command output cleanup
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 75 additions and 45 deletions
@ -53,12 +53,13 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
remotes <- Remotes.withKey key
if (0 == length remotes)
then cantfind
else return ()
trycopy remotes remotes
else trycopy remotes remotes
trycopy full [] = error $ "unable to get file with key: " ++ (keyFile key) ++ "\n" ++
"To get that file, need access to one of these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list full)
trycopy full [] = do
showNote $
"need access to one of these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list full)
return False
trycopy full (r:rs) = do
-- annexLocation needs the git config to have been
-- read for a remote, so do that now,
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
case (result) of
Nothing -> trycopy full rs
Just r' -> do
showNote $ "copying from " ++ (Git.repoDescribe r ) ++ "..."
result <- liftIO $ (try (copyFromRemote r' key file)::IO (Either SomeException ()))
case (result) of
Left err -> do
@ -77,17 +79,15 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
uuids <- liftIO $ keyLocations g key
ppuuids <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuids
error $ "no available git remotes have file with key: " ++
(keyFile key) ++
if (0 < length uuids)
then "\nIt has been seen before in these repositories:\n" ++ ppuuids
else ""
showNote $ "No available git remotes have the file."
if (0 < length uuids)
then showLongNote $ "It has been seen before in these repositories:\n" ++ ppuuids
else return ()
return False
{- Tries to copy a file from a remote, exception on error. -}
copyFromRemote :: Git.Repo -> Key -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFromRemote r key file = do
putStrLn $ "copy from " ++ (Git.repoDescribe r ) ++ " " ++ file
if (Git.repoIsLocal r)
then getlocal
else getremote
@ -116,9 +116,6 @@ checkRemoveKey key = do
then retNotEnoughCopiesKnown remotes numcopies
else findcopies numcopies remotes []
failMsg w = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "git-annex: " ++ w
return False -- failure, not enough copies found
findcopies 0 _ _ = return True -- success, enough copies found
findcopies _ [] bad = notEnoughCopiesSeen bad
findcopies n (r:rs) bad = do
@ -134,21 +131,25 @@ checkRemoveKey key = do
a <- r all
(result, _) <- a (Backend.hasKey key)
return result
notEnoughCopiesSeen bad = failMsg $
"I failed to find enough other copies of: " ++
(keyFile key) ++
(if (0 /= length bad) then listbad bad else "")
++ unsafe
listbad bad = "\nI was unable to access these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list bad)
retNotEnoughCopiesKnown remotes numcopies = failMsg $
notEnoughCopiesSeen bad = do
showNote "failed to find enough other copies of the file"
if (0 /= length bad) then listbad bad else return ()
return False
listbad bad =
showLongNote $
"I was unable to access these remotes: " ++
(Remotes.list bad)
retNotEnoughCopiesKnown remotes numcopies = do
showNote $
"I only know about " ++ (show $ length remotes) ++
" out of " ++ (show numcopies) ++
" necessary copies of: " ++ (keyFile key) ++
unsafe = "\n" ++
" -- According to the " ++ config ++
" setting, it is not safe to remove it!\n" ++
" (Use --force to override.)"
" necessary copies of the file"
return False
unsafe = do
showLongNote $ "According to the " ++ config ++
" setting, it is not safe to remove it!"
showLongNote "(Use --force to override.)"
