Merge branch 'master' into cabal-man-pages
This commit is contained in:
27 changed files with 316 additions and 94 deletions
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.UnionMerge
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
import Git.HashObject
import qualified Git.Index
import Annex.CatFile
@ -258,8 +259,8 @@ files = withIndexUpdate $ do
- in changes from other branches.
genIndex :: Git.Repo -> IO ()
genIndex g = Git.UnionMerge.stream_update_index g
[Git.UnionMerge.ls_tree fullname g]
genIndex g = Git.UpdateIndex.stream_update_index g
[Git.UpdateIndex.ls_tree fullname g]
{- Merges the specified refs into the index.
- Any changes staged in the index will be preserved. -}
@ -335,13 +336,13 @@ stageJournal = do
g <- gitRepo
withIndex $ liftIO $ do
h <- hashObjectStart g
Git.UnionMerge.stream_update_index g
Git.UpdateIndex.stream_update_index g
[genstream (gitAnnexJournalDir g) h fs]
hashObjectStop h
genstream dir h fs streamer = forM_ fs $ \file -> do
let path = dir </> file
sha <- hashFile h path
_ <- streamer $ Git.UnionMerge.update_index_line
_ <- streamer $ Git.UpdateIndex.update_index_line
sha (fileJournal file)
removeFile path
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Remote
import qualified Logs.Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as R
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.UUID
def :: [Command]
def = [command "initremote"
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ findByName name = do
generate = do
uuid <- liftIO genUUID
describeUUID uuid name
return (uuid, M.insert nameKey name M.empty)
findByName' :: String -> M.Map UUID R.RemoteConfig -> Maybe (UUID, R.RemoteConfig)
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Common
import Git
import Git.Sha
import Git.Command
import Git.Types
import qualified Utility.CoProcess as CoProcess
type CatFileHandle = CoProcess.CoProcessHandle
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ catObject h object = CoProcess.query h send receive
case words header of
[sha, objtype, size]
| length sha == shaSize &&
validobjtype objtype ->
isJust (readObjectType objtype) ->
case reads size of
[(bytes, "")] -> readcontent bytes from
_ -> dne
@ -67,8 +68,3 @@ catObject h object = CoProcess.query h send receive
error "missing newline from git cat-file"
return $ L.fromChunks [content]
dne = return L.empty
validobjtype t
| t == "blob" = True
| t == "commit" = True
| t == "tree" = True
| otherwise = False
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ module Git.HashObject where
import Common
import Git
import Git.Sha
import Git.Command
import Git.Types
import qualified Utility.CoProcess as CoProcess
type HashObjectHandle = CoProcess.CoProcessHandle
@ -24,11 +26,23 @@ hashObjectStart = CoProcess.start "git" . toCommand . gitCommandLine
hashObjectStop :: HashObjectHandle -> IO ()
hashObjectStop = CoProcess.stop
{- Injects a file into git, returning the shas of the objects. -}
{- Injects a file into git, returning the Sha of the object. -}
hashFile :: HashObjectHandle -> FilePath -> IO Sha
hashFile h file = CoProcess.query h send receive
send to = do
fileEncoding to
hPutStrLn to file
receive from = Ref <$> hGetLine from
receive from = getSha "hash-object" $ hGetLine from
{- Injects some content into git, returning its Sha. -}
hashObject :: Repo -> ObjectType -> String -> IO Sha
hashObject repo objtype content = getSha subcmd $ do
(h, s) <- pipeWriteRead (map Param params) content repo
length s `seq` do
forceSuccess h
reap -- XXX unsure why this is needed
return s
subcmd = "hash-object"
params = [subcmd, "-t", show objtype, "-w", "--stdin"]
@ -48,3 +48,18 @@ instance Show Ref where
type Branch = Ref
type Sha = Ref
type Tag = Ref
{- Types of objects that can be stored in git. -}
data ObjectType = BlobObject | CommitObject | TreeObject
instance Show ObjectType where
show BlobObject = "blob"
show CommitObject = "commit"
show TreeObject = "tree"
readObjectType :: String -> Maybe ObjectType
readObjectType "blob" = Just BlobObject
readObjectType "commit" = Just CommitObject
readObjectType "tree" = Just TreeObject
readObjectType _ = Nothing
@ -7,14 +7,9 @@
module Git.UnionMerge (
) where
import System.Cmd.Utils
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -24,8 +19,9 @@ import Git
import Git.Sha
import Git.CatFile
import Git.Command
type Streamer = (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
import Git.UpdateIndex
import Git.HashObject
import Git.Types
{- Performs a union merge between two branches, staging it in the index.
