some reorg and further remote generalization
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 154 additions and 117 deletions
@ -17,12 +17,9 @@ module Annex (
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified GitQueue
@ -119,23 +116,3 @@ queueRunAt n = do
state <- get
let q = repoqueue state
when (GitQueue.size q >= n) queueRun
{- Changes a git config setting in both internal state and .git/config -}
setConfig :: String -> String -> Annex ()
setConfig k value = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ g "config" [Param k, Param value]
-- re-read git config and update the repo's state
g' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead g
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = g' }
{- Looks up a per-remote config option in git config.
- Failing that, tries looking for a global config option. -}
repoConfig :: Git.Repo -> String -> String -> Annex String
repoConfig r key def = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let def' = Git.configGet g global def
return $ Git.configGet g local def'
local = "remote." ++ fromMaybe "" (Git.repoRemoteName r) ++ ".annex-" ++ key
global = "annex." ++ key
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{- Git configuration
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Config where
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified Annex
import Types
import Utility
type ConfigKey = String
{- Changes a git config setting in both internal state and .git/config -}
setConfig :: ConfigKey -> String -> Annex ()
setConfig k value = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ g "config" [Param k, Param value]
-- re-read git config and update the repo's state
g' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead g
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = g' }
{- Looks up a per-remote config setting in git config.
- Failing that, tries looking for a global config option. -}
getConfig :: Git.Repo -> ConfigKey -> String -> Annex String
getConfig r key def = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let def' = Git.configGet g global def
return $ Git.configGet g local def'
local = "remote." ++ fromMaybe "" (Git.repoRemoteName r) ++ ".annex-" ++ key
global = "annex." ++ key
{- Calculates cost for a remote.
- The default cost is 100 for local repositories, and 200 for remote
- repositories; it can also be configured by remote.<name>.annex-cost
remoteCost :: Git.Repo -> Annex Int
remoteCost r = do
c <- getConfig r "cost" ""
if not $ null c
then return $ read c
else if not $ Git.repoIsUrl r
then return 100
else return 200
{- Checks if a repo should be ignored, based either on annex-ignore
- setting, or on command-line options. Allows command-line to override
- annex-ignore. -}
remoteNotIgnored :: Git.Repo -> Annex Bool
remoteNotIgnored r = do
ignored <- getConfig r "ignore" "false"
to <- match Annex.toremote
from <- match Annex.fromremote
if to || from
then return True
else return $ not $ Git.configTrue ignored
match a = do
n <- Annex.getState a
return $ n == Git.repoRemoteName r
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Utility
import StatFS
import Key
import DataUnits
import Config
{- Checks if a given key is currently present in the gitAnnexLocation. -}
inAnnex :: Key -> Annex Bool
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ checkDiskSpace = checkDiskSpace' 0
checkDiskSpace' :: Integer -> Key -> Annex ()
checkDiskSpace' adjustment key = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
r <- Annex.repoConfig g "diskreserve" ""
r <- getConfig g "diskreserve" ""
let reserve = case readSize dataUnits r of
Nothing -> megabyte
Just v -> v
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module GitRepo (
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ module GitRepo (
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ import Utility
{- There are two types of repositories; those on local disk and those
- accessed via an URL. -}
data RepoLocation = Dir FilePath | Url URI
data RepoLocation = Dir FilePath | Url URI | Unknown
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Repo = Repo {
@ -123,6 +125,10 @@ repoFromUrl url
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error $ "bad url " ++ url
{- Creates a repo that has an unknown location. -}
repoFromUnknown :: Repo
repoFromUnknown = newFrom Unknown
{- Converts a Local Repo into a remote repo, using the reference repo
- which is assumed to be on the same host. -}
localToUrl :: Repo -> Repo -> Repo
@ -141,11 +147,13 @@ repoDescribe :: Repo -> String
repoDescribe Repo { remoteName = Just name } = name
repoDescribe Repo { location = Url url } = show url
repoDescribe Repo { location = Dir dir } = dir
repoDescribe Repo { location = Unknown } = "UNKNOWN"
{- Location of the repo, either as a path or url. -}
repoLocation :: Repo -> String
repoLocation Repo { location = Url url } = show url
repoLocation Repo { location = Dir dir } = dir
repoLocation Repo { location = Unknown } = undefined
{- Constructs and returns an updated version of a repo with
- different remotes list. -}
@ -158,6 +166,14 @@ repoRemoteName :: Repo -> Maybe String
repoRemoteName Repo { remoteName = Just name } = Just name
repoRemoteName _ = Nothing
{- Sets the name of a remote based on the git config key, such as
"". -}
repoRemoteNameSet :: Repo -> String -> Repo
repoRemoteNameSet r k = r { remoteName = Just basename }
basename = join "." $ reverse $ drop 1 $
reverse $ drop 1 $ split "." k
{- Some code needs to vary between URL and normal repos,
- or bare and non-bare, these functions help with that. -}
repoIsUrl :: Repo -> Bool
@ -218,6 +234,7 @@ gitDir repo
workTree :: Repo -> FilePath
workTree r@(Repo { location = Url _ }) = urlPath r
workTree (Repo { location = Dir d }) = d
workTree Repo { location = Unknown } = undefined
{- Given a relative or absolute filename in a repository, calculates the
- name to use to refer to the file relative to a git repository's top.
