avoid borg list of archives that have been listed before
This makes sync a lot faster in the common case where there's no new backup. There's still room for it to be faster. Currently the old imported tree has to be traversed, to generate the ImportableContents. Which then gets turned around to generate the new imported tree, which is identical. So, it would be possible to just return a "no new imports", or an ImportableContents that has a way to graft in a tree. The latter is probably too far to go to optimise this, unless other things need it. The former might be worth it, but it's already pretty fast, since git ls-tree is pretty fast.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 98 additions and 29 deletions
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{- git ls-tree interface
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Git.LsTree (
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Data.Either
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AS
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ data TreeItem = TreeItem
, typeobj :: S.ByteString
, sha :: Ref
, file :: TopFilePath
} deriving Show
} deriving (Show)
data LsTreeMode = LsTreeRecursive | LsTreeNonRecursive
@ -51,6 +52,13 @@ lsTree' ps lsmode t repo = do
(l, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit (lsTreeParams lsmode t ps) repo
return (rights (map parseLsTree l), cleanup)
lsTreeStrict :: LsTreeMode -> Ref -> Repo -> IO [TreeItem]
lsTreeStrict = lsTreeStrict' []
lsTreeStrict' :: [CommandParam] -> LsTreeMode -> Ref -> Repo -> IO [TreeItem]
lsTreeStrict' ps lsmode t repo = rights . map parseLsTreeStrict
<$> pipeNullSplitStrict (lsTreeParams lsmode t ps) repo
lsTreeParams :: LsTreeMode -> Ref -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
lsTreeParams lsmode r ps =
[ Param "ls-tree"
@ -83,6 +91,13 @@ parseLsTree b = case A.parse parserLsTree b of
A.Done _ r -> Right r
A.Fail _ _ err -> Left err
parseLsTreeStrict :: S.ByteString -> Either String TreeItem
parseLsTreeStrict b = go (AS.parse parserLsTree b)
go (AS.Done _ r) = Right r
go (AS.Fail _ _ err) = Left err
go (AS.Partial c) = go (c mempty)
{- Parses a line of ls-tree output, in format:
- mode SP type SP sha TAB file
@ -135,7 +135,12 @@ fmtObjectType CommitObject = "commit"
fmtObjectType TreeObject = "tree"
{- Types of items in a tree. -}
data TreeItemType = TreeFile | TreeExecutable | TreeSymlink | TreeSubmodule
data TreeItemType
= TreeFile
| TreeExecutable
| TreeSymlink
| TreeSubmodule
| TreeSubtree
deriving (Eq, Show)
{- Git uses magic numbers to denote the type of a tree item. -}
@ -144,6 +149,7 @@ readTreeItemType "100644" = Just TreeFile
readTreeItemType "100755" = Just TreeExecutable
readTreeItemType "120000" = Just TreeSymlink
readTreeItemType "160000" = Just TreeSubmodule
readTreeItemType "040000" = Just TreeSubtree
readTreeItemType _ = Nothing
fmtTreeItemType :: TreeItemType -> S.ByteString
@ -151,12 +157,14 @@ fmtTreeItemType TreeFile = "100644"
fmtTreeItemType TreeExecutable = "100755"
fmtTreeItemType TreeSymlink = "120000"
fmtTreeItemType TreeSubmodule = "160000"
fmtTreeItemType TreeSubtree = "040000"
toTreeItemType :: FileMode -> Maybe TreeItemType
toTreeItemType 0o100644 = Just TreeFile
toTreeItemType 0o100755 = Just TreeExecutable
toTreeItemType 0o120000 = Just TreeSymlink
toTreeItemType 0o160000 = Just TreeSubmodule
toTreeItemType 0o040000 = Just TreeSubtree
toTreeItemType _ = Nothing
fromTreeItemType :: TreeItemType -> FileMode
@ -164,6 +172,7 @@ fromTreeItemType TreeFile = 0o100644
fromTreeItemType TreeExecutable = 0o100755
fromTreeItemType TreeSymlink = 0o120000
fromTreeItemType TreeSubmodule = 0o160000
fromTreeItemType TreeSubtree = 0o040000
data Commit = Commit
{ commitTree :: Sha
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{- git-annex export log
{- git-annex export log (also used to log imports)
- Copyright 2017-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ exportedTreeishes = nub . map exportedTreeish
incompleteExportedTreeishes :: [Exported] -> [Git.Ref]
incompleteExportedTreeishes = concatMap incompleteExportedTreeish
data ExportParticipants = ExportParticipants
{ exportFrom :: UUID
, exportTo :: UUID
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ import Types.Remote
import Types.Creds
import Types.Import
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import Git.Types (toTreeItemType, TreeItemType(..))
import Git.FilePath
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ import Annex.UUID
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Remote.Helper.ThirdPartyPopulated as ThirdPartyPopulated
import Logs.Export
import Text.Read
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ gen r u rc gc rs = do
, checkPresentCheap = borgLocal borgrepo
, exportActions = exportUnsupported
, importActions = ImportActions
{ listImportableContents = listImportableContentsM borgrepo
{ listImportableContents = listImportableContentsM u borgrepo
, importKey = Just ThirdPartyPopulated.importKey
, retrieveExportWithContentIdentifier = retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM borgrepo
, checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifier = checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM borgrepo
@ -125,19 +129,21 @@ borgSetup _ mu _ c _gc = do
borgLocal :: BorgRepo -> Bool
borgLocal = notElem ':'
-- TODO avoid rescanning archives that have already been scanned
-- XXX the tree generated by using this does not seem to get grafted into
-- the git-annex branch, so would be subject to being lost to GC.
