rework config storage

Moved away from a map of flags to storing config directly in the AnnexState
structure. Got rid of most accessor functions in Annex.

This allowed supporting multiple --exclude flags.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2011-01-26 00:17:38 -04:00
parent 082b022f9a
commit 6a97b10fcb
15 changed files with 179 additions and 198 deletions

View file

@ -8,26 +8,18 @@
module Annex (
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified GitQueue
@ -37,40 +29,42 @@ import qualified TypeInternals
type Annex = StateT AnnexState IO
-- internal state storage
data AnnexState = AnnexState {
repo :: Git.Repo,
backends :: [TypeInternals.Backend Annex],
supportedBackends :: [TypeInternals.Backend Annex],
flags :: M.Map FlagName Flag,
repoqueue :: GitQueue.Queue,
quiet :: Bool
data AnnexState = AnnexState
{ repo :: Git.Repo
, backends :: [TypeInternals.Backend Annex]
, supportedBackends :: [TypeInternals.Backend Annex]
, repoqueue :: GitQueue.Queue
, quiet :: Bool
, force :: Bool
, defaultbackend :: Maybe String
, defaultkey :: Maybe String
, toremote :: Maybe String
, fromremote :: Maybe String
, exclude :: [String]
, remotesread :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
-- command-line flags
type FlagName = String
data Flag =
FlagBool Bool |
FlagString String
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
newState :: Git.Repo -> [TypeInternals.Backend Annex] -> AnnexState
newState gitrepo allbackends = AnnexState
{ repo = gitrepo
, backends = []
, supportedBackends = allbackends
, repoqueue = GitQueue.empty
, quiet = False
, force = False
, defaultbackend = Nothing
, defaultkey = Nothing
, toremote = Nothing
, fromremote = Nothing
, exclude = []
, remotesread = False
{- Create and returns an Annex state object for the specified git repo. -}
new :: Git.Repo -> [TypeInternals.Backend Annex] -> IO AnnexState
new gitrepo allbackends = do
let s = AnnexState {
repo = gitrepo,
backends = [],
supportedBackends = allbackends,
flags = M.empty,
repoqueue = GitQueue.empty,
quiet = False
(_,s') <- s prep
return s'
prep = do
-- read git config and update state
gitrepo' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead gitrepo
Annex.gitRepoChange gitrepo'
return $ newState gitrepo' allbackends
{- performs an action in the Annex monad -}
run :: AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO (a, AnnexState)
@ -78,50 +72,26 @@ run state action = runStateT action state
eval :: AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO a
eval state action = evalStateT action state
{- gets a value from the internal Annex state -}
{- Gets a value from the internal state, selected by the passed value
- constructor. -}
getState :: (AnnexState -> a) -> Annex a
getState a = do
getState c = do
state <- get
return (a state)
return (c state)
{- Applies a state mutation function to change the internal state.
- Example: changeState (\s -> s { quiet = True })
changeState :: (AnnexState -> AnnexState) -> Annex ()
changeState a = do
state <- get
put (a state)
{- Returns the git repository being acted on -}
gitRepo :: Annex Git.Repo
gitRepo = getState repo
{- Changes the git repository being acted on. -}
gitRepoChange :: Git.Repo -> Annex ()
gitRepoChange r = do
state <- get
put state { repo = r }
{- Sets the backends to use. -}
backendsChange :: [TypeInternals.Backend Annex] -> Annex ()
backendsChange b = do
state <- get
put state { backends = b }
{- Return True if a Bool flag is set. -}
flagIsSet :: FlagName -> Annex Bool
flagIsSet name = do
state <- get
case (M.lookup name $ flags state) of
Just (FlagBool True) -> return True
_ -> return False
{- Sets the value of a flag. -}
flagChange :: FlagName -> Flag -> Annex ()
flagChange name val = do
state <- get
put state { flags = M.insert name val $ flags state }
{- Gets the value of a String flag (or "" if there is no such String flag) -}
flagGet :: FlagName -> Annex String
flagGet name = do
state <- get
case (M.lookup name $ flags state) of
Just (FlagString s) -> return s
_ -> return ""
{- Adds a git command to the queue. -}
queue :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> Annex ()
queue command params file = do
@ -129,12 +99,6 @@ queue command params file = do
let q = repoqueue state
put state { repoqueue = GitQueue.add q command params file }
{- Returns the queue. -}
queueGet :: Annex GitQueue.Queue
queueGet = do
state <- get
return (repoqueue state)
{- Runs (and empties) the queue. -}
queueRun :: Annex ()
queueRun = do
@ -146,9 +110,9 @@ queueRun = do
{- Changes a git config setting in both internal state and .git/config -}
setConfig :: String -> String -> Annex ()
setConfig key value = do
setConfig k value = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ g ["config", key, value]
liftIO $ g ["config", k, value]
-- re-read git config and update the repo's state
g' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead g
Annex.gitRepoChange g'
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = g' }