@ -393,10 +410,6 @@ configStore repo s = do
r = repo { config = configParse s }
{- Checks if a string from git config is a true value. -}
configTrue :: String -> Bool
configTrue s = map toLower s == "true"
{- Calculates a list of a repo's configured remotes, by parsing its config. -}
configRemotes :: Repo -> IO [Repo]
configRemotes repo = mapM construct remotepairs
@ -404,10 +417,9 @@ configRemotes repo = mapM construct remotepairs
remotepairs = Map.toList $ filterremotes $ config repo
filterremotes = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isremote k)
isremote k = startswith "remote." k && endswith ".url" k
remotename k = join "." $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse $ drop 1 $ split "." k
construct (k,v) = do
r <- gen v
return $ r { remoteName = Just $ remotename k }
return $ repoRemoteNameSet r k
gen v | scpstyle v = repoFromUrl $ scptourl v
| isURI v = repoFromUrl v
| otherwise = repoFromRemotePath v repo
@ -423,6 +435,10 @@ configRemotes repo = mapM construct remotepairs
| d !! 0 == '~' = '/':dir
| otherwise = "/~/" ++ dir
{- Checks if a string from git config is a true value. -}
configTrue :: String -> Bool
configTrue s = map toLower s == "true"
{- Parses git config --list output into a config map. -}
configParse :: String -> Map.Map String String
configParse s = Map.fromList $ map pair $ lines s
@ -25,20 +25,35 @@ module Remote (
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when, liftM)
import Data.List
import Data.String.Utils
import RemoteClass
import qualified Remote.Git
import qualified Remote.S3
--import qualified Remote.S3
import Types
import UUID
import qualified Annex
import Trust
import LocationLog
import Messages
{- add generators for new Remotes here -}
generators :: [Annex [Remote Annex]]
{- Add generators for new Remotes here. -}
generators :: [Annex (RemoteGenerator Annex)]
generators = [Remote.Git.generate]
{- Runs a list of generators. -}
runGenerators :: [Annex (RemoteGenerator Annex)] -> Annex [Remote Annex]
runGenerators gs = do
(actions, expensive) <- collect ([], []) gs
when (not $ null expensive) $
showNote $ "getting UUID for " ++ join ", " expensive
sequence actions
collect v [] = return v
collect (actions, expensive) (x:xs) = do
(a, e) <- x
collect (a++actions, e++expensive) xs
{- Builds a list of all available Remotes.
- Since doing so can be expensive, the list is cached in the Annex. -}
genList :: Annex [Remote Annex]
@ -46,8 +61,7 @@ genList = do
rs <- Annex.getState Annex.remotes
if null rs
then do
lists <- sequence generators
let rs' = concat lists
rs' <- runGenerators generators
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.remotes = rs' }
return rs'
else return rs
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.GitRemote (
module Remote.Git (
) where
@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ module Remote.GitRemote (
import Control.Exception.Extensible
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Control.Monad (unless, filterM)
import Control.Monad (filterM, liftM)
import RemoteClass
import Types
@ -29,18 +28,34 @@ import Messages
import CopyFile
import RsyncFile
import Ssh
import Config
generate :: Annex [Remote Annex]
generate :: Annex (RemoteGenerator Annex)
generate = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
rs <- filterM repoNotIgnored (Git.remotes g)
mapM genRemote rs
allremotes <- filterM remoteNotIgnored $ Git.remotes g
{- It's assumed to be cheap to read the config of non-URL remotes,
- so this is done each time git-annex is run. Conversely,
- the config of an URL remote is only read when there is no
- cached UUID value. -}
let cheap = filter (not . Git.repoIsUrl) allremotes
let expensive = filter Git.repoIsUrl allremotes
expensive_todo <- filterM cachedUUID expensive
let skip = filter (`notElem` expensive_todo) expensive
let todo = cheap++expensive_todo
let actions = map genRemote skip ++
map (\r -> genRemote =<< tryGitConfigRead r) todo
return (actions, map Git.repoDescribe expensive_todo)
cachedUUID r = liftM null $ getUUID r
genRemote :: Git.Repo -> Annex (Remote Annex)
genRemote r = do
u <- getUUID r
c <- repoCost r
c <- remoteCost r
return Remote {
uuid = u,
cost = c,
@ -52,40 +67,13 @@ genRemote r = do
hasKeyCheap = not (Git.repoIsUrl r)
{- Reads the configs of git remotes.
