Remote.Git retrieveKeyFile works with annex+http urls
This includes a bugfix to serveGet, it hung at the end.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 67 additions and 189 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Annex.Verify (
) where
@ -215,6 +216,12 @@ verifyKeyContentIncrementally verifyconfig k a = do
a miv
snd <$> finishVerifyKeyContentIncrementally miv
writeVerifyChunk :: Maybe IncrementalVerifier -> Handle -> S.ByteString -> IO ()
writeVerifyChunk (Just iv) h c = do
S.hPut h c
updateIncrementalVerifier iv c
writeVerifyChunk Nothing h c = S.hPut h c
{- Given a file handle that is open for reading (and likely also for writing),
- and an offset, feeds the current content of the file up to the offset to
- the IncrementalVerifier. Leaves the file seeked to the offset.
@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ module Command.P2PHttp where
import Command
import P2P.Http.Server
import P2P.Http.Client
import P2P.Http.Url
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import Annex.Url
import Utility.Env
import Utility.MonotonicClock
import Servant
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as Warp
import Servant
import Servant.Client.Streaming
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Network.Socket (PortNumber)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.String
@ -161,138 +156,3 @@ getAuthEnv = do
case M.lookup user permmap of
Nothing -> (auth, P2P.ServeReadWrite)
Just perms -> (auth, perms)
testLocking = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
let k = B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("SHA256E-s6--5891b5b522d5df086d0ff0b110fbd9d21bb4fc7163af34d08286a2e846f6be03" :: String))
res <- liftIO $ clientLockContent (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
case res of
LockResult True (Just lckid) ->
liftIO $ clientKeepLocked (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
Nothing $ \keeplocked -> do
print "running, press enter to drop lock"
_ <- getLine
atomically $ writeTMVar keeplocked False
_ -> liftIO $ print ("lockin failed", res)
testLockContent = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientLockContent (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("SHA256E-s6--5891b5b522d5df086d0ff0b110fbd9d21bb4fc7163af34d08286a2e846f6be03" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
testKeepLocked = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
liftIO $ clientKeepLocked (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64UUID (toUUID ("lck" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
Nothing $ \keeplocked -> do
print "running, press enter to drop lock"
_ <- getLine
atomically $ writeTMVar keeplocked False
testGet = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientGet (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("SHA256E-s1048576000--e3b67ce72aa2571c799d6419e3e36828461ac1c78f8ef300c7f9c8ae671c517f" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
testPut = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- clientPut (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("SHA256E-s1048576000--b460ca923520db561d01b99483e9e2fe65ff9dfbdd52c17acba6ac4e874e27d5")))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(AssociatedFile (Just "foo"))
(liftIO (print "validity check") >> return False)
liftIO $ print res
testPutOffset = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientPutOffset (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("SHA256E-s1048576000--b460ca923520db561d01b99483e9e2fe65ff9dfbdd52c17acba6ac4e874e27d5")))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
testRemove = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientRemove (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("WORM-s30-m1720547401--foo" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
testRemoveBefore = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
MonotonicTimestamp t <- liftIO currentMonotonicTimestamp
--liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 10)
let ts = MonotonicTimestamp (t + 10)
liftIO $ print ("running with timestamp", ts)
res <- liftIO $ clientRemoveBefore (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("WORM-s30-m1720617630--bar" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(Timestamp ts)
liftIO $ print res
testGetTimestamp = do
mgr <- httpManager <$> getUrlOptions
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientGetTimestamp (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
liftIO $ print res
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import Annex.Verify
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
-- Full interpreter for Proto, that can receive and send objects.
