledSelfFsck _ d) = do
program <- liftIO $ readProgramFile
g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer Nothing $ tryNonAsync $ do
r <- Git.Fsck.findBroken True g
void $ batchCommand program (Param "fsck" : annexFsckParams d)
return r
when (Git.Fsck.foundBroken fsckresults) $
brokenRepositoryDetected fsckresults urlrenderer
=<< liftAnnex getUUID
Git.Fsck.findBroken True g
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u Nothing fsckresults
mapM_ reget =<< liftAnnex (dirKeys gitAnnexBadDir)
reget k = queueTransfers "fsck found bad file; redownloading" Next k Nothing Download
runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d) = go =<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID u)
runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d) = handle =<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID u)
go (Just r) = void $ case Remote.remoteFsck r of
Nothing -> void $ showFscking urlrenderer (Just $ r) $ tryNonAsync $ do
handle Nothing = debug ["skipping remote fsck of uuid without a configured remote", fromUUID u, fromSchedule s]
handle (Just rmt) = void $ case Remote.remoteFsck rmt of
Nothing -> go rmt $ do
program <- readProgramFile
batchCommand program $
void $ batchCommand program $
[ Param "fsck"
-- avoid downloading files
, Param "--fast"
, Param "--from"
, Param $ r
, Param $ rmt
] ++ annexFsckParams d
Just mkfscker ->
Just mkfscker -> do
{- Note that having mkfsker return an IO action
- avoids running a long duration fsck in the
- Annex monad. -}
void . showFscking urlrenderer (Just $ r) . tryNonAsync
=<< liftAnnex (mkfscker (annexFsckParams d))
go Nothing = debug ["skipping remote fsck of uuid without a configured remote", fromUUID u, fromSchedule s]
go rmt =<< liftAnnex (mkfscker (annexFsckParams d))
go rmt annexfscker = do
fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer (Just $ rmt) $ tryNonAsync $ do
void annexfscker
let r = Remote.repo rmt
if Git.repoIsLocal r && not (Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r)
then Just <$> Git.Fsck.findBroken True r
else pure Nothing
maybe noop (repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u (Just rmt)) fsckresults
showFscking :: UrlRenderer -> Maybe RemoteName -> IO (Either E.SomeException a) -> Assistant a
showFscking urlrenderer remotename a = do
@ -8,23 +8,10 @@
module Assistant.Threads.Transferrer where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Alert.Utility
import Assistant.Commits
import Assistant.Drop
import Assistant.TransferrerPool
import Logs.Transfer
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Content
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import qualified Git
import Config.Files
import Assistant.Threads.TransferWatcher
import Annex.Wanted
{- Dispatches transfers from the queue. -}
transfererThread :: NamedThread
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Delete where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.DeleteRemote
import Assistant.WebApp.Utility
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.Sync
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ module Assistant.WebApp.Repair where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.WebApp.RepoList
import Remote (prettyUUID)
import Remote (prettyUUID, remoteFromUUID)
import Annex.UUID (getUUID)
import Assistant.Repair
getRepairRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler Html
@ -19,13 +20,15 @@ getRepairRepositoryR = postRepairRepositoryR
postRepairRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler Html
postRepairRepositoryR u = page "Repair repository" Nothing $ do
repodesc <- liftAnnex $ prettyUUID u
repairingmainrepo <- (==) u <$> liftAnnex getUUID
$(widgetFile "control/repairrepository")
getRepairRepositoryRunR :: UUID -> Handler Html
getRepairRepositoryRunR = postRepairRepositoryRunR
postRepairRepositoryRunR :: UUID -> Handler Html
postRepairRepositoryRunR u = do
void $ liftAssistant $ runRepair u True
r <- liftAnnex $ remoteFromUUID u
void $ liftAssistant $ runRepair u r True
page "Repair repository" Nothing $ do
let repolist = repoListDisplay $
mainRepoSelector { nudgeAddMore = True }
@ -124,9 +124,13 @@ explodePacks r = do
{- Try to retrieve a set of missing objects, from the remotes of a
- repository. Returns any that could not be retreived.
- If another clone of the repository exists locally, which might not be a
- remote of the repo being repaired, its path can be passed as a reference
- repository.
retrieveMissingObjects :: MissingObjects -> Repo -> IO MissingObjects
retrieveMissingObjects missing r
retrieveMissingObjects :: MissingObjects -> Maybe FilePath -> Repo -> IO MissingObjects
retrieveMissingObjects missing referencerepo r
| S.null missing = return missing
| otherwise = withTmpDir "tmprepo" $ \tmpdir -> do
unlessM (boolSystem "git" [Params "init", File tmpdir]) $
@ -137,12 +141,19 @@ retrieveMissingObjects missing r
then return stillmissing
else pullremotes tmpr (remotes r) fetchallrefs stillmissing
pullremotes _tmpr [] _ stillmissing = return stillmissing
pullremotes tmpr [] fetchrefs stillmissing = case referencerepo of
Nothing -> return stillmissing
Just p -> ifM (fetchfrom p fetchrefs tmpr)
( do
void $ copyObjects tmpr r
findMissing (S.toList stillmissing) r
, return stillmissing
pullremotes tmpr (rmt:rmts) fetchrefs s
| S.null s = return s
| otherwise = do
putStrLn $ "Trying to recover missing objects from remote " ++ repoDescribe rmt
ifM (fetchsome rmt fetchrefs tmpr)
ifM (fetchfrom (repoLocation rmt) fetchrefs tmpr)
( do
void $ copyObjects tmpr r
stillmissing <- findMissing (S.toList s) r
@ -155,9 +166,9 @@ retrieveMissingObjects missing r
pullremotes tmpr rmts fetchrefs s
fetchsome rmt ps = runBool $
fetchfrom fetchurl ps = runBool $
[ Param "fetch"
, Param (repoLocation rmt)
, Param fetchurl
, Params "--force --update-head-ok --quiet"
] ++ ps
-- fetch refs and tags
@ -427,14 +438,15 @@ runRepair forced g = do
putStrLn "Running git fsck ..."
