never pick special remotes in --fast

even if they have the lowest cost, we cannot use them
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2011-12-31 03:14:05 -04:00
parent c61642ef0c
commit 6cd4c7efcd

View file

@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ syncRemotes rs = do
then nub <$> pickfast
else wanted
pickfast = (++) <$> listed <*> (fastest <$> available)
| null rs = filterM hasurl =<< Remote.enabledRemoteList
| null rs = available
| otherwise = listed
listed = mapM Remote.byName rs
available = filterM hasurl =<< Remote.enabledRemoteList
hasurl r = not . null <$> geturl r
geturl r = fromRepo $ Git.Config.get ("remote." ++ r ++ ".url") ""
pickfast = (++) <$> listed <*> (fastest <$> Remote.enabledRemoteList)
fastest = fromMaybe [] . headMaybe .
map snd . sort . M.toList . costmap
costmap = M.fromListWith (++) . map costpair