add the addurl command
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 125 additions and 31 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.AddUrl where
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO, when)
import Network.URI
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Directory
import Command
import qualified Backend
import qualified Remote.Web
import qualified Command.Add
import Messages
import Content
import PresenceLog
command :: [Command]
command = [repoCommand "addurl" paramPath seek "add urls to annex"]
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withStrings start]
start :: CommandStartString
start s = do
let u = parseURI s
case u of
Nothing -> error $ "bad url " ++ s
Just url -> do
file <- liftIO $ url2file url
showStart "addurl" file
next $ perform s file
perform :: String -> FilePath -> CommandPerform
perform url file = do
[(_, backend)] <- Backend.chooseBackends [file]
showNote $ "downloading " ++ url
ok <- file [url]
if ok
then do
stored <- Backend.storeFileKey file backend
case stored of
Nothing -> stop
Just (key, _) -> do
moveAnnex key file
Remote.Web.setUrl key url InfoPresent
next $ Command.Add.cleanup file key
else stop
url2file :: URI -> IO FilePath
url2file url = do
let parts = filter safe $ split "/" $ uriPath url
if null parts
then fallback
else do
let file = last parts
e <- doesFileExist file
if e then fallback else return file
fallback = do
let file = replace "/" "_" $ show url
e <- doesFileExist file
when e $ error "already have this url"
return file
safe s
| null s = False
| s == "." = False
| s == ".." = False
| otherwise = True
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import qualified Command.Uninit
import qualified Command.Trust
import qualified Command.Untrust
import qualified Command.Semitrust
import qualified Command.AddUrl
import qualified Command.Map
import qualified Command.Upgrade
import qualified Command.Version
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ cmds = concat
, Command.Trust.command
, Command.Untrust.command
, Command.Semitrust.command
, Command.AddUrl.command
, Command.FromKey.command
, Command.DropKey.command
, Command.SetKey.command
@ -37,10 +37,7 @@ logChange repo key u s = do
when (null u) $
error $ "unknown UUID for " ++ Git.repoDescribe repo ++
" (have you run git annex init there?)"
line <- logNow s u
let f = logFile key
ls <- readLog f
writeLog f (compactLog $ line:ls)
addLog (logFile key) =<< logNow s u
{- Returns a list of repository UUIDs that, according to the log, have
- the value of a key. -}
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module PresenceLog (
@ -70,6 +71,11 @@ instance Read LogLine where
bad = ret $ LogLine 0 Undefined ""
ret v = [(v, "")]
addLog :: FilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
addLog file line = do
ls <- readLog file
writeLog file (compactLog $ line:ls)
{- Reads a log file.
- Note that the LogLines returned may be in any order. -}
readLog :: FilePath -> Annex [LogLine]
@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
module Remote.Web (
) where
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
@ -20,11 +22,13 @@ import Network.Curl.Code
import Types
import Types.Remote
import qualified Git
import qualified Annex
import Messages
import Utility
import UUID
import Config
import PresenceLog
import LocationLog
remote :: RemoteType Annex
remote = RemoteType {
@ -50,10 +54,10 @@ gen r _ _ =
uuid = webUUID,
cost = expensiveRemoteCost,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = upload,
retrieveKeyFile = download,
removeKey = remove,
hasKey = check,
storeKey = uploadKey,
retrieveKeyFile = downloadKey,
removeKey = dropKey,
hasKey = checkKey,
hasKeyCheap = False,
config = Nothing
@ -62,40 +66,44 @@ gen r _ _ =
urlLog :: Key -> FilePath
urlLog key = "remote/web" </> show key ++ ".log"
urls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
urls key = currentLog (urlLog key)
getUrls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
getUrls key = currentLog (urlLog key)
download :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
download key file = download' file =<< urls key
download' :: FilePath -> [URLString] -> Annex Bool
download' _ [] = return False
download' file (url:us) = do
showProgress -- make way for curl progress bar
ok <- liftIO $ boolSystem "curl" [Params "-# -o", File file, File url]
if ok then return ok else download' file us
{- Records a change in an url for a key. -}
setUrl :: Key -> URLString -> LogStatus -> Annex ()
setUrl key url status = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
addLog (urlLog key) =<< logNow status url
upload :: Key -> Annex Bool
upload _ = do
-- update location log to indicate that the web has the key, or not
us <- getUrls key
logChange g key webUUID (if null us then InfoMissing else InfoPresent)
downloadKey :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
downloadKey key file = download file =<< getUrls key
uploadKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
uploadKey _ = do
warning "upload to web not supported"
return False
remove :: Key -> Annex Bool
remove _ = do
dropKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
dropKey _ = do
warning "removal from web not supported"
return False
check :: Key -> Annex (Either IOException Bool)
check key = do
us <- urls key
checkKey :: Key -> Annex (Either IOException Bool)
checkKey key = do
us <- getUrls key
if null us
then return $ Right False
else return . Right =<< check' us
check' :: [URLString] -> Annex Bool
check' [] = return False
check' (u:us) = do
else return . Right =<< checkKey' us
checkKey' :: [URLString] -> Annex Bool
checkKey' [] = return False
checkKey' (u:us) = do
showNote ("checking " ++ u)
e <- liftIO $ urlexists u
if e then return e else check' us
if e then return e else checkKey' us
urlexists :: URLString -> IO Bool
urlexists url = do
@ -105,3 +113,10 @@ urlexists url = do
_ <- setopt curl (CurlFailOnError True)
res <- perform curl
return $ res == CurlOK
download :: FilePath -> [URLString] -> Annex Bool
download _ [] = return False
download file (url:us) = do
showProgress -- make way for curl progress bar
ok <- liftIO $ boolSystem "curl" [Params "-# -o", File file, File url]
if ok then return ok else download file us
Add table
Reference in a new issue