- It's assumed to be cheap to read the config of non-URL remotes,
- so this is done each time git-annex is run. Conversely,
- the config of an URL remote is only read when there is no
- cached UUID value.
readConfigs :: Annex ()
readConfigs = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
allremotes <- filterM repoNotIgnored $ Git.remotes g
let cheap = filter (not . Git.repoIsUrl) allremotes
let expensive = filter Git.repoIsUrl allremotes
doexpensive <- filterM cachedUUID expensive
unless (null doexpensive) $
showNote $ "getting UUID for " ++
list doexpensive ++ "..."
let todo = cheap ++ doexpensive
unless (null todo) $ do
mapM_ tryGitConfigRead todo
cachedUUID r = do
u <- getUUID r
return $ null u
{- The git configs for the git repo's remotes is not read on startup
- because reading it may be expensive. This function tries to read the
- config for a specified remote, and updates state. If successful, it
- returns the updated git repo. -}
tryGitConfigRead :: Git.Repo -> Annex (Either Git.Repo Git.Repo)
{- Tries to read the config for a specified remote, updates state, and
- returns the updated repo. -}
tryGitConfigRead :: Git.Repo -> Annex Git.Repo
tryGitConfigRead r
| not $ Map.null $ Git.configMap r = return $ Right r -- already read
| not $ Map.null $ Git.configMap r = return r -- already read
| Git.repoIsSsh r = store $ onRemote r (pipedconfig, r) "configlist" []
| Git.repoIsUrl r = return $ Left r
| Git.repoIsUrl r = return r
| otherwise = store $ safely $ Git.configRead r
-- Reading config can fail due to IO error or
@ -104,43 +92,13 @@ tryGitConfigRead r
let l = Git.remotes g
let g' = Git.remotesAdd g $ exchange l r'
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = g' }
return $ Right r'
return r'
exchange [] _ = []
exchange (old:ls) new =
if Git.repoRemoteName old == Git.repoRemoteName new
then new : exchange ls new
else old : exchange ls new
{- Calculates cost for a repo.
- The default cost is 100 for local repositories, and 200 for remote
- repositories; it can also be configured by remote.<name>.annex-cost
repoCost :: Git.Repo -> Annex Int
repoCost r = do
c <- Annex.repoConfig r "cost" ""
if not $ null c
then return $ read c
else if Git.repoIsUrl r
then return 200
else return 100
{- Checks if a repo should be ignored, based either on annex-ignore
- setting, or on command-line options. Allows command-line to override
- annex-ignore. -}
repoNotIgnored :: Git.Repo -> Annex Bool
repoNotIgnored r = do
ignored <- Annex.repoConfig r "ignore" "false"
to <- match Annex.toremote
from <- match Annex.fromremote
if to || from
then return True
else return $ not $ Git.configTrue ignored
match a = do
n <- Annex.getState a
return $ n == Git.repoRemoteName r
{- Checks if a given remote has the content for a key inAnnex.
- If the remote cannot be accessed, returns a Left error.
@ -219,7 +177,7 @@ rsyncParams r sending key file = do
-- Convert the ssh command into rsync command line.
let eparam = rsyncShell (Param shellcmd:shellparams)
o <- Annex.repoConfig r "rsync-options" ""
o <- getConfig r "rsync-options" ""
let base = options ++ map Param (words o) ++ eparam
if sending
then return $ base ++ [dummy, File file]
@ -262,7 +220,3 @@ git_annex_shell r command params
shellopts = (Param command):(File dir):params
sshcmd = shellcmd ++ " " ++
unwords (map shellEscape $ toCommand shellopts)
{- Human visible list of remotes. -}
list :: [Git.Repo] -> String
list remotes = join ", " $ map Git.repoDescribe remotes
@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ import Control.Exception
import Key
{- A remote generator identifies configured remotes, and returns an action
- that can be run to set up each remote, and a list of names of remotes
- that are not cheap to set up. -}
type RemoteGenerator a = ([a (Remote a)], [String])
data Remote a = Remote {
-- each Remote has a unique uuid
uuid :: String,
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
module Ssh where
import qualified Annex
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import Utility
import Types
import Config
{- Generates parameters to ssh to a repository's host and run a command.
- Caller is responsible for doing any neccessary shellEscaping of the
- passed command. -}
sshToRepo :: Git.Repo -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
sshToRepo repo sshcmd = do
s <- Annex.repoConfig repo "ssh-options" ""
s <- getConfig repo "ssh-options" ""
let sshoptions = map Param (words s)
let sshport = case Git.urlPort repo of
Nothing -> []
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Locations
import qualified Annex
import Utility
import qualified SysConfig
import Config
type UUID = String
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ getUUID r = do
else return c
cached g = Git.configGet g cachekey ""
updatecache g u = when (g /= r) $ Annex.setConfig cachekey u
updatecache g u = when (g /= r) $ setConfig cachekey u
cachekey = "remote." ++ fromMaybe "" (Git.repoRemoteName r) ++ ".annex-uuid"
getUncachedUUID :: Git.Repo -> UUID
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ prepUUID = do
u <- getUUID g
when ("" == u) $ do
uuid <- liftIO $ genUUID
Annex.setConfig configkey uuid
setConfig configkey uuid
{- Pretty-prints a list of UUIDs -}
prettyPrintUUIDs :: [UUID] -> Annex String
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Types
import qualified Annex
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import Locations
import Config
type Version = String
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ getVersion = do
return defaultVersion
setVersion :: Annex ()
setVersion = Annex.setConfig versionField defaultVersion
setVersion = setConfig versionField defaultVersion
checkVersion :: Annex ()
checkVersion = do
Add table
Reference in a new issue