forget state of sameas remotes during DropDead transitions
It would have been a lot less round-about to just make git annex dead also add the uuids of sameas remotes to the trust.log as dead. But, that would fail in the case where there's an unmerged other clone that has a sameas remote that the current repo does not know about. Then it would not get marked as dead. Handling it at transition time avoids that scenario. Note that the generation of trustmap' in dropDead should only happen once, due to the partial application.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 51 additions and 90 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- management of the git-annex branch
- Copyright 2011-2018 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import Logs
import Logs.Transitions
import Logs.File
import Logs.Trust.Pure
import Logs.Remote.Pure
import Logs.Difference.Pure
import qualified Annex.Queue
import Annex.Branch.Transitions
@ -574,13 +575,16 @@ performTransitionsLocked jl ts neednewlocalbranch transitionedrefs = do
run [] = noop
run changers = do
trustmap <- calcTrustMap <$> getStaged trustLog
remoteconfigmap <- calcRemoteConfigMap <$> getStaged remoteLog
-- partially apply, improves performance
let changers' = map (\c -> c trustmap remoteconfigmap) changers
fs <- branchFiles
forM_ fs $ \f -> do
content <- getStaged f
apply changers f content trustmap
apply [] _ _ _ = return ()
apply (changer:rest) file content trustmap =
case changer file content trustmap of
apply changers' f content
apply [] _ _ = return ()
apply (changer:rest) file content =
case changer file content of
RemoveFile -> do
=<< inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.unstageFile file)
@ -592,9 +596,9 @@ performTransitionsLocked jl ts neednewlocalbranch transitionedrefs = do
sha <- hashBlob content'
Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex $ Git.UpdateIndex.pureStreamer $
Git.UpdateIndex.updateIndexLine sha TreeFile (asTopFilePath file)
apply rest file content' trustmap
apply rest file content'
PreserveFile ->
apply rest file content trustmap
apply rest file content
checkBranchDifferences :: Git.Ref -> Annex ()
checkBranchDifferences ref = do
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import qualified Logs.MetaData.Pure as MetaData
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.UUID
import Types.MetaData
import Types.Remote
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -32,42 +34,63 @@ data FileTransition
| RemoveFile
| PreserveFile
type TransitionCalculator = FilePath -> L.ByteString -> TrustMap -> FileTransition
type TransitionCalculator = TrustMap -> M.Map UUID RemoteConfig -> FilePath -> L.ByteString -> FileTransition
getTransitionCalculator :: Transition -> Maybe TransitionCalculator
getTransitionCalculator ForgetGitHistory = Nothing
getTransitionCalculator ForgetDeadRemotes = Just dropDead
dropDead :: FilePath -> L.ByteString -> TrustMap -> FileTransition
dropDead f content trustmap = case getLogVariety f of
-- Removes data about all dead repos.
-- The trust log is not changed, because other, unmerged clones
-- may contain other data about the dead repos. So we need to rememebr
-- which are dead to later remove that.
-- When the remote log contains a sameas-uuid pointing to a dead uuid,
-- the uuid of that remote configuration is also effectively dead,
-- though not in the trust log. There may be per-remote state stored using
-- the latter uuid, that also needs to be removed. That configuration
-- is not removed from the remote log, for the same reason the trust log
-- is not changed.
dropDead :: TransitionCalculator
dropDead trustmap remoteconfigmap f content = case getLogVariety f of
Just OldUUIDBasedLog
-- Don't remove the dead repo from the trust log,
-- because git remotes may still exist, and they need
-- to still know it's dead.