-- Is this a general problem affecting importtree too?
listImportableContentsM :: BorgRepo -> Annex (Maybe (ImportableContents (ContentIdentifier, ByteSize)))
listImportableContentsM borgrepo = prompt $ do
listImportableContentsM :: UUID -> BorgRepo -> Annex (Maybe (ImportableContents (ContentIdentifier, ByteSize)))
listImportableContentsM u borgrepo = prompt $ do
imported <- getImported u
ls <- withborglist borgrepo "{barchive}{NUL}" $ \as ->
forM as $ \archive ->
let archive' = borgrepo ++ "::" ++ decodeBS' archive
in withborglist archive' "{size}{NUL}{path}{NUL}" $
liftIO . evaluate . force . parsefilelist archive
return (Just (mkimportablecontents ls))
forM as $ \archivename ->
case M.lookup archivename imported of
Just getfast -> getfast
Nothing ->
let archive = borgrepo ++ "::" ++ decodeBS' archivename
in withborglist archive "{size}{NUL}{path}{NUL}" $
liftIO . evaluate . force . parsefilelist archivename
return $ Just $ mkimportablecontents ls
withborglist what format a = do
let p = (proc "borg" ["list", what, "--format", format])
@ -152,10 +158,10 @@ listImportableContentsM borgrepo = prompt $ do
forceSuccessProcess p pid
a l `finally` cleanup
parsefilelist archive (bsz:f:rest) = case readMaybe (fromRawFilePath bsz) of
Nothing -> parsefilelist archive rest
parsefilelist archivename (bsz:f:rest) = case readMaybe (fromRawFilePath bsz) of
Nothing -> parsefilelist archivename rest
Just sz ->
let loc = genImportLocation archive f
let loc = genImportLocation archivename f
-- This does a little unncessary work to parse the
-- key, which is then thrown away. But, it lets the
-- file list be shrank down to only the ones that are
@ -163,19 +169,25 @@ listImportableContentsM borgrepo = prompt $ do
-- the rest of the files in memory.
in case ThirdPartyPopulated.importKey' loc sz of
Just k -> (loc, (borgContentIdentifier, sz))
: parsefilelist archive rest
Nothing -> parsefilelist archive rest
: parsefilelist archivename rest
Nothing -> parsefilelist archivename rest
parsefilelist _ _ = []
-- importableHistory is not used for retrieval, so is not
-- populated with old archives. Instead, a tree of archives
-- is constructed, by genImportLocation including the archive
-- name in the ImportLocation.
mkimportablecontents (l) = ImportableContents
mkimportablecontents l = ImportableContents
{ importableContents = concat l
, importableHistory = []
-- We do not need a ContentIdentifier in order to retrieve a file from
-- borg; the ImportLocation contains all that's needed. So, this is left
-- empty.
borgContentIdentifier :: ContentIdentifier
borgContentIdentifier = ContentIdentifier mempty
-- Borg does not allow / in the name of an archive, so the archive
-- name will always be the first directory in the ImportLocation.
@ -193,11 +205,45 @@ extractImportLocation loc = go $ P.splitDirectories $
go (archivename:rest) = (archivename, P.joinPath rest)
go _ = giveup $ "Unable to parse import location " ++ fromRawFilePath (fromImportLocation loc)
-- We do not need a ContentIdentifier in order to retrieve a file from
-- borg; the ImportLocation contains all that's needed. So, this is left
-- empty.
borgContentIdentifier :: ContentIdentifier
borgContentIdentifier = ContentIdentifier mempty
-- Since the ImportLocation starts with the archive name, a list of all
-- archive names we've already imported can be found by just listing the
-- last imported tree. And the contents of those archives can be retrieved
-- by listing the subtree recursively, which will likely be quite a lot
-- faster than running borg.
getImported :: UUID -> Annex (M.Map BorgArchiveName (Annex [(ImportLocation, (ContentIdentifier, ByteSize))]))
getImported u = M.unions <$> (mapM go . exportedTreeishes =<< getExport u)
go t = M.fromList . mapMaybe mk
<$> inRepo (LsTree.lsTreeStrict LsTree.LsTreeNonRecursive t)
mk ti
| toTreeItemType (LsTree.mode ti) == Just TreeSubtree = Just
( getTopFilePath (LsTree.file ti)
, getcontents
(getTopFilePath (LsTree.file ti))
(LsTree.sha ti)
| otherwise = Nothing
getcontents archivename t = mapMaybe (mkcontents archivename)
<$> inRepo (LsTree.lsTreeStrict LsTree.LsTreeRecursive t)
mkcontents archivename ti = do
let f = ThirdPartyPopulated.fromThirdPartyImportLocation $
mkImportLocation $ getTopFilePath $ LsTree.file ti
k <- deserializeKey' (P.takeFileName f)
( genImportLocation archivename f
( borgContentIdentifier
-- defaulting to 0 size is ok, this size
-- only gets used by
-- ThirdPartyPopulated.importKey,
-- which ignores the size when the key
-- does not have a size.
, fromMaybe 0 (fromKey keySize k)
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM :: BorgRepo -> ImportLocation -> ContentIdentifier -> FilePath -> Annex Key -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM borgrepo loc cid dest k p = error "TODO"
Add table
Reference in a new issue