display destination file before youtube-dl download

Rather than after it, which can leave one wondering what file it's

youtubeDl should not ever return Right Nothing in normal operation,
becaause it's already asked youtube-dl if it supports the url. So it
would have to succeed at that, then not download any file, but also
exit successfully, in order for the new error message to display.

Also display the name of yt-dlp when using it.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2023-06-20 14:55:25 -04:00
parent f811468318
commit 72715845a1
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
2 changed files with 19 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Annex.YoutubeDl (
) where
import Annex.Common
@ -74,18 +75,18 @@ youtubeDl' url workdir p uo
( runcmd cmd >>= \case
Right True -> downloadedfiles cmd >>= \case
(f:[]) -> return (Right (Just f))
[] -> return nofiles
fs -> return (toomanyfiles fs)
[] -> return (nofiles cmd)
fs -> return (toomanyfiles cmd fs)
Right False -> workdirfiles >>= \case
[] -> return (Right Nothing)
_ -> return (Left "yt-dlp download is incomplete. Run the command again to resume.")
_ -> return (Left $ cmd ++ " download is incomplete. Run the command again to resume.")
Left msg -> return (Left msg)
, return (Right Nothing)
| otherwise = return (Right Nothing)
nofiles = Left "yt-dlp did not put any media in its work directory, perhaps it's been configured to store files somewhere else?"
toomanyfiles fs = Left $ "yt-dlp downloaded multiple media files; git-annex is only able to deal with one per url: " ++ show fs
nofiles cmd = Left $ cmd ++ " did not put any media in its work directory, perhaps it's been configured to store files somewhere else?"
toomanyfiles cmd fs = Left $ cmd ++ " downloaded multiple media files; git-annex is only able to deal with one per url: " ++ show fs
downloadedfiles cmd
| isytdlp cmd = liftIO $
(lines <$> readFile filelistfile)
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ youtubeDl' url workdir p uo
<$> (filterM (doesFileExist) =<< dirContents workdir)
filelistfile = workdir </> filelistfilebase
filelistfilebase = "git-annex-file-list-file"
isytdlp cmd = "yt-dlp" `isInfixOf` cmd
isytdlp cmd = cmd == "yt-dlp"
runcmd cmd = youtubeDlMaxSize workdir >>= \case
Left msg -> return (Left msg)
Right maxsize -> do
@ -271,7 +272,10 @@ youtubeDlOpts addopts = do
youtubeDlCommand :: Annex String
youtubeDlCommand = annexYoutubeDlCommand <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case
Just c -> pure c
Nothing -> fromMaybe "youtube-dl" <$> liftIO (searchPath "yt-dlp")
Nothing -> ifM (liftIO $ inSearchPath "yt-dlp")
( return "yt-dlp"
, return "youtube-dl"
supportedScheme :: UrlOptions -> URLString -> Bool
supportedScheme uo url = case parseURIRelaxed url of

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@ -353,21 +353,25 @@ downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file =
dl dest = withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do
let cleanuptmp = pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink)
showNote "using youtube-dl"
dlcmd <- youtubeDlCommand
showNote ("using " <> UnquotedString dlcmd)
Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download url $
Transfer.download' webUUID mediakey (AssociatedFile Nothing) Nothing Transfer.noRetry $ \p ->
Transfer.download' webUUID mediakey (AssociatedFile Nothing) Nothing Transfer.noRetry $ \p -> do
showDestinationFile dest
youtubeDl url (fromRawFilePath workdir) p >>= \case
Right (Just mediafile) -> do
checkCanAdd o dest $ \canadd -> do
showDestinationFile dest
addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl dest mediakey (Just (toRawFilePath mediafile))
return $ Just mediakey
Right Nothing -> checkRaw Nothing o (pure Nothing) (normalfinish tmp backend)
Left msg -> do
warning (UnquotedString msg)
return Nothing
Right Nothing -> do
warning (UnquotedString dlcmd <> " did not download anything")
return Nothing
mediaurl = setDownloader url YoutubeDownloader
mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing
-- Does the already annexed file have the mediaurl