Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-02-25 16:42:38 -04:00
commit 5bd258754a
8 changed files with 89 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=txt
subject="Customise conflict resolution behaviour"
How to customise git-annex conflict resolution behaviour, such that for example: change naming convention of conflicted files with suffix or prefix, move conflicted files to another directory structure, overwrite conflicted files from preferred content ...

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="I got this error too."
With the armel tarbell downloaded 2014-02-21 on an Ubuntu (precise) chroot running on a Chromebook.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="any ideas or questions?"
Hey Joey,
I was wondering if you had any idea how we could fix this problem or if you need further information on this.
Any response would be appreciated.
Thanks for your great work on git-annex!

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
Some additional ideas for metadata...
Instead of having a simplistic scheme like 'field=value' it might be advantageous to consider a scheme like 'attribute=XXX, value=YYY, unit=ZZZ' that way you could do intesting things with the metadata like adding counters to things, and allow for doing interesting queries like give me all 'things' tagged with a unit of \"audio_file\", this assumes one had trawled through an entire annex and then tagged all files based on type with the unix file tool or something like that.
The above idea is already in use in irods and its a really nice and powerful way to let users add meta-data and to build up more interesting use cases and tools.
btw, I plan on taking a look at seeing if I can map some of the meta that we have in work into this new git-annex feature to see how well/bad it works. Either way this feature looks cool! +1!!!

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 3"
actually in your mp3 example you could have ....
ATTRIBUTE=sample_rate, VALUE=22100, UNIT=Hertz
another example use case is to always be consistent with the AVU order then you could stick in ntriples from RDF to do other cool things by looking up various linked data sources -- see and, actually this would be quite cool if git-annex examined the mp3's id3 tag, the created an ntriple styled entry can be automatically parsed with the web-based annex gui and automatically pull in additional meta-data from the likes of freebase. I guess the list of ideas can just only get bigger with this potential metadata capability.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 6"
assuming the remote I am converting is called some-repo should mark it as dead before converting and reinitting as rsync some-repo again?

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
on a Mac OSX 10.9.1 client I would like to try out git-annex.
I download the latest Mavericks build, extract from the .dmg and it just does not run. I open the program, one "bounce" on the dock and it is gone, nothing happens.
I sadly do not have another OSX client to try it on. But nothing shows in the or anything.
Am I missing something?

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="the startup check is not a small issue"
I would like to add that this startup check has probably been a blocker for my use case for a long long time. I tried to use git-annex to synchronize a huge number of files, most of them never changing. My plan was to have a few tens of GB of data which more or less never change in an archive directory and then add from time to time new data (by batches of a few hundreds of files, each of them not necessarily very large) to the annex. Once this new data has been processed or otherwise become less immediately useful, it would be shifted to the archive. It would have been very useful to have such a setup, because the amount of data is too large to be replicated everywhere, especially on a laptop. After finding this post I finally understand that the seemingly never ending \"performing startup scan\" that I observed are probably not due to the assistant somehow hanging, contrary to what I thought. It seems it is just normal operation. The problem is that this normal operation makes it unusable for the use case I was considering, since it does not make much sense to have git-annex scanning about 10^6 files or links on every boot of a laptop. On my workstation this \"startup scan\" has now been running for close to one hour now and is not finished yet, this is not thinkable on laptop boot.
Maybe an analysis of how well git-annex operation scales with number of files should be part of the documentation, since \"large files\" is not the only issue when trying to sync different computers. One finds references to \"very large number of files\" about annex.queuesize, but \"very large\" has no clear meaning. One also finds a reference to \"1 million files\" being a bit of a git limitation on comments of a bug report <>.
Orders of magnitude of the number of files that git-annex is supposed to be able to handle would be very useful.