- Any previously staged changes in the index will be lost.
@ -47,38 +43,6 @@ merge_index :: CatFileHandle -> Repo -> [Ref] -> IO ()
merge_index h repo bs =
stream_update_index repo $ map (\b -> merge_tree_index b h repo) bs
{- Feeds content into update-index. Later items in the list can override
- earlier ones, so the list can be generated from any combination of
- ls_tree, merge_trees, and merge_tree_index. -}
update_index :: Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
update_index repo ls = stream_update_index repo [(`mapM_` ls)]
{- Streams content into update-index. -}
stream_update_index :: Repo -> [Streamer] -> IO ()
stream_update_index repo as = do
(p, h) <- hPipeTo "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
fileEncoding h
forM_ as (stream h)
hClose h
forceSuccess p
params = map Param ["update-index", "-z", "--index-info"]
stream h a = a (streamer h)
streamer h s = do
hPutStr h s
hPutStr h "\0"
{- Generates a line suitable to be fed into update-index, to add
- a given file with a given sha. -}
update_index_line :: Sha -> FilePath -> String
update_index_line sha file = "100644 blob " ++ show sha ++ "\t" ++ file
{- Gets the current tree for a ref. -}
ls_tree :: Ref -> Repo -> Streamer
ls_tree (Ref x) repo streamer = mapM_ streamer =<< pipeNullSplit params repo
params = map Param ["ls-tree", "-z", "-r", "--full-tree", x]
{- For merging two trees. -}
merge_trees :: Ref -> Ref -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Streamer
merge_trees (Ref x) (Ref y) h = calc_merge h $ "diff-tree":diff_opts ++ [x, y]
@ -109,7 +73,7 @@ mergeFile :: String -> FilePath -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> IO (Maybe String)
mergeFile info file h repo = case filter (/= nullSha) [Ref asha, Ref bsha] of
[] -> return Nothing
(sha:[]) -> use sha
shas -> use =<< either return (hashObject repo . unlines) =<<
shas -> use =<< either return (hashObject repo BlobObject . unlines) =<<
calcMerge . zip shas <$> mapM getcontents shas
[_colonmode, _bmode, asha, bsha, _status] = words info
@ -117,18 +81,6 @@ mergeFile info file h repo = case filter (/= nullSha) [Ref asha, Ref bsha] of
L.decodeUtf8 <$> catObject h s
use sha = return $ Just $ update_index_line sha file
{- Injects some content into git, returning its Sha. -}
hashObject :: Repo -> String -> IO Sha
hashObject repo content = getSha subcmd $ do
(h, s) <- pipeWriteRead (map Param params) content repo
length s `seq` do
forceSuccess h
reap -- XXX unsure why this is needed
return s
subcmd = "hash-object"
params = [subcmd, "-w", "--stdin"]
{- Calculates a union merge between a list of refs, with contents.