View file

@ -48,20 +48,24 @@ list = do
if not $ null l
then return l
else do
s <- getstandard
d <- Annex.getState Annex.defaultbackend
handle d s
parseBackendList l [] = l
parseBackendList bs s = map (lookupBackendName bs) $ words s
handle Nothing s = return s
handle (Just "") s = return s
handle (Just name) s = do
bs <- Annex.getState Annex.supportedBackends
let l' = (lookupBackendName bs name):s
Annex.changeState $ \state -> state { Annex.backends = l' }
return l'
getstandard = do
bs <- Annex.getState Annex.supportedBackends
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let defaults = parseBackendList bs $ Git.configGet g "annex.backends" ""
backendflag <- Annex.flagGet "backend"
let l' = if not $ null backendflag
then (lookupBackendName bs backendflag):defaults
else defaults
Annex.backendsChange l'
return l'
parseBackendList bs s =
if null s
then bs
else map (lookupBackendName bs) $ words s
return $ parseBackendList bs $
Git.configGet g "annex.backends" ""
{- Looks up a backend in a list. May fail if unknown. -}
lookupBackendName :: [Backend Annex] -> String -> Backend Annex

View file

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
- error if not. -}
checkRemoveKey :: Key -> Maybe Int -> Annex Bool
checkRemoveKey key numcopiesM = do
force <- Annex.flagIsSet "force"
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
if force || numcopiesM == Just 0
then return True
else do

View file

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ startup = do
{- Cleanup actions. -}
shutdown :: Integer -> Annex ()
shutdown errnum = do
q <- Annex.queueGet
q <- Annex.getState Annex.repoqueue
unless (q == GitQueue.empty) $ do
showSideAction "Recording state in git..."

View file

@ -179,11 +179,11 @@ backendPairs a files = do
filterFiles :: [FilePath] -> Annex [FilePath]
filterFiles l = do
let l' = filter notState l
exclude <- Annex.flagGet "exclude"
exclude <- Annex.getState Annex.exclude
if null exclude
then return l'
else do
let regexp = compile ("^" ++ wildToRegex exclude) []
let regexp = compile (toregex exclude) []
return $ filter (notExcluded regexp) l'
notState f = stateLoc /= take stateLocLen f
@ -191,6 +191,10 @@ filterFiles l = do
notExcluded r f = case match r f [] of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> False
toregex exclude = "^(" ++ toregex' exclude "" ++ ")"
toregex' [] c = c
toregex' (w:ws) "" = toregex' ws (wildToRegex w)
toregex' (w:ws) c = toregex' ws (c ++ "|" ++ wildToRegex w)
{- filter out symlinks -}
notSymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
@ -219,3 +223,16 @@ paramName :: String
paramName = "NAME"
paramNothing :: String
paramNothing = ""
{- The Key specified by the --key and --backend parameters. -}
cmdlineKey :: Annex Key
cmdlineKey = do
k <- Annex.getState Annex.defaultkey
backends <- Backend.list
return $ genKey (head backends) (keyname' k)
keyname' Nothing = badkey
keyname' (Just "") = badkey
keyname' (Just n) = n
badkey = error "please specify the key with --key"