fsckresult <- findBroken False g
if foundBroken fsckresult
then runRepairOf fsckresult forced g
then runRepairOf fsckresult forced Nothing g
else do
putStrLn "No problems found."
return (True, S.empty, [])
runRepairOf :: FsckResults -> Bool -> Repo -> IO (Bool, MissingObjects, [Branch])
runRepairOf fsckresult forced g = do
runRepairOf :: FsckResults -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> Repo -> IO (Bool, MissingObjects, [Branch])
runRepairOf fsckresult forced referencerepo g = do
missing <- cleanCorruptObjects fsckresult g
stillmissing <- retrieveMissingObjects missing g
stillmissing <- retrieveMissingObjects missing referencerepo g
if S.null stillmissing
then successfulfinish stillmissing []
else do
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, hasKeyCheap = bupLocal buprepo
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
, repo = r
, gitconfig = gc
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
hasKeyCheap = True,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = M.empty,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ gen' r u c gc = do
, hasKeyCheap = repoCheap r
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = M.empty
, localpath = localpathCalc r
, repo = r
@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ gen r u c gc
, remoteFsck = if Git.repoIsUrl r
then Nothing
else Just $ fsckOnRemote r
, repairRepo = if Git.repoIsUrl r
then Nothing
else Just $ repairRemote r
, config = M.empty
, localpath = localpathCalc r
, repo = r
@ -419,6 +422,10 @@ fsckOnRemote r params
] ++ env
batchCommandEnv program (Param "fsck" : params) (Just env')
{- The passed repair action is run in the Annex monad of the remote. -}
repairRemote :: Git.Repo -> Annex Bool -> Annex (IO Bool)
repairRemote r a = return $ Remote.Git.onLocal r a
{- Runs an action on a local repository inexpensively, by making an annex
- monad using that repository. -}
onLocal :: Git.Repo -> Annex a -> IO a
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc veryExpensiveRemoteCost
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = c,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = M.empty,
localpath = Nothing,
repo = r,
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, hasKeyCheap = False
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = M.empty
, repo = r
, gitconfig = gc
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = c,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ gen r _ _ gc =
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Just getUrls,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = M.empty,
gitconfig = gc,
localpath = Nothing,
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = c,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ data RemoteA a = Remote {
-- without transferring all the data to the local repo
-- The parameters are passed to the fsck command on the remote.
remoteFsck :: Maybe ([CommandParam] -> a (IO Bool)),
-- Runs an action to repair the remote's git repository.
repairRepo :: Maybe (a Bool -> a (IO Bool)),
-- a Remote has a persistent configuration store
config :: RemoteConfig,
-- git repo for the Remote
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ git-annex (4.20131025) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
without such a file, so files can still be retreived from them.
* assistant: Automatically repair damanged git repository, if it can
be done without losing data.
* assistant: Support repairing git remotes that are locally accessible
(eg, on removable drives).
-- Joey Hess <> Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:11:48 -0400
@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ call it for non-local remotes.
Add git fsck to scheduled self fsck **done**
TODO: Add git fsck of local remotes to scheduled remote fscks.
TODO: git fsck on ssh remotes? Probably not worth the complexity..
TODO: If committing to the repository fails, after resolving any dangling
@ -71,6 +69,11 @@ If git fsck finds problems, launch git repository repair. **done**
git annex fsck --fast at end of repository repair to ensure
git-annex branch is accurate. **done**
TODO: "Repair" gcrypt remotes, by removing all refs and objects,
and re-pushing. (Since the objects are encrypted data, there is no way
to pull missing ones from anywhere..)
Need to preserve gcrypt-id while doing this!
TODO: along with displaying alert when there is a problem detected
by consistency check, send an email alert. (Using system MTA?)
@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
While this is not good, this problem can be automatically repaired,
often without data loss.
When possible, the corrupt data will be recovered from other #
repositories. You should make sure any other repositories that might #
have this data are available before continuing. So, plug in any #
removable drive that contains a repository, or make sure your network #
connection to other repositories is active.
$if repairingmainrepo
When possible, the corrupt data will be recovered from other #
repositories. You should make sure any other repositories that might #
have this data are available before continuing. So, plug in any #
removable drive that contains a repository, or make sure your network #
connection to other repositories is active.
<a .btn .btn-primary href="@{RepairRepositoryRunR u}" onclick="$('#workingmodal').modal('show');">
Start Repair Process
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