adb import
As well as adding the necessary methods, a few other changes to the adb remote: * Use ".annextmp" extension for temp files, to avoid conflict with other temp files. * Stop using "echo $?" to get exit status of command inside adb. There were two problems; first the "echo" just before it meant it was always 0! And secondly, it seems kind of random on my phone whether it's 1 or 0, not dependant on whether the command seems to have succeeded.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 176 additions and 42 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
git-annex (7.20190323) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* adb special remote supports being configured with importree=yes,
to allow git-annex import of files from an Android device. This can be
combined with exporttree=yes and git-annex export used to send changes
back to the Android device.
-- Joey Hess <> Tue, 09 Apr 2019 14:07:53 -0400
git-annex (7.20190322) upstream; urgency=medium
* New feature allows importing from special remotes, using
@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
{- Remote on Android device accessed using adb.
- Copyright 2018 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2018-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.Adb (remote) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Annex.Common
import Types.Remote
import Types.Creds
import Types.Export
import Types.Import
import qualified Git
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Special
@ -21,6 +20,9 @@ import Remote.Helper.ExportImport
import Annex.UUID
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
-- | Each Android device has a serial number.
newtype AndroidSerial = AndroidSerial { fromAndroidSerial :: String }
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ remote = RemoteType
, generate = gen
, setup = adbSetup
, exportSupported = exportIsSupported
, importSupported = importUnsupported
, importSupported = importIsSupported
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
@ -62,7 +64,14 @@ gen r u c gc = do
, removeExportDirectory = Just $ removeExportDirectoryM serial adir
, renameExport = renameExportM serial adir
, importActions = importUnsupported
, importActions = ImportActions
{ listImportableContents = listImportableContentsM serial adir
, retrieveExportWithContentIdentifier = retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir
, storeExportWithContentIdentifier = storeExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir
, removeExportWithContentIdentifier = removeExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir
, removeExportDirectoryWhenEmpty = Nothing
, checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifier = checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
@ -136,15 +145,26 @@ store serial adir = fileStorer $ \k src _p ->
in store' serial dest src
store' :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
store' serial dest src = do
store' serial dest src = store'' serial dest src False (return (Just True))
store'' :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> a -> Annex (Maybe a) -> Annex a
store'' serial dest src onfail postcheck = do
let destdir = takeDirectory $ fromAndroidPath dest
liftIO $ void $ adbShell serial [Param "mkdir", Param "-p", File destdir]
showOutput -- make way for adb push output
let tmpdest = fromAndroidPath dest ++ ".tmp"
let tmpdest = fromAndroidPath dest ++ ".annextmp"
ifM (liftIO $ boolSystem "adb" (mkAdbCommand serial [Param "push", File src, File tmpdest]))
-- move into place atomically
( liftIO $ adbShellBool serial [Param "mv", File tmpdest, File (fromAndroidPath dest)]
, return False
( postcheck >>= \case
Just r ->
-- move into place atomically
ifM (liftIO $ adbShellBool serial [Param "mv", File tmpdest, File (fromAndroidPath dest)])
( return r
, return onfail
Nothing -> do
void $ remove' serial (AndroidPath tmpdest)
return onfail
, return onfail
retrieve :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> Retriever
@ -175,16 +195,16 @@ checkKey r serial adir k = checkKey' r serial (androidLocation adir k)
checkKey' :: Remote -> AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> Annex Bool
checkKey' r serial aloc = do
showChecking r
(out, st) <- liftIO $ adbShellRaw serial $ unwords
out <- liftIO $ adbShellRaw serial $ unwords
[ "if test -e ", shellEscape (fromAndroidPath aloc)
, "; then echo y"
, "; else echo n"
, "; fi"
case (out, st) of
(["y"], ExitSuccess) -> return True
(["n"], ExitSuccess) -> return False
_ -> giveup $ "unable to access Android device" ++ show out
case out of
Just ["y"] -> return True
Just ["n"] -> return False