- When possible, reuses the content of an existing ref, rather than
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
{- git-update-index library
- Copyright 2011, 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.UpdateIndex (
) where
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
{- Streamers are passed a callback and should feed it lines in the form
- read by update-index, and generated by ls-tree. -}
type Streamer = (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
{- Streams content into update-index from a list of Streamers. -}
stream_update_index :: Repo -> [Streamer] -> IO ()
stream_update_index repo as = do
(p, h) <- hPipeTo "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
fileEncoding h
forM_ as (stream h)
hClose h
forceSuccess p
params = map Param ["update-index", "-z", "--index-info"]
stream h a = a (streamer h)
streamer h s = do
hPutStr h s
hPutStr h "\0"
{- Generates a line suitable to be fed into update-index, to add
- a given file with a given sha. -}
update_index_line :: Sha -> FilePath -> String
update_index_line sha file = "100644 blob " ++ show sha ++ "\t" ++ file
{- Gets the current tree for a ref. -}
ls_tree :: Ref -> Repo -> Streamer
ls_tree (Ref x) repo streamer = mapM_ streamer =<< pipeNullSplit params repo
params = map Param ["ls-tree", "-z", "-r", "--full-tree", x]
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ remoteMap :: (Remote -> a) -> Annex (M.Map UUID a)
remoteMap c = M.fromList . map (\r -> (uuid r, c r)) .
filter (\r -> uuid r /= NoUUID) <$> remoteList
{- Map of UUIDs and their descriptions.
{- Map of UUIDs of remotes and their descriptions.
- The names of Remotes are added to suppliment any description that has
- been set for a repository. -}
- been set for a repository. -}
uuidDescriptions :: Annex (M.Map UUID String)
uuidDescriptions = M.unionWith addName <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap name
@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ nameToUUID n = byName' n >>= go
double (a, _) = (a, a)
{- Pretty-prints a list of UUIDs of remotes, for human display.
- Shows descriptions from the uuid log, falling back to remote names,
- as some remotes may not be in the uuid log.
- When JSON is enabled, also generates a machine-readable description
- of the UUIDs. -}
@ -18,14 +18,11 @@ data KeySource = KeySource
, contentLocation :: FilePath
data BackendA a = Backend {
-- name of this backend
name :: String,
-- gets the key to use for a given content
getKey :: KeySource -> a (Maybe Key),
-- called during fsck to check a key, if the backend has its own checks
fsckKey :: Maybe (Key -> FilePath -> a Bool)
data BackendA a = Backend
{ name :: String
, getKey :: KeySource -> a (Maybe Key)
, fsckKey :: Maybe (Key -> FilePath -> a Bool)
instance Show (BackendA a) where
show backend = "Backend { name =\"" ++ name backend ++ "\" }"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ git-annex (3.20120606) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* add: Prevent (most) modifications from being made to a file while it
is being added to the annex.
* initremote: Automatically describe a remote when creating it.
-- Joey Hess <> Tue, 05 Jun 2012 20:25:51 -0400
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Today I worked on the race conditions, and fixed two of them. Both
were fixed by avoiding using `git add`, which looks at the files currently
on disk. Instead, `git annex watch` injects symlinks directly into git's
index, using `git update-index`.
There is one bad race condition remaining. If multiple processes have a
file open for write, one can close it, and it will be added to the annex.
But then the other can still write to it.
Getting away from race conditions for a while, I made `git annex watch`
not annex `.gitignore` and `.gitattributes` files.
And, I made it handle running out of inotify descriptors. By default,
`/proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches` is 8192, and that's how many
directories inotify can watch. Now when it needs more, it will print
a nice message showing how to increase it with `sysctl`.
FWIW, DropBox also uses inotify and has the same limit. It seems to not
tell the user how to fix it when it goes over. Here's what `git annex
watch` will say:
Too many directories to watch! (Not watching ./dir4299)
Increase the limit by running:
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=81920 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Dropbox Inotify"
Actually, Dropbox giver you a warning via libnotify inotify. It tends to go away too quickly to properly read though, much less actually copy down the command...
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
When I work on the [[webapp]], I'm planning to make it display this warning, and any other similar warning messages that might come up.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
For the unfamiliar, it's hard to tell if a command like that would persist. I'd suggest being as clear as possible, e.g.:
Increase the limit for now by running:
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=81920
Increase the limit now and automatically at every boot by running:
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=81920 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 4"
Good thought Jim. I've done something like that.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Only had a few hours to work today, but my current focus is speed, and I
have indeed sped up parts of `git annex watch`.