config = "annex.numcopies"
@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ parseCmd argv state = do
addCmd :: FilePath -> Annex ()
addCmd file = inBackend file err $ do
liftIO $ checkLegal file
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "add " ++ file
showStart "add" file
g <- Annex.gitRepo
stored <- Backend.storeFileKey file
case (stored) of
Nothing -> error $ "no backend could store: " ++ file
Nothing -> showEndFail "no backend could store" file
Just (key, backend) -> do
logStatus key ValuePresent
setup g key
@ -117,11 +117,13 @@ addCmd file = inBackend file err $ do
link <- calcGitLink file key
liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
gitAdd file $ Just $ "git-annex annexed " ++ file
{- Undo addCmd. -}
unannexCmd :: FilePath -> Annex ()
unannexCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "unannex " ++ file
showStart "unannex" file
Annex.flagChange Force True -- force backend to always remove
Backend.removeKey backend key
logStatus key ValueMissing
g <- Annex.gitRepo
@ -132,16 +134,17 @@ unannexCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
moveout g src = do
nocommit <- Annex.flagIsSet NoCommit
liftIO $ removeFile file
liftIO $ g ["rm", file]
liftIO $ g ["rm", "--quiet", file]
if (not nocommit)
then liftIO $ g ["commit", "-m",
("git-annex unannexed " ++ file), file]
then liftIO $ g ["commit", "--quiet",
"-m", ("git-annex unannexed " ++ file),
else return ()
-- git rm deletes empty directories;
-- put them back
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
liftIO $ renameFile src file
return ()
{- Gets an annexed file from one of the backends. -}
getCmd :: FilePath -> Annex ()
@ -150,6 +153,7 @@ getCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
if (inannex)
then return ()
else do
showStart "get" file
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let dest = annexLocation g key
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
@ -157,8 +161,8 @@ getCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
if (success)
then do
logStatus key ValuePresent
return ()
else error $ "failed to get " ++ file
else showEndFail "get" file
err = error $ "not annexed " ++ file
@ -170,11 +174,13 @@ dropCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
if (not inbackend)
then return () -- no-op
else do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "drop " ++ file
showStart "drop" file
success <- Backend.removeKey backend key
if (success)
then cleanup key
else error $ "backend refused to drop " ++ file
then do
cleanup key
else showEndFail "backend refused to drop" file
cleanup key = do
logStatus key ValueMissing
@ -191,13 +197,14 @@ dropCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
{- Fixes the symlink to an annexed file. -}
fixCmd :: String -> Annex ()
fixCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "fix " ++ file
link <- calcGitLink file key
checkLegal file link
showStart "fix" file
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
liftIO $ removeFile file
liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
gitAdd file $ Just $ "git-annex fix " ++ file
checkLegal file link = do
l <- liftIO $ readSymbolicLink file
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import System.Path
import Data.String.Utils
import Types
import Locations
@ -81,8 +82,8 @@ gitAdd file commitmessage = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ g ["add", file]
if (isJust commitmessage)
then liftIO $ g ["commit", "-m",
(fromJust commitmessage), file]
then liftIO $ g ["commit", "--quiet",
"-m", (fromJust commitmessage), file]
else Annex.flagChange NeedCommit True
{- Calculates the relative path to use to link a file to a key. -}
@ -104,3 +105,24 @@ logStatus key status = do
f <- liftIO $ logChange g key u status
gitAdd f Nothing -- all logs are committed at end
{- Output logging -}
showStart :: String -> String -> Annex ()
showStart command file = do
liftIO $ putStr $ command ++ " " ++ file
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
showNote :: String -> Annex ()
showNote s = do
liftIO $ putStr $ " (" ++ s ++ ")"
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
showLongNote :: String -> Annex ()
showLongNote s = do
liftIO $ putStr $ "\n" ++ (indent s)
indent s = join "\n" $ map (\l -> " " ++ l) $ lines s
showEndOk :: Annex ()
showEndOk = do
liftIO $ putStrLn " ok"
showEndFail :: String -> String -> Annex ()
showEndFail command file = do
liftIO $ putStrLn ""
error $ command ++ " " ++ file ++ " failed"
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ reposByUUID repos uuids = do
prettyPrintUUIDs :: [UUID] -> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDs uuids = do
m <- uuidMap
return $ unwords $ map (\u -> " "++(prettify m u)++"\n") uuids
return $ unwords $ map (\u -> "\t"++(prettify m u)++"\n") uuids
prettify m u =
if (0 < (length $ findlog m u))
Add table
Reference in a new issue