_ -> giveup "unable to access Android device"
androidLocation :: AndroidPath -> Key -> AndroidPath
androidLocation adir k = AndroidPath $
@ -229,6 +249,83 @@ renameExportM serial adir _k old new = liftIO $ Just <$>
oldloc = fromAndroidPath $ androidExportLocation adir old
newloc = fromAndroidPath $ androidExportLocation adir new
listImportableContentsM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> Annex (Maybe (ImportableContents (ContentIdentifier, ByteSize)))
listImportableContentsM serial adir = liftIO $
process <$> adbShell serial
[ Param "find"
-- trailing slash is needed, or android's find command
-- won't recurse into the directory
, File $ fromAndroidPath adir ++ "/"
, Param "-type", Param "f"
, Param "-exec", Param "stat"
, Param "-c", Param statformat
, Param "{}", Param "+"
process Nothing = Nothing
process (Just ls) = Just $ ImportableContents (mapMaybe mk ls) []
statformat = adbStatFormat ++ "\t%n"
mk ('S':'T':'\t':l) =
let (stat, fn) = separate (== '\t') l
sz = fromMaybe 0 (readish (takeWhile (/= ' ') stat))
cid = ContentIdentifier (encodeBS' stat)
loc = mkImportLocation $
Posix.makeRelative (fromAndroidPath adir) fn
in Just (loc, (cid, sz))
mk _ = Nothing
-- This does not guard against every possible race. As long as the adb
-- connection is resonably fast, it's probably as good as
-- git's handling of similar situations with files being modified while
-- it's updating the working tree for a merge.
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> ExportLocation -> ContentIdentifier -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key) -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Maybe Key)
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir loc cid dest mkkey _p = catchDefaultIO Nothing $
ifM (retrieve' serial src dest)
( do
k <- mkkey
currcid <- liftIO $ getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc
return $ if currcid == Right (Just cid)
then k
else Nothing
, return Nothing
src = androidExportLocation adir loc
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Maybe ContentIdentifier)
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir src _k loc overwritablecids _p = catchDefaultIO Nothing $
-- Check if overwrite is safe before sending, because sending the
-- file is expensive and don't want to do it unncessarily.
liftIO (getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc) >>= \case
Right Nothing -> go
Right (Just cid) | cid `elem` overwritablecids -> go
_ -> return Nothing
go = store'' serial dest src Nothing checkcanoverwrite
dest = androidExportLocation adir loc
checkcanoverwrite = liftIO $
getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc >>= return . \case
Right (Just cid) | cid `elem` overwritablecids ->
Just (Just cid)
_ -> Nothing
removeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex Bool
removeExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir k loc removeablecids = catchBoolIO $
liftIO (getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc) >>= \case
Right Nothing -> return True
Right (Just cid) | cid `elem` removeablecids ->
removeExportM serial adir k loc
_ -> return False
checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM serial adir _k loc knowncids =
liftIO $ getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc >>= \case
Right (Just cid) | cid `elem` knowncids -> return True
Right _ -> return False
Left _ -> giveup "unable to access Android device"
androidExportLocation :: AndroidPath -> ExportLocation -> AndroidPath
androidExportLocation adir loc = AndroidPath $
fromAndroidPath adir ++ "/" ++ fromExportLocation loc
@ -246,39 +343,60 @@ enumerateAdbConnected =
-- | Runs a command on the android device with the given serial number.
-- adb shell does not propigate the exit code of the command, so
-- it is echoed out in a trailing line, and the output is read to determine
-- it. Any stdout from the command is returned, separated into lines.
adbShell :: AndroidSerial -> [CommandParam] -> IO ([String], ExitCode)
-- Any stdout from the command is returned, separated into lines.
adbShell :: AndroidSerial -> [CommandParam] -> IO (Maybe [String])
adbShell serial cmd = adbShellRaw serial $
unwords $ map shellEscape (toCommand cmd)
adbShellBool :: AndroidSerial -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
adbShellBool serial cmd = do
(_ , ec) <- adbShell serial cmd
return (ec == ExitSuccess)
adbShellBool serial cmd =
adbShellRaw serial cmd' >>= return . \case
Just l -> end l == ["y"]
Nothing -> False
cmd' = "if " ++ unwords (map shellEscape (toCommand cmd))
++ "; then echo y; else echo n; fi"
-- | Runs a raw shell command on the android device.