| f == trustLog -> PreserveFile
| otherwise -> ChangeFile $
UUIDBased.buildLogOld byteString $
dropDeadFromMapLog trustmap id $
UUIDBased.parseLogOld A.takeByteString content
| otherwise ->
let go tm = ChangeFile $
UUIDBased.buildLogOld byteString $
dropDeadFromMapLog tm id $
UUIDBased.parseLogOld A.takeByteString content
in if f == remoteLog
then go trustmap
else go trustmap'
Just NewUUIDBasedLog -> ChangeFile $
UUIDBased.buildLogNew byteString $
dropDeadFromMapLog trustmap id $
dropDeadFromMapLog trustmap' id $
UUIDBased.parseLogNew A.takeByteString content
Just (ChunkLog _) -> ChangeFile $
Chunk.buildLog $ dropDeadFromMapLog trustmap fst $ Chunk.parseLog content
Chunk.buildLog $ dropDeadFromMapLog trustmap' fst $ Chunk.parseLog content
Just (PresenceLog _) ->
let newlog = Presence.compactLog $
dropDeadFromPresenceLog trustmap $ Presence.parseLog content
dropDeadFromPresenceLog trustmap' $ Presence.parseLog content
in if null newlog
then RemoveFile
else ChangeFile $ Presence.buildLog newlog
Just RemoteMetaDataLog ->
let newlog = dropDeadFromRemoteMetaDataLog trustmap $ MetaData.simplifyLog $ MetaData.parseLog content
let newlog = dropDeadFromRemoteMetaDataLog trustmap' $
MetaData.simplifyLog $ MetaData.parseLog content
in if S.null newlog
then RemoveFile
else ChangeFile $ MetaData.buildLog newlog
Just OtherLog -> PreserveFile
Nothing -> PreserveFile
trustmap' = trustmap `M.union`
|||| (const DeadTrusted) (M.filter sameasdead remoteconfigmap)
sameasdead cm =
case toUUID <$> M.lookup sameasUUIDField cm of
Nothing -> False
Just u' -> M.lookup u' trustmap == Just DeadTrusted
dropDeadFromMapLog :: TrustMap -> (k -> UUID) -> M.Map k v -> M.Map k v
dropDeadFromMapLog trustmap getuuid =
@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ import qualified Annex.Branch
import Types.Remote
import Logs
import Logs.UUIDBased
import Logs.Remote.Pure
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import Data.ByteString.Builder
{- Adds or updates a remote's config in the log. -}
@ -40,71 +39,5 @@ configSet u cfg = do
{- Map of remotes by uuid containing key/value config maps. -}
readRemoteLog :: Annex (M.Map UUID RemoteConfig)
readRemoteLog = (\m -> (addSameasInherited m) m)
. simpleMap
. parseLogOld remoteConfigParser
readRemoteLog = calcRemoteConfigMap
<$> Annex.Branch.get remoteLog
remoteConfigParser :: A.Parser RemoteConfig
remoteConfigParser = keyValToConfig . words . decodeBS <$> A.takeByteString
showConfig :: RemoteConfig -> String
showConfig = unwords . configToKeyVal
{- Given Strings like "key=value", generates a RemoteConfig. -}
keyValToConfig :: [String] -> RemoteConfig
keyValToConfig ws = M.fromList $ map (/=/) ws
(/=/) s = (k, v)
k = takeWhile (/= '=') s
v = configUnEscape $ drop (1 + length k) s
configToKeyVal :: M.Map String String -> [String]
configToKeyVal m = map toword $ sort $ M.toList m
toword (k, v) = k ++ "=" ++ configEscape v
configEscape :: String -> String
configEscape = concatMap escape
escape c
| isSpace c || c `elem` "&" = "&" ++ show (ord c) ++ ";"
| otherwise = [c]
configUnEscape :: String -> String
configUnEscape = unescape
unescape [] = []
unescape (c:rest)
| c == '&' = entity rest
| otherwise = c : unescape rest
entity s
| not (null num) && ";" `isPrefixOf` r =
chr ( num) : unescape rest
| otherwise =
'&' : unescape s
num = takeWhile isNumber s
r = drop (length num) s
rest = drop 1 r
{- for quickcheck -}
prop_isomorphic_configEscape :: String -> Bool
prop_isomorphic_configEscape s = s == (configUnEscape . configEscape) s
prop_parse_show_Config :: RemoteConfig -> Bool
prop_parse_show_Config c
-- whitespace and '=' are not supported in config keys
| any (\k -> any isSpace k || elem '=' k) (M.keys c) = True
| any (any excluded) (M.keys c) = True
| any (any excluded) (M.elems c) = True
| otherwise = A.parseOnly remoteConfigParser (encodeBS $ showConfig c) ~~ Right c
normalize v = sort . M.toList <$> v
a ~~ b = normalize a == normalize b
-- limit to ascii alphanumerics for simplicity; characters not
-- allowed by the current character set in the config may not
-- round-trip in an identical representation due to the use of the
-- filesystem encoding.
excluded ch = not (isAlphaNum ch) || not (isAscii ch)
@ -897,6 +897,7 @@ Executable git-annex
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