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ start keyname = do
backends <- Backend.list
let key = genKey (head backends) keyname
present <- inAnnex key
force <- Annex.flagIsSet "force"
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
if not present
then return Nothing
else if not force

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Command.FromKey where
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Command
import qualified Annex
@ -30,22 +30,21 @@ seek = [withFilesMissing start]
{- Adds a file pointing at a manually-specified key -}
start :: CommandStartString
start file = do
keyname <- Annex.flagGet "key"
when (null keyname) $ error "please specify the key with --key"
backends <- Backend.list
let key = genKey (head backends) keyname
key <- cmdlineKey
inbackend <- Backend.hasKey key
unless inbackend $ error $
"key ("++keyname++") is not present in backend"
"key ("++keyName key++") is not present in backend"
showStart "fromkey" file
return $ Just $ perform file key
perform :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform file key = do
return $ Just $ perform file
perform :: FilePath -> CommandPerform
perform file = do
key <- cmdlineKey
link <- calcGitLink file key
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
return $ Just $ cleanup file
cleanup :: FilePath -> CommandCleanup
cleanup file = do
Annex.queue "add" ["--"] file

View file

@ -34,12 +34,16 @@ seek = [withFilesInGit $ start True]
- moving data in the key-value backend. -}
start :: Bool -> CommandStartString
start move file = do
fromName <- Annex.flagGet "fromrepository"
toName <- Annex.flagGet "torepository"
case (fromName, toName) of
("", "") -> error "specify either --from or --to"
("", _) -> toStart move file
(_ , "") -> fromStart move file
to <- Annex.getState Annex.toremote
from <- Annex.getState Annex.fromremote
case (from, to) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> error "specify either --from or --to"
(Nothing, Just name) -> do
dest <- Remotes.byName name
toStart dest move file
(Just name, Nothing) -> do
src <- Remotes.byName name
fromStart src move file
(_ , _) -> error "only one of --from or --to can be specified"
showAction :: Bool -> FilePath -> Annex ()
@ -65,34 +69,33 @@ remoteHasKey remote key present = do
- A file's content can be moved even if there are insufficient copies to
- allow it to be dropped.
toStart :: Bool -> CommandStartString
toStart move file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, _) -> do
toStart :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> CommandStartString
toStart dest move file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, _) -> do
ishere <- inAnnex key
if not ishere
then return Nothing -- not here, so nothing to do
else do
showAction move file
return $ Just $ toPerform move key
toPerform :: Bool -> Key -> CommandPerform
toPerform move key = do
return $ Just $ toPerform dest move key
toPerform :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> Key -> CommandPerform
toPerform dest move key = do
-- checking the remote is expensive, so not done in the start step
remote <- Remotes.commandLineRemote
isthere <- Remotes.inAnnex remote key
isthere <- Remotes.inAnnex dest key
case isthere of
Left err -> do
showNote $ show err
return Nothing
Right False -> do
showNote $ "to " ++ Git.repoDescribe remote ++ "..."
ok <- Remotes.copyToRemote remote key
showNote $ "to " ++ Git.repoDescribe dest ++ "..."
ok <- Remotes.copyToRemote dest key
if ok
then return $ Just $ toCleanup move remote key
then return $ Just $ toCleanup dest move key
else return Nothing -- failed
Right True -> return $ Just $ toCleanup move remote key
toCleanup :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Key -> CommandCleanup
toCleanup move remote key = do
remoteHasKey remote key True
Right True -> return $ Just $ toCleanup dest move key
toCleanup :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> Key -> CommandCleanup
toCleanup dest move key = do
remoteHasKey dest key True
if move
then Command.Drop.cleanup key
else return True
@ -103,36 +106,34 @@ toCleanup move remote key = do
- If the current repository already has the content, it is still removed
- from the other repository when moving.
fromStart :: Bool -> CommandStartString
fromStart move file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, _) -> do
remote <- Remotes.commandLineRemote
fromStart :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> CommandStartString
fromStart src move file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, _) -> do
(trusted, untrusted, _) <- Remotes.keyPossibilities key
if null $ filter (\r -> Remotes.same r remote) (trusted ++ untrusted)
if null $ filter (\r -> Remotes.same r src) (trusted ++ untrusted)
then return Nothing
else do
showAction move file
return $ Just $ fromPerform move key
fromPerform :: Bool -> Key -> CommandPerform
fromPerform move key = do
remote <- Remotes.commandLineRemote
return $ Just $ fromPerform src move key
fromPerform :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> Key -> CommandPerform
fromPerform src move key = do
ishere <- inAnnex key
if ishere
then return $ Just $ fromCleanup move remote key
then return $ Just $ fromCleanup src move key
else do
showNote $ "from " ++ Git.repoDescribe remote ++ "..."
ok <- getViaTmp key $ Remotes.copyFromRemote remote key
showNote $ "from " ++ Git.repoDescribe src ++ "..."
ok <- getViaTmp key $ Remotes.copyFromRemote src key
if ok
then return $ Just $ fromCleanup move remote key
then return $ Just $ fromCleanup src move key
else return Nothing -- fail
fromCleanup :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Key -> CommandCleanup
fromCleanup True remote key = do
ok <- Remotes.onRemote remote (boolSystem, False) "dropkey"
fromCleanup :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> Key -> CommandCleanup
fromCleanup src True key = do
ok <- Remotes.onRemote src (boolSystem, False) "dropkey"
["--quiet", "--force",
"--backend=" ++ backendName key,
keyName key]
-- better safe than sorry: assume the remote dropped the key
-- better safe than sorry: assume the src dropped the key
-- even if it seemed to fail; the failure could have occurred
-- after it really dropped it
remoteHasKey remote key False
remoteHasKey src key False
return ok
fromCleanup False _ _ = return True
fromCleanup _ False _ = return True