-- Any necessary shellEscaping must be done by caller.
adbShellRaw :: AndroidSerial -> String -> IO ([String], ExitCode)
adbShellRaw serial cmd = processoutput <$> readProcess "adb"
[ "-s"
, fromAndroidSerial serial
, "shell"
-- The extra echo is in case cmd does not output a trailing
-- newline after its other output.
, cmd ++ "; echo; echo $?"
adbShellRaw :: AndroidSerial -> String -> IO (Maybe [String])
adbShellRaw serial cmd = catchMaybeIO $
processoutput <$> readProcess "adb"
[ "-s"
, fromAndroidSerial serial
, "shell"
, cmd
processoutput s = case reverse (map trimcr (lines s)) of
(c:"":rest) -> case readish c of
Just 0 -> (reverse rest, ExitSuccess)
Just n -> (reverse rest, ExitFailure n)
Nothing -> (reverse rest, ExitFailure 1)
ls -> (reverse ls, ExitFailure 1)
processoutput s = map trimcr (lines s)
-- For some reason, adb outputs lines with \r\n on linux,
-- despite both linux and android being unix systems.
trimcr = takeWhile (/= '\r')
mkAdbCommand :: AndroidSerial -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
mkAdbCommand serial cmd = [Param "-s", Param (fromAndroidSerial serial)] ++ cmd
-- Gets the current content identifier for a file on the android device.
getExportContentIdentifier :: AndroidSerial -> AndroidPath -> ExportLocation -> IO (Either ExitCode (Maybe ContentIdentifier))
getExportContentIdentifier serial adir loc = liftIO $ do
ls <- adbShellRaw serial $ unwords
[ "if test -e ", shellEscape aloc
, "; then stat -c"
, shellEscape adbStatFormat
, shellEscape aloc
, "; else echo n"
, "; fi"
return $ case ls of
Just ["n"] -> Right Nothing
Just (('S':'T':'\t':stat):[]) -> Right $ Just $
ContentIdentifier (encodeBS' stat)
_ -> Left (ExitFailure 1)
aloc = fromAndroidPath $ androidExportLocation adir loc
-- Includes size, modificiation time, and inode.
-- Device not included because the adb interface ensures we're talking to
-- the same android device.
adbStatFormat :: String
adbStatFormat = "ST\t%s %Y %i"
@ -367,10 +367,9 @@ retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM dir loc cid dest mkkey p =
-- being copied.
-- When possible (not on Windows), check the same handle
-- Check the same handle that the file was copied from.
-- Avoids some race cases where the file is modified while
-- it's copied but then gets restored to the original content
-- afterwards.
-- that the file was copied from. Avoids some race cases where
-- the file is modified while it's copied but then gets restored
-- to the original content afterwards.
-- This does not guard against every possible race, but neither
-- can InodeCaches detect every possible modification to a file.
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ git-annex is available for Android inside Termux. This includes the
[[git-annex assistant|/assistant]], for easy syncing between your Android
and other devices. You do not need to root your Android to use git-annex.
(Alternatively, rather than installing git-annex on your Android device,
git-annex can run on your computer and use `adb` to pull and push changes
to the Android device. See [[tips/android_sync_with_adb]] for instructions
on using git-annex that way.)
[[!toc ]]
## Installation
@ -31,4 +31,7 @@ Alternatively, the documentation could tell the user to avoid modifying files
on their android device while git-annex is exporting to it, or to instead
only ever modify files on the android device, and import from it, but not
export any changes to it. (Or some combination of those
for different subdirectories on it.)
for different subdirectories on it.) But it seems like this won't be
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
Add table
Reference in a new issue