runFullProto :: RunState -> P2PConnection -> Proto a -> Annex (Either ProtoFailure a)
@ -197,12 +196,7 @@ runLocal runst runner a = case a of
Right b -> do
liftIO $ withBinaryFile dest ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
p' <- resumeVerifyFromOffset o incrementalverifier p h
let writechunk = case incrementalverifier of
Nothing -> \c -> S.hPut h c
Just iv -> \c -> do
S.hPut h c
updateIncrementalVerifier iv c
meteredWrite p' writechunk b
meteredWrite p' (writeVerifyChunk incrementalverifier h) b
indicatetransferred ti
rightsize <- do
@ -11,7 +11,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeApplications #-}
module P2P.Http.Client where
module P2P.Http.Client (
module P2P.Http.Client,
) where
import Types
import Annex.Url
@ -25,7 +28,9 @@ import P2P.Http.Url
import Annex.Common
import P2P.Protocol hiding (Offset, Bypass, auth)
import Annex.Concurrent
import Annex.Verify
import Utility.Url (BasicAuth(..))
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Git.Credential as Git
import Servant hiding (BasicAuthData(..))
@ -140,42 +145,33 @@ runP2PHttpClient rmt fallback () = fallback
:: ClientEnv
-> ProtocolVersion
-> B64Key
-> B64UUID ServerSide
-> B64UUID ClientSide
-> [B64UUID Bypass]
-> Maybe B64FilePath
-> Maybe Auth
:: MeterUpdate
-> Maybe IncrementalVerifier
-> Key
-> AssociatedFile
-> RawFilePath
-> IO Validity
clientGet clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) k su cu bypass af auth dest = do
-> ClientAction Validity
clientGet meterupdate iv k af dest clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) su cu bypass auth = liftIO $ do
startsz <- tryWhenExists $ getFileSize dest
let mo = fmap (Offset . fromIntegral) startsz
withClientM (cli k cu bypass af mo auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> throwM err
Right respheaders -> do
b <- S.unSourceT (getResponse respheaders) gather
liftIO $ withBinaryFile (fromRawFilePath dest) WriteMode $ \h -> do
case startsz of
Just startsz' | startsz' /= 0 ->
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek startsz'
_ -> noop
len <- go 0 h (L.toChunks b)
let offset = fmap (Offset . fromIntegral) startsz
withClientM (cli (B64Key k) cu bypass baf offset auth) clientenv $ \case
Left err -> return (Left err)
Right respheaders ->
withBinaryFile (fromRawFilePath dest) ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
meterupdate' <- case startsz of
Just startsz' ->
resumeVerifyFromOffset startsz' iv meterupdate h
_ -> return meterupdate
b <- S.unSourceT (getResponse respheaders) gather
BytesProcessed len <- meteredWrite'
(writeVerifyChunk iv h) b
let DataLength dl = case lookupResponseHeader @DataLengthHeader' respheaders of
Header hdr -> hdr
_ -> error "missing data length header"
if dl == len
then return Valid
else return Invalid
return $ Right $
if dl == len then Valid else Invalid
go n _ [] = return n
go n h (b:bs) = do
let !n' = n + fromIntegral (B.length b)
B.hPut h b
go n' h bs
cli =case ver of
3 -> v3 su V3
2 -> v2 su V2
@ -191,6 +187,10 @@ clientGet clientenv (ProtocolVersion ver) k su cu bypass af auth dest = do
gather' (S.Skip s) = gather' s
gather' (S.Effect ms) = ms >>= gather'
gather' (S.Yield v s) = LI.Chunk v <$> unsafeInterleaveIO (gather' s)
baf = associatedFileToB64FilePath af
clientGet _ _ _ = ()
clientCheckPresent :: Key -> ClientAction Bool
@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ serveGet st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass baf startat sec auth = do
validity <- atomically $ takeTMVar validityv
sz <- takeMVar szv
atomically $ putTMVar finalv ()
atomically $ putTMVar endv ()
return $ case validity of
Nothing -> True
Just Valid -> True
@ -198,11 +199,9 @@ serveGet st su apiver (B64Key k) cu bypass baf startat sec auth = do
Just (Offset o) -> fromIntegral o
Nothing -> 0
getreq offset = P2P.Protocol.GET offset (ProtoAssociatedFile af) k
getreq offset = P2P.Protocol.GET offset af k
af = AssociatedFile $ case baf of
Just (B64FilePath f) -> Just f
Nothing -> Nothing
af = ProtoAssociatedFile $ b64FilePathToAssociatedFile baf
:: APIVersion v
@ -345,9 +344,7 @@ servePut st resultmangle su apiver (DataLength len) (B64Key k) cu bypass baf mof
Just (Offset o) -> o
Nothing -> 0
af = AssociatedFile $ case baf of
Just (B64FilePath f) -> Just f
Nothing -> Nothing
af = b64FilePathToAssociatedFile baf
-- Streams the ByteString from the client. Avoids returning a longer
-- than expected ByteString by truncating to the expected length.