View file

@ -8,14 +8,10 @@
module Command.SetKey where
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Command
import qualified Annex
import Utility
import qualified Backend
import LocationLog
import Types
import Content
import Messages
@ -29,26 +25,24 @@ seek = [withTempFile start]
{- Sets cached content for a key. -}
start :: CommandStartString
start file = do
keyname <- Annex.flagGet "key"
when (null keyname) $ error "please specify the key with --key"
backends <- Backend.list
let key = genKey (head backends) keyname
showStart "setkey" file
return $ Just $ perform file key
perform :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform file key = do
return $ Just $ perform file
perform :: FilePath -> CommandPerform
perform file = do
key <- cmdlineKey
-- the file might be on a different filesystem, so mv is used
-- rather than simply calling moveToObjectDir key file
-- rather than simply calling moveToObjectDir
ok <- getViaTmp key $ \dest -> do
if dest /= file
then liftIO $ boolSystem "mv" [file, dest]
else return True
if ok
then return $ Just $ cleanup key
then return $ Just $ cleanup
else error "mv failed!"
cleanup :: Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanup key = do
cleanup :: CommandCleanup
cleanup = do
key <- cmdlineKey
logStatus key ValuePresent
return True

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import qualified GitRepo as Git
import CmdLine
import Command
import Options
import qualified Annex
import qualified Command.Add
import qualified Command.Unannex
@ -65,15 +66,20 @@ cmds = concat
options :: [Option]
options = commonOptions ++
[ Option ['k'] ["key"] (ReqArg (storeOptString "key") paramKey)
[ Option ['k'] ["key"] (ReqArg setkey paramKey)
"specify a key to use"
, Option ['t'] ["to"] (ReqArg (storeOptString "torepository") paramRemote)
, Option ['t'] ["to"] (ReqArg setto paramRemote)
"specify to where to transfer content"
, Option ['f'] ["from"] (ReqArg (storeOptString "fromrepository") paramRemote)
, Option ['f'] ["from"] (ReqArg setfrom paramRemote)
"specify from where to transfer content"
, Option ['x'] ["exclude"] (ReqArg (storeOptString "exclude") paramGlob)
, Option ['x'] ["exclude"] (ReqArg addexclude paramGlob)
"skip files matching the glob pattern"
setkey v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.defaultkey = Just v }
setto v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.toremote = Just v }
setfrom v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.fromremote = Just v }
addexclude v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.exclude = v:(Annex.exclude s) }
header :: String
header = "Usage: git-annex command [option ..]"