One thing folks don't realize about git is that despite a rep for being
fast, it can be rather slow in one area: Writing the index. You don't
notice it until you have a lot of files, and the index gets big. So I've
put a lot of effort into git-annex in the past to avoid writing the index
repeatedly, and queue up big index changes that can happen all at once. The
new `git annex watch` was not able to use that queue. Today I reworked the
queue machinery to support the types of direct index writes it needs, and
now repeated index writes are eliminated.
... Eliminated too far, it turns out, since it doesn't yet *ever* flush
that queue until shutdown! So the next step here will be to have a worker
thread that wakes up periodically, flushes the queue, and autocommits.
(This will, in fact, be the start of the [[syncing]] phase of my roadmap!)
There's lots of room here for smart behavior. Like, if a lot of changes are
being made close together, wait for them to die down before committing. Or,
if it's been idle and a single file appears, commit it immediatly, since
this is probably something the user wants synced out right away. I'll start
with something stupid and then add the smarts.
(BTW, in all my years of programming, I have avoided threads like the nasty
bug-prone plague they are. Here I already have three threads, and am going to
add probably 4 or 5 more before I'm done with the git annex assistant. So
far, it's working well -- I give credit to Haskell for making it easy to
manage state in ways that make it possible to reason about how the threads
will interact.)
What about the races I've been stressing over? Well, I have an ulterior
motive in speeding up `git annex watch`, and that's to also be able to
**slow it down**. Running in slow-mo makes it easy to try things that might
cause a race and watch how it reacts. I'll be using this technique when
I circle back around to dealing with the races.
Another tricky speed problem came up today that I also need to fix. On
startup, `git annex watch` scans the whole tree to find files that have
been added or moved etc while it was not running, and take care of them.
Currently, this scan involves re-staging every symlink in the tree. That's
slow! I need to find a way to avoid re-staging symlinks; I may use `git
cat-file` to check if the currently staged symlink is correct, or I may
come up with some better and faster solution. Sleeping on this problem.
Oh yeah, I also found one more race bug today. It only happens at startup
and could only make it miss staging file deletions.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="open source?"
Are you publishing the source code for git-annex assistant somewhere?
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
Yes, it's in [[git|download]] with the rest of git-annex. Currently in the `watch` branch.
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 3"
I'd agree getting it into the main distros is the way to go, if you need OSX binaries, I could volunteer to setup an autobuilder to generate binaries for OSX users, however it would rely on users to have macports with the correct ports installed to use it (things like coreutils etc...)
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 4"
I always appreciate your OSX work Jimmy...
Could it be put into macports?
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 5"
In relation to macports, I often found that haskell in macports are often behind other distros, and I'm not willing to put much effort into maintaining or updating those ports. I found that to build git-annex, installing macports manually and then installing haskell-platform from the upstream to be the best way to get the most up to date dependancies for git-annex.
fyi in macports ghc is at version 6.10.4 and haskell platform is at version 2009.2, so there are a significant number of ports to update.
I was thinking about this a bit more and I reckon it might be easier to try and build a self contained .pkg package and have all the needed binaries in a .app styled package, that would work well when the webapp comes along. I will take a look at it in a week or two (currently moving house so I dont have much time)
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 6"
It's not much for now... but see <> I'm ignoring the debian-stable and pristine-tar branches for now, as I am just building and testing on osx 10.7.
Hope the autobuilder will help you develop the OSX side of things without having direct access to an osx machine! I will try and get gitbuilder to spit out appropriately named tarballs of the compiled binaries in a few days when I have more time.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 7"
Thanks, that's already been useful to me. You might as well skip the debian-specific \"bpo\" tags too.
@ -19,23 +19,22 @@ really useful, it needs to:
- notice deleted files and stage the deletion
(tricky; there's a race with add since it replaces the file with a symlink..)
- Gracefully handle when the default limit of 8192 inotified directories
is exceeded. This can be tuned by root, so help the user fix it.
- periodically auto-commit staged changes (avoid autocommitting when
lots of changes are coming in)
- tunable delays before adding new files, etc
- Coleasce related add/rm events. See commit
cbdaccd44aa8f0ca30afba23fc06dd244c242075 for some details of the problems
with doing this.
