convert to use hGetLineUntilExitOrEOF
It looks to me like the old code would have already dealt with the case of ssh starting a ssh daemon that inherits stderr and keeps it open. The ender thread closed the handle, which would unblock the other thread and let it exit. Using hGetLineUntilExitOrEOF makes this more explicit that it's dealt with and simplifies the code.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 12 additions and 21 deletions
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import qualified P2P.Annex as P2P
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
toRepo :: ConsumeStdin -> Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> SshCommand -> Annex (FilePath, [CommandParam])
toRepo cs r gc remotecmd = do
@ -272,7 +271,7 @@ openP2PSshConnection r connpool = do
, P2P.connIdent = P2P.ConnIdent $
Just $ "ssh connection " ++ show pidnum
stderrhandlerst <- newStderrHandler err
stderrhandlerst <- newStderrHandler err pid
runst <- P2P.mkRunState P2P.Client
let c = P2P.OpenConnection (runst, conn, pid, stderrhandlerst)
-- When the connection is successful, the remote
@ -301,32 +300,24 @@ openP2PSshConnection r connpool = do
modifyTVar' connpool $
maybe (Just P2PSshUnsupported) Just
newStderrHandler :: Handle -> IO (TVar StderrHandlerState)
newStderrHandler errh = do
newStderrHandler :: Handle -> ProcessHandle -> IO (TVar StderrHandlerState)
newStderrHandler errh ph = do
-- stderr from git-annex-shell p2pstdio is initially discarded
-- because old versions don't support the command. Once it's known
-- to be running, this is changed to DisplayStderr.
v <- newTVarIO DiscardStderr
p <- async $ go v
void $ async $ ender p v
void $ async $ go v
return v
go v = do
l <- B.hGetLine errh
atomically (readTVar v) >>= \case
DiscardStderr -> go v
DisplayStderr -> do
B.hPut stderr l
go v
EndStderrHandler -> return ()
ender p v = do
atomically $ do
readTVar v >>= \case
EndStderrHandler -> return ()
_ -> retry
hClose errh
cancel p
hGetLineUntilExitOrEOF ph errh >>= \case
Nothing -> hClose errh
Just l -> atomically (readTVar v) >>= \case
DiscardStderr -> go v
DisplayStderr -> do
hPutStrLn stderr l
go v
EndStderrHandler -> hClose errh
-- Runs a P2P Proto action on a remote when it supports that,
-- otherwise the fallback action.
Reference in a new issue