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Annex
verbose :: Annex () -> Annex ()
verbose a = do
q <- Annex.flagIsSet "quiet"
q <- Annex.getState Annex.quiet
unless q a
showSideAction :: String -> Annex ()

View file

@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ import Command
type Option = OptDescr (Annex ())
storeOptBool :: Annex.FlagName -> Bool -> Annex ()
storeOptBool name val = Annex.flagChange name $ Annex.FlagBool val
storeOptString :: Annex.FlagName -> String -> Annex ()
storeOptString name val = Annex.flagChange name $ Annex.FlagString val
commonOptions :: [Option]
commonOptions =
[ Option ['f'] ["force"] (NoArg (storeOptBool "force" True))
[ Option ['f'] ["force"] (NoArg (setforce True))
"allow actions that may lose annexed data"
, Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (storeOptBool "quiet" True))
, Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (setquiet True))
"avoid verbose output"
, Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (storeOptBool "quiet" False))
, Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (setquiet False))
"allow verbose output"
, Option ['b'] ["backend"] (ReqArg (storeOptString "backend") paramName)
, Option ['b'] ["backend"] (ReqArg setdefaultbackend paramName)
"specify default key-value backend to use"
setforce v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.force = v }
setquiet v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.quiet = v }
setdefaultbackend v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.defaultbackend = Just v }

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Remotes (
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ tryGitConfigRead r
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let l = Git.remotes g
let g' = Git.remotesAdd g $ exchange l r'
Annex.gitRepoChange g'
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.repo = g' }
return $ Right r'
exchange [] _ = []
exchange (old:ls) new =
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ tryGitConfigRead r
readConfigs :: Annex ()
readConfigs = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
remotesread <- Annex.flagIsSet "remotesread"
remotesread <- Annex.getState Annex.remotesread
unless remotesread $ do
allremotes <- filterM repoNotIgnored $ Git.remotes g
let cheap = filter (not . Git.repoIsUrl) allremotes
@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ readConfigs = do
let todo = cheap ++ doexpensive
unless (null todo) $ do
_ <- mapM tryGitConfigRead todo
Annex.flagChange "remotesread" $ Annex.FlagBool True
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.remotesread = True }
cachedUUID r = do
u <- getUUID r
@ -204,27 +203,22 @@ repoCost r = do
repoNotIgnored :: Git.Repo -> Annex Bool
repoNotIgnored r = do
ignored <- repoConfig r "ignore" "false"
fromName <- Annex.flagGet "fromrepository"
toName <- Annex.flagGet "torepository"
let name = if null fromName then toName else fromName
if not $ null name
then return $ match name
to <- match Annex.toremote
from <- match Annex.fromremote
if to || from
then return True
else return $ not $ Git.configTrue ignored
match name = name == Git.repoRemoteName r
match a = do
name <- Annex.getState a
case name of
Nothing -> return False
Just n -> return $ n == Git.repoRemoteName r
{- Checks if two repos are the same, by comparing their remote names. -}
same :: Git.Repo -> Git.Repo -> Bool
same a b = Git.repoRemoteName a == Git.repoRemoteName b
{- Returns the remote specified by --from or --to, may fail with error. -}
commandLineRemote :: Annex Git.Repo
commandLineRemote = do
fromName <- Annex.flagGet "fromrepository"
toName <- Annex.flagGet "torepository"
let name = if null fromName then toName else fromName
byName name
{- Looks up a remote by name. -}
byName :: String -> Annex Git.Repo
byName name = do

debian/changelog vendored
View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
git-annex (0.19) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Support using the uuidgen command if the uuid command is not available.
* Allow --exclude to be specified more than once.
-- Joey Hess <> Wed, 19 Jan 2011 18:07:51 -0400

View file

@ -258,6 +258,8 @@ Many git-annex commands will stage changes for later `git commit` by you.
Skips files matching the glob pattern. The glob is matched relative to
the current directory.
This option can be specified multiple times.
* --backend=name
Specifies which key-value backend to use.