- don't annex `.gitignore` and `.gitattributes` files, but do auto-stage
changes to them
- coleasce related add/rm events for speed and less disk IO
- don't annex `.gitignore` and `.gitattributes` files **done**
- configurable option to only annex files meeting certian size or
filename criteria
- option to check files not meeting annex criteria into git directly
- honor .gitignore, not adding files it excludes (difficult, probably
needs my own .gitignore parser to avoid excessive running of git commands
to check for ignored files)
- Possibly, when a directory is moved out of the annex location,
unannex its contents.
- Gracefully handle when the default limit of 8192 inotified directories
is exceeded. This can be tuned by root, so help the user fix it.
- Support OSes other than Linux; it only uses inotify currently.
OSX and FreeBSD use the same mechanism, and there is a Haskell interface
for it,
@ -67,9 +66,18 @@ Many races need to be dealt with by this code. Here are some of them.
**Currently unfixed**; This changes content in the annex, and fsck will
later catch the inconsistency.
Possible fixes: Somehow track or detect if a file is open for write
by any processes. Or, when possible, making a copy on write copy
before adding the file would avoid this.
Possible fixes:
* Somehow track or detect if a file is open for write by any processes.
* Or, when possible, making a copy on write copy before adding the file
would avoid this.
* Or, as a last resort, make an expensive copy of the file and add that.
* Tracking file opens and closes with inotify could tell if any other
processes have the file open. But there are problems.. It doesn't
seem to differentiate between files opened for read and for write.
And there would still be a race after the last close and before it's
injected into the annex, where it could be opened for write again.
Would need to detect that and undo the annex injection or something.
* File is added and then replaced with another file before the annex add
makes its symlink.
@ -81,16 +89,14 @@ Many races need to be dealt with by this code. Here are some of them.
* File is added and then replaced with another file before the annex add
stages the symlink in git.
**Currently unfixed**; `git add` will be run on the new file, which is
not at all good when it's big. Could be dealt with by using `git
update-index` to manually put the symlink into the index without git
Now fixed; `git annex watch` avoids running `git add` because of this
race. Instead, it stages symlinks directly into the index, without
looking at what's currently on disk.
* Link is moved, fixed link is written by fix event, but then that is
removed by the user and replaced with a file before the event finishes.
**Currently unfixed**: `git add` will be run on the file. Basically same
effect as previous race above.
Now fixed; same fix as previous race above.
* File is removed and then re-added before the removal event starts.
@ -102,3 +108,6 @@ Many races need to be dealt with by this code. Here are some of them.
Not a problem; The removal event removes the old file from the index, and
the add event adds the new one.
* At startup, `git add --update` is run, to notice deleted files.
Then inotify starts up. Files deleted in between won't have their
removals staged.
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ The webapp is a web server that displays a shiny interface.
* there could be a UI to export a file, which would make it be served up
over http by the web app
* Display any relevant warning messages. One is the `inotify max_user_watches`
exceeded message.
## implementation
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ With a little setup, git-annex can use Box as a
* Create `~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf` with some important settings:
mkdir ~/.davfs2/
echo use_locks 0 >> ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf
echo use_locks 0 > ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf
echo cache_size 1 >> ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf
echo delay_upload 0 >> ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
The [Web special remote]( could possibly be improved by detecting when URLs reference a Youtube video page and using [youtube-dl]( instead of wget to download the page. Youtube-dl can also handle several other video sites such as and, so if this idea were to be implemented, it might make sense to borrow the regular expressions that youtube-dl uses to identify video URLs. A quick grep through the youtube-dl source for the identifier _VALID_URL should find those regexes (in Python's regex format).
> This is something I've thought about doing for a while..
> Two things I have not figured out:
> * Seems that this should really be user-configurable or a plugin system,
> to handle more than just this one case.
> * Youtube-dl breaks from time to time, I really trust these urls a lot
> less than regular urls. Perhaps per-url trust levels are called for by
> this.
> --[[Joey]]
Add table
Reference in a new issue