@ -50,6 +50,14 @@ newtype B64Key = B64Key Key
newtype B64FilePath = B64FilePath RawFilePath
deriving (Show)
associatedFileToB64FilePath :: AssociatedFile -> Maybe B64FilePath
associatedFileToB64FilePath (AssociatedFile Nothing) = Nothing
associatedFileToB64FilePath (AssociatedFile (Just f)) = Just (B64FilePath f)
b64FilePathToAssociatedFile :: Maybe B64FilePath -> AssociatedFile
b64FilePathToAssociatedFile Nothing = AssociatedFile Nothing
b64FilePathToAssociatedFile (Just (B64FilePath f)) = AssociatedFile (Just f)
newtype B64UUID t = B64UUID { fromB64UUID :: UUID }
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic, NFData)
@ -538,7 +538,12 @@ copyFromRemote r st key file dest meterupdate vc = do
copyFromRemote'' repo r st key file dest meterupdate vc
copyFromRemote'' :: Git.Repo -> Remote -> State -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> VerifyConfig -> Annex Verification
copyFromRemote'' repo r st@(State connpool _ _ _ _) key file dest meterupdate vc
copyFromRemote'' repo r st@(State connpool _ _ _ _) key af dest meterupdate vc
| isP2PHttp r = verifyKeyContentIncrementally vc key $ \iv ->
metered (Just meterupdate) key bwlimit $ \_ p ->
p2pHttpClient r giveup (clientGet p iv key af (encodeBS dest)) >>= \case
Valid -> return ()
Invalid -> giveup "Transfer failed"
| Git.repoIsHttp repo = verifyKeyContentIncrementally vc key $ \iv -> do
gc <- Annex.getGitConfig
ok <- Url.withUrlOptionsPromptingCreds $
@ -556,7 +561,7 @@ copyFromRemote'' repo r st@(State connpool _ _ _ _) key file dest meterupdate vc
Nothing -> return True
copier <- mkFileCopier hardlink st
(ok, v) <- runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key))
Nothing file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
Nothing af Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
metered (Just (combineMeterUpdate p meterupdate)) key bwlimit $ \_ p' ->
copier object dest key p' checksuccess vc
if ok
@ -567,7 +572,7 @@ copyFromRemote'' repo r st@(State connpool _ _ _ _) key file dest meterupdate vc
(gitconfig r)
(Ssh.runProto r connpool (return (False, UnVerified)))
key file dest meterupdate vc
key af dest meterupdate vc
| otherwise = giveup "copying from non-ssh, non-http remote not supported"
bwlimit = remoteAnnexBwLimitDownload (gitconfig r)
@ -28,6 +28,13 @@ Planned schedule of work:
## work notes
* Test resume of download of large file when large amount of file is
already downloaded and verification takes a long time. Will the http
connection be dropped due to inactivity? May need to do verification in a
separate thread that feeds in the existing file followed by the newly
downloaded data. Eg, a version of tailVerify that operates on a handle
open for read+write.
* Rest of Remote.Git needs implementing.
* git-annex p2phttp serving .well-known for ACME.
Add table
